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~~--~ ~1~t~~~~ <br />IN THE DISTRICT COI#RT OF LANCAST£R COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />ST~rTf Of NEBRASKA, ex rel. } Doc. 337 Page 240 <br />PAIN. L. D4h4~.AS, Attorney feneral , ) <br />} <br />Relater, j <br />Y. <br />KEPlN£TH L. F£RGUSON, Register of j <br />Deeds, Lancaster County, Nebraska; j <br />C. HAROLD 05TL£R, Register of Deeds, } <br />Do~cglas County, Nebraska; SHARUN j <br />L£r1MER, Register of Deeds, Adams j <br />,County, Nebraska; JEANN FISHER, } <br />Register of Heeds, Hail County, } <br />Nebraska; FLOYD M GORf:£N, County ~ <br />Clerk, Merrick Cuuntp, Nebraska; <br />MERLIN C~E#tIN&, County Clerk, Howard j <br />Cssunty, Nebraska; MARGORY Y. 81(I~iBERfi; } <br />ROBERT £. 814ER6, JR; TIiOMAS F. } <br />M~I~; ~*:~ S M£HRIru:. MIC}IAFL 1 <br />FAldLDSKi; LARRY ,TONES, r, ) <br />ORD£R <br />(AMA' ~1'E~7 ^CJF;1", ~uFU«; ,A <br />i ~~.~i.J <br />JUl a 31D~. t <br />KANr~RA HAf-i,~! <br />~~ <br />Respondents. <br />This matter came on far hearing an June 3fl, 19Bi, at the tour of 1:3fl <br />p.m., upon the Motion for Summary Judgment filed by the State of Nebraska ex <br />rel. gaol L. Douglas, At*.~rney General, Relator. Present at the hearing <br />were 6. Roderic Anderson, Assistant Attorney General representing the <br />real tor, Nargory Y. Blomberg, Robert E. Blomberg, Jr.; and Larry Jones. The <br />file reflects that all parties received notice of this hearing except the <br />respondent, Michael Pawl€~ski, whose interest will nut be adjudicated herein. <br />~_.:.~r_~ , ncl;,.d;..,, Exhibits 1 thrni~ah 3D, taeir~r~ certified <br />copies bearing the seal of the respective register of deeds car county clerk <br />of purported "common law liens" filed by the respective respondent lienors. <br />Also received in evidence were the pleadings in this matter, being the <br />petititm and answers of the respective respondents. <br />TF~£ C ~'RT € INtI§: <br />The cart has jurisdiction of this action and the parties hereto and <br />tilt the dettorney general of the State of lebraska is authorized to bring <br />tl4±s ac? i+~tu. <br />That all parties received proper notice of this nearing with the <br />exception of Mishagl Pawioski w6wF was not served with sumrt~ans until May of <br />1~1. <br />That thtrrr is ~ genuine issue of material fact and that the only issue <br />i> ore} of law, that heitzs} the legal effect ~sf the purpearted "cthnmen law <br />1i~s~ €il ~ tn~ r~{;.,e~,~,~t 1'ie~r~. <br />1 <br />