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~.. <br /> <br />~_. <br />~j~ {~i?39f3 <br />IN TiiE DISTRICT COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY, NEIIRASKA <br />STATE DF NEBRASKA, ex rel. ) Doc. 337 Page 240 <br />PAt~ L. Dt>tIGLAS, Attor~y General , ) <br />) <br />Relator, } <br />} <br />y. ~ ORDER <br />KEIfN€Ttl L. FERGUSON, Register of } <br />Deeds, Lancaster County, Nebraska; ) <br />G. HAROLD OSTLER, Register of Deeds, } , c ,.. .,. <br />Doug] as Gounty, Nebraska • SHARON ) ~~ ~ OfFIS..• t ;yt .i ':~^~sRT <br />tANCASTfa ~L'JitY. '..LFt~. <br />LEMl4ER, Register of Oeeds, Adams } ~ A <br />Gounty, Nebraska; J£ANN FISHER, ) F~ L G ~ <br />Register of Deeds, ball County, ) J~lL2:3t'~;:1 <br />Nebraska; FL6YD RI GORGEN, Gounty ~ AN~il1q HAa-tN <br />Cleric, Merrick Gounty, Nebraska; <br />MERLIN G0ER1NCa, Gounty Clerk, No~vard } ~i~~ <br />Ccwnty, Nebraska; MARGtlRY V, s3!_~18ERG; ) <br />Rt~ERT E. BLOMBERG, JR; THOMAS F. } <br />~ual,~f r„~„re S, r~~attir_; MIC_.NAEL ~ <br />PAW.OSKi; LARRY JONES, ~ I <br />Respondents. ) <br />Shit matter came tan for hearing cjn June 30, ]981, at the hour of 1:30 <br />p.a., upon the Malian for Sum:aary Judgment filed by the State of Nebraska ex <br />re]. Pau] L. Douglas, Attorney General, Relator. Present at the hearing <br />rare G. Roderit endersan, Fissistant Attorney General representing the <br />rea]Lor, Margory V. ~it?~erg, Robert E. Eilamberg, Jr.; end Larry Jones. The <br />fi]e refletts that all parties received notice of this hearing extept the <br />respondent, Michae] Paw]oski, ~"~=se Interest wi]] nai tie aajudicated herein. <br />E.i mss addutp~', int]uding =-xhibits 1 through 3+3, being Certified <br />spies bearing lire seal of the respective register of deeds ar ccunty clerk <br />of purported "can law liens" filed by the respective respondent lienors. <br />+..:-s.µ,~l 'Also received in evidence were the pleadings in this matter, being the <br />petition and answers of the respective respondents. <br />~', ; <br />•. • _ ,. THE CdURT ! I f~S <br />The Court has jurisdiction of this action and the parties hereto and <br />,. ,. -.t~lat thr Attorney C~nerai of the State of Nebraska is authari~ed to bring <br />-~tiii3 action. <br />- That a]] parties received proper notice v-# this hearing •.;ith the <br />exte~tion of l4iChae] Paw]t~ski who was eat served with sua~rrans anti] flay a# <br />11, <br />That there is nn genuine issue of ssaateridl fact and that Lhe only issue <br />is a~ of lsa, that being the legal effect of the purported "common law <br />]ice' fi]ed by the respondent ]ienars. <br />.~ , <br />~~~+ <br />