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$1-' i)t~4~0° <br />d. for txttct security of the indcirtedttess hereby sourer!, upon the request of the tnort$agee, iu sutxtssci'rs <br />¢r a5#}grt5, m0[t~N Shat! C7[K'ittt arrd deltver 8 sttpptemerital mortgage ~ ttamtgages L'OVeY11ng any additions, <br />intprovs. or betterrneitts made to the property hereittabove describe! and art property acquired by it after <br />tt~ tie hsxsxzf (~ in fornA safisfactory to moetgagtei. I?atherniare, stwuld mortgagor fail to cure any defauk <br />iti rice payraettt eaf a ptiex ~ infsrirrr on t~ property dtser'ttretl try this instrument, mrirtga$or tterc <br />sty a~ees to permit to cure such dtfautt, bcii mortgage is not obligated to do so; and such advances <br />shale hcttratee part of the indsbtethaess secured by the instrument, subject to the same terms and coi~itiais. <br />t. T'he tights created by thk conveyance shall remain in Full force and effect during any postponetaent or <br />ettttasriott of t3te tLttt of the payrtxttt of the -rtttkbtedness evidenced by said promissory note or nines, or any <br />prat thereof secutsti 6erebY. <br />f. To tvttiintuntslY maitaaio hazard ittsttrance, of such type or typts a~ in such amoums aS the mtxtgagce <br />ttiiay frvty Eince to time requitx on the improvemrnts now err hereafter on said property. and will pay promptly <br />vrttett dttt arty premiums ttiereftir- Art insurance stia[t be carried in companies acoe~abit to mortgagee anti the <br />policies and retrc+wals thereof shall be held by mtrrtgagce and have attactitd therto Ions payable clauses in favor <br />of and in form accegtabk to the mortgagee. [n event of loss, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing <br />tv marigaget, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if net made promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance <br />cotnpatty eoncertted is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such lass directly to mortgages <br />it~tear! of to mortgagor aced mortgage jointly, and the insurance proceeds, ur arty part thereof, may tx applied <br />ray mortgagcc at iu option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby scoured or to the restoration or <br />fir of the property damaged err desttoyed. In event of forsoto<ure of this mortgage, err other transfer of title <br />to said property in e>itinguishmttti of the iri~btedttess secured hereby, a'! right, title, and interest of the <br />rttort~or in and to aay insurance policies thrn in force shall pass [o the purrhasa or mortgagee or, at the <br />option of the ttitutgagee, may tx surrendered for a refund. <br />g. To ksep all btsitdings and other improvteaenu un said property in good repair and condition; to <br />pertttat, canuttit, m suffer tw waste, itnpairrtutit, deterioration of said property or any pan therrof: in the event <br />of fRaiture tff titre nBGi~[~r to keep the eiaeildiu`g3 on said t°.s-:.:,~ a:.d t:tt;se °r ::e3 ors :aid premises, or <br />ittvvpaetutt tittreott, in gciod ttpatir, the mortgages may rnake such repairs as in its discretion it may deem <br />ttere;aary fm the proper presaration ttsetttaf; and the foil amount of each and every such paymrnt shalt tx <br />iatmediately dice atxl payable: and shall lee secured by the rein of this mortgage. <br />h. To trot v<rluntarity create ur petinit to ~ created against the property subjei-t to this mortgage any lien <br />or liras inferior to the lips of this mortgage without written consent of the mangagce: and futhcr, that mort- <br />gagvr will kelp and rrraiittain the 5amc fret from tht etaim of ail