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/i L ~ IC ffico,e~+Gr~ <br />81-00339 <br />ii <br />81- t)~Tq'~ ~~~ 2 <br />Atari the said first party hereby expressly covrnants and agrees: (lj 7'o pay the said Note and interest <br />in in#i on the-days the same shah severalty becotrte due; (2l Neither to rnmmit nor permit waste on the ~~ <br />premiers; and to pttt amt keep the said real e.4tate, buildings. and improvetttents in good repair; (3) To pay all <br />taxes arxi assessments net the said real estate before deiintiuenty and until the said Note is fully paid; (4) To <br />pay all taxes and assesnurnts upon this- Alorigaga and the dent secured thereby, together with. any other <br />taxes and assessments which may he levied or assessed. ender the Laws of Nebraska, against the said Second <br />party ar the legal pokier of the said iJote nn account of this-indebtedness; {5) To procure, keep in fom, and <br />deliver to tftr said second parts' policies of insurance against loss by pre and tnrrtado, in such atttounts-and <br />ittsuraoce rnmpatties as the said serotrd party shah select, and as shall be at ail tittles satisfactory to it, txwering <br />the httitdings which now- are nr may tterrafter tee rrrcttd on the said premises, making the ions, if any; payable <br />to the said sectxtd party nr its atteiittts, and every such cc>.ttract ufsnsurartce effetteei by the- said partfes of the <br />first 1'azt or for their brnefrt ..isali trc prinrarity subject to appropriatinr, by the said second party for the <br />pavtnent rat said indehtrdnrss. Failure to so uraintairs Snch insurance shall authottiae the semntf party, or its <br />assigns, ai its or sprit option, to criers aad maintain such insu at the expetrse of the-said first party, attNd <br />the first patty agrees to v aii sums so paid, with interest at zLprrcent, and such sutras so paid key the secwtd <br />}sorry, with fnterest at lirrceui, :hail fry secured lets this \inrtgagr; fbl That the said second party or the <br />awrtrr tw the Said '.+txe Wrap rnakc sttrh repairs, i'a~` such nt.~es, and pay and remove any lien from the <br />premises, upon failure of the first }knrtp ur da ,co and atl nxrnrvs sn advanced with interest at the rate of <br />,,,~F..,..w ~,.o.,.., tMrwzn treats date of tavment. sF•tii ire renaut by the said first party, upon dentatx[, and <br />shalt be secured by this rrHtenture. <br />And i[ is turtiter mutually cotenantrd anti agreed that ut tree etrnt of ihr passage; offer the date of this <br />tfcngtge, ui any law dzdrtcting a?n° lien titrreort from the value ot" land for the purpose of #axation, or changing <br />in ant way tlx fawn rutty in toter for the taxatiarr of ntartgagea cr debts s::rnrc-d Fiv° trrortgage or the manner. <br />of rite rufirctirm of an}' srxir taxis, w as to affect this Slcrtga};r, ihz whole ^f the principal sum securest by this <br />Startgage, tttgtKher with the iulcrest clue thereon. shat], at the option cf the said party of the second part, <br />wrthvut notice. txrrn:r imntctliateiy due anti payable. <br />And fire said hest party teepee agree, that if default tee made ifs tttr i>.tcmrttt of any of said interest, or <br />ant }sari therms, ur of asty mtrrent there ns..