<br />~i~~l~,r~~~
<br />Le,~idet'3 vxtittea egret tx ~ law. )itt[ztsa+er tdtail ~sy flx F- n;ru cf all tsmrtgags ittvsartrx gsremistsss ir: the
<br />ttta[n[pr ptoyidcd under paragrapf[ 2 tterenf.
<br />Aap a,~-,tz,~'s d Say Tender p=~rsnattt to the para~ra3sit ', Tv+sh stntreat ttmeart. sha3i become additi[xta3
<br />i[~ of Basrtyiver securext by this .t+joaigage. Units•t &xrtswer ar~# Lender 3gm to atfxr terms of payr„ent, sxh
<br />ate shah he pa;a6de upru[ ttaice ft~[[t txndsr to 8orrawer requesting payment titerenf, and shah hear imcrnt from the
<br />tiara ttf ~ al the rate ~yaiEie frvm time to titre ort autstans$stt principa3 under zix Nate tmFe.ss payttsextt of
<br />'tate~ at s[tch rate rvaald be cotttraep to ap~iabie taw. in which event xtrctt atttat:nts xha33 hear irttetest at the higixst rats
<br />P tmxSet applacai[k Isw. Nerihirtg crmtai[ttd in this paragraph ' shal3 require Lt€tder to incur any ezpetsx or Yakt
<br />anp' aexfwa htSl23~.
<br />l0. Leader map ttsake or cause to be made rtasonaitk entries upon and inspections of the Praptm•. gravidtx3
<br />that Lemder sttaR give ilontiwer notice prior to anv xtxh instiextian aptcifyine reasonats~ catixr there4ar related to S.r:ndt:'s
<br />insertst to Fhe Prrtperty.
<br />9. Cam. 'The proceeds of any award ar claim far damages. ¢trect nr cctnseque:ntial, in :-antuetian wiett any
<br />coredetatlation or ether tal<irtg of 4he Praperty, ar part thereof, ar for cartvcpaitcz to {iru of eandeatnattan. are hertlav assigned
<br />and shall Sx paid f0 t.ttder.
<br />jn the event of a ttatal taking of fix Pr€[prtty. the groceeda sha8 tae applied to tht slims seciircd i,y this Mortgage.
<br />ax'aih the estxss, if any. paid to Borrnxver. in the event of a partial taking ,af the Propene. vnltax Bcrrrc+wer ate i.entitr
<br />other+aiae aRre~e in writing. then shalt ht applied to tht surtES secured by this Mortgage st~h gropattisxt of the proceeds
<br />as is etiuai to that praportia+r which the airuwm of the sums secured by ibis ~4nttgage imtmdixttty pn.n to the data of
<br />taking tESastt to lift fair market value of the Property immediately poor to the ;face of ;akmg. with the balance of the gmceeds
<br />paid to )ftxrosrrer.
<br />if the property ix ahettdov[td 4ty 8nrrrnver. or if, after notice by Sxrider ro 8ormwer that the rnndemnnr rafters to make
<br />an award exr settlt a :isim far damages. Harrrtwer fads to rexpnrid to tzndtr within t(! days ahtr tht date such notice is
<br />raaiied, Lender ix atrthorazad to uipect grid sppiy the proceedx. at S endtx'x aprion, ether to restoration ar repair of the
<br />Pmpern or to the xEtttts sscured by ttti~s i{angage
<br />Gtnlesa £.ender grid 8tsrraser cittptrwiu a{trts in u-ruins, anv each agpttcation of proceeds to principal shall rttrt a:trnd
<br />w poapctex ttrc due date .,f the taenthSy imtaitmrnts referred to in ;,aragraphs and '_ hereaf or change the amount of
<br />such ttnsaNnsextts.
<br />ffi. Ifas~esat ~i Fatfsas[i. Exienxton of the time far tastnen€ .,r madiftcannn <,i arttarttutian of tht satire secured
<br />hp thtx Mtxsgage granted M' S.etu3tr to any sucuxaar an interest :•f Rorrnw,<r shaft ram operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the Siahility of the urigEtEa3 Borrower and Barrawrt's suettssors !n interest. S.cnder chaff rani t,c rex{uirtd to ctxnttxntt
<br />rxnceedU[ea sasittst arch stttxesxor nr refute to extend titre for gavmcnt or ;,thtraist modify amnrtivatinn of the sums
<br />created by this !Nortga;ie M' rtassin of anp dtmatx3 made "rv the ~,riQanaf Bnrn,wer and f3nrrnwe.=s successors to inttrtsi.
<br />ii. lrasittri~ea iy Lem' 3ef a ~alxTr. any fartxearatr=e by i antler in exereising anv right nr retnexiv herrEmder. nr
<br />ixthetsrise atktrded ivw appt3cshle taw, shall ern he :~ weever ~•t ,r grtrltxie ttx exereist ,af any such right or remedy.
