<br />81--OO33J~
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shalt pay 4he amount of alt mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />mapper pfavided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursusM to this paragraph 7. with intetsst thereon, shaft become additional
<br />indebtedng6 of Borrower sxuted by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower cad Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amatnts sha}1 fx payable upon tatfce from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of tBsbirrapnettt at the raft pay®bk from t(me to timt on otnstandhtg principal under the Note unlle+ payment of
<br />itrte4est at steclr rate wotdd be «mtrery to applicable law, in which event Stich amoums shaft bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permiadfle tinder applicable law, Nothing curtained in this paragraph 7 sMil require Lender to inter arty expetne or take
<br />any atrtioa herettrtder.
<br />R liiglecllee. tender may makt of cause to be made reasonable emries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />- that Lender shag give 8onawer satire prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related Yo Lender's-
<br />, interest in the Property.
<br />~• CoritrrleMee. The procesda of any award ar claim for damages, direct or cot>segtietitiai, in cOnneetlott with any
<br />cottwrttn:tips ar other taking of the Property, or part thereof, nr for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In the went of a-trial taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. in the event of a parHsl taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />utlrerwise agtoe in writing, there shall tx applied to the sums secttrcd by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds -
<br />as is er}ual m that proportion which the amount of the sums sxured by this Mortgage immediately: prior to the date of
<br />taking bran to the fair market va-ex of tlx Property immediately prior to the date of taking.-with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandonM by Harrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor olfero to males
<br />an award or settle a claim far damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender witfiin 30 days after the date sticfi notice- is
<br />.r;tr,.t rY.aY :. _. ~ ~ ._ __._~ __~ _ ;~ s o enner to restoration or repair of the-
<br />. Ptcoperty or to the slicers secured hy`th%a Mortgage.
<br />Unle~ Lender and llorrrnret afierwise agree in writing. one such applicarinn of proceeds to principa) shall not extend
<br />w postpone the due date of the monthly inatallmmu referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />sucfi itistalltnmts.
<br />t& Iterrosrer Nat Ralased. Eatenaion of the time for paymerst or modification of amortization of the sutra setarted
<br />6y this Mortgage granted by I.ertder to any successor in interest of Aorrawer shall not operate to release. in anq inserter,
<br />the lisbi#ity of the original Borrower and Borrower's succt:sors ir, interest. L.t.~der shall not he required to commencs
<br />- prac'tedinga against such suxcesso or refuse to extend tune for payment or atberwise modify amartiza[ion of the sums _
<br />secured 6y tttn Mortgage by reason of any demand mark by the cttixinat Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />I1. Pwitarraete bl' Leader !Vat a Wainer. Any farbearanee he finder in esercesing any right or rcttiedy heretrrrtler, or
<br />uhetwise atfor~d by applicable taw, shall not be a waiver rrf nr prxttsde the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />Tfte ~ of inaurarica u the payment of tase~ rx rxher tans nr charges t*y (.ender ehail not ix a waiver of Lenders
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured !+y this !sSartgage
<br />12. Rswiiae C~sr. Al! rctsmfia provided rn this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any ether right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage w at[orded by taw or equity. and may he exercrsed ~ancurrentty. independently nr successively.
<br />13. 9teceetaaes area Aasigs Bored: )Diet sad Sherd Iis6iBty; tartisr- The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shag bind. aril the rights hereunder shah more ra, test rrspectivr rrccesu~n and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />subject to the previsions a# paragraph 1 ; hersaf. All covenants scot agtttments of Borrower shall be faint and several.
<br />77fe caplioer and headings of the paragraphs of ribs Mortgage err for eanvemence only and are not to be used to
<br />interpret u deHae the provi4iotss txrcof.
<br />1L Natl~or. EXCept for any notice required under epplkabte taw tc- ~ given ir, atxutu: manner, {a3 any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Mortgage shall Ix grvm by mai}ing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such ether address as Barnswer may designate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />fb) any notice ro Lendu sltsH he given hy' ernificd malt. return receipt regtxsted. to Lenders address stated herein ar to
<br />suds other addre~ as Lender may designate by teotitt to Barnawer as providW herein. Any natiee provided for in this
<br />Mortgage shat( fit daetned to fiave heeae gsven to Bmrowcr or finder when geven in the mantic designated hersin.
<br />t3. Uitffarts Mort age: Govera~g i~sr; Severeiilty. Tttt• farm of mortgage cambina uniform covenants for national
<br />use and non-urriform covenants with limited variateam by ;uresdaetion to cattstitute a uniform seeunty instrument covering
<br />cast ptaperiy. This Mortgage shalt be govertxd by the tae: of etee iun+dichon in which the Property is located. In the
<br />event that any provision u clause of this Mortgagt .?r the '.Note cunllicrs with appticabk few, sucfi canftict shall noK affect
<br />other ptavisitms of this Martgaga nr the Nate whtcfi .au be green r0ect w-ithMrt the conflicting provttieen, and to this
<br />cad the provisions of for Mortgage and the 'stair are decfarsd to tr .sverable.
