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<br />.'�.�'_.f�:�`It• '�� � �M*�aryYl�fi{ii/.A+Wl7i.�.htet..A.`.t..::..u.x.�.ti�c,,.r:....,......-- –._.. ..._......... ... ........__._.....
<br /> - -.:�:�; . � �6_�,0�.��5R =
<br /> 'j'U��i7'M�i!'t ��TClT'���� i�il ►he inprovemcnts now or here�.itr.r c�ted on ihc prarycsty,and�ll enscr�ient,,np�u►tcnsnces,nnd
<br />, fintuees�nflw mr hemaltea n p�rt of the pmpeny,All replacemen��nnd uddlttons shnll nlso bo c;overed by tliis Se�uPity Instrument.
<br /> ,;�;� . All6f tli°..for�Goin�is refEtr��tn in thf9 Secerity Instn�ment t�s Ihe."Pro�erty." �.
<br /> ;.;-, a:•� BORIi4W�R COVL'NANPS �1tat Homowu is lewiuqy scisul o?'ti�e esiak,tie�eby convcye�:xtd hrs!!te tight tn Ertutt attd F,.
<br /> " convoy ti�e Psnpr,ct� and th�t the Propercy+ is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Bairower wnrrants and will �:.-_
<br /> -�4i^•� ��� defe�nd��+�ereP.�}�G?�t�dtk to tha Property against aDl eltdms end demands,su6Ject to any encombrances of record. =�
<br /> -•�k. , '�'�iI'} ,ry}?C:i1�fi'�'lf INSTRtJMBNT combines uniform covcnants for nadon�l u�and nan•uniform covcnunt.9 with limitccl ��
<br />��?����fi` varl�sit,�s by jeu'isdicdon W constltute a unif'orm securlty insttument cavering real prope�ty. -
<br />.--��..,�r; .' � UNI�URM CQVBNANTS.Borrower and Lendu covcnnnt and ngrcc as followa: when due the �,
<br /> -" 1.P�yment o!i'rincipal ond Interest;Frcp�ayment and Lute ChArges. Horrower shull promptly pay �_:
<br /> _ _, ,� , princi�al of and interest on the deb�evidenced by the Noto end eny prcpayment snd luce charges due undcr the Note. �`
<br /> �.l�unds for'N'axss and Insuranca Subject w applicabla law or w a wtitten waiver by Lender, Battower st�all pay to _
<br /> '��"����� Lr.r:?tiG or.U►°dAy moathly payments are due un�tcr the Ncto,until tho Nous ls pa.i�!in fuU,a s��m("Fun d s")for. (a)yeac ly t a x e s ��
<br /> ;"�••"f: -Of F. _-
<br />_-_�;�,�,�- � , a.^�1 a�se;.sm:z►1t w�i:h may suain prior�ry over thls Security InstYUment us n Uen on the Firopcny�(b)Yearly leasehotd payments e.
<br />�•���� w., ,, or�qmu�.rtr�ls cm tt��Fioperty.if any�(c)Yeady hazard or pmpertY insurnnce premiums�(d)YeUrly flood insurance premiums.if
<br />-_�.�n,., . _.
<br /> � ;m any; (e) ycaely�rrst+zl�2ge insurance p.remiums,if any; and(�eny sums paya6lo by Hocrower to L.ead�r.in accordAnce wich a __
<br />`;;'�;� � . pru�v3siur�s of pztt�raQh 6, in lleu of the payment af mortgago insuranca premiums. 'Ihese itema are callod "Escrow Items."
<br /> �=��`? I,e�ziiu may,at any Cme,colloct and hc�ld Funds in en amaunt nat to exceed the maaimum umount a lender for a federally related _
<br /> �"""�". -,��`��, mu�tgege loan may require for Barrawu's escrow eccount under tho federal Rcal Frstaw Setllement Procedures Act of 1974 as _
<br /> =��r��s•a,:�,.,• wnendeu Pio�i�tiriie w tirae,12 U.S.C.Sccdon 2�D1 et seq. ("R6SPA"?�«nlG�.4 anathcr lnw thnt appllas to tha Fi�nds sets a lesscr
<br /> -'�'"`�'��� amounG If so.Lea�dcr �nay, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not w eaceed the lesser amonnt. Lender mny _
<br /> ;;�Y��� c5timru the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data snd reasonabla esttmates of expcndiwres af futune Bscrow Items or
<br /> f�'� � olt►�vis�l�i accordence with applicable law.
<br /> -_ --��4- �gup�,y�.h�����I��An insritudon whose deaoQS�3��e u►sured by a fecleral agency,instrumentality,or endty(including
<br />-`_���".� Lcndu. if I..endar ns suctj an insdwdon)or 3n�.,-ey l�dc� }]ome Loan Iiank.Lender shall apply dte Funds co pay the�scrow `
<br />--- Itrans.I.eaider mng nnt charge Bonower for IwSa7ang and�p1YinB the Funds.a�inually enalyzi�g the esrsow acca�ant,or verlfy;ng --
<br /> - -- tht Bscrow Itums,unless Lender pays Bormwcr interest at�the Funds und appllaable law pemiits Leztdu to malce such a charac.
