<br />tlrmioeaa C,~satu+ra. Bar:t+tre< sad ftaeaer e~ cad ogres as foBesrs:
<br />}, ~ eE !tai fdalarerr~ Birrrawmr proncpdy pey when dt~ site prstsi~raf of aed interest on the
<br />iaideiaadeiess stridaaoad by tic rfot!~ ~t and ire charge as prwitied in [he ware, and the pritteapat of aid iamsert
<br />a aay }~aua+c Ad+aaeea imaaad h9 z6is Mortgage.
<br />t 14nb gM Taare «M Hlt~- SabjaM m Saw ~ to a written avatar[ by LcrtBer, Borrower sbaB pay
<br />~ i,~yc rrs tis ~ ~eptily d prtappei and imerest are payable tinder Tire riots, ttati3 the Nau is paid in furl,
<br />s racy tt~tda "Pwds`i rxiaaf to ~e•tareffdt of the YurfY [ues and aae~tatts whirl[ racy attsat priority over xhis
<br />!/eet~yc, cad ~arlsd tenet oa tie Prapasrty. if nay, phn oaatwefr'x+ of yearly prasrttm tmulber~ts fat haavd i[rnuaace.
<br />pins aaeareff~ of yprly psmamt inrtatlodsn far ttartgage irtatt'attcc. if aay. a8 as retisoatbly essitnaied inhiatty and ftzmt
<br />timrt ~ tip bT Lender trs the basis of aaaesmrfmi3 curl trim and reaawubk exrutstitra thereat.
<br />'S'ic Funds sheN be iNd is as itWilaflon the depodtc ~ atxouab of which are insured or gttinrueed by a Federal or
<br />Isader if Leader is sttch an imtitutionl. Leader aiaB appy the Ftttsds to pay said taxes, assenmeab,
<br />rtttat a~mcy (ice
<br />iatt~ea ppa atsd gramd retw. under trtar trot charge for so haldittg and applying tie Ftrrtds. artalyzir;g said aceoutu.
<br />of verityiag and txtmpiling said atlCaetaEnh and MIIs, unless f.etder pays Borrower imer+est ao the Furl ctrl appfitxbte law
<br />perraia S.eoditx to mate stseh a charge. fionawer atxf Lerrdpr may agree in writing at the time of execution of the
<br />tint fttttreef< ern tie Poorly shall be paw to Borrower, cad irtilea such agceermat is made or applicable law
<br />r me$S i to be paid. fender atoll raft 6e requir'~ to pay Borrower any intetesi or e'grr3ngs on ilft Frtttds_ Leader
<br />geee to Burrower. without zharge, as anntut aocouming of tlu Futub showing credits and tidpiis w rte Frieda ctrl the
<br />p~pose for whidt eaei ddxt to the Futtds was tnadc. 7be Funds are pfedged as additional seatrity for the sums secured
<br />6Y this fliat~tge.
<br />It tfae amotatt of tie Ftttpds Ladd by tsttda, together with the futttre trsoathty installmrn~ of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due daces of tales, aasdaetmuts. itsurance prerttitttm and ground recta, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />way imttemee premamts attd gtourd retry as they fail due. stilt excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />praet~dy repaid to BOtrat+Ytr ~ [!edited to borrower on monthly ittnallmcnts of Fund:. if the attttrtmt of tbe Futds
<br />hiYi (ry Lender shtdt r~ be ate [a pay razes, atttiessnsettis, innuraace pretnitttm and grcatod reins as they fait due.
<br />Botr~osrsr aitall pay to Lerder any amount tteGxssary to mate up the deficiency within 30 days from zhe date notice is mailed
<br />Lay Linder to Btternaer requatiag paytnent ther~t.
<br />Upira pay,meffi to full of aH soars secured by this Mortgage. Lcrder s1u11 prornp[ty refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hdd by I.wder. ff utsder ptaragraph t$ hereof the Property is sold ar the Property is otherwise acquired by Lends. Linder
<br />atrail apply, do fad than immediately prior to the sale of tic Property ar its acgtttaitian by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />S.eader ~ tic Tyne of appticatitpe as a credit a`amst the sums soured by this Mortgage.
