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f""" <br />8 ~. ~- fi ~ `3 R .~ ? <br />and for that purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such <br />bonds of arbitration or other instruments as my attorney may <br />deem advisable in the aremises. <br />5. To prosecute and defend. To commence, prosecute, <br />discontinue, or defend al's actions or other Legal proceedings <br />touching my estate or any part thereof, c;r touching any matter <br />in which I or my estate may be in anv wise concerned. <br />6. Ta manage real estate, To enter into =nd upon all <br />and singular my reai estate, and to let, manage and improve the <br />same ar any part thereof, and to repair or otherwise improve, <br />niter, or reconstruct, and co insure, any buildings or struc- <br />tures thereon, and further to contract with others for the <br />management of such real estate, and to grant to such others ail <br />the powers with respect to such reai estate usual in reai estate <br />management contracts, and granted to my said attorney herein. <br />,. Tr ;;ra tea °~, °nts, and ^therw; deaf <br />with tenants and leased prot~erty. To contract wiCh any person <br />for Iea:~ing far such peri.i~ds, includi:~; periods Longer than my <br />Life, and without regard t~~ termination of this power of attor- <br />ney, at such rents and subiect to such conditions as my attorney <br />shalt see fit, alt or any ot. my tiaid real estate, and to Let ary <br />such person int;; pos~;ession therecii, and to execute ail such <br />Leases and cc~ntrzicts :~5 shalt t?e nicessary or proper in that <br />behalf, and tc~ give notice to yuiC to anv tenant or occupicrr <br />thereof, and to :et;ct reta~~r ro?n a~LL tenants and uceu- <br />piers tltr4reof <}r of .;ny Hart the3reof ziil. rents, arrears of renC, <br />and su=ns oz ;~o=:- whi::h ..uw :r== ,... s;:al1 heresft4r f;ecame due <br />~~c; payn.`^_,'i i= ~.. ~vvp~,.. .., t e r~c.i , .any: .a 1. ~; ;~. :ton-p ,`:?i`.':::t ~ hereof <br />ur f any t)ai ~`t ther~o% %v tame ::~11 ifc'cesSary ur pr:.per seFC arts ink <br />proceedings f=or terminating the tenancy or occupation of such <br />tenants or occupiers, and for ejecting the tenants or occupiers <br />and recovering the possess,.-;,~ thereof. <br />~. 'I`u sell or exchange reai Ur~ersonai - 'To <br />sell, either at public or ;trivate sale, or exchange_+ part or <br />parts of my real estate or perso??a1 property for- !N c~?xt~idera- <br />tion, payable immediately or upon such terms as my c~rney <br />shall think fit; and to ~Yxecute and deliver good a~E°'~~ioient <br />duds, bills of sale, endorsements, assignments, ar r ir~stru- <br />ments for the convevanee or transfer of the same, ~ se~ett <br />ce~venants of warranty car otherwise as my attorney ill see fit, <br />and to skive gos~d and effectual receipts far a12. ox any part of <br />the paarchase price or other cnnsideraCiU??. <br />~. Tc~sit mr~neys, withdraw inr€~;~ and otherwise <br />deal with tc~~?~ible__pru~aert. To deposit any wey4 wlxieh may <br />-~__ <br />