<br />
<br />L3dtFdtar Ccvertaf:-rs. Harrower acrd finder covenant and agree as foilmvs:
<br />f. Ptr}ttsast a4 1 titled } Barrower shall promptly pay whey. due the principal of and interest on the
<br />i evidenced by the ?vote, prepayttfettt asci Sate charges as provided rr. ?he Noce. and the pnncrpal of and ~aterest
<br />wt say Future Advances secured by this Mongage.
<br />2. Ftatttis tFsr Ttttsw u~ tTw~et. Subject to applicable Saw or io a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shah pay
<br />tO Leader an the day tnaatHly iteuallments of principal arid interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a ittsRt fheiEltt "Fut~"} egtisl is one•twtifth of [he yearly tales and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Motrtga~, and gtaund rents an the Pmpen}'. if any. plus one-twelfth erf yearly premium installments (or hazard muvancc.
<br />phis oae-lweiftfr of yearly premiemt instaltrnents for mnngage insurarce. if any. alt as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time Yo 15tite by Lettdet on the basis of asxasmems acrd hills and rrasonabie estimates thereof.
<br />"The Fula shall la held in an institnuan the deposes er accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />scare agidtty fiticlttding Lettdtr rf Lendtr is such an inzhrutionl. lender shah apply the Funds to pay Bard taxes. assessments.
<br />ittsursare premiums and grauttd rents I.trtder may no[ charge tar so holding and applying the Funds. analynng Bard account.
<br />or rerifyittg sad compiling said astesstttents and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />petrmita Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and lender may agree 3n wrung at the time o! execution of this
<br />Martpse chat inieresf an the Futile shalt fie paid ro Barrower. and unless such agreement is made ar appfi~able law
<br />requites such interest to be pod, ixifder shall not be requrred [.? ply Borrower env interest or earnings on ihr Funds. i,ender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual asaunnru of the Fords showing credits and debris to the Funds and tfie
<br />purpose for which rash debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as aildeiunai security tier the sums secured
<br />by this Mongage.
<br />If the atttwtm of tht Fins held by Lender, rogether with the future monthly mstaliments of Funds payable poor to
<br />the due desist of taxes, assasissments, irourance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount requved to pay said taxes,
<br />aase®tnts, imurattee premiums slid ground rents as they tall due. such excess ,hall t+e, at Horrower's option, either
<br />proaeptiy repaid zo Horro»rer or eredtt~ to Barrower nn manthly ;nstal{ments a[ Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hNd by Lender shall rwi 6e suJTlcirnt to ply taxcs..tsstssments, insurance premiums and ground rents zs they fall due.
<br />Aorrarver shall pay to 1_eader any anxfuni necessan u, rnakr up the dennency within ?~ days from the date nonce is mailed
<br />by Letsder to Harrower requesting payment thercot.
<br />Clpon payment m foil of all sirens sea;rtti by nos Mortgage. I ender shall promptly refund !o Hnrrawer any Funds
<br />held by finder. [f under puagraph i;i hereat the Prttpenv n sold ,±r the Pmpcriv n atherwisc aryurred by Lender, 1_ender
<br />shall apply, na }ester than rmmtdiatrly poor to ihr title ++t ihr Property ,,r its a.quisiuon by Lender, any Funds t!tld by
<br />l.xtsder at the nine et app}icatinn as a :redit agarnst the sums secured h~. this Morrgagc.
<br />~. of Ytynteeb. t lneetis zpplecahie law pees-ieics ~,tner,+•re. ail pavmenie race!vzd by S rnu r :mdtr t!r
<br />Note and paragraphs S and 2 hettot ?,hall br apphrd by S ender tvrat .n pavmem c,l amounts payable n+ Lender by Borrower
<br />under parttllraph 2 hetmf, theft m interest payable .m the Note. then u+ the pnncrpal ee the Nntr, and then io interest and
<br />princtpa# cfn airy Future Advar~s,
<br />~. ('SasLe~ I3sn. Horrawe€ :hail pay all .axes. a,srssmrn!s and ;,!her .: harges. tines and :mpnvuons a!tributable to
<br />the Property which tray attain a pnarity over this Atortsaite, amt leasehold pavmen[s nr gcaund rents, if any, in the manner
<br />ptrovidexl utrAer paragraph ?hereof or, +f not yard in such manner, by Harrower making payrne»t, whrn due, directly to the
<br />payee theteaf- Barrower shalt promptly turnreh !o I.rnder ail uouces of :+mounts der under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Horrewer chaff rnakt payment drreces- Hcvrower °,1sa31 p:..mptfy t;;mich to Lender trtiipts rvrdentmg such p:iymems.
