<br />
<br />U~ C:c++verxr,~ts, l$orrawsa xrx0 Lersdet c~o9srtant, arsf agree as frrifsstrrs:
<br />L sat asd3 lateerretl. l3Fxrovre^ shall promptly pay when dot the principal of and iritereai on the
<br />inde~ednw eviderzcod'cy the Note. prelxysnerrt ate late charges as provided to the Ncxe. and Fhe principal of and interest
<br />tut aoy i'sAtse Advances reettsed by this FArxtgage.
<br />1. lhri ~ 7mo d lawaa~re. Subject to appik:able law ar so a wrrtrsn warner by Tinder. Borrower shaA pay
<br />~ tender on the day rrsaelhly ittuallrrsen#s of prituigal :,nd inttteu are payable arsda the Ntrtt, urttii t{u ?dote is pair! in fall.
<br />a aura (herein "Funde'°) equal to one-twetftlf of the yearly razes and asssasmenta which ratty attain priority over this
<br />Mttt~e, t~ gtaoe8 teats on the Pttsperty, if arty, pros ottt-twtihh of yearly premium instalimenrs fir. hazard irtarlranCe,
<br />phis oa~twdith ~ yearly prmauan itrstallmertis for ttsartgagr insurance, rf any. all rs rtasoaably t:stiffiatzd initially and from
<br />tuns to tune by Leander tin the !rasa of autssrrtettts anti hilts and reasonable esu:ttates thereof.
<br />llm I*"tttuh mall fee hem in an institutitsn the deposits ar acrcxrnts of which are irtsttred ar graaranteed by a Federal or
<br />atttse agretsr:y fiacitt~ng Lender if txrrder is such an ir~titutiont. bender shah apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assesameats,
<br />irawaace }^rerniarrrs aad gttttnrd raters. t:ettdcr may not charge far sa ttoiding attd applying tY.e Futrds, artaiyzitig acid account.
<br />ter vesifFting arm rxartpiliag said assessments arut buts. unless reader wt's 8orrrnver ia:creat as the Ftrt~a attd applicable law
<br />permits Letxler to matte such a cttargt. 8arrtnver atad l.etider may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />filnrt that interest on the FFtnda sbalf tee paid to i~rrtnvtr. end unless sttcit agreensertt is made or applitxble taw
<br />rsquir+es stmt irsteresi to he paid, l.end+et sdaal! not be rcqurre6 to pay Aorrower any interest or esrnings on rite Funds. Lettdee
<br />shah yes to $orrower, svitltart char, an annual accetmting of the Funds showing credits and debiu to the Funds a~ the
<br />pttrpnse fbr whrch ¢sck d~it to the Futds was rnarft. tlx Funds are pledged as additiattal security for the sums sxurtd
<br />try this btarsgtt~.
<br />If She aalOtWi of the Funds htdd by tender, tagethtr welt the future monthly mstalltrtents of Funds payable prior to
<br />xbe due times of taxes, asseasmeats, inawam'e premrtrrsts area grr+und rents. shall exceed the aatount requited to pay said taxtx,
<br />amts, insurance pr'tminms and ground renu as they fait titre. such aims shall rte, at Borrower's option, eieher
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Berrowtr cm atonthly snstallments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />!add try Loader shalt cwt fx suffrcieat to pay tug, asscsantents, insurance prcmmms and ground rents as they fail due,
<br />tlarrosver shat pay to I.arrder any amount tieceaaary to make up the etehctencs' wtthrn 3U tfays from the date notitt is mailed
<br />by Lt~da' to Borrestaer regFSestmg payrttcnt thereof
<br />U¢cat paymeea rn frrU of af! sutras sa-urcd by this Mortgage. bender shall promptly reread to Borrower any Funds
<br />tsdd by lstsdu. If cadet para®raph ! It htrcaf the Yrapen3 +s anld ut the Ytaperty ~s sxhervrise aequtrcd by Ixnder, Lender
<br />shall apply, rw Later thaw tmartdiately prxtr to the ute of ttte Yrapem' or its acqutsnton by ixnder. any Funds tre{d by
<br />L~sder at Flte care of leasion as a credit a;arnst the sums erected by thix Rtartgag¢.
<br />i. * +d iap~es, iinfzsa apphcapie lefts prcmvsuei orhet~vtse, ail pavsr,r - ----- psi by I_znder under t.:w
<br />Worts xtd ptutagraplrs ! oral ?. fterrt:f strati tae appltcd try l,rncfrr first in payment .>t amounts payable to Lender try Borrower
<br />tFtsder paragraph 2 her~f, tb~ to [mtrtst payable un the N.+tc. that. w the prmctpal of th:, Nate. and then to inttrrst and
<br />prmnpa! cm any Future Adratxea.
