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<br />Fo;:~ aoa a <br />Letsder's written agaummt or applicable taw. Bortovrcc shall pap t"rte amount of a!1 mortgage insurance gttmiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Aay amounts dittlxtned by Ixv~r pttrsttani to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Harrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. stscit <br />atnttuxtts shaft be paya#~ upon notice from Lender to Borrower regsnting payment thereof. acrd shaft bear interest from the <br />date tsf disbtssntmu at the rate payable fran time to rime on outstanding principal untkr the Nate unless pnytrgrtt of <br />frsaerest at such rate would be contrary to appficabfe law, in whtch event such aritoums shag hear interest at the highest rate <br />petsnissBita under appkcafsk law. Nothing cemtaitred in this paragraph i shell require Lender to incur any ezptnse or take <br />arty e.-tion hereunder. <br />$, iasPutlea. Lender may make or cause to tx made ttasonabie en[ries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Z,ttrder shalt give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying ttasanabk cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />~. Coadea~a. Tlx prtxeeds of any award ar etaim for damages. direct nr canugtrential, in connection with any <br />cottt#artnatian or other taking of the Propem. ar part thereof. or for conveyance in iron of condemnation. are hereby ass4gned <br />and shalt be paid to I.snder. <br />fo the event of a rata! taking of the Property. the proceeds shall tic app}icd to the rums secured by this Mortgage. <br />wKh the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. in the evem of a partial [.king of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />cuherwise agree in writing. there shall k+e applied to the sums ucuttd by this Mextgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as ix equal to that proportion which the amount of [he sums secured by this Afort~agc immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair maticeE value of the Property immediately pricer to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />ff lire Property is abandoned by Barmw•er, or if, attar notice by [.ender to Borcower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or xMtle a claim far damages, Borrtwvcr faits a, respond to [.ender within ?0 dais abet the date such notice is <br />rttailesi. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at 1 cadet's action, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property ar sa the sums secured by chic Mortgage. <br />Unim Len~r and Btxrower rnherwnse agree ut wriling, anv r.n h application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ar postpone the due date +?f the monrhiv iustaliments referred to ut paragraphs t and 2 hereof ar chance the amount of <br />vnh inatatifnents. <br />Ig. Batrewev 4YM Related. Extension of the ume tar payment ar m<xtificat+an of amorurauon of the sums secuttd <br />by this Mortgage gramrd by !.ender ro any sttccessrx m intcreu of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner. <br />the fiabtliiy of the original Borrower and Borrower's sta:cesxars in interest. i.cnder shall not he rcquircd to commence <br />grt>ceedintrs agarrrs2 ssrch sttecesscir nr refuse to extend trmit far payment nr ottrerwtse modify amartiZatioEi of tfie sumo <br />secured by This ;'.'tart8ag+e f+y rcasnti of any demand made by the orixina4 3orrnwor and B+`rrrrw~er's sttceessor in intent. <br />I f. FerbMraee br l,entler Not • Wtsi%rr. :%nv fot•tsearancc by f ender in exercising am right ur remedy hereunder, or <br />otfrerrrizc atfortkxt by app4icable law. shat! nut fw a waiver +~=f or preclude the exercise of any soh right ar remedy. <br />•fhe prt>curctr~tu of insuraace or the Fas•ment of t:Excs ar other licnx oc char¢es h}' [-ender shaft not be a u:river of Lender's <br />tight is a.