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f <br />Form $0$ B <br />sl-~,~3~s~ <br />1 <br />Lender's writttn agteemettt ar applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of alt mortgage insurance premktms in the <br />manner provtded under paragraph 2 hereof. 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />' Arty attrounts disbursed by Ixnder pursuant to this paragraph <br />indebtedttess of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of paytttem, such <br />amounts shah be pavabk open notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest ftrxn the <br />date of dnbursement at the rate payable from trine to time on outstanifirg principal under the Nnte unless payment of <br />interest at ouch rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which-event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permissible under applicable law. Nothing containred in [his paragraph 7 shalt require Lender to incur atey expense or takF <br />any action hereunder. <br />S. tttsiketime: Lender may make et Dense ra he made reasonable enir~s upon and inspections of the Propety, pmvitkd <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any suds inspection specifying reasonable cattle tfierefar related to Lenders <br />interest in the ProperiY. <br />9. foadeaftattAbn. The prxeeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connectfe~ with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof, er for cr«nveyance in lieu of condemnatiott, are fie-etry essigtted <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />[n the event of a total taking of the Prptrty, the proceeds shall t,e applied to the cams secured by this hfortgage. <br />with the excess. if any. paid to Bnrr:,wer. in the event of a partial taking of tfie Prapcny. unless Borrower and I.onder - <br />otberwise agree in writing, there shall he applied- to the sums secured by this !sfortgage such propsrrtian of the-proe+xds- <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of [ttc sums ,toured hY this Mnngage immediately prior to the date of <br />takirxg brats to the fair market vafttt of the Property tmmediately poor to the :late of taking, with the balance of the proceeds _ <br />paid to Borrosvct. <br />If the Property is abattdotxecl by &±rrower, nr if. after notice !»• i.ender to Anrmwer that th¢ condemnor offers io make <br />an away err seats a dame .ur ..,naa~,. ~ ..,.•t :~;` ~' '°" ""'' "'-f °^'t^"'ithin ~0 dars after the date such notice is <br />maiiai. Lcsxtier is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoraaart ar n ~ 'mite-" <br />Prope7it or tc+ the sums seclrrcd !+~ this Mnrt¢agc <br />Unless Lender and Bormwtr atherw=st :+gree ;n -writtnc. am' =uch appticaunn of t+r+xeeds to prncipat shelf not extend <br />nr postpone the due dote ,~f the monthk instaiimtrts referred to in paragraphs 1 :rod ^_ fzereor or change the amount of <br />such installments. - <br />tA. 1lereovrer Nd Released. "r.xtensu+n ,~f th€ tame for ,,a.nunt or mndificauon nE amaruzatian nE [he sums secured <br />by thts 19ongage granted by L.tnder in env succesvor in interest .,r" Aorrower ,hail not operate in release. in any manner, <br />ttte IiaMlity of the original Borrower and &±rrowtr'c succtssnrc :n interest. i zmler chaff ncx l+e required ib commence <br />prrxeedings against such cttccessnr „r refuse to caterd tame f.xr payment «,r nthenvist mextih• amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mortgage trv rcaxxn ~:t ::ns• demand made hu the s-rigtnal ilorrnwer .