<br />i. C~ !Jain, Hotrawtr shsff pay ;tit fairs. assexsments and ether :harges, fines and smpostuans attrihutatsit to
<br />the Prapaty wftie6 forty attain a priorsSy over thn Mar[gage. and tztueh:ild paytnznrs or ground rents, ti a:ty< in the man>xr
<br />pravrdsd corder paragraph 2 hereof .x, sf not pored rn ,tech rnanrser. by f3c:rr: xrr making payment, when dire. drrectiy to the
<br />payee tlfercaf. Borrower effort! promptly ttrrnrxh to !seeder a!f rrc,ttces .+t amounts =foe under this paragraph, and in tree event
<br />Barrorser shall trukt parmtnt drrtxrfy'< tis:rrnwcr ,}tal# lrr~mptfy turntsh to tinder rw:ripts evtdtnctng such paYrnents.
<br />Barrtawer steal! pmattptly dlxharEr any itrn whtcit has ;+t=+,rny s,aer this !startgagr: provrtfed, that Borrower .hall not be
<br />regt:ued to dtacharge arty sirt;h iitn set long .ea I;stttt?wtr shall agrm to wn[!ng to the payrtsent of the stbttgauon secured by
<br />srsch tied to a raastawer acceptable !a f.entfu, :sr ,hart en gtxd !with s ontrxt sttlft Itzn hv, ar atftnd cnfortrment s,t such lien tn,
<br />iega{ proc¢edtap wtiich operate to prcvtm the enforYernene nt nc~ iron c>r fcsrietture c*f she i'raptrty ,.r any part thzrcaf.
<br />S. 1~1etd lMMalae. Ilnrraxaer shnii keep the tmprtraetrrents rnw exnung <+r tte:eafttr crct tzd an the Ymperty +nsured
<br />agaitssi fog hr7r fire, hazards included +.uh:n :he !rein 'extattdeaf :c+vctage" and etch cyher hazards as t ender may require
<br />oral sn stash amounts and ter such ptnafa us i,ettties tray r¢yuue. provntet{, that t.enJet >halt not rxyutr~ that the amount of
<br />such caveraige etw-eed that a1~AxtUn# s,f sa+erage rrgturzd sa l,ay ,ne sums .ecurzd ttv tats Nattgage.
<br />Ttae itaurasace carrKr ¢rovidirtg thz +nstaragxt steaii rte :hstsrn by f3ctrrawer sitbfet:t to appravaf tsy i.endtr: pravtded.
<br />thu stxh agprt}vril sliali rrct be +trrresssvtattlt wrtttireld, ,All przmewrts c,n trraurance polirttahall he paid .n tftt manner
<br />rnoxidsd corder pata~s t twrcaf cxr, sf ncn cars! in •w__h rnartrrsr. ht tls*rtowr'r itta}tm@ payme-at, wlttn duo, sfrrttdY to the
<br />t6Rir~r# tatiri+ar.
<br />b F:.~.'.;:d"~ t~ ,n _ _ _ .a..~~~:~ .....- . ; ~'^,~s~ `~ .:::,: ,. a-.~p;a:7~ i. i.~n.:r .:$ shale a -cits::c < si3nci_: ~ :sta:gae
<br />a#attae in fasvar :sf and to form accxaeabbe ta~l~nrkr. f irtdtr sttaU hoar the rr>zht to hold the tauhctes and renewal. tstereof.
<br />oral littrtor~r sfraff p+rctnptfy firrtusit eo I.andtr ail tttitsai rtvuets ana ail rtctiprs rt }mid prcrnturtms. in the crznt of lass,
<br />s`iat'rssave~ shah ,glut prompt ttcsftxe to ir,e rtnrrrrxncr caterer aFtij i. ender I ~'nUet eteay r:tairr ptnr,i c,t ixs ;i not made {tra,niptev
<br />by Barrvswer.
<br />UsdrtR t.eadat aril Bano+wet sNtters,rrae agtsr to wrauttg, tttsuratsct ptxtcetcfs shaft rte applietf to restetrttttan >v rtpair of
<br />t~ Property tiatnaged, psxsvtdtd uxch rest~•ratturi ur report +x ect>rtornr;:xlly fcastbk anti the secunty uE ahus Mortgage rs
<br />ttstt tbtut~y itrtQaind. If xsrt:h rptoratt>_ut tx repax to nc,t ecarrc+mxatty feaarblz a>E .( the secuetty ut Ihis Mortgage would
<br />!rs tmparrsd, the imutanee ~iseecda shell 6e ap~tc.i to tfat; stores securtsi t+y thta Me, $agr. wuh the eaeeu, if any. paid
<br />fa Jdorttwrea. If flea Peupetty n abarutotteti by ttatrower. sx ~f Borrower tarts to respond to Itnder wtthm 3U days Irom the
<br />daft is tnaaletl by Ltrs~ to Borrower that the sosurance canter often to sett}e a croon tar tnsurantx }+etrefits. ! ender
<br />is suthnrfzed to ctdiact ansi apply the insuratx-e prtxxtttfs at l.ettdtr's s?ptron ertbtt la rataratttart <+r repair of the Yraperty
<br />tar w rise SYna saetrrecl try tbts §!ort[a~.