persons supplying labor err materials far can- <br />- structitm of any arisf all trstildiirgs cx ,mj#avementa now ticeng steered nr to tx tressed tin said premises. <br />i. T'a curt rem ur assign arty part of she rrnt of said tnartgaged property pr demolish, or remove, or <br />substamially alter any buikfing without the written consent of the mortgagee. <br />j. Olt aatards of ~ its a<aarmetiur€ actth airy camietonuiun for public use of err injury to any of the <br />prtty ~ to the i*_g~eart hsreliy a~igp~d and shall he paid to mortgagee, who meY apply the same io <br />pttytaettt of the ir~taltwctats laxt dtce umrkr said trots, arW mortgage is hereby authorized, in the name of the <br />~rtgatgt3r, to execute amd dsiiver valid aogiuttasss:es thereof arul to apps~l from any such award. <br />k. t~ ttt>lagce shall tattve tSte right to i~~t the tririrtgage~: prprtis°s tie aqy ress€~ttable tiin_. <br />1: "f'aY-with she p€vv rif antel~ase if t t is on ~ leiald, !f this Ivtort~age is on a <br />user iId a s~ondwt-irtium err a ptatttiui unit devetaptnent, Harrower shill perform ail of borrower's obliitations <br />tt the dtedttruiort ax ti-vatcrtattts crtatiog as governing the cruttdaminium or planned unit dtvelapment,the <br />b~bci~ attd r~ttlatittas of tits txx-dvtsirriutn err planned unit dtveloptnent, aced cortstitumt dowtnents, <br />2. f)efa+th in any of the covenants ur csrnditiorts of this instrument at of the note err loan agtetncnt secured hereby <br />shalt tt'tt~ati; the mort~tu's rigiu to passtssion, use, aril enjoyment of the property, at sire option of the <br />r# a39ig¢ts {jt string a~re+;d that the motgagor shall have such right until dtfauk). Upoa any such <br />thtt'auk, tlx ttt~tgagee shat! tzec<uee tl~ awrtcr of ail of ttre ants attd profits accurirtg after default as sccttrity foe <br />the s~~rrcd htirelry, avith th:: right so enter uptiri said property fear she purpasc c>f calicsting such <br />tapes apd profits. Ftmt itistrumext shalt operate as an as<signmcnt of any renters on said p-ottertY to that aetesit. <br />3. tf the t;aortgrigor defaula~s, and fails to make any paymertu when dace or to conform to and tamjity with any of <br />tic onpitas yr ~ coatai>tad in this mcrrtgagt or the notes which it secures. then rite entire pritta'apat <br />tlttgt atad aticreed i>ett altaCJ at nacre bect~me titre attd payable, and draw * per cent {_3.s,_S~i interest <br />t4_ i~ t_ pad at tins: ~Ot4n of tits struts;asett and thds mrvrt~t`e tnay theret-pori ere forcel~ed tmtttediateiy <br />ftx chE w itf the i hertity ~, ii~iudittg the cost of erstettding the abstract of title from the <br />duets vt tip canine to the rinse of c~vtttmer saceh suit.. l~iner:eeti anrdl oae-hat £ percent <br />+t, t~ t a+tsati a$ a tit tat dstfaeslr as pteiKidad ht~Fitt, tt~ torttU6aittc soak at catcee be etttitlerd to rho pvs- <br />stxsitta; , attd er~!tarnt of tits real etctak aftxtasis! attd to the rent, issuer, royalties, aced prufus thereof, <br />tt+9rtt the of n~ rf and dttriag tt~ pp~ of for~~to~wre proi.^eedingS aml sui"h paistssions, etc-, <br />S~ ~ i sta. ~a,,,tO tbtt tf~trtlgtigp!a upon rtgttest, upon taihtrt such delivery of such pisssression story tie <br />~+ ~F aaY appxvprsate prooat'itti>tk Itif:liidrtt$ & rKYtVtt for tlce p[caperty. <br />5, per ctf arty sstle ttf' said prop~tity in a~etsrdatxx with the , sts'e~ing pu~aphs hail t~ applied first to <br />IIrtY-tkg f ti~$ ~ OI S7LM~ sst~a, t~ fltpitnGES ititatrrtd by the mortgigx for xtce purps~e of protecting ai <br />' ~"r€~, ~. fa t i s~'ur«~ h>~as~sr- ~ttd tlttrdiy, to l>a> olio wrplus .x <br />}~ s tit tl~_ _ <br />