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<br />Rl~ ~~~.~~~7 <br />Lawdset's wt:imea apet~emt « sppi;esbk law. Baervrrer ski pay the unoerm of all tortgage is>xwantx premiutro in the <br />mar provided ttwder prra~t 2 hetstt+(_ <br />Asy amotteib dktbrnaett bry Leader pttrsuun m rtes paragraph 7, with itttererpt tirexeon, shall treeotex aeiditianai <br />aeae~ra at H«roser trearad by rit*: Mortgage. Urdess Borrower artd t.attder agrtx to other terror of paymem, such <br />amaneah ttiait be payshk upon twtks horn Lama to Hortower regttestirtg Payment liserea;, and shall btu interesa frtxn the <br />dale ~ eSafisrat~ at the rate psyabh tram tare to bate on anstattt~g princi}>zt undo the Note tmteas payment of <br />ieRersat w saes rate rriterid ix contrary to appti¢alrte law. in which event sttcfi amounts shall bear interest at the high rate <br />part~e under apphaiie ~. Nathisrg rxantafeed in thk oasagtaph 7 ahilF trquire Lends to ittem say sxpetsle err takt <br />say ur3ios hdermic. <br />B. Lender may make or calla to )x tisadc reasonable entries upon and inspection of the; Proptrty. Provided <br />that Lards fhali pre Borrower Delfts error to any wch inspection specifying rsascm:bk cattle thertfar rofatext to Lertdr;r'a <br />iaterea ro the Property. <br />!. Cr/awnalian. The prttcaeds of arty award err claim for damages. direct or consegttentiaE, in connectmtt with any <br />~ err anther taking of the property. err part thereof. err for conveyance in f lest of condemnation, are hereby aligned <br />and sh:H be Paid to Leader. <br />In the ereM ~ a total taking of the Properly, the proceeds shill ix appiitxt io tfx sums secures by this Mortgage. <br />with the exact, if atty. paid to Borrower- In the event of a partiai taking of the Property. unless Borrower attd Lender <br />aherwiaa agree in writing, there shaft be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is etquai to that proportion wbech the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immettiatety prier to the date of <br />taking bans to the fair tttarkq vilue of the Property immediateW prior to tlrc date of taking, with tht balance of the proceeds <br />paid W Htrrrowar. <br />H the Property is abaz~ed by Borrower, err if, steer notice lry under to Borrower that the condemnor otftxs to stake <br />m award or sdile a chim for damages, Borrower f:its to respond to Lender within )0 days atttt the date such Halite is <br />taaihd, Lender is swdt«v~sd to caitect acrd apply tin proceeds. at Lerrdtt's option. Tither to restoration or repair of the <br />Property nr to rite arms sewted by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Larder ate H«tawer otherwise agrer "rn writing, any such application of prnceeds W PrittciPat shah Hat a:trnd <br />or ptrlpoete the date date of the t>satrthty invtalltrtents referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof err change the amount of <br />tateh instaibttatts. <br />1R lateawer rtat lsiersaf. Extension of the time for Paynxrtt or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />try this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of BOrrosver shalll Hat operate to release. in any manner, <br />fix !isbility sd the ~l Hortaxrer erns! Hss<rower's =_,~~s<trs in irttcr~l. t~ete~r shall nQt t+e rex~uirsd to commence <br />protzed'mgs against web utccesor a retfsne to extrnd time fen pa}tnent or otherwise modify atrwrtiration of the sums <br />natured by this Mexsgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and Harrowers mcceasnrs in interest. <br />lt. Periaaniree y I.etrfar Nat • Waive-. Any forheannce by Lender en exercising any right err remedy hereunder. or <br />sttttmwiat aftextdad by applieabk law, shall ruts 9re a waiver of ar preclude the exercise of any such right or reertedy. <br />'[ha•ptrszttraneaa e~itatnarms «thc payment of taxr. or tnhtr liens .u charges by Lrntier shall not be a waiver of i_cndet's <br />right la aexaterats the tsatsrriry d the irtdebtedttcss reared by this Mortgate. <br />IZ H.itmai Careth/se. Ali remedies prondcd rn this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to erne athcr right err <br />rrnrtedq uadtt this Mortgage err atGxded by law or equity. and may !re czercexd roncurrrntly. independently or successively. <br />13. Hwrcaamft srsi Amiprs Rand; Jain end 3evetrrt I.iahNttyt Cttptlratt. 