=rxd Aorraw'ers successors in interest. <br />il. Perbearaaeee try Leader Not a K"siver. M1nv fort>earanec ~< t cndtr in cscrcrs;nc env right nr remedy henetmder, or <br />otherwise ar3crded by applicable ?aw_ =hall ^at ~t :e ~rai+-rr - .., preelnde the es¢rci~c r,f sns <uch right ar remedy. <br />The prr~vrement of insttranec or the payment .,t t.nts nr .uher tienc c.r charge, ht~ f ender shall nc,t t,e a waiver of lender's <br />right to accelerate the mau;rity of the ;ndtbicdnc„ <.tct; red by this 4lnncage <br />12. Reae~ts CumaWire. Ali r°mctitts ~rr+~:;dec! ;~; thi4 `.tim2a¢r :;rr .Sisrmct .,nil cumutanve to :my other right ar <br />rtmectc under this Mnrtsagr or ar7ordcd by Saw ,-~r :•y;nr:, ,act rna+ !,< rn•r~:,r.i -.:mc'~Errntlc. u+def+endently or successively. <br />15. Successors attd Asaigtrs Bsrared: hint nod :ie<erat t.fahifits; i'aptiorrs. ovenants and agrtements herein <br />conlazrrrd shall tiind.:xnd t'•- rights hereunder ,hail ,nu!r to*. ehe r+:,pe<-tts~e ,u.:r,,u+rs and assigns of fender and Aorrow•__ <br />suh~t to the provisions r•t pxragrapix --r rc+t 113 ~,n~enxnts .+nd 2rCenzentc :,f Aorrower <hall M iamt and several. <br />"I4fe captions attd headtugs s+{ She }=arat_rat•n.. f 'his Mot ~s:;r arc ~t .onvtneerx~e «nxly anJ are not to t,e used to <br />interpret nr defim the provrsic>m tirret+t. <br />14. Notice. Exrept for ens a.utse *ey«;ircel ens=ier _.{>piicebit ia,+ to t+e esvrn ;n another mamter, ta} any notice to <br />elan-owrr pravidtd tar :n the. M,xrtgatic .itaii 'r ~ rs v _ r~ in€ +,tih t+~c bs ~ ---rtrfttd rnatl ::ildressed to Borrower at <br />the Pr penv Atfdrtss nr ai u-h -Niter ddre,s s fl. .w c. .n., d,•„kn.t-e hr =, ti c- to fender as provided herein, and <br />fht ens natace tc+ Lender shah ~ €=sen h, ..rtt,rird t.r;l- rt»: r:; ;e4c,t { •eyctested ~ 1 encirr s address stated herein or to <br />such other address. a, i.endcr mat de<irtnatt -~• na>ti<r '~'- A,rrt,~wer :_ ~r.~.rde„ i~rreen. ;toy notice prvvtded for in this <br />Mortgage sha3i he .termed tc« base hr:n ;<rvtn ~: ttr,. r«==..c, ..r t c„der when given in the manner designated heron. <br />13. Ueifornt Naet;tgte: E:overaiatt i.a»: \evrrabRNr. r ht, !. ; :n .:t mungafte cometines ,:niform .=rveoants for national <br />use and txxn-unifottn c<*stnanls uuh 'stmur=; ~..:;attarnc i4. „r,,.;.. `;,+n n_ <.meut+_ue a ua:tornt u^curity instrument covering <br />real property. 'i~tz» Mcrtgahr <hs!! Ix r •-:1 s ! ~ .~,. - ~n -;rr d,c:twn •+ which the Proptrts ;, bleated. fn the <br />event that nny provrstm a ,:la=ke ,~_ 'rte \t rtga€ -~ ti -r'«+ t --- th .+ppltcahk taw s tcb. c<mtli't shall not affect <br />other pn,vrsions .,f [h.< siungay.c ,.~~ ht 4..c r.-,-, ._., ~. -- ., .te.t ~..ithett the n>nflr .me prt>vtsion, and «, this <br />end the provisinos of the Mortgag.:.,rd 3'z leas -~ .+,, -d -. x :. --table. <br />ld. Rttrreewe(s ropy. Aarrc wcr n i; rti tt }e,S ,.: : tnzsu *pv .+f ?he dote ;end c+i thrs Mortgage at the vrrte <br />a>f exts:utian or after tticordation tte;r.:t- <br />17. Tn+~tu of tYr Pru,pertt:.lssamptioe. ff alt .v ens p.+rr nt the Prc,pe-nc er an Pmarest therein is sold or transf~ttrcd <br />by 8orrowet wufxrut I_endet't poor wnuen ,,.n,tnt- cs,iod:ttg -.;: tie ,rration of a hen or tncuntbranct subordinate to <br />this Mortgagr._ fnt fix crtatuxt c,f .: par:has;: ru:-~ney .