<br />.==ro��_,,
<br /> Howaver.I,u�dcr may nquire Borrawer w pay a one-dm�.�t:arge fur an independer►t real estate tax reportL�g suvice uscd by
<br /> --°'"°�=:` Lenda in connecdon with this loan. unless applicable law provldes othenvise.Unless an aEreema►t is made or eppllcabk law -
<br /> ,_-�:�{� requiros interest to bo paid.Le.�der shall not be roquiaed to pay Borrower uny intuest or eamings on the Funds.Borrower and
<br /> _ ���.��s��z�,.��s,�II;;.�:,�p.�:� .�w��hAll l,P naid on the Funds.Lender slwll Aive to�s.urower.without ChargC,an
<br /> _-,=��� annual accounting of the Funcis,stiowIng em�+i'ts and debits to tha Funds and the purpose for whic�i e�ch debit w the Funds was
<br /> ,..._.�.,���; rnfl�e,The Funds are pledgod as additional sec�uity for all sums secured by th�s Securiry InswmenG
<br /> ---_-;"y 7f the Funds held by Lendcr exceed the emounts permi2ted to i�e held bY apPlicable isw.l.ender s3saU accfl'��+�t to Borrowet for
<br /> ���_'� 4ho oxccss Funds in accordance Nith tha require:ner►ts of a�Ucable law.If the smount of the Funds Sxsld by Lenda�t any Wne is
<br /> °^'" not suff'icicnt W pAy tho Escmw It,�ms when due,Lender may so notify�or�owu in wridng,end,in�ach es�so Bonowrr ehall pay
<br /> --- - W 3t,cndu the t�mmunt necessnry to maico up the deficlency. Bomawc� sbnU meke up tha&ficiency in no morc then twe[ve
<br /> - mo�'�lY I�Ymeats.at Le,nde,r's solo discretion.
<br /> - = Upon payment in fWl of a�l sums socured by this Socurity Tnstrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Bamnwer m►y Fwid�
<br /> -- h�id by I.encSa.tf.undar pazagmph 21�I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property�Lcnder.Prior w tho soquisidon or eale of the
<br /> _�-;; pmpaty�ehall appiy Any Fun�.g held by I.ender at tha time of acquL4ticun or sale as a crafit egainsc the sums sectued by this
<br /> ,,- Securi�y Inst�umen�
<br /> 3.Applbcation ot Parnenb. Unless applieable law providts otheswisa.sll paYrt►etus roceivai by L�endrr undcr pmragranf►s
<br /> __- - I and 2 shall be appliod;first,to any p�epayment charges duo nnder tho Nou;second,to emounts p�yabk under paragraph 2:
<br /> -- third,t�r intcrest due;fotuth,W principal dua;and last,to eny lato charges due wuJu the Note.
<br /> - 4.Chw���•k�;B�1�wa aball pay ull tr�ces�assessments.chdr,ges, Cu�es end imposldons euributabk to tha Prnpaty
<br /> ';i which may aq�y�rioritv ava this Socucity 1nstYUmeut,and leaseholsl p�y.rnents or ground cuus,if ony.Sorrowa s�ll pay tire�
<br /> - � obl�gat6ons in thc m�a�na provided in peregrapla 2,or if nat paid in that rnAnnu�Borrowcr shall pay�3iem on tune diroc�iy W tfie�.
<br /> persor► owed pwym�n� Borrower shall promptly fumish ao Lemfer al[ not3cces of es,�ounts co be paid iinda t3ila ;paragcaph. If
<br /> Boarower malces these paymenb direcdy�Barowcr shaU�r�omptly fumish to Lcadar roceipts evide�xing the paymohts.
<br /> Borrowear shnll promptiy dLscharge aoy lien which has prlority over th�s Soc�uity Insttument unlcss Bomawa: (a)F,grees in
<br /> - writiog to tiu payment of the obUgation secured by tho Iicn In a manner acceptable to I.endu:(b}conir,sts!n good fdth tl�e lien
<br /> -= 1by, a defends ag�nst cnforcc�ncnt of the lien 1n, icgai proccedings whicti in the Lcnder's opinion operata to prevcnt the
<br /> ::,���_� �n�oroeane.Rt of the lkn;�!c Qe�secures from�he hoklQ o�'�he lica an eg�cemeat sac�sf�ctnry w Lri�dtc subordinAting ttw lien to
<br />_��. -_ ���;�y�ns�u,men��p,r,nder detamines that any para of the Proputy is subjaes e�a l�en wh�Ch may etmin�ria7ity ovcr this
<br /> __._-_��--- - Secudty Inst�u..^�ns,Lend�r may give Borrowar a nodce identifying the lien.Borrnwer Ah�ll sadsfy the lien or tek,a ona or mora
<br /> __._. __-°��`;� pf tMe acdony set ffonh above within 10 days of the givtng of notice.
<br /> �_,:, Fo�m 302� oro0
<br /> . ��'— �,SR{NE)�ox�sl.o� a.y�ame Initlab: — _
<br /> ---_
<br />