/~~- ~Eoo~d Fd
<br />$1-- t)U3399
<br />81-~1(13_t~'5
<br />~'IQATGAGF.
<br />(Nebraska )
<br />THIS INDENTURE, [Wade this F~th day of Jane 19 8I.
<br />tretweetl ~. -}>~~f Flit dom. ~ , a 3tTebraslra, Corgordatf~n,
<br />of the County of Ba11 and titate of i`iehraska, party of the first Bart; anct
<br />ti>< S~{&TRtJPCJLITrtN i_Ikl~ LNSIJKr1VCE C[3~II':ANI. a cQrlxrratiwt of-the State of New-Park, with its
<br />principal ofI"tce located at 1 lfadiaon .\e•enue, :tiew fork, \. 1`., party of the sernnd part,
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said party of zhe zits[ pzrtt. in consideration at the sum of
<br />++~ $IIl Ti1SRPY `~' Collars
<br />~~ t,~ IeO,OQQ,00 j, in hand paid. the receipt whereat is hrreh:' acknowietiged, rzrxs hereby grant, bargain.
<br />-~ 5k'n, lrotT~C~', antl Sonttrlli tc tree Salo ~)elrty <ft the aYti'cnli dart :rnCt its ati5t~'nl, the tollcN•ing-deSCrit)ed real C4tate,
<br />in [he Count:' of Ball and ~tatc of ;tiebraska, [o wit:
<br />Lots 3, ~, ~ and the Sonthweat Quarter of Section 36, 2bwnahip Id North, Earige lf)
<br />Best of the SiztJs Principal Ileridiazs.
<br />4~ie Hete deavred hereby expressly provided that the warty of the secot~ peat may,
<br />at #ts ttptioa, on Ilgy 1, 19~Ti ~v 1, x.992 sad again on lYgr I, 29g'J regv.ire the
<br />parties of the That gait and theft atsccesacrs in interest is the rasa, estate h~re-
<br />in dlasaribed, to sxet»rte twavt agreements .tor the payment of interest, rand the fail-
<br />tixte or se1'cisal to e~roaute stash agreements as atsy be squired by the party of the
<br />eeaoted part mttgr at its option be aondidered a dsfanlt and authorize the party of the
<br />desaad part to detslare the entire indebtedaeas i~+A~=tely flue and payable.
<br />Tt is a~+eed treat alt irrigation pinta, eieetric txttora, engines, pipes, sprinklers
<br />and all other irri~tioa egnigtttsat cotmactad thexexith twx or hereafter planed ar
<br />inatsiled on said pz~ises together with ~I stater sad xstering rig3ste of everg kind
<br />sett desttriptioas e~ttall be eausstatsed ad affixed tc sad a part of the eea3 estate hes-
<br />ii3zabtrve daecxibt3d acid snb~aat tc aI2 of the groviaicuts of this Nartgage.
<br />~ Hots tsetsuzed ©y this 4lortgsge ie ftzxther aeevsd by a Financing Statement sad
<br />3teotseit7 9gteealent of even date ixrawith, aomering persoasal prtsperty as de~ribed
<br />iii aa.f.d -l±i~cing Ststemeat attti Security 3gxeemeat.
<br />i14e als>m agree that in the e~sent +.tsa mortgaged px+emi~s, or say poztion thereof, cr
<br />~r itsteaest t2~z'ein, sxtie atsid or :as3veyrad or become :=utsject tc an agreement to sell
<br />or aoavslr pricy to the time Chid leas ahsil 'nave balsa paid is full, then the entire
<br />S,r~hted{oelae shall beooae i~ediateiy data and payeDle at the option of the Izlortgagee.
<br />A sale, saai;~oent or transfer i.rt airy taaaner xhstaoever cf 3046 or more cf the capi-
<br />til attiok of the mortgagor oorporation dbail the equivalent to a sale or comeyaisce
<br />of the aeourity or ass interest therm, in that event mortgagee sisal.I have the
<br />option to accelerate the debt, declare the entire Ioan balaszce due, and enforce
<br />oolleetion of alma, itsoludirsg forecloa-urs of t}se mortgage iiea.
<br />TO HAVE ANB'f0 Ht~LD rhr .:ur,c', wire: =,{-.e atry.rrrrraner, therete> n tsxtgtng ar in aztyu•f~e apprr-
<br />tainirtt;, ina3txlittq say right cf hcurrrz.Yrarf ..[:,! =-:rn conringenz rigt?t ~,r <-state [ixTrin, unzrt the .:ud {,arty of rhr
<br />:ecotxl part. and its asaagn., ['server: the aaurntiun {xtnK u, r<~_,nc~r} an ::b~+llute tit{e in €rr to rhr .ard prenfises.
<br />And the >aic.E {,arty of zhe tir~t Bart [teeth: rzrut-naRt3 that the}- err la::fulia -elzw4 ai the -aid preptico arx!
<br />have gtxxi nght to cy3n:-cc~ the settee: that the vn~{ ~.trfrae~, err t`rrr need c?ear :>f alI ineramhr~ce., and that
<br />thee' rvrll xarrartt and defertrl tree saarlY .~airt>t the €atvia3 ciatnta ~.f ar{ f!c•rwn_, ;a-{tornvk:'rr.
<br />PRQl/II3ICI), HBWEVER. "that ii the lard {suty .,i zhe zits[ part ,hat{ tr.•ry. ~~r caux tfr {~. pax{. tr, rhr
<br />sari{ l~rts ttt the ac~sac{ Iatrt. tar fts alslgn±, the :tang of
<br />i'~?L1S""' L>u{lays,
<br />itr ittlztsetttx, tht :;lei inatalmettr du~..~#yc..;~.,,..2flf3,1._. - - .,
<br />tittle itD2er~-it# thcrex~, in ka_+wftil rmlrawy t,i the I_;nitrrl 4tatex, r+ith rxelralsga ++n t!~ t.'tty „f feu- .~in'k, a-{.frh
<br />shallt~ {a# terrdtr ftr rtle Ifaytttetrt ref :nii cirietSe ititxE3 3tre*, {~nzr{ze enc3 firruate, ai titc trnir x =tavzne:x, a<.eiarclin~
<br />tr+ the ;rrJrs:r and rt~eia of the I"rr_rtirr.~rry :~~rtr exrctttr,[ hq trek •uit! }~rartr ckf ftp,: first {cast, i~€ru•itty; teat[ dare
<br />zrcrrs~xt#r, attcf tdxal3 pcrirtTta a{T atr2 stn~uiar t~itr_ <:~cetsris:rn {rtrr;st cc~nratat±~i : tttr~r} t'tix c-state z:rrrhr y*rnerrfl :,{ra3f
<br />r~:,c, xrui ±hrs \f;-ttg;ygr ,1-.ail swssxrtc stul{ :r-:~.5 c-,_,u{. ass E --e r.'icyY; >,t tip ,-~ix•r3v- ~.: t Ee -,'3:,i 2-~.trt, .-,t tiff.
<br />°tT~z rarer.
<br />