<br />Hturtrwrer shall prvmptip discharge -ens- iron uhi~t: has t'r+orny :,err thrs Mortgage: prove:icd, roar Bnrrawer ,hall not t+r
<br />repotted W discharge any such hen acs long .:s Borrower sitai! agree in wntmg t!+ the paynunt of the nhhganon ,ecurrd by
<br />such lien m a manner xcce¢ranir !o f,rnthr, ~:r shall in rtr.rd t:ottr e:nmest sock lren ha•, ,+r dzfend rntorcrrnrnt of such lien rn,
<br />legal pnxsedrogs wdtieh o¢tratt to prevent the rntartertxnt ;?f the irrn .+r Iarfriurrr ++t the Prepern ur .r<tv part thereoL
<br />'~. hh~tntl ttupxastrr. fkfrrawrr shah L~ep the impsu^mcnn now raii!rng or hcrrrf ter crrcred on the Pn+prny insured
<br />against loss by fire. harardx erxiudrd welkin tier [cim :,.trndc<i ,.,teragt and sulk other ha'lards us I ender may reyuirr
<br />a9d to such aruaunis and t.rr sua-ts t'.rneds +, t rndtr msv trquur. i'rotrdeu. that 1 cooler ,haN nor reyuur that ihr amount ++!
<br />such coverage exceed chat amwnt +~•, ;oa a€agr :eye -reef .:-. , av 'tr -,ens ,ect.rrd t s h s Mortgage
<br />~e tmuraare carnet providing tfsr fnsuratt=c .nail fit .risen ,* Herrrowe: ,uhie~r <<: appra,os3 ! trrl;:r. {,sovrded.
<br />that such appravai shell rtxt be uurcasonate3y wnnhefd. Ali l*remrunts :gin rnsurartcc 1x~irires .hah ne paid in the mannei
<br />ptovtded under paragraph 2 hrrcat u[.:t not paid in lush manner, t+: Bacrawrr makrng payment, when dot. riirccify to ihr
<br />rttttttatftre carrier.
<br />?Et;~a " ~ ~«~= ~:~'4.,~.::sls t,._ °3F ,E€ i- !' - t=irm :. f .:r [ ra.kr r.d malt r~ltrde ~ stattda[d moriYa&e
<br />chttase in iavnr rat and iu corm acceptabke i;r f rridtr • .radar .nail her=. ihrrrrghr t. n,+id ihr pc,iic:rs ;+nd rritewa th reed.
<br />tr#i >3mnnrar sltaif pamrtptiy f~rittsh ie. t cttstet a i - -- [ ,..~- - no - - - t' - r a:,i prerr.:um. l: t.^.t ^= ,sue
<br />..+~ke ~.~,r ~, ~s!i n_,t n,a~ pr rt rtiti
<br />slrCr=;aar F.rc~.i-rrA[-5~n~cr~,;it„ntt.«'-~~........ 3..cf ...~..tz€. .~..~. -?.:} .-
<br />Hy Htuttfwcr.
<br />lStaWati Lratkt and HCiffawtl c+tltcMrsr agree ui SFrrttng, insurance prax.erd, .nail br applied u, restoration c:r repair of
<br />rise Ptttpatry dtansged.•pravtdtd swh rcaturatton at trpau ~+ cvanonncafly teasihie and the ,rcunty of this Mortgage +,
<br />t~ iha>~y uopatrrd if such res¢arauan ur rrpan is nut ra,namtcally !easibk or a the security of this Mortgage wnuW
<br />tae tra~atred. tirc msttraocr pnxseds shall rte applied to ihr sums sctiured by this ;stongagr. wuh the excess, rf any, i+aid
<br />to 9[xrawer If the Pmpert+ rs airarr<IorteJ by Harrower. or ii Barrower Earls t,+ r yp+mi to Lender within 3U days from ihr
<br />data ttttriee rs rnatleti t+r l.rtttler to Harrtwer the[ tht rruurancr carrier oden nr settle a alarm for uraurance henehts, Linder
<br />rs aatltorfmd to c~alka: arnl apply the :rrsusa,Rr:e Ixtxeeais at lrndtt-+ uplntrr cr[her to restoration ar repair of the Pmpenv
<br />rn• to tfst tares serrutad by this Mtatt~r.