<br />3. Atgiaeailsa of iinfcss appiieabte far: prvit~ uKher~~e, a8 payttseats reEeired by Lentkr under the
<br />Noy atsd paragraphs f earl 2 hereof shall be applied by txada first xn payment of amount: payable to !..ender by Borrower
<br />uttd~ paragraph 2 Ftereaf, zfttm w interest payable an [hc Note, then to the principal of the Noce, and then to interact and
<br />principal on arty Fsnure Adraeca.
<br />a ~ IIjsaa $ortawer shalt pay ail taxes, assettsmcn[s and artier charges. fines and impositions attnbutabte to
<br />Hie Ptopaty which racy atts®a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold paytnems ar gtou~ rents. if any. in the mariner
<br />ptxwided tinder pengrapi 2 hereof ar, ii trot paid is such manner, by 8orrawer making payment. when due. dirtrcHy to the
<br />payee tieteof. Btrrower siaB ptrsmptty furnish to reader elf notices of amouau due under this Paragraph. a>d in the tvem
<br />Bnrtrwer siaft rtnitc paytaw[t directly, Bonawer shy!! Pramptty xumish to Lender receipts cvidencm$ such payments.
<br />Borrower shag promptly disehar$e any irpx which has priaruy over this Mortgage; Proridcd.:hat Borrower shall not be
<br />rtstprired to dacharge any such rim so tong as Bortawcr shall agree in wrnmg to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such liaa in a ttraaaer ricceptttbk to tender, ur shelf in good fauh coritest such ilea bY. at defend enfareemcni of such lien in,
<br />fs$al procaadings wttich oparate to prevent rite enforcement of the hen or tode+ture of xhe Propene or aay pan thereof.
<br />i. 19aeatd iaaarstaea. Borrower shall keep the improvements new existing ar hematter erected on the Property insured
<br />^ Ion by Ate, harards iuucluded wiHtin the term "cxtetded coverage". cad such other havrtis as !.Bader may require
<br />atad in stsc6 amounts cad for sttclx periods as I Bader may require; Provided. that fender chaff net reyutre that the: amount of
<br />itrch c~rera$e exceed i'Aat amiaunt of coverage required to Pay the scars _rxu[>~ai by this Mon$a$e.
<br />7'ie iasarimec carrssr pravidut$ !tic iasu€anre attar! he shinty tip t3arsacser se iw~tt to a~rrirxl h) Linder; prondtd.
<br />tiai a+reh approval suit tort ire trnroaamab€y withheM. 111 premiums an Insurance ptxliere3 shall tx paid to tbe raanner
<br />provided tta$er paragrriph 3 hisreof or, if rest paid in stn:h maniser, by &xrawer mrftmg payttteat. when due, directly to tbe
<br />ittatsaao~ t~rria,
<br />,eyB pttltstas calf rtgxwala tht3+snnf shelf br ir. farm acceptax~ to Lander and shah xnefude a standard rttangage
<br />chaise ra farar of itad m from tsrcctptabie to f.crttim. tRt:.Sr shall have the light za hold the policies Sad rorxwals tftereaf,
<br />rind ~ sitafi pr1y frtraiti to Ls sii rerxw_f nt+t't~t sad cif rirt~is ~ prod preaixttrs, is tare : mat of '.~.
<br />t~renii~sfttsB f twtiei tea the it~ura~ catrxr -1-cri#r- tsaz+far map melee prseaf of lea if net made Promptly
<br />icy Bturawer.
