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<br />t r r= <br />ura~ttaaa C.tniaratttrs. stnrttwer aed fader covenant and agtez as lit>}icwrs: <br />;, t~tra~t d ilfatipi ,rind rawer. tiorrorer shaft ptornptfy pay when due ttte prittcipsl ~ and interost an t~ <br />t GYidaB6L•~ by the Z+lote. pmEptymxat artd tart ctrargts as pravrded to tnx ttiate, and the prtttctpar trf 3~ SntPresi <br />w +aY Fttevre AdvYSas sesura# by then fttaxtaa~e. <br />1. lassda sync aataa art titaaaersre. Sublta r~ applicable law tx to a written weever by [.etsder, Borroavsr shalt pay <br />to I.tsa9Ya oa the day maathlytmtafltatetsta of paacii>at and irneresi are payable under rise Note, unit the Nate is paid in ittll. <br />a team (Art "Fttt~" } stpral to rma-tth csf t#u yEariy taxes artd asamrRenrs which tray atiaia priority met this <br />Awe. tgsd d rya oa rite Ptasperty, if any, plus ato-twNfth of yt:arty premium ittuattaunts far haratr! er~ur'a»tx, <br />pilae ~e.trrelfttr Af ygrty ptrtmitrm iorstLimeata for ttwrtgapc itrsuratrtz. if nay, art as reasonably estiatated initially and ftmn <br />time to tare bg Isader an tAt: itaae :~ a~aarrKrtts and Mils and rtxaonabk estitrsates thereof. <br />Tate F attati kre hehf is an itatitutian tttt tfeposits or arctsunta of which are itrsu[ed or grtaranttxd by' a Fedtxai or <br />ata9e a;eatyy (itscftadertg i.eader if irrtdtr ea such an ittstitutioctl. t.ertdtr snail apF!y the Funds to pay said taxes, asatssrtta:ts, <br />i psrsa~ttnsa star: gr•atrtti tarts. Ltrtder tray not cturge for tat balding 4:sd applying the Ftrttds, analyzing said account, <br />tx tnailyet~ and rnmpefitag ssid asaramtRts and isiAa. unku l.etsder pays Eforrowzr int¢teat ten tix Fiends and apptiuble tar <br />pte>s~s i.eadet to ttrtrke sarctt a etsar~ t~rtrnver and I<srder :nay agree in wreting at the time of zxecation of thin <br />that iE#errlt on the Fitt9da sue!! hC pard to Sorrawss. arsf uttkrs such agreetne:st ii made or aQpiecablG tar <br />rbgsterta tradt itatersst to be peed, I,ettder shall i!at tic required to pay ~orrowzr any interest or earnirtga an the Funds. Leader <br />shaft to BorrASSer, wrthottt charge, an annual axxaunttns of the Funds thawing crtsdits and diets to rite Funds and the <br />pttrprtae far vhieh nett ddxt to the Funds was made. The i=utxis are pledged as additiorsal security for the attms secured <br />hY thin ~o+tlate. <br />if the aasauat of the Funds hdd by txndsr, tt>Etetwv with ttx future rtaonthiy ;rtstalimeata of Funds payable prrar to <br />rite dne data xrf taaa. asaemtrramta, itttasratrtt prettsruarffi and grrvrtsd rents, shat! szceed the amount requtmf to pay said taxes, <br />sR4, ttattrmce prntnitams and ground rents u they tai! dire. such zscess ~}ralt h, at Rorrawzr's npnan, either <br />praarptty rzQasd to 8sxrorset ar cts~led to titxtt>+-~r rn tnanth#y +nstalirncnts of Funds. if the amswnt of the Futtak <br />Add b'Y Leader shall trot fie stttliceimt to {»y taxes. asmesataerrts. xttsuratne lxrtrtteuma and gntxund teens as they fat! due. <br />tttutowershal! pay to l.entkr any amount ntceaaarw t<, males up t!x dtfic~=ertcv wuhtn 10 dayx tram the date aaxitcz is math <br />by l.aadet to Bort'oret requtanrtg payment thtreat <br />Uprsa payaeat in full xif al! sirens secured bw this 'Nanga~e. i coder shaei pcarrttttly rctund to prxrrowsr any Futtda <br />tsdd hY fxssder. If under patayrayrit IR htr~t ttx Property ,. xxld ,+r the Prnpsrts ,} xhsrurrx xqutred txy Lender. bender <br />stadt apg~. tso laser titan rattpediatsfy prtcx tea the ,ale nt the Property :x =ts acquwzttxs by i.snder, env Fiusdrs hstd by <br />E.estAer as ifre erase at appfarasxsn as a crstkt against ttx sWrii x>:;;xcsf hs this 34t-n- <br />3. d M`a}wtaffi t rnttsa apptis:ahis taw samr ales =:thtrwrsz. art paY°®errts rciersed Yv t,trufer utsdsr the <br />Nr~ aatf ,r =~„°~:, :and 2 hrzexaf s.,att to dppt;et! tr,° !