<br />Uukas LtnJar sled fkurewer c:iherwisr agree rn wri[mg. soy s+nh apphast+an ref pnseids to pnncrpal shall not extend
<br />+a paatpwte tilt dui date a+t ttse ntanrhty rnstaiimrms reMrrrd t~, +n paragraphs acrd f+crcoi rr ahangt ttte amount of
<br />ittclt trtsealirexets. if under paragraph iY hitauf ihr Pmpen} rs acyuurd as lcstder..e~i right, true and interest of Horrtrwcr
<br />in adl to any rtssteranct pplictts are! m and to ihr pna~ecYfs thereat rrswnnf k+rtr+ usn=ass to ihr Property prror to the sale
<br />or at~uuy[tttaa ihalf pass to Lirxter ro ihr txient a+t the sums secured h. !'srs '.tf=s;gage =r[tmeaftatrl} prror to stn~h side or
<br />~-
<br />b. H~assraliav tlsetl 1KttisNattirsra of Prepany: I_esscclwfrYt ('uaiaasrra.~x /'tasr:atl t'tait Ikrtelmpwsetsts. Harrower
<br />thtll ~ the Property in good repair sad shell Hitt summit wlLitr c+r pertnre rzttrartmiea! art dNermranon of the Property
<br />~~~~ ~~a• ~.tlt t~ pravit~ Lsf a_RV least ti !h.!s Mri?ts rs ,•n , t<-3setu~iti. It :ties Mwtaagr is on a amt in a
<br />a a~ %! pluattQd ktftt tie4a+~4iprttrtft, 64rrawet ,hail pinrYm .fi .'1 It srr*rccr t .,trlittatitmt under lice drCiarafiaR
<br />err eovast~tre Lreatirtg i1€ gavetattrg the ctmdaatrtntum +=r planned . cell ;fC±-e~_?= .err hir.iav. :;rd r°-goiaii:tns +,t tht
<br />ctatedrtaetattna tw c`laaaud uan desredstpntetst, and consttt[tem aktcuatents ,! a , _;n~ *mmrum .+r planned +mrt devcloprncnt
<br />(tdrst :t ~ 1sy Htxrtewar and recnrdrtl ngetftrr wnh rho Maxrtilaac, tP.c- a.++.sr..nfs a:td sgreimerits t,f ,etch oiler
<br />ri~8 b! teaarpuratatf tttuf and shall amend and supptrrrtrm rite t;.r.`Ertant. aMf asreemrots of this Nurtgage as it the ceder
<br />tsOYia a Qttrt hpauf.
<br />!, !'ralst#sal tt! 1s 5arrerity tf Elrmtss+et tats t.__= irrturtn lire cavetrxnis atui agreemems catstatried in this
<br />Wit. of if espy ataton rx pracasdtag ++ i_xwmtrtrtnctd which materially :,Beets S-ernkr~s mterezs ~in the Propene,
<br />enslcr> hue sistt listtitad !u. Satittertt tkxatata, rmc?Lvtitcs. rode entorcetneat. „r arrangrmrttts or prcxerdings anvalving a
<br />#ar dbccssltut~ tlsea I.sruL¢r at S.tttxler`s opts m, u¢rxr notict ti, Hosrowcr. rosy make such appearances, drshutxc su:h
<br />sad trdtt-+i6iClt aC'Eien as tt ttatts3ttty te'+ pserat:t I andet-+ ,rttFtest. ~ ~Satdrtyt, h[t4 ncx !otn:fcsi t... dzsbvrsrtttetet of
<br />rtpiltNlalA'i~r attsxaay~t ilia and entry upwt the Prxrptny~ to rttaka teparrs li l.etttttr regtnrec3 rnsn'tpagr msuraart xs a
<br />~-tt1 ~ the taste yt~ttretl (sy this lianrY#attr. Itorrawr-r shaft ¢ay the prrmrutrrs requtrrsi !o rrratntairt such
<br />tmrrrarist ~ t tzstsl stwlt tams ~ tits rttyutrent+€nt ire sixli enxutant.-s tcrinteisixa :n acu*rdst>,:e wnh Horn*weti ono
<br />