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<br />~..~ kiU its #n <br />hg's s~rHixxl amt or ~ law. Boa~rawrer shalll pay the amount ak cell mortgage iasuramce prtmiuras in the <br />ttrmtter protridsd rtrtder paragraph 2 lxteof. <br />Artp arpets<rtta t+~.*~d by Ism pa;-rsuant ¢a tftis paragraph '. wrth ;atsreu tiurmn. short ir,.cotrx addiieurtaF <br />irtdelKedtteas crt Borrower secarred by 'kris Mortgage. isnkss Borrawtr arsd Linder zgr~ to other terms of payment, such <br />sraoaari shy he psyatsk upon ttot:sx from Lesukr to Bormw-er regtxsting payment thereof. and shat] bearrnterest from the <br />daEe of ~Sburaenteat at the rate payable hom time to time on outstanding principal under the Alaic imkss payment of <br />intet•~t at inch rate wall be contrary to applicable law, in which event such attsoursts shall bear ingest at the highra3 rye <br />pars carder ap;+tirea€fk Isw. Nothing ~niaittsd in Rhin paragraph 7 shat repuirc Lender to intxtr arty experste or take <br />arty action herd. <br />L btpedloe. I.eadcr may atakr ar cause to be masfe r-casanahic entries upon and inspections of the Fraperty. prcxided <br />that Lender shill give Borrower notice prior to any such iaspcctian spectfysng rcasonabk cause therefor related to Lersdtr's <br />it>West in the PraQerty. <br />9. Caesar. ~ procards of any award or claim for damage. direct or eonsequentiai, in contt~ticn with any <br />con~tttrratitsrs or other taking of the Property. su parr thereof. or fret cartsnantr in lieu of conskmnation, are hereby as~gtxd <br />and shall be paid to I.ertder. <br />[a the event s+f a rota! taking of the Propem. the prrtcaxds shad Jae applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />wish the estxsa, if any. paid to Borrower. 7n tht event of a partial tai:ing :sf the Prapcm•, unless Borrower and I.en~r <br />otherwix agree in writing, ihenc shall tae applied to the sums vec:artd by this ?Mortgage such proptxtion of the proceeds <br />as ix equal fo that proportion which the amount of the sums secured M' this \4ortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bean to the fair market value of the Property immediately pricer to the date of raking, with the isalance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrnsser. <br />tf the Property ix ahattdntted by Ba;rnwcr. er if, after notice bp• Lender to 8nrrov'er that the eontiemnor offers to make <br />an awar3 or settle a claim for damages. Bornswer faits ro respond to Lcndcr within 3~ loos after the date such notice is <br />taaikQ trader is authorized to corker anal apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to r~tatation ar repair of the <br />Propem ar to the sums xertssed by this Mortgage. <br />Unkas tender aced Horrovrxr atherwise agree in writing. an} such at+plicatian of proceeds to principal shalt trot extend <br />rsr pappone the due date of the monthly irtxtailments reterrctl to in paragraphs i and ?hereof rx change the amount csf <br />siteh instailmeMS. <br />H. Mrxrsarer :Vat Reierrei. Extemron of the rime fret payment or madiflcation ad amortiution of the sums secured <br />b thix Mortgage granted by t_eader to any succesx~r ~n intrrest of Hs*rrowYr shall oat operate to ukase. in any manner. <br />the iisbdity of the original aorrower and tiorrswcr's succexsars in interest I ender short not tae required to commence <br />proceedings