<br />77te ptot:itten[ett[ +~ itrsstrarscs tx t~ payment c,t taxes nr ~,ther I:i'tis c,r hart4rs t-t !.ender 4hat3 oat kae a waiver of i.ender's
<br />right to acre3e.YUe the matttritp ?,f rile indehesdness sect:rcd by this tfnngaae.
<br />t2. fte~wiM[nt ~ A3l rrsnesites S+ravedrd ~n this 4tnrt{Tage :t re distinei noel iumutative to any ether right nr
<br />reoceafp under €his Mort;sge sir attt,rs3sd by law „r rquity uncl may he exercexed .x,iis urtrntSv. indepent~ntty nr statcessively.
<br />i3. 9tareasseas trtf .~edsas Aoaxdt Jtt~s gad 4treral t.ia~ft: €"~+ Tilt i;7vrnants :,rid agreements heron
<br />i^asrttaitted xhaii tiimL amt fix tights hercuixier sh€t3t ,ni+re ta. the rexpt.•t,vr a+n:ce+usrs and asxignx .ef S.utdtr gird Bormrver,
<br />suti{erY to the prctvasxrora cif paragraph f' ture,if 1St cixvenants and attrretttetsts „f Bsirrowts steal! tx unnt and several.
<br />list captxmt atxt lreaciings of the paragn:tits .,f ,his 'Ttnrtgagc ere °nr :onvrnirmr =+nk' .loll art not to be used to
<br />intKpR! trt ikt'ttet ttx pravtsinus hertnf.
<br />14. '-tiYtkY. Est'tps for anp stot,ce rtgiuresl under appticahte tau- tr, t+e K!vrn sn another mantxr, tai anv notice to
<br />Sksrrawtr pmvtded for rn trigs '.iic?rtgnge et+ait tar given t+v maalins ,ash nx+r+cr by rs-rti$ed mat! addrexsed ui Born>wx•r at
<br />the Property Address +ir at .ueh oNher addrexs ax $nrrr,wrr may dexaitnate hy. r,ir;irc to !.trader as pn'avidtd herein. and
<br />th} anp npttc~ t;. f~sxftr xhaii fir given fly c'ertt3ted rzzari. rct€trn :Kti{,t rtqucsitttt. t•i t cncier's ..dairess anted tieretin or to
<br />such cxher atidrrss as Linder may drxignatt by i~fic+" to 3}arreru~tr as grna,dnf htrem any n~icc pnni~cf far ,n this
<br />!4tnttgsge xha3i trt vkemcd iii hssr t,trxt grven to liarrowrr or t citdtr ,vhtn t€ven in rite manner designated tserain.
<br />t3. (,=T~rittn ,~ C;osstteitg [.te[s;'~erer[~f}. tl~at+ #-,rite „{ rtrrtga~ ~c,tnfnn~ unifttrttt cuveaanta for natianai
<br />;ice any -~r~tt-nito.~ +:.•i`~: =sn .s wi4!t :imt~.: £-ari~.^~t='-K r° r-~l~'-~ta t- +~`tegt•`-+•tai a :enzforrrt ~uraty insrrttmeni cavtring
<br />Wit;. ?'fte'« -'sr`tgsgr ~:a13 S>£ pax°rze;€d try *h€ ,«y;,i ttt>= !:trt+dztti,~n •n ;•his.h tht Pt~penv ,< located- In tPtt
<br />€"~£"!!! `[4tat araj' gta?t~t#.t[ln N' C'i3tttsc c,t fhix ietarti~a>ic e,i f{tc :.te ~ctn -"t9 .si23i - gpeh'i. R ia=~. s;iii' - ^ri ici sf-~=i :~ =i a,~ t?
<br />~~ ....,_. _ .vt +h~ w_ at. ~ ,u x~ htf»~ ~.,-,;,h ~t ~ .~+v~tt et[rec: wuhtzut tttt ~cmflteting provision, goer to this
<br />avid the pmvrsitms x?f the lti44ttrt;girt aex3 the Mote < •.lectsred a+ ht stvtrai+3e.
<br />ifs fjNt6at~IbF"C C.wpy, Siktrrrrsarer xhait !:~ i :rr-..#-.~ - r+tc,rmtd ~epy of lire cue a~ of this ?~or~gagc sz the 4it~
<br />,,f eaecutsm nr after rcctxdaticat itenrsst.
<br />t7. ZVnEp~ar act ~e ptyuty; As[ree[tisr. Sf nit or anp part csf the PrnPer4y or an tnte:r:att thtretn is snit! or transferred
<br />by 33t~rowar wnlxxit t.estder's prior wrt[Stn :nnxnt. t:xchrding 1xt rtes creation of a tiro x ettcumhrttnce ?<vubonhnat.-. to
<br />this htitirlyRye, tt+3 tilt cieattost of a pttrchasr: itnineY security ,nttrest for hatrsehold appliances, ic! a tnnsftr by dtvESe.