-rtterate the maturity of the vndcbtednesx .e:-:;red by this Mntygage. <br />lY. Rewtadfes CrmrLtive. A41 eemedms pro:ided ;+: thin '<tortgage are distinct and ,irmuiative to any other right or <br />restudy under this MariRage ar affc+r~d by law .,r cywtY..,nd map he eserescd c'ant:;rrrenti}•. independenth• or successively. <br />13, elareatarss arsi Ataigrs 8srad; deice! and !iercril I.labAitp; C'apNores. lire covenants and agreements herein <br />contarrxa4 sliall hind. and tfre riRiitx hereunder slice!! enure txr. the trspeCitve succesxors and assigns offender and Borrower, <br />sulaitct to the pn>visions of paragraph ;'. herm€ Ail covenants and agreements of Borrower shaft he mint and several. <br />Tire captions and heedmgs of the paragraphs .:4 this hfonfiage are f=*r <+mvemence r+n4y anti arc not t:, he used to <br />interphtE or defmr fix prmi%kms herraf. <br />id. \atke. Escegt far any acetic reyuittd under ,:,piicah4c law t+, he given rn anmhrr manner, fa) any notice to <br />Borrower prrn+tkd f<x in this MnrtgaKe shall M €!rrn by mailing such Hance by uenrhed marl addresstd t.+ Borrower al <br />the Property Addrtss nr at such other address as Bc+rnna'er mss des+gnate F,v nottct to (.an<kr at provided heroin, and <br />(h} any notxe to i ear~r shalt M given M =crutied marl, return rece+pt requested. to l endeis address stated herein of m <br />Birch other addr~ as tcrrdrr roar de-,rerate k>- n•32ice t,. B.:rr=rw°er 3z provided hettm. :any natiEe provided fs+r .n [his <br />'~{artg3i€E s`ta44 -'.= d-~r='~3 E<, , a.. _~~. ;irv-n t * 4~t*.z*w;:r 4.r 4..~rr wh~A »rven +.t, Elie rttanasr c4gnated h~reia. <br />15. Ud(wm Miaelprgrt {;ovesairte i_aw: Sevrrahgiitp. [tit+~ 4arrrn of martaagr s:omhirua unrfaim c.n•enants far naunnal <br />use and tx+rt-uniform covenanp with iimrted ,.ariau<rrix hr ~:irisei+ctinn t++ .anttitme a unifnrnt security instnrmrnt covering <br />teat propetit -liras 4fc=ragagc s#ta44 tr g+,4~c-rn=•aE by tht law ,.E •hv ;,,nsdtrEaon r±: which the Froptriv ~c icxntcd rn ihc' <br />eveett that anv omv:sti_=_ c=r tiiatt-,r ~:[ Eit:; !.~lort¢ar2S .,r the ?+otc ~nnr~w:Ys .sst4i nppiii~bei 4ar*•a. ouch sttniftct shat! n:?t affect <br />other prev:siot:s a>f ihes t;i-rtgat~ +=r rht 's:,tt wh:ch :sn he ;.;von efit~:t aifhatst the s•:+ttttic4ing prnvisxm, aced tc* Ehn <br />,,.4a.' tfC ~ _ '.?~ :~,~+ . _ r - -. a ire _. ~d he ~rcragi4c. <br />~- ' .