against such sucrzsxca .sr rrfvse to extend time for payment ar ++tt~rwse madifv amortization of the sums <br />t~ecured tsy this Mc*rtgage by reason of sot' demand made fix- the ,~riginai t3armwcr end Bnrrsswer`s successors in interest. <br />tl. pariearrwre Ttg [arsilr ~M a Wsi+rrr. ,0.nv farheararir by Lender in escrcn,n¢ am ristht or rcmedy hereunder. or <br />?tltcr~isc affsstdsd by applitabit iasv. strait nrt ~ a waiver of nr psrcisrde the excrsise cf any s~ih right s*r retttedy- <br />~ ptsreuretsrenY cd iraurartec x the payrnerrt .,f taxes or other ?teas nr charges by I :rdcr shall not he a :varver of Lenders <br />right to acctkrate the matusiry of the rtttyeMedrsrss eerured ist thrs Mortgage. <br />12, Rtererlta Cassdtllrc. tilt reascdrn prcetded tr± ih+s Mortgage .rte .tixtinct aztd ~amuiative to any other right or <br />rcmedy urttler this Mortgage +x affsxded isv law +*r equity- and may tee ezerc:std .oncurrcntis•. ~ndependentty or successively. <br />13. art Aargsa Masi: faitat aced Sas`craf l.ia~ts; t'apiaa,+. The .revenants acrd agreements herein <br />rnnsattted shall t+ind, acrd arse rights hcnunder aha!t ;n+eze te, the tnptttive atccesss~rs and assigns +~f t coder and Borrower. <br />subpmct to the ~ovisrons of paragraph !" hrrmf. lit ::avrnams and agrermenes .,! Barmwcr shalt he faint and several. <br />71te tatsitasax oral headtngd of the paragnptss of this 44nrigagr art for tanvcn+erscc .>niy end .ire not ti. tsc tiled to <br />interpret stt define the pravisiam hereof. <br />li, Riaatca. i?xcept for say ttWisx resi:rued unskr applicable iaw~ ;u tae gtvcn +n atwthcr manner. tat any notice to <br />Borrrwer pmvtckd for in thix Mortgage shah !te given tsv mailing +w~fi n,>teu hs _rrttfied toad sddressed to Borrower at <br />the Properly AdGress ,rr at etch iKher addrrss as ftormwrr may des,gnatr hr tx+tice to I cadet as provided herein, attd <br />fbi say aaitc'¢ to Lradei shalt ire grvcn by .erutted marl, retcirn resr:t+t rrgtw*strd. ;;~ t rnckr'~ address stated herein or to <br />such ntsu as~eeas as t.earier tea>- dcsir;rrase t+s txsti;:€ t;e Born`x~tr as prese:dC.t t;eresn 0.n:• rn~tue prz.vrdcd far in this <br />Mssrtgage titan t,e dsernsxf t3 have !stern given rs Borrower r>r L+°tsdcr .v hen gtvet: in the manner designated herein. <br />tg, ~:~ ~; C.ev l~+st ~iaver,Y. T`,is tarts .,t taor•.€ra~ ,emtsisxa un,torm ioverants far na[ienal <br />s??d~ 3i4i -,°"'-Lttttts ~•In i€p!^.a:K3 •~-€t~t lLr4?itt~ .dr;$t -_- : E,'y_ 1rf _~rCilaM t[; ~g79r{;til~it. i i?altartrt 4S'CurltY FRSirt3m2m C(+Vtrlag <br />ac`rsi pry:t`:. :.~,~ ,..sRta.a~. s:.ail [:r gs'._:::cd F -°... aw ,-. ifz; :€. =.diC-it~: .n ,~h~ rF r_ :_ -= t+':'s. t n t!sf <br />event that aav ar_ovsmn stt clause of this MoReaae .}t the 'lase corttlicts with appluabk,iaw, such conflict shall not arrest <br />other presvixiaas csf rhix Mortgtage or the mare wittcis .ors tae given elfrtt .vitfttttn the ~rnnnietiag pr:svrsxsrs, sass` to tarts <br />er~3 the pritvi~ss of tlt~ t~~talSe at±d tJte ite,te are .te; tared tee he severaFsJc. <br />1tL. Meewar'a Cam. 1}ornswrr shalt tss furnished a canfarmed copy of the '.VOIe and of thts Nartgag¢ at the brae <br />of eaecutiasa ar afar rtx-cxdation hertnl. <br />[3. Tsaadat a! tie rtw~aty; Atwwa/a>,ls. if alt or any part of time Property ar an interest therein ix Bald or transferred <br />by &xrower wrihaut