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<br />That i, Edna McKee McCormack, of Grand Island, Hall
<br />County, *3ebraska, have made, constituted and appointed, and by
<br />these presents do make, constitute a:td appoint, Robert A. McBee,
<br />my son, of Danville, California, my true and lawful attorney for
<br />me and in my name, place and stead, and on my behalf, subject to
<br />the provisions of paragraynh 13, hereof, to do and execute all or
<br />any of the following acts, deeds and things:
<br />I. To receive debts, payments and property. T'o ask,
<br />demand, sue for, recover and receive all sums of money. debts,
<br />dues, goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, effects and things of
<br />whatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter
<br />s-mall be yr become due, owing, payable, or belonging to me in ar
<br />by any right, title, ways or means howsoever, and upon receipt
<br />thereof, ar of any part thereof, to make, sign, execute and
<br />deliver such receipts, releases rsr ether discharges for the same
<br />respectively as my said attorney shall deem advisable.
<br />2. To settle accounts. Ta Bettie -any account or
<br />reckoning whatsoever wherein now aim :~r at any time hereafter
<br />shall be in env wise interested c?r ~ancerned with any person
<br />whaatsoever, and to pay or receive. the bat.ance thereof as the
<br />Case ~:eay ~c€~t;ii~.
<br />?, T,, Bali sfv }ar'urity int,~rests :end murt~aees. To
<br />rc`cei_~ ..._r~ .._._.. =_i __-n=ney w?':i-Ch ..__ ~.~~.. herc+~}i,rer chaii be
<br />Giiic i-r iae i`ui°F'~.~',i n~ ~.~ ...~. ::p~:`3 ~'F~ .~,s .. ,.,. .. _ .:._ nst ~_r_-_ ~f :iiEy
<br />security interest or agreement, or rortgage, and on receipt of
<br />the full amount secured thereby to execute a goad and sufficient
<br />release ar other discharge c.rr such security interest, or
<br />s~ortgage by deed or otherwise. ~,
<br />w, Ta comaaund, submiC to arbitration, or ~:i~e
<br />s+~ttle or ad lust differences. 'To compound with or ma''allow-
<br />ances to any person far or in respect to any debt or.ainei wh8t-
<br />scaever which now is ar shall at any time hereafter b d
<br />acid paysbl.e to me, or by me, or upon my account, and'~ro .~ and
<br />receive. ar tc4 pay and discharge, as the case may , 'ally' cr~[a--
<br />~acisl,tivn ar d=.vider~ thereof ar thereupon, a~ to ; ter
<br />r+aceive releases ar other discharges far the ish+~~~t tsf ouch debts
<br />qtr dewssrds, or to nettle, cc~tnpro~iise, oX sly r~.traeian
<br />every s~c~ debt or demac~d artd e~e~y other rim=~i~r, and
<br />thLng due to or concerning sne as my attorney :1. th~,rdc beat„
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