<br />Usdaa Lender attd Barrogr:t otherwise aryrtte rn ~+tsung, any srteh apaluatian .+I oro.ceds to orenctpal shall ntrt ¢xttnd
<br />to paKporsx the dsrc dote of ttto rrriurhiy iastniimtnts r¢fetrtd to in paragraphs t and ~ (xreuf i+r change the amount =+t
<br />tYd1 rnslaitrnrats. If trader pataigrapb ft3 horeof rise Froper[y ss acqutrea tsy Isnrfer. all rtg}tt, retie anal interest of flornawer
<br />=.n and t:r aay i€auttia~ pe;lasts aaai rn aFtd to the lsisis~rts tl~rt+:t rtsueu:tg !ruin sfatnagc to the Yroparty , trot t.? the -ale
<br />~ ixgitat%tiott sisal! paaa to l.emier to t$e tstcnt of the suns scr:urtd try thr+ itortgage tmrreedtattiy {,trot rr+ such sale sir
<br />~-
<br />b. llMeovvrslitu atsd #eisskarrrre sr[ Yt leaaedaldtq C'~ Phtme! !lair !)evedsptatess4. Harrower
<br />s~df knelt rh¢ !"rtapsrty its )Load refer and aMdt trot commit waste ar permu impetrrmnt ur deteriarauon of the P'ropntty
<br />atat~ >~ii s<iy as'ittr tie ~ cif terry tiatic :t Fhra atflrigage ,. on a fea~lwld. if tiro ~lcrrigrste is on a trait m a
<br />-- ,- - - ar a plr<sa.d :rat :3esc3aptssttrt, t3atrower .shalt prriarnt all .=f Hurrt,wcr's .!irtigatitxts under tftc dt~iaratn+n
<br />ssr wvmaats c7tat~ tx gtrverstaag the cctndomustum ar pianazd atnrt dtvek?prttznt, the by-laws and regulatu,ns :u` the
<br />- ~ ~ un&t ~, and c.~risittttent sfxtttrrtstnts. if a .~nsdartiutium csr plsrtnttt :met ;},=v€ls}tatxnr
<br />ttAsr a tttactrisd bye 8turr€tvru rhtxdedx x+i t Pttgethcr arih then bizsrtgagt, the ~s:vrttaxtis arnf sgre¢rtients .+I Scn:h ndtt
<br />r#Mdg !te tacasparasad toss oral alrail attartad aad suppfztzttnt ttte .usenants sod agremttnts tit thta Martgxge as rt the rider
<br />a past hts+`st+t.
<br />T. ~ L it l#arrower fortis tt. perfctzrtt tha ccsvttr+ants end agmtasettts cuntatned to this
<br />'trio, sir d ~} acteaca rx ~ rs carmusenxtd wfrti;tr mattrtatty affq;ta l+etxitr'a rnttrtst ht eht Proptrry.
<br />!.tut tls~ tisn.erd to, t±anartetN tfasnain.. inaeatrttx:y, craft rnfarcettxnt. ant :trrargentents :u procexzifnga snvolvtng a
<br />m ~, thtsa l,tnrdtr at t.asdsr"a opiit>rt~ upon tu+csix ttx ~xrntwtt. tawg rooks such appeararries, dtsfaursr >uch
<br />oral t ~tran ra ~ t~seary ate, pr:atext t~ndeix [nttre~t. ~rp:lt~fintt, !sot nest ftnutcxl tr., sl;sbu:roet'ttt»t :,f
<br />~ atttomay's f~ews riWwd er+tty cxpren *.~ f'ttyaar:y trt rflaltt reporter.. ft F,rndsr rtqutr+rtt rmsetgagc omtatancr as :,
<br />- ~ ~ fits i4arr secured try tfsis `hix5ri~rsga:, i`aasrcnarr ahrll paty the prtmiyrtts reyttited to maintastt suslt
<br />iqt et~i94i F~'til %ser~lt ttit~t. ~a ttas tasgarir6tpanF fret §FA~It ,~at~a~ ss:rmsntttCS +ft aeCOrdart.,,-e -r-sett ll,~ra,,wcr's ttnd
<br />