Ixnder's prior written ctlrtxeat. escttrding cal the creation of a lien ar encumbrance aubordina[e to <br />thix Mortgage, kttl €tsre cteatxxt of a pttrchsxc ranrtey security mtereat far household appliances, icl a toaster by devise, <br />dtmcattt or by cs(seratioa of taw irport the dtattr of a jatat tenant ar tdr the grant «f any leaxhnid in[crdt of three years or less <br />not eoataiaittg art optlsxt to putchaac, t.erttitt rosy, at Lrnrk:'s s+piiart. declare alt the sums secured by this Mortgage to ix <br />itert+es4ia4e4y due and payatde_ Ixrtder sJsali hose waivtxt such option to aueicrate if, prior to rht sale ar transfer. Lender <br />attrd sits perwn to whom the Ptaperrv is to tae sold at tnnxferrcd reach agretmeat in wasting that the credit of such person <br />is satisfactory to tender and that the intro-ss payable ssn rite sums sCCUrcd by this Nortgale shall be at xuch rata as Lender <br />slwit nlqusat. if Lender hrs waiwsd the option to :x'ceieratc provided in this paragraph I7, and if Borrowers succesror in <br />isltpl~t has c7teCtst~ a wtittea attwmption agreeatent accepted is writing by t.crtder, Louder short release Borrower from cell <br />r,raiarrs tarrs°ar fhia Mortga~ and iha :`taste. <br />[f I.atrkr exraciirx suctk aptraa its as:sxkrate, t;ndtr shall snail Borrower notice of acceleratton in aeeardaaee with <br />pa:tNraptt lA Iwtgof. Stub metres slwll provide a pcritsd ssf twr itas than ;p days from the dots the natise ix maildd within <br />at4eseR 8arran«ar tisay pay the swan daetared titre.. If Borrower faits ro pay such arms pris.•t to the expiration of such period, <br />trader tray, witittsut ferthv trotter €» deatxattd an Borrowrr, invoke any rctnedees permstted by paragraph t S hcr~f. <br />'€rift<tst tnrstexnsa- Scrr~e-r arm! Lr further ,vsaastt ate' age xs foi~trs~ <br />li ~t > ~~ as /a9rWi ~ P~+tttraM iT ir'rsei, ttptss Mrrawtds bract of ary ceverwt ar <br />ad 4 tirtr '-g+r~. ~ rice cavtetaa#a to posy wias tkre asy saws scearad by t(~ Neste <br /># !1~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ saftce is >~ w paatttiai itt p t4 tarsal spssi[r~t t [l ttic : <br />!23 Nw asNas ertpliMt[ ~ eats sstci irtasi3 tJl a taste, sW tas ricers Ji days [raw tie data rile aoltce b ataf[r0 w Mrrowsr. <br />Dg witidt trts[t >! eatssl [w x7swk ~ fd? ~! taiiwa to esrse sack tsrcarci ass a hdans tie ~ t~ la tie terstk~ <br />astlt rrarait M aatwtivaAtuo sfi tits ~ secssai f>gr tits •'. farae[aa®re b> ~aiietal ptxrc art t>rrdc ~ the Rrapstty. <br />iMa ttittik fittgrw ida~ras •easoxstu• nl rice slgitt w ratar~+tM altar aecdntstisw asd tie right to aasart is tie Faraetaaatrvt <br />+flwt ~ at s t at asy aiilaa dalatwa al Mrnaxsar b aceaiarssiiaa oral [araciawee. <p tie Eatssci <br />tM taut w atr ialasr Art +~ siprts[ieit fs tit aatEka, l.erdtr w [.eadat't a~das asaY dtw•Mx ai[ srl tie ssa's sstw+sd by <br />Nit M is itrssaitaldy dtw tart pirgaMta sxiliaW fsrtist dastard asd arty feaaciasa iy ptacaadisg. l.esiar <br />t4ttlE fro oaf race +rttlR+e4 h-r twrkt greareaditi a!! asytaw el tasrctasms, tatriailag, twi asst t4siled ta. cstMa a# datwwattAaty <br />S!JS OIrF3l~ R- ~I[ ~ + ~-+~n- w.ciARS9ia6ia~ t_$~ra~a ~ ~a.s~i ~:v."~ i't tw_a §:~tss.° ;csC`:Er°~t 1.~ r~u 1lsv.tsavr <br />a~.,r t ; r €r? l~t~ a~sv ~ __ _ ~.F t±~~t3tt hfr t.ersdar en erefCsre~+e thta ~itsrtgage drsccKSttirtas~ at any trine <br />