<br />
<br />Tl~ nth ttsad~ and ertteiad-into this 3ast day of ,_ 3u~
<br />~- t31 _ !-q ate ~ Jataeffi H. tfearils, ZZI and Faye D. itEazin, Husband and
<br />~~
<br />Marred to as-rr) ttsttft.;crn!trtterciat hltYtiortal Bank and Trust company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />tttortg~a}, who tnt-hrtteins an office and piece of btssittess at 4z4 K. '!`bird St. street in Grand Island,
<br />Hail Gcstrnty, Alebraska.
<br />~t'Ct9''t. first for flu cott3ideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor
<br />dCes -i~al4pge, se)l, gaati, assign, attd convey urrio the mortgagee, its successors aad assigns, alt of the fvi-
<br />d~ property situated and being in the County of till l
<br />State of Nebraska.
<br />Let Thirty (343), in Block "D", in "Park-vier Subdivisiem", located
<br />i.n the: T,tor~r+emst quarter (NP.~) of Section Twenty Nine (29), and the
<br />liprtiawrest Quarter (i7FP's) ai: Sectissn 'Ilrenty Fight (28} , in Totmahip
<br />Eleven {ll}, Nor`-b, Rand Nlne (4}, west of :.lte Sixth F.M., Hall
<br />(3ounty, Netsrasita
<br />[fir with aft rite #tasctnertts anti appurtettattces t#uret. k~lvirtg, al) t~ rents, [ssst~ arsd prefits rheteat, and all
<br />ls, its, royahies, trtitw:rsil, ail attd gas tights and profits, want, water rights, attd water stack. and Including
<br />~ h~tuzg, 1'tatrr~°:~ refri~rstivn, ligRting< ~uitcnt and _ll !f?ztures }~# every ri~riruh,n taelsrnging tt_s the
<br />ar ~it~ att~ r}~rato ~s i== si~r,~sti~sn with-the pr~tises i.erein de~-rib€xt sstxi in addition
<br />iiscreta tits s`t~lowing dcscrit~d prttperti~r +~hic:h arL ..::s ~,haii he deertte=•! as ire i'ixturs~s and a parr rtf th€ rgaltp. an€#
<br />a €rurs ~~ rtsiiy flu .ire i€~t~ tom,. . iii ~. =rye "n-"} ;ire
<br />To larva atxi to hold the same unto the Martgagse, as herein provided:
<br />'the ttstutga~ is lawfui)y stizod aad. posxeysct) of and has the right to sell and convey said property; that the
<br />saase is tree from aii aneutaixattcsa ezCept as hereittabave recited; and that Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />ddesd the title aforesaid thereto and every part rhereaf against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Ti~_~ss given to seture the pay°tnent of a promsssory note dated -~. July, 31,1981 _,__.___._
<br />i3l iAe typal wm o€ 5 $o,(H?(3.QO ---._-----_._____.__,____. signed try _Jaates H;.Gi~ r~ial. IIILand Faye D-
<br />in beAaif of __.._...__.__.__Ttt~ctlve8 ,. _.__.-____...__.__..____..-_-----._. _..____.__._ _---~.._.._-.. _._ ...__..__._ _ -_iieaxin
<br />else, ~ such ~t car aot~ rusty fra®-rims to riots he tttuciif~; ren~eci ar exttrtded in writing.
<br />tE the ewmrc the retie to said rtai ettate is ttattsferred, or contracted to be transtereed, from the undersigned for any
<br />ttat or ~ tut)r ttac#hod whatsoever, the entire prittcipai sum attd accrue( interest shall at ot~e becatae due and
<br />tt€ firs citt;7n~r s~ fire bcilder h~reaf. ~siiu~e #o i'rtercise this option ber~uae vi tratasfer of title as a'[ro*e stat~i
<br />~ro~a ~ ~# ttitute st waiver v€ Ilse right to eatcr;;irse rise same in rite treat of any su;as~uent traaafer.
<br />t, Thr: ts•,~ and atgrc~s at< t~?l~a+xs:
<br />" F f t t evid~ i'y said nrtamissory Hate at- else tines and in ~ manner
<br />b, io isay aii taste, asments. wat$ rates, and other govcrnnteata) or tnrinici)>al charges, fine, ~sr
<br />itttposdt, fex srihiCh #toyis~ats rtes Hat txen rnadt hereirtbefore; and vrill ~orttrtly deliver the officix! rCCY,{Ss:
<br />th~ef~ to tttc -tn+artt.
<br /><. fob ~ amt fs~ t~Y in ira;urr~ ltt #lu trrcrtt*ct:e>tt and rstaintertats<e c+r :aid t*rslxs~i,
<br />_ ~. ~:~: _ t€~ €~ t es;l~e:. ct att~ rr all ~:t tt-.a ira.'ahtedt?c
<br />' ^tsted, rsr+su~It»ure tsy° tttCrrl~`; sale. ar itftttt d*rch~~rii:rr«s;<.:*t ist ass. ,rl<~~s i=tst;,stsc,a~ ~.es t,r,:*Gertl~s;;
<br />afte.:rrr skrtd trcriaetre
<br />