{_ $~ ~ r slice-t4. iii r err: star -:+ tf stttr_ii ~c>riy at the Nett and of thin MertgaFe at the time <br />n( C%CtiU11M ar attef ittia[Wlttott netHN <br />/T, 'Tasiaslke et are Psyr(y: Atatrw;a4aw. I[ afi or arty parr of the Pmpeny nr an interest thereto a sold or transferred <br />by Harrower witlsout farmer's prrar written consent, ctc4uding tai the .nation of a lien err encumbretue subordinate to <br />rhos Alaxtgase, Ihi rfre ..renian of a pun;hasc mamv' wxurity ;merest for 't:ousehoid appliances, icl a transfer by devise, <br />de'seent or bF aperetion tit taw open; t!x death a4 a ja+m tenant ar t:f i the grant of any leasehold interest at three Years ar less <br />not coMauiing an option to purchase. Leixler may. at l.ettcier's opttan, declare ail ttte xums xei:ured by this Mortgage to be <br />immrJratrly due and payablr_ tender shall have waevcd vrc h upnon r++ accelerate tt, pra>r to the ,ate or transfer, t.cnder <br />acrd E!K persrxt tt whom the Property ++ to be sa>W nt ttarmterred reach agreement rn wriung that the credit of such person <br />as setis[acttrey rn Lander acrd that ttte interrsf pay-ahte nn the avinms securtai h~.• this Mortgage shall he ai such rate as l.etxler <br />shall txEgtrettt. if Lender has waived tfte upnon tc= aece4erate ptovrskd in this paragraph 47. amt ii &>rrower's successor in <br />inifsest has rsoeuaad a writEan assut.-tptnrr agrecatarnt as.~eptcd in w riling by !.ender, l.ettder shat! release Bartuw'er tram all <br />obligetions uttekt this Murtgttge attd t}x titu,e. <br />if !.ender exen:ises such optiart tc+ accelerate, i.ender st;ai4 marl Rarnrwer mince of a.t.eferatron in a.:cntdance with <br />peregrep#i 13 floret)#, Stich ns>tx'e chaff pnavide a fnrind r?i n+u less than ?t7 days cram the date the nottcc to ntaikd wi[htn <br />which Bw'niwrt may pay tha steins ekclartd due- 4f Bona wet Earls to pay such slims prior to the a%piraUUn of such perteid, <br /> rtup, without #tsrther notice of efsttutx# oti &x rower, ~rvake ant rermdies permuted by paragraph Ili herea#. <br />+nt+c•t;tatr+utrE+t C'ovFnwnts- Barruwrx and t-etide:r turiher c+ivcn:im and agree as follows: <br />16. Areataa; Rtrwnrgas. iF.a:eft es gEari$ad ~ paragraph t? iereraf, apace ifor.uwar's irrrnit st# sap ruvraaN or <br />~ rf !lats+nurer ka Nah ~. laciteditsg tier c>frereeta Ea gay wtera drat ant_ ante arcwrrj tr,Y this Aftttttgptse, <br />f.eertltK two to ~ aiEaY raaY tru4lae m l9rrewrr as pr»v#ded is paragraph la beers( spceifp~: f t) the broach[ <br />(~} 4bAt eicaea -tr (a s~rr~ wtrb bnarbt t3l a ciraM, oat {eas (her .3® dsgrs frets the [labs tAe weticr ~ roalMrd to 4lasrower. <br />•ir scitislt sarrlE btrts(reA rrrrt he eaes+k tend t^l> aaa (af~e m crgr taseh bssseh ra w bdaro for aprslffrd br-flee rtetice <br />tagq roatsk bs sot ca( (1te cams srsrrod by this ilerlgage, (oror#aarer by ~ i>~+d~g acrd Bak ut the Prragestp, <br />tiEti trpllcs tdesd tsrther ietenta idesresecr tit [far ri~rt ba rrtasEaE: ad~r ae~ and the r•~ht tv asarrt ~ (~ torttr#awsre <br />yrtarat)silrtg tree ttwa.sahi+aat~r +d a rha(esdi ++r asri otiaa deF)ta1r e( Heornrwrr tat araristtriaa trai fe>mitaarr. if the btsach <br />is tM( sYStsrll air w bdaro tfae tiesa tipiesigat( Me tAe aWiee, f,ersdrt N Ceedrt's aptirra auty deciarr tdi a( Tire soars created br <br />atBl9Edas(grga w bo iasaergiMid! dew ace! pepabie wittireat lrrtYra thnreri sad raa3 #rrrrrlase by irdlrlM preceettia(t. Cooler <br />t~ ilR cirs(We6 ka srlEtCi h+ rufsA pro+aea6hrg ag expersr+ ed ftrres Wsrre, tmlaiia~. Irsa set iimittd Ee, rusts of larrrtarWarp <br />erllaaer, abaf(rErrae art[ tins trprrb- <br />lfR #ppt~serf's Rlglt( (~ Ret>t~s. litrtwrthstarxrirctg t_eric~r's :+_celcrauuxa .+f [Ear .u[us ucuresl her this Etixttcagr_ <br />frtY::ii :f-.,.:f :s;,;~ t!~ :ice' :.> ha€~ °.,, F-rx ;'e~~a !~.r.c:e: E~_ f t:' E«. ~tetc*.r::.a :?us i4:u*. ga#r .?t=~<aatrte+e•;! e..:n< !+nts <br />