<br />~ _, ...„,, y,,.,..,,,_
<br />r' f:• $ ~ ~ Second-Mortgage '
<br />- ~ - tF`1li'i1 C,ZICST.`. fOr~- -
<br />Section 235 Cases
<br />With Addendum,. for Repayment of Section 235 Assistance I _ ~
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this-4th day of September A.D.
<br />- 14. gl-,. by.-and-bet>rreeri- Mark D. Bdams-and-Annette-D.'Adams,-Husband.-and Wife- -. - -
<br />of the Corinfy of Hall ,-and State of Nebraska.,-party of the first Dart-
<br />hereinafter called the Mortgagor and the Secretar;~ of the'.Department of Housing and
<br />.Urban Development.
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />hlITNESSETH: `That the-said Mortgagor, is jusfiy indebted to the Mortgagee in the
<br />- --princlpal'sWn Of Ninety. seven thousand two hundred and No/100ths--- Doll-dY'5-.-($ 97-,200._n0_ )`- _
<br />which, prinri-pal s_um'Will not=exceed pan amount computed under the terms of the ttore
<br />executed by said Mortgagor-'bn septe~nber A, 1981 with inten-est, in
<br />accordance With said Note. That as securi y for said flote the Mortgagor does by these
<br />presents Grant, Qargain, Sell;; Convey and'Confirm unto the tlortgartee, its successors and
<br />assigns the following descri-tied real '`estate situated in the County of xa 11
<br />-- $td te. OfNflbr'.dSka-,- t0 Wlt Lot: EOUr..(4), I{a11os Subdivision in the City v Grand Is and,
<br />-Hall County, Nebraska
<br />` TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the premises, above described, with all the appua-tpnanees
<br />thereunto belonging ahd including all"heating, ~lumbinC and lighting fixtures and e~ui;r '`_
<br />ment,_now or hereaf_tet-attached to or--used in_canpection v;ith_said real estate unto, he _-_,_--
<br />Mortgagee, and to its successors and assigns; forever. The-Portgagor represents to, and
<br />covenahts with, fhe f4brtgagee; that the Mortgagor has good i°ight to sell and convey Said
<br />premises;-- that they are feee_'from encumbrance;, except for an FHA-first mortgage; and that
<br />the Mortgagor wil} warrant and defend;tfie-same against the lawful claims of a1`1 persons
<br />Whomsoever;- and the'-said Mortgagor hereby relirauuishes all rights of homestead, and aTl
<br />marital rights, either-in laTir`or in equity, and all other contingent interests o_f the
<br />Mortgagor_~n-and te~_Ctie above--descri-tied premises, the intention being to-convey^ere^;~ an
<br />- ~ ab'sol-ute title, in -fee simple, including all rights of homestead, and other-rights and
<br />interests as:aforesaid.
<br />PROVhDED ALIQAYS; and these presents are executed and delivered upon the~follor~ring
<br />conditi'o!4s-,'=tol•~i`t:
<br />The Mortgagor, agrees to pay to the t•lortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Ninety
<br />-seven thousand two hundred and No/100ths------------------ Qolldrs (~ 97,200.00 ),
<br />,vith intereSta, provided in thBtlOtE dated Septem~r4, 1961 and executed by t•SOrtcaagr
<br />' The Mortgagor in order more fully to protect the security of this tortgage, agrees:
<br />• }-. That_he will- pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore provided. Privilege is
<br />reserved fn pay the,deht in whale, or in an ainowlt equal to one or ma•e monthly payn)Nnts-
<br />on ttie principal that are. nett due .on the note, on the first day of any month prier to
<br />maturity: Provided; however,Ttiat r•iritten notice of an intention to exercise such privilege
<br />is given at 1-east thi:rty'(30j'days prior to prepayment, •
<br />2: That the Mortgagor will pay ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rates, and
<br />other governmehtal;or municipal charges, fines, or impositions, far which provision has
<br />not been made hereinhe-fare, an_d in default Etereof the Mortgagee may pay the same; and that
<br />the Moftgaga,r will promptly deliver'the official receipts theret"or to the t4ortgagee.
<br />3. The-liQrtgagor will-[ray al-l-t-axes wtrich may be levied upon the Mortgagee's
<br />interest in sa°id real-'estate-and`imprnvements, and ~,uhich may he levied upon [his mortgage
<br />ar the debt secured hereby foot only to the extent that such is not prohibited by law and
<br />only, t0 the-exten't.;that sun1T w,jll-not make this loan usurious), but excluding any income
<br />tax,-$tate Or Federal, imposed on `Mortga9Ee, and will file the official receipt showing
<br />- such payment with-the f+fgrtgagee. Upou vi-olation of this undertaking, or if Che Mortgayor
<br />is prohibited=by ahy law now or herepfteroxisCing from paying the whole or any portion of
<br />the aforesaid taxes, or upon the rendering of-any court decree prohibiting the payment by
<br />the Llnrkgagor_'ai`-any such -taxes, or if sUCh law pr dt~crec provides_tirat any amount so paid oy
<br />the.a7ortgagar shall he dredited on tike moi•tgagc debt, the Mortgagee shall have [he rinirt to
<br />give ninety-,days'-written notice to:-the owner-uf the-mprtgaaed prNnri__~es----requ~rinrt-ttie-_ -_-_-_--
<br />payment of the mortgage debt:. If such notice be given, the said debt ~,nall beca~ie 'dun,
<br />payable and cglleetible at the exp?i-ation of said ninety--days.
<br />