<.,.s:ts :::tcresz ter hvecseho}d appliances, ty a transfer i,y devise, <br />descent or by aperauatr of J:r+ upon the ileae}r ,:t a ,rn tc;xant :•r ,d, the great of env fca5ehctid interest of three years ar less <br />not containing an option t,. putchnsc_ E ruder mas_~at I endcr~~ .pt;o+;. decf:v`e a!. the <um, staaezl by this Mortgage to iu <br />:mnttdiataiy due: and pa}at±ie. !ender .hat! ^arc ~.+a„~td -,: ~ pt;nn t.: acettrate :f. prior to tf:e ,ale nr transfer. Lender <br />and the peru,n ut u}tom the Property i, to !k •-i,id or zransfrrred tea.:*« agreement rn writing chat the utdit of such pcr5an <br />is satisfactan~ to t.endtr sod that thG intetc,t ,"ataxia cm fire :,;ms secured by this ~fo.^.ga¢c chalJ he at Fttch rate u, l_cucler <br />shad request. if (.ender iras waved the <,}>t:on ?~, .x.:a:t:trate ;>tu.=dc•:i in this paragraph 17. and it Barrower'z suc~e,'a,r in <br />inttrtst has ext..uitd a written assuntptron agretmtn[ a:.::rpte:t !n .stittng 6y i.evdtr, [_ender shalt reieast Aarrawcr from all <br />~sligations under this Mortgage and the tiou. <br />If Lettdu txercists such option to ac~~ferat ! e =-ter - .tail Aorrower zot=-c of .,~etierattan 'n s orlon -t with <br />paragraph !S hereof Stu;h rauct ,hail pruvtdt a r+<.ri- 3 rt x t ss than t0 days r m cht data the Wolf' c r. marled within <br />which Harrower may pa} the cams decarcd due !t tl ~r;s,wer ' <tlc ;u pay su:h :.:rm pri.>r t,, the rxptrativa c,f such pcrnrd. <br />Lender may, without further ncuict er dtmatxi +,n Harro~+cr.nsoke an. remedies ptrmintd t,y paragraph i8 htreaf. <br />Vo,~_U~ti<otetst Crzti~,ver:.a_ &,ctuwer and 1 ender fcutix:r eoccnarst and aczet as folittws: <br />1& ,~rceleratiua; Retaadies. Fatept ~. pmvitfed is pankraph t7 irerrof, upon Borrawrrs breach of any covens[[[ or <br />;ngrecarant of harrower Fa this liorigstte, imrlirdit~ the co.erssnts to pay wbrn due ens sums .ecured trv Ibis titflrttfagea <br />tt~dar prier to acceigrNina shaft eaait teatke to as pru•ided in paragraph t4 bcrraf specifying: fl) the breuh; <br />12) ~a ticUeu regtd[sd [o cetre each trrsach: (3) a Batt, Wert tens than 5i1 days from ilir date Ytte twtice is mailed to borrower, <br />hY trhkh sfes;h breach must he cured; wad iqj that taBwe ifl .ore such breach o0 or hefor¢ tht dale sprci(iad in [tie rattier <br />rrpty rr:Fgle u arec#eratitat of the loofas secured by this Nortq~r, fwrck»are by jnditial pnrcredirq; and sole ni the Property. <br />171e ^a~icc shaft ttt[lhcr itrfetrm lvrrsrwer of the right ifl retd6fatr after accrteratiun arai tlce rigAt to asecA in the forrrbtarure <br />~.'~"'; piorRCdiw~ Her aan•exlsiswce of a dafrudt or any other ttefrraie of Borrower to at:rrteratiwt and forrclrunrr. If tilt breach <br />ig, ttp4 cttrstl 6a w before ittt daft spitaified to the natit•ea lsitdrr at Lender i aptiaa rosy dretare a-1 of tier sums +ecured by <br />flats ?F1ntl~t~+t ~ its itarmedlatriy der seal payable wNbrwt fariiter demand awl mss fnrecbst by jtedkiai prrne+ediag, i_ender <br />sMtailf ba teHeyed to caReet in such prorecdirtg ~ expet~rs of feuerlexsurea iaritedfag, but not li~ecl fu, costs of doraatrauen <br />e+Idslaet, ahtdractrt wad Rife reptrAa. <br />tfh ^orrower's t fo Rciastate. '`+6+l :vxthatandtng t znder st ~ tcraucn ° f 'ttt ~ n s cecurcyf by thts >f ngage. <br />A~ttav.~r s2f t+ase the tight to have arty pn~tedinga begot, by f code= t uiar c tx s AL ttg,~,z diSr,Cxtttutxc'~4~ nt •x } x;cnt <br />