<br />Udms Lrrader ctrl Borrower otherwise agree in wntit~, insuraatsr proceeds shall be applied to restwatiat or repair of
<br />tic ppohrtY dsmapd, provided stint ttstontron or repair n economically feasible and the security of this Mortgage is
<br />apt tMrNry iespaited. Sf sach reaoration or rgrnr is ntu ecamomicatty feasrtrk or if the security of thu Mortgage would
<br />fttt iayxaissd, tic itgYraace proceeds siatt ha applied to tfte :went sexund by ibis Martgagc. with the excess, if any. paid
<br />m fartrcower. If the Property a abatdorsed t+y eorravrer. or if eotrower farts to respond to Leader within 3J days from t}x
<br />slue tsoriee is mailed by Leader to Borrower that rice insuratce carrkr afters to settle a claim fur insurance benefits, (.ender
<br />b teutiariired ~ collect asd apply tic itttartaace proceeds at t.cnder's option either to ratoratimt or repair of the Properly
<br />ar b tine tcweis atrcwad by tiwf Aiortgaga
<br />l}aietia ftndet cad B+mrowsr oihotssise agree m wrung, say such application trf pratxeds to psirictpa! shelf not extend
<br />or pixifpuaa the tfae dais of Liss iuoathty itttittstftaents referred to in paragraphs t ctrl ? hueaf or ihange the amount al
<br />strCir iapaltnpeats. tf uadec paagrapi t S hereof the Property is acquired by Lemke, alt right, title and interrxt aE Borrower
<br />is curl to aay itrWr9aee po¢iexiea std in rind to tie Proccodx thereof resulting from damage to tars Property prior to the sale
<br />M a4~ti~OQ ahaU paai to !.coder W the extent of. the sums soured fly this Mortgage itnurediateiy prior tv such sale ar
<br />L ItiMM+allata Mi IHaifMaraaes eti ha/pstY: S.saaeiaiiq C.~i Plaaaed Udt i)ardeMeaia, Borrower
<br />ahlsN ~ tie Ptxtperiy m good repair and slat! t[ot commit waste or per*nit impairttteat or deterioratitrn of tie Propcny
<br />cart s ~ wiSit the prrtrisiom at clay lease it errs Moxzgage is ar ~ °~ftold. If thh Mortgage is on a unit in a
<br />or a piaaaed wait i'brelolHatat, Borruwe. shall perform atf c:= ttarr •xrf s abligatiana under the doctaratitm
<br />err t~satiug zee $a+'m the condorrtiaium or planruxt strut derelapmcnt, the ivy-laM~s attd regulatioit€ of the
<br />ru phaad t dsrelopraeAt, and eartstitucnt dsxunretrts. if a csvnduntioium ar ptanncd unit devefupment
<br />r h atac+tted by tarrow~ cad tuordisif rtrgether with this Mortgage, sic careaants ctrl agreeautiu ~#f such r=dar
<br />bs ~eotpgsalyd iet0 cad shall auread add attppkment the covcttaata attd agretnrettla of ibis Mortgage as if the rider
<br />a pale >t!xpxattt.
<br />~, !~ e[ latetlta'e fiaesai4'. ff Bvrrawet fails to perform the corenanta and agreeaxnts contained in this
<br />if aay aeries tvr preaatdiai is corrrmatssaf which taatarialty afttiets Lcttder's tnzcrest is the Prapeny.
<br />~ } trot lirsf®Id tea, eraiiisent daeaaiu. ituotverscy, rude enlorcersrstrt. ar aeraegaments <rr proceedings involving a
<br />iiL+a daraed~sat. !flips lslyder at isador's opiitxt, ttpan notice to Borroser, troy males such appearatraxs, disburse such
<br />tiptlyt cad -!aka pi4a1 tislioa as it araaaarY W protect i..entkr's ;ntereu, stz;:ftedityt. but eat timt[tsd to, disbutsetneert al
<br />ftttaa~a#rfe s'`a Rani cad carry trptrA the Property to make rttpairx, if Letiadrr required nzstrtga$e insurance as a
<br />Misr[ et ilal law seerutp! by tfm A#arsga#s Bart4sser .than pay tkc prcmterrnt required to taainta+n atkfr
<br />lsaataatpr La af~tipi tt attcit tint as the tt¢gtritemstrt fry such utstutitrcx tarmtrtat+c: in auerdetrx rrirh Sart~wcr'a ami
<br />