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r <br />Sl-- 003396 <br />Ut+traeat Coverratrro. Borrower acrd Lender covenant a»d agree as follows: <br />1. PagttscwP d Tsirdad teed labsat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of seed interest on the <br />evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as prrnided in the Note, artd the principal of aril interest <br />on any Future Advamxs muted b9 this Mortgage. <br />~ 14ds tw 7ansr tut Latsaaar• Subject to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Leader, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lends on the day trtonthty installments of pri>xipal and interest arc payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in futl; <br />: ann {herein '~tirtda") egia! to orto-twelft}i of the yearly taxes and rrsseasmeng which may attain priority over this <br />Mort~c, aad potmd rang on the Property, if any, plus one-twelhh of- yearly premium irWaltmesb for hazard ittsu[atxx, <br />phrs one-twe'fth of ywriy premhmr instatimeng far mortgage imurartce, if any. atl as reasonably eetirnatt~ irr8ialty ttrrd from <br />time to time by Leader an the basis of assasmients and bills and rtasortabk estimates thereof. <br />'Ilse Ftmda slnrll be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranibed by a Federal or <br />agerscy (incinding Lender if Linder it such an iristettttion). Lander shall apply the Fim~ to pay said taxes, s»ossmeng, <br />imsnaoee pnemfums and pound ntnts. Lender may not charge for so holding and applyeng the Funds, anatyrangaaid atx:apnt, <br />ar vo-ifying and compiling said aseesattteng and tells, unless Lander pays Borrower imerest on the- Funds aad applicable law <br />prtttnies Leader to nuke such a charge. Borrower and Lender may epee in writing at rise lilac of extscuteon of this <br />Mortgage that imeresi on the Ftmds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless tticb agreements made or applicable- law <br />mgdiees welt interest to Ix paid, Linder shall not be required to pay Bottvwer any interaY or earnings on the Fonds. Leader <br />trhatl give to Borrower, without charge, an annual arxxiuming of the Futxls showing crtdig and debig to the Fuetds and- the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged xs additional stxurity for the sums secured <br />' by this Mortgage. <br />7f the smarm of the Fumg held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Fonds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assesamertb, inuurance premiums and ground reag, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />tmatttmeng, insurance Dtetniurm and around rents as thev fail due. sleek excess shall he- ar Bnrrnwer'a nr+t:nn wistw <br />ptamptty repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower oa monthly irutallttxnb of Funds. If the amount of ttre Furxg <br />hdd by Letakr Shall not be snt8cient to pay Faxes, assesatrratis, insurance premiums aml ground rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amouai necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader w Borrower rtxpatxtiag payrtrem thereof. <br />Upon payment in full of all toms secured by this Mortgage, tender shat! pramptlY refund to Borrower arty Funds <br />Frtld by Lender. It under paragraph Ig hereof the Property is sold nr the Properly rs otherwise acquitr~ by Lender, t.ertder <br />shall apply, tto later than inurrediatcly prior to the sale of the Properly or its acgrresition by Ixtrdu, any Funds held by <br />tinder at the time of application as a credit against the stuns secured by this Mnrtrage. <br />J. A~Ygtls sd !'ayanle Unless applicable law provides otherwise, al! payrnems received by Lender under the <br />Noe and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shat) be applied by txrrder first to pa}°ment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />undo parapaph 2 ht:rtof. then to interest payable nn the Note. then to the pnrrcrpat a[ the Note, artd then to iatereat and <br />preacipai on say Future Advances. <br />4. ~ Los, Borrower shall pay ail taxes. ass~mcnts and cnhcr caarges, lilies and tmpositiatn attributable to <br />the Property which nay soars a prrarity over this Mortgage, and leasehold payrtrrnu ar grtaund rents. if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 h¢rcaf or, if ~a paid rn such manner. by Borrower making paytttent. when due, di[ectly to the <br />pays thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnrah to Lender all txiuces of amauntx clue under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrarvtr slat] make payment directly. Borrower shall prtxnptly turrush to l.cnder receipts evideircing such payments. <br />Borrower shall pmcaptiy dnclsargc any lien wlrii;b hat prronty over this !Hongags, provided. that Bortvwer shall na be <br />rcgtrued to drach:rge say sixh liar so long as Borrower shall agree to wrung to tae payment at the obligation secured by <br />stack teen io a tnan~ auxptabte to Lender. or shall in goad faith cantcst sues iron 6y. or dtfend enforcemtnt of stick ljea in, <br />kEal proceedings wtriefi operate to prvzni the enforcement of the ]ten or farfaturc of the Property ar any part thetroE. <br />3, FLit,~ i~ar~e Borrnsver saaii keep tat improvcmrnts now c:,sung or iwrrstru erec~itd as the Property msartd <br />agaisl lea try tire, htrratds included within tae term "'t;tended cavcragc and srxh other hazards as I.cndcr cosy require <br />and is airt:b antouou and for such periods as Lehr may require; provided, that Lender shall not require that the amount of <br />etch coverage txcsed that amosuit of cvvcrage required to pay the vumt secured by th,s Mongage- <br />2$e tesuraoce carnal providi»g rife imuraat:e wall be chostrt by [inrrwer subject to apprava! by Lender, provided, <br />list such approval shall na be utrtnawnably withheld. .