<br />ate ar by aptratstus cif Saw uprm the drath +if a ic,sM tenam as +d i ins grant of anY leasehold itxetest of torte years nr less
<br />m>a caaeUaaaista an optettet to purchase. Lcetiier may. at Lendtr's upttsm. dutare a!t the sums xxured by thin Mortgage to ix
<br />+a[atetlasuiy d[et and yayal#. t.rs[dct shell have. warred sash i:ptitm to atttlera[e +f, prior to the sale nr trarafer. Lender
<br />gad the pttsan to wltatg rise ikaperty ax to he uald cu trans{ererd reach agrertncnt in wrung, that ttx credit of such pesarnE
<br />ix [itaffaG2Wy as f.ctte6ts ,md t`qa[ the intt*etu payable an tax sums secctutd by this Mortgage shah Tit at sireh rate as Lettdtt
<br />x~ai! r+~ts~. if t,t !*~ wnt~l t~ opt~,n €n a~••ce3rratr prttvidetf tat this paragrapt[ 37. and ai liarrrnrer's stxcesaor in
<br />intermt teas eaest:~d a waittca aastrraptitxt asreatotnt acc'eptcd in writing by Lender, i.rnder shat! release Borrower from all
<br />ct68gtatia[u utsdor Chas ifeirtgage Band thr None.
<br />jf ieadet tae~z-isea xtxtiY csgstimt tsy ax-x-xierate, t ettti~r shall tftatt Burro+rer ncxt~r :,f acce~rattcnt m asxerdance with
<br />~a}geph l4 htrtttf. 5tech ttt[ticr xhali prtivt~ a ptrtttd cif oat less than +0 dais frrnn the date ttx rwtiwt°is mailed within
<br />vtrbach @tptntr`tt tnaY pay ilea soma dtsetar+ed due. tf Boerttwer fatal to gay xttch svtm pnar in the eapifatirm of such periad.
<br />L tsapr, witty tmYhen nx»tee tyt dtmsad an BOrrtrwes, mvake gray re[tttdlts permitted by paraart[pit l R hereof.
<br />i~as-'xs.~r~+f:6 ti.~i-t~'A~`T~. ~oirrsF.Y~a a-~i l..ii`°r ..~rd>` €v. =i. d adrt°. s'~ f~g±.~#EY •.
<br />it6 ~ ~ ~~ tw i~ ~ petat(rajrl[ t9 hmoE, ~ iGatrowet'r 8srwci elf nay ravaESas~ fir
<br />elf ~istssseas iM tale tits roseitE~ab to pay wirers elate at liar seeesai by tiY '1lttelfalte.
<br />t t~ h- ~ agtM Eeat{ee as ~ e+s jisavitiad l! paea~i 11 hereof ~y~ i!i tt~ brrrlt
<br />{~ih- •efies rea~seA t!e ease are! fratsrlt f~i a tLNt: sat- leas tta[w .pf trees tats daM the aetlce i aeatirA let aena+ert,
<br />Yg reif~e staei iwosfe usats is errel3 atsd t+fi fir fttOess ro t•atx taarft irrrci eta w tsstsse fir dMe s*etffsd it tie nostte
<br />reltsg atisitfte ~ ref tie sseel[r ss>vwa~i by tlir .'-Nash ftti-a[eMs~e irT ~~ P sal erle elf ilea Prsq[att;.
<br />'f#rt taste ttteai! tsb~eis fiaarwars ~ Mart et/ie ~ rarWe rftK asxrisrttfire ssni rite eft tr. ttrtsart ~ titr fesrae
<br />tla ~ elf a tisNteM a ~ antler eMfrsess e~ Ouessrar w ~ ad.leweelaWSa. n trite heeaelt
<br />ie eaR Otetrlai ea! w i[sLsaR sits i4tk ~SC1fai hs fir twfkah t.e[dw M Ittsds'r euglisa cagy dax9are a! eef tie s[eeas tieraaatd by
<br />tifit a its laesrdittar## tftr aesd gtayeleis +slNseatt t[utie: elueasad rti [~# fetrecteae ~ i.t~ar
<br />f~ tssylprr! to ceiK3ett w issN[ gs.d.Ylpl off rE[,tre[as tad lsesebsrmtr, larfeeMal[. teas tsar tie•ilaai tra .~[ of dacweMary
<br />etttrusee, aidssieiesai tNbie nisaris,
<br />i~iP~Ttss nisri Yi +~i.r. '~,,+a f ms's ~ =?a:~~ar, <~ 3?x + ~~~.# t>v the Mort.
<br />~Stetr 4 ttaxa she to hiYC ~i 6~r~~i~>#"~°r' ~'~un t` i_~~' f., 4~ft~st t!: F '~it~t~e~ :t;~:: ~.€t~tt~ a. :~S taYtt!'
<br />