•r =d sand date. r,r sm~ ]stet thereof. ur of asap interest thereon, <br />rzr rn the }x-rformancr cd r.ny' rat the rnvcnatns #r.,•rein rrmtamref. then r~r st anP time thcreattrr during the <br />t-autirtttattce tz[ stxrh drtauit, the .girl ~sstr, arrd nxxteo,, yard and adoanrrd.:it::il, at t ~pCnn of the legal <br />iwklrr therrnf, tx~erxnr at on_.• due aril errtlrcti',le, a_*xi .stroll i,.•ar intrust at rite rate of ~yxretmt per anmtm <br />irate the date of driauh.:.nd thtn tndrn[uxe s,rav lx- iorcrlo~r~+i ir....zisfy ttrr a?stcxsttt of ttte debt. includitrg <br />advattcrs, intrrrSi. atnf costs: or rile -cv cm,i fzric. it> ttce~.wrs ar a,~igris, n;s} fareic>3e tmiy as to the sum <br />past thee. witinntt ir.surq to this \lortr. ur the rhti*,iacrnrent u* ntt}~irtnent of the lien thereof. <br />Atvd its the s trau t=f the turrxluSUrr set this ;2r~rts;a~., tree ..a:d .text }rant cuvettan[s amt agrees to pay thx <br />toss of e:strndutg tier abstr;tct of ti?ir tr.nn ±inr =ixtr ==i recorder?t; tln ~iunt;a};e tr, the date of tiling suit. and <br />uprut failur 8i the aasd first }sorry to us >a, aii nxrrtr .mot adv.:tursi by the srrr~td }tarty ;shalt bear rruerest at <br />titer rate tsf ~}rermrt per aunutrr thtrtxtzt axrrf shah br srcarrri b} thrs it.rienttue. <br />it is htrihrr tauttsaltr wvrtraatrd attd agreed that the }sorts c,i the accYmd fsart. its srttrea+ors and aKSig»s, <br />;hall at their nptibn isr sttbrszKatrd t+> fist tiers, atilxsu,¢h rricasrd of rrrrtrd, at any pryer rttcumhrance, mechanic`s. <br />ceexior`s, tx other Lien utt said prrnnsra iuiti um ui the tsrocectis of the loan .rc[:red hereby. <br />And it is Further agrrr+l tisat to w,>t- :at a tfrfauit as stet payrnrnt Sri ttx• .aui yriucrpal tiutr ur interest, <br />ur any }rant lhrrntf. as a ahalf ntatuxr, ur m ca:,r: r:i tasiurc ter ]:rest ax trrrfurm ana of the cavrtrants ur agrrtmrnin <br />r~mUitud in this itulr:shtrr, rhea tree 4tiY,uri parts its ~~ece~surs ._,r aYSigns. shall br and is iterehy authuri~rri <br />;rrtd rnr}ttrwcred to take iramtc ira[c i>,3,acsu,n of tree .aui }sn•rm~rn hereby ~srtrvri'rrl and alt traps thereon, ur <br />to coikct rite rrnta therrfruns, and appik' site pscx;rrds titrreaf to the ix3ynxnt_, ui the riebt hrrehy st•curcd. <br />addrtiortal attd cuiiatcrei sr4urits f=ry painrntt a£ the ~.utr and indebtednen hercintsrfurr descril'rci, <br />cite said parties of tin• sleet }sari hrrehy assign to ihx aiti paxt~ ui the ieexmd yart, its srtrcessors or assigns, ate <br />tfic prtrhts..rt°r~turs, rt,pa3[irs, rigttta a:tct ter*trtit. accruint; nr rirrrai under ail oil, y;a~, r>x mrnrrai erases un s<aid <br />prrttti~. This aasigttuxett to trrnsinatr at:d txcamr nu1E and taxi ulxvr the tricot of t}tis 3iortg~ge. <br />And it is ftuthrr a}:rrrt} treat in soar any ,;rat to ixgurt to fureriaae this uvicnture, the Court ir, which ,ueh <br />aetfon stsali be brnrtght, ur any Judge ui stx-it c`surt. tither us term torte. or m tacatinrt, sa hrsei>.v autttorrxcd, <br />upcm apptirattrxr ttxrxcfur, tt> appoint a itrrrirrr to take l>'~sstiBrun of the ,aid pretmses and alt crop, thereon, <br />r:r io enlii=rE six remx tisrrrfrwn, oral ?u stra and }rtrtor:sr such etiu~r aces a.:n;t}' tx- rt+{trirrd by the order tit <br />the t:.xrtttt rrviking the appuintn>tcrtt ; aroS ttu: first gang' hrrrizy ransettts t,s site m},pumtntern of a Receiver uixm <br />the production tzf this ittdentatr, without lather evsdtrtce. <br />