+UI premiums ixe insurance policies shah be paid in the manner <br />provided uadcr psrapaph 2 hereof or, ,f not paid in sues stunner, ay Borrower makrag paymetr[, when due, directly to the <br />imaaraace carrier. <br />All iawraace poiitxs and rencwtda thereof shalt be in form acceptable m Lender sent shall iaelude a standard mortgage <br />tissue le frvor of and in form atxszptabk to Leader. Lender shall have rtx right to aaW the policies and renewals tliereo[. <br />aad Borraraer shall promptly furtmh to Lender ail renewal notiixs and all receipts of paid premiums. In ttx event of to s, <br />8isrrotrxr shall give prompt tsatett to the inwrans:t carrier and Lsirder. Lender may make proof of loss if nor made promptly <br />by Bortotrer. <br />Uaips Leader and Borrower otherwise apse in writing, insurance proceeds wall be applied to restoration or repair of <br />the Proptaty daarsgs+d, provides such restanuon or repair ~ tcanomically feasrbte aad the security d. this Mortgage is <br />sot thi.sebY istgaairnd. [f such reswration ar rcpau is not ewwxrricallY feasible nr if tae sixunty of this Mongage would <br />' be imPsirad• the eiuurartce proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by tats Mortgage, with tae excess, if any. Paid <br />to Borrower. If the Pmprdty rs abandoned by Borrower, or it Borrower fells to respimd to Leader w,thms0 days from the <br />date rmtipe is mailed by Leader to Borrower char the irtturaau tartest afters to seine a claim for imurarrce benefits, Lender <br />es atatLorisad to collect and apply the insurance protxtxks at i.ender's option either to restoration nr repair of the Properly <br />a W the sums seeurad by tins Mortgage. <br />Unlash Lender and Borrotrtr othxrwise agree ,n writing, any such application of praceedt to princrpa! shall riot extend <br />of poatpwie rite dos date of the toiwthiy inualltutrus referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar change lac amount at <br />satrJa iruai-maatt. if trrsdat pwpaph I8 hereof the Property is acqurrtd by Ltoda, all right, title and interest of BorTnwer <br />in and to any itiitrranct pderaes seed in awt to the proceeds thereof resuiua$ from damage to the Properly pear to the sale <br />or acgtiisrRdoa stall pass to Lander to the ascent of the sums secured bs this Mortgage immediately prior to such sale or <br />~. , <br />t !llaaarvifJats ant Maiis4ettaase ad Pe~erttr; L.eacelsid~ Coeiominirma; Pleroed Utriit D~irlspmetag. Borrower <br />- chte{t teesp the Peopetty le goad repair arm shall »ai commit .caste or permit ,tnpa,rraeai or dtterituation of the FropertY <br />aad shall tompiy with the provisions ~ any lease if tau Mortgage ,s an a leasehold. IC this Mortgage is oo a unit in a <br />caadamrantm or a piamed oast desYlvpment, tlorrower wall pcrtorm a0 u( Borrower's obiigatwos under the declaration <br />ar tuwsma tresticrg of govcrnirtg the caadmaioium nr ptanixd unit deveiapmont, the by-taws and regulations of the <br />wa+aitra or p4apsd imet davelopmtat, ate corutituent docurticnts, If a candomiaitrm ar pleased once devclopraerrt <br />tidm ea saessnad hY Horsotr~r aad- recssrded taBettta with this Mcxtgnge, tae covenants acrd agrixaten:s of sleek rider <br />shell !a iooaspgrtuad into and shatl aitcertti and suppicntcnt the sxrvenantt and agnxauatt of this Mortgage as it rho rider <br />' sitars a part hetaet. <br />7. t?ulaalraa d Ltratiss's '• if Harrower fails to perftxm tae coveiutrtt and agreements cantairicd in fait t <br />iLatt~rBs, ar if salt araiost ar psota;mdwg is cucnaierxeri which mataiatlp aftecu t.ettder's imetea! in t)te Property, .It <br />but ant Iii to, tstairtem dtsauia, iriwirrntcy, cods rntorr.etrrent, or arrartytments ar proceeditq{s involving a <br />blppt ar di4cedeot, then Leradar u Lradar`s option, upon trotece to Borsawcr, racy ttiake nick agpeatRrii.~, dgburse such <br />stmt and take arsch aesiaa at g isacxsssry to ptotett t.errder`s iatercu irnlud,ag. but tart limited to, disbursetrrart of <br />rte attotarrl`t foal and entry upian the Property to nuke repairs. if tender requiresi mortgage irisiuaas~,c as a <br />' rondalan of taakittg ells iosri sactsrsid by this Marigage, Harrr»ver shalt pay the pteaiiuiris rayrrurd to maintain siu:h <br />iatreaarre faA tal6oct tats wch time as else Styitinenl®9t far tut:li iirinrai;ce tesrtritratca +n as-sotxtarice vita Barretwess aruf <br />