_endr: fits: , : ;,,ast n-r:t ; . stiwnts pavahiz t:r i crxdcr by ncrrc>t~r <br />ussder ptuspraph ~ iseraot, rhea to interest }xayahk .zn ttx `tixae- :hcn,tx, the ixtr~spai i.t the Ncxe. atxt tt~n tc interest and <br />ptraapal am nay FtAtsre Advancer. <br />@. f t3nas tfasrrewtr =_haii pay aft ;aa,<s. -trr-sstr~r:x€ ~:so .:ihc; -. ,.a=mss `<r~s dn-3 :,^.t~xasta,:ts attrtbutabk tci <br />the Ptapatty srhir#s tinny attain a prtorirp oust this .a*tsxtga¢e. arm itYVedtx~tsf ,^-avmecas .a itrtnrml rsntt, if anY. to rise rrtanatr <br />rru+orsded tattdsr paragtraph 2 htreni ~+r. at trot paad to such maetnsr- rv ifrxmsest rnaktrrg parmer», when dire. directly fa ttre <br />papR tfetY~, ~ttrrttsrtr shall ptwnfrtty turnxsit ta+ l_cnder a!i ncuica x•t zraaums ~"r utlde3 this. paragtapri ate! its the erect <br />Baesasrtt shadi rpaitt paYmena ditatSy. titnrowrr snarl nrxvttDt ty turnrsh : s.eaaer re~espts ewwferuma such parmcnu. <br />Storrosaer sfrsl! pro®ptty dacrhtva any tt+en ,+~h><h has prisx its' :»tr tnr. 4lsxtgag+r. ..row:,leer -hat Htxrwwer whatS riot kre <br />rerpwted ta+sisclutrge nay ssxf7 isen .,as kcxttg as ifelTtawCr shat! :,grrc r^ ~rrt=ng ;;3 =hr ratrttrnt „t !hr .~hitKatsxn .a>:uttti by <br />stsctt hale rn a rnastaer aca~ptahie to e.ctrder.:+r shall in gcrcul faeth ..,rxtrct sxa;h irrra hs..x .fetenrf entnrxxmcot nr s¢rih itzn en. <br />ie~al pttscoadaigr whrcir +°rpefate tct INew~nt .tic rniaraxmrnt u! ~hr s.rrt ,•r latYertr,rr .Yt +ht i"re+petiw ,.~r .,m part rltetraf. <br />4. NMaed ttsaaatar[e. Norrawsi shall k>xp rise ,mprosxtrKnts n„w etcstlnp +.r ~~ertatter rrrctcd nn ttxs Prt,t,rrtt' tenured <br />a tote t±y tsre, itaziWa rtrcdtttkd x-tthsn rite ecem -:-strzx~•* ~+?w-tam gnat i+. ;'h .,tfiir ha: ars4s _a t sndcr ~*ta3 rex}uars <br />and ea ancst safsxunrr attd f ~ +txw.h prrtxxfs ax i.ertsiet tnay ttq u;m. Erns afro. ;hat l rmtrr +hait nsxi rrVUirr tiaai the amount nt <br />strch =_a~e exceed treat amtaunt c1 nstxratts tcys~.sed to lrttw !'~ ,sem£ ~~,jrret ns sra, 'etsrtgags. <br />Y'~E +^~•~^~^ carrot txovrdiritg the ittatuartcs rfrali he ~tts.»sen t» & .,,htsxt ts, agprawai hY fsnxier; prmtded, <br />teat tacit +'r +isafl nd he =tnrzasrtaaefY wNhhe~. Iii prrnxum+ ,+x .rtrtst..w~e i+cxlrcin =toil t,e pard in the mamxr <br />pts3trsdd trtsdet part 2 ltsrecat =xx_.:t :tot pouf =n sua.ti wranaet, ^t t~srj-,tom cttak:t~F €atttast: `het; dos. ~ttrectfy to the <br />~-•?' ~.'~ 4'~ t>~xt stt~ai t•~€ ~= s ~xT:xt3 ;_ i~t~-r -xr -~ €s~t~x~ ~ atartsietel ntaRea~ <br />; is fasrtr c,f arro lv .`ar~i a to i-cinder i.e€r~r ±%uu na c rte r€~n :n src+id tar ex~wiea arui rcr~.:a4 2 hiTetri, <br />~~-;~~ .a.