<br />1f. IMewssm's Cert. Borrower shall he furntstred a cratfnrmed copy a( the ;Vase scot of this Mortgage at the tuns
<br />o[ execrrt+oa a after rewrtlatiorr ttwcot.
<br />1?. '1lawtsr of Nre rsrlssly: Arr.lWSa. If alt a any part of the
<br />Prc}serty w an inurtnrt therein is sole! or tratatferred
<br />by Hotrrivvar without I.citder`s pear written caNKetNt. rxeludistg tat the .:rcation of a lien or ratatunbrar~e subatdinate to
<br />this Mort;age, fbi the creation rsf s purchase rtraetey vec.urity mtersst for household appliances, tc) a transfer ITy devise,
<br />duet or 69' operation of taw upon the death <af a tavrrt tcnatu cr id) the grant of any kattahoid interest of three years or less
<br />Dot cordaieiag an ap[ion to pteretsasa, Lender may, at terrier s c>iuias, declare atl the sums securer! by thin Mortgage to bs
<br />isaraiialtly doe and payatik. Lcuder`shsB have wa+vad suctr s+ption to auekratc if, prior ro the sale or traasfsr. Lender
<br />and the person to wisom the Prvpvty n to be said cx transferred reach agreement in writing shat the credit of stu;h person
<br />ittt>:tisfat•tay to Leader and that the irrtr-rest paysrak :tilt tb~e sntsrs socurrd by thii ~,iortgage shat? be at such rate as Lender
<br />shall naqurxt. ff Lender has waived the option to accekr:te pravidai in ttus paragraph 17, amt if Borrower's sttccesaor in
<br />mtsraal has wucutsd a wrium asaeription agracmetrt aottpted in writing by tender, Lrnder ahaU release Borrower (cart all
<br />obl taedcr t>ds Mortgage sad the iVOtc.
<br />H Latdar exorcises wch option to acecelerate, I.erufer shall mat; Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />psrasrsph l4 hsraef. Stile notice shat provide a periosi nt not leas than ?0 days from the date the satire is mailed within
<br />which Berrowet map pay the sums doclattd dot.. i{ Borto.+er fails :o pay such sums prior to lire expiration of strcle period.
<br />[.afdar may. witttot#i ftxther notice or demand ne &xrower, rrtv'altt any remedies permitted by paragraph t g her~f.
<br />Air?tt-Zlstttrotti~t CovBei~ttr'ts. Hgrrawtr acrd Leader futthu covenant and ogres m foltawa:
<br />1>k. ~ 1. 1Bsealt as rr~ Y raeaf<rari 17 bwreot, altar 1rectsnrer's bseacb of rey eoraaaat er
<br />rt D)tstrxar ks tits filos~• iachdiy, the eoresswM to pay whys dee say sera aocts»d by ~ ~e•
<br />I.afai0ae re41F ti stCS~6~tllat aliill alai as >aessewa ac protiied ks Wea6e/M 11 berg[ sracNyiatst t1) Iba ttsssrbs
<br />~ tier, aetlaa [s~Ui;!! awa tpsa- beeae>tt 13t a data, real Iss rice ~ dais tears the data tba splice fa railed b Borrower,
<br />li s~tids tsidl laisrtit apttri Ant taaadt cad tfI for fallres u tic stile 6eeacb ar or 6store tYe dale araciBttrt is 4bs aotlce
<br />aagt ess#M lei atoltjaesMius of tYs arcs setarad by this ~rWN+ forsetoaen by rrL ad ask o1 ebe Peaperty.
<br />g1Ma naM4a skplk (tatter larfw~ Bsanrwsr d rise rl~d m eaiaa4els attar crest srtrtiea wed tba ++W ~ eeaaet s Nw totselasars
<br />~,fhts stutnesidreea st s dtrfaatt +st'-ttnsy- st6m dtinue of Aiensaer~ to axcalars8oa trd fencMsrts. i the besarb
<br />is het erpl~ all ae lti~aas iMa daMt s~el4a4 fa Hat works. Iwwles d Lsadq's opdaa ray dsrlre aeY of the Saar aearasl b7
<br />s-+tl trs or+t [. asirre ~ aaA t-l~ fr/ber dstaaad cad aqy fesrcirre by joiidd pertseodbsg, t:.eader
<br />e.~ tart iitla ai ealewNa ti fasedruese, brt cot 1bwfDed to, caRS e( ~
<br />1~ ~ ~. 1'+totgritl~a+sCfng t.cadsr's ac.:elstasinat eV ttaa stunts saittrcd by this Mnrtitagc,
<br />htM'rgttrltC s-belts t(te ter hues guy prtscnedin~ begun by fxntier su entarcc tau„ Mongago djacatniratted at any tome
<br />