7Ttc cavrnants and agreernexfts herein <br />curtained dtaH bktd. and lf# rights hemtttrder chili inure to, the rezpectivs sttccess+xs and assigns of Lrnder and Borrower, <br />strh~Cx to tht Ptuvisit>sts of paragraph t7 hereof. Al! covenants and agreeencnts of Bottower shat! Fx joint and severil. <br />'ihe ssrptionv asst headings trf the paragraphs of thin Mortgage are far ronvenisms only and arc trot to he until to <br />interPrai err deflrz the Pro"=isiuTia better`. <br />it. trirNaa. Bscept for any taxi€e requiretf under appticahk !aw to be givrn to attothet manna, sal any notice m <br />Borrower provided far in this Mortgage shaft he givrn by mailing sex'h notice by csrtrtled oral addressed to Borrower at <br />the Properly Addhss err at such other address as Bwrnsret may dexignats by statics to t.cnder as provided herein, and <br />(~) any trertia to Lender shall rte given fry ctrtided mail, rstum rec~ttpt rcquestsd. to Lenders addrea stated herein or to <br />Streit etHra addeert a Leader may dttsignate by notice to Borrower u pmvidt:st herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Martg~e t~haU bt deemexf to Slavs hem given to Bormwsr err txttdsr wheel gevert in flu manner designateil herein. <br />iS. Lait«s Maetpagel Gs+:rtrirttz Laws ~errttriiRty. This ffrt:t of tt~}ttgtege c*_+mbitter ttntforret covenants fnr national <br />tna a~ Hen-unify comer:try with iimitsd variatt lw ;~tri~itct~m to eattstitvte a uttifornt se~uetty irtatrumettt counting <br />Teat pratp~ty_ IY3ortgaga sluff he $overttcd by thz iaR :Ff the jutisdiclian in which the Property is loeseed. to fix <br />et+~ ter a,~v srgvuion or ct•eue of t_tt~ Mettgttge err the Vote conflicts with applicable taw, such sonftict shall not affect <br />offer ptKlvgiera erf this Mortgage err the Nun which can lets given eResat without the coediictittg Provision, and to this <br />>md the previsiotu of the Mortgage alter the Alerts ate declared to 6e se:verable. <br />K Rarsssr«'a Cwpy. Borrower shall he frrneshul a conformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the tune <br />of eaeeution err after raordatiorr ite-aof. <br />11. 7isaahr eft Na TsapaAYs Aertiwwptlsa if tit or any part of the Properly a an intertat Sherein is sold or transferred <br />by l/orrmsrrt witietrrt Leaiar's prior written convent. ettctuding ter! the crptiettt of a lien or emcumbraetee subordinate to <br />dos ifMt;trge, fbt the crstlea at a purchase tnaxy tecttrity enterrxt for household apptiaetces, fc) a tran[tt fry douse. <br />dptortt ~ by o~tation of !sw upm the death of a }Dior tent err idi the gran of any krselaid intcreu of throe years or leas <br />net a an optkre to punhme, Lender may, at t.trtdcr's opuex+, dexlare all the swnv secured by this Mortgage to be <br />itmmetiirwiy dre attd payable. Lentder shill have waivtil stxh optwrt to accelerate it, prr« to the sale or irans(er, tender <br />sad the parewt to whom the property es to be sold ~ traertfetrsd reach agreement in writing that the credit of a.ech person <br />b atuiafttc#ry to Lander awd that the iatertst payatrk on lire sutras stxttred by the Mortgage shall tx at such rate as Lender <br />shell tisgsW. tf Lswdar hw waived the option to accelerate Pmviskd in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower i suceptmr in <br />iatetaat has tarcuted a written amnmtpaim agreement acexpted in writing by t.ernder, I.eoda shill release Harrower from ail <br />atinas tswdar thle kNtt sad the Neaw. <br />if Leader exercises such aptitm to rtexsaaale, Lender shall trail Bturawa Haller of accdaation in ateordance with <br />para~rsph l~ bettor. Sltcis Holies shall provide a period of not less than 30 titc,{s from the eiax the notice is mailed within <br />w6idt iaez+owar tsmY t?sY tits teens daciarad due. if Hartrwer fails ro pay truth sutras prior to the eapirttaion of such period, <br />t.eada~r nary, witirottt fietiter aeries or deraaed art Borrwvcr, invoke any remedies permeated by paragraph tg hereof. <br />Nnut-/Jr+ttaeC:c~"ts~ctvr~. Bonower and t.eadc; futttter soveoanl and agroe as follows: <br />RietwafBa, ~ .,, pnaliett its prr.papit i7 iaars4 eeytaw Ranrwx's iraei of ..Y csvawast « <br />tt esy Rsma+s« tit rile = iwciriiat tier crrea~t sa >r~ wits drat envy sums aeerrett by tiY !thaasa. <br />tf pliitr_is aeoiltkallstf rirR ~ ®akles h Rtterpreg as prrrifM h t• imaa/ yascNYiag: il} ere blare-: <br />i~ iM ttetitls rayainri is swat atsdn instil f$ s ~aYq w is tsar ~ dqs term tie law lira ratites k rraiei w Harrasrar. <br />>ty tsilt~ sgitlt inlle! twM Ire edwetit sari to dtM hRwrs a cram areA knrei err err Ittdare tier shit etptte~M h tie Talks <br />ntilg waitR is ~ d rife ttttwta twssari iY t~ f-k+!it~ fargs#aer~e h i~ !fig awl oak of-tier lsrrsrgF, <br />11MIt 7Npere tt4gR lualise kif+trtae Rtmmw+e d Ns ripM as rtdatiaie aAsr suaitsaiiar atri tin stet is attaart is fir tasec{rarea <br />~tawow~_t>tre rfMares of a ieiralit u arty a4ac flora A Racrrraa w aresiwrtler ttwd lrtaatiamwa. ~ hr hard <br />ii4gtlriaa+r kataia lie fhb t~Nad it Tie artlks. t.erd« M lsefm°a a*Ihn aas,- dariars all st fir stra secured iY <br />Ate lMitwl~lBtitr ire ~ ttra aril ptryaiia wltieiw tastier himrwd atsd tttaq Faeaciaaa -f i Max++~tt- Iwsthr <br />s~Fii etetMRri iii wRtd k atttei garesaraR itM axttrttaw eti hraa3rarsa. beLtfnw+ ttra rat MaNst n. crew of daeatwawpry <br />~wiitrgartiiwlerfkafiiilla m!!i~ <br />[~ ~lNrnYli~i ~I r RtaVtlaira Nruw#~tawdFrrR tetrdet't arsetttreris>a of the wma sectrread by stern i4larigage, <br />Rtxiaarr aitaH ltrtrrt dta r(gbl ter hssr n7' pruosafhtw ray I_eade tar snferca thss Me>nptgr i#isccxriinusd at any trt~ <br />