~:i ~---- ~ reirnu6 an Ir,sder nit ___w.t rws~r3 .fit xu •~~...! {~_ trt tite_ eygnt of tas±. <br />karreret shalt give tPt raurres to tits Smuxraes - .r^~rt cost f strdet. i ender tray rTtake prcxart nt tats it not made pramptiy <br />~. <br />Uafl! t,tttititr sad ierrct++zr <glatrw;se tigtze rn Kritntsg. ,ttswruts:s prsxcasls .trail t=t• applied to rcxtaration nr repair of <br />chic ~rgtarty , pravrdatl siat.Yr iesscuatrori xx repast is ecrmotntcaify ttasettiz and the sKUrtty rsf this Nortgagt is <br />net thtta~y itatratre6. it weir rtarorrtaKm ar repaur es txs rasxstxni<atfy ttastbk cis ,t the s«utity rtt this ~tortgagc would <br />tse tapplterai. the ittaretasovur prtxaae£C shall be appltr¢d so the stYri4 securztt ;?y tars Mongagt, wrtft the excess, tf t,ny, paid <br />io ttturrsrret'. !f the Petrperty as abarrdc*nad !xr $~ruwtt..,r .r 8atrowt~ teats to rcyparasf to l.tttd=r wttfttn 3i1 days from t~ <br />state ritf4lne u nrariad by t.caster to ftorttxwtt Chas the ,rotuaM,e carrier ;rHtis in ssttk . ciarm for tnsuraau t+areters, l.etxler <br />rs sra6etmed to c-.tst#aet sad apply the enstsraM~t ptorxedm at !.cadet's :.pixm csthtr to rtausxatttm or repot ,xS the Property <br />Ar a tfSe tab secured txy tftir ~Art~. <br />Lib4asa iendet nett lgtxzrttwer otftersrtss agree :n wtttreg. any ara:h applxatwn <>f prui:ad~ to pntscepai .bail nut extztrd <br />~ }?oa?~wte t~ dt_se ~xt rite rtttamha+ ttnnentr rc~srr?~ to :n lrq~ ~„i ~ s~~,t xir ~ ltattass the amaant ut <br />tacit ttsua6ttramtr. If coder prraprapttt i tf iserrxei the Prapetty rs acquued try t.caricr, ail rigfu, title and interest ut Haut+wsr <br />is sad iA nay tmwaacr poftesest aril to ate n, the prwxerk thereof rauitiag from damage to the Propetty prior to rite sale <br />~ stsaH p~ to Lsa@et t3 tae t;42errx in its sums .smssi 'rY this btartgagt ,mmesfiaseiy poor tc: sttth salt <>r <br />i. tsraraatttir std S~tiartataaet d M',aarertyt t.eaaaiasttlq (~; Plartr.d tSaY t]intia~w+rMa. Horrower <br />r~atl ira+ep tAa Pr+eparty et getCrd repair art than trot crx~it waste ~>r per~ett =tapstxraeRt Ar deteriaru~tt of tAt Property <br />and /~ ' ++-~ the provi#ossa u# nay lease tt thrs Mtuxtgags rs +.n a ieartfutld- it this ltottttagc ix on ._ tlnu to a <br />c xtr a pad trait devefalxnrmt, ik+trAwsr si•iali ptrtrgm aei <r firsrnxwcr s obLgattaAS under the declatatron <br />-~ r~ err get fix rttadtams.Ria~ ur pay_n :.nn ~erlc~pra:nt. tree by-lawn sxttl t~uist:.Yets of tht <br />tx ptaraad ttaa ci4t+ed+nptaeat, aasf scmlttuc-tit rtacutttcnts- 1t a :<.sulsuruniwtt err planAed csnrt ctevelaprrmtit <br />rtelr is ts}t ~earsrarar attd rccordtd ta~ether with ttt:s 44sutga~, tt~ c:cvrenants arrd agteZ"ttKtrts .>t vtx:h r:dsr <br />sd# ~. rn4A aaaf tfsatl ~etd and stsgtsk¢ttrdnt rite w.crrants and agtttrrtertts of this lNtxtg+rgt as =! the rider <br />atiatg a pArt ttastae(. <br />i. wt ~ 5aataatty, if dotrowvtr Earls to psrltrrm eFue ca+rsrtaots amt aarzstrtents .rmtarnsd .n ibis <br />+ ttr !f nay ai,~47a x prtstxsafiag +s ccstt~teassrd which matcreaity afftcu f..snskYs intancst in the P<<,perty. <br />tta stet.inatiead to, stein. att~lVtrr~GY, code etrit~rt;zrrrerrt, tyr artsut~tcntzats +.xr ptrxerdinps +nvtxivtng a <br />bt~tts+~9 r°a dase~r, tttaart t at f.eadet's t?piion, upon nrxtrez tct f3artvxswcr. may tmrkt ssscft appearatxts..teahurse at;ch <br />sftAtr igpd tttitie trta~ ~ as tt ~y etx prri@ACt i.sstaier'..ntstest, :atc3trdtttg, twat tint iatrtitetf tit, distrttrserstcnt nt <br />~s ` tatty trot tS;c ~Y tsx ttta3tc ra~tsa [; under itsquttc~ trtxigape ttttuarattc~ as .t <br />a5~ip-#sf ~ thrtt s~rared fry tiua Merigape, BArrower ah;}l! Dav the prsrstiumrs rcqurrsd ttr rnaintant +=>Lii <br />irsatrwtt to tom[ ut#~ steels slate my the rr>rfuat far strrAt inxatassttce rrrtnitsates =n a2~tcatttartcc w~rth i;FCtrec+wsr a ~t <br />