<br />81~•tt3361
<br />UtvtPaeM Govertatv7s. Borrower and Linder rnvenant and agree as follows:
<br />E I. tteyestet d Pty asd Interest. Barrowtr shat) promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />intiebtednas evidenced by the Note, prepayment grid late charges zs provided m the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2, lrttotb for Tuea aeoi htatrsrisce. Subject to appticabk law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shad pay
<br />- to Letxla' on the day rttorithty irestailtttents of principal and ,nttrest are payable under the Note, until the Nate is paid in full.
<br />a zttrrt (herein "Funds"? equal [o one-twtlhh of the year}y taxes and assessments wh#ch -may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents an Cite Property, if env, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium irntallments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus ate-twelfth of yearly ptenaium installments for rnartgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to tune by [.ender on the basis of assessments and trifle and reasanabk estimates thereof.
<br />7ht Futtt& shall rte hdd in an institution the depMits or accounts of which art insured or gttarante~l by a Federal or
<br />state agency f incttiding Leader if under is stxh an insNtutinn 1. # ender shall apply the Funds to pay said faze, assessments,
<br />iitvtraaoe premiums a[ed ground rims. i_ender may nor charge far so holding and applying the Funds, arta9yz#ng said account,
<br />or verifying and campihng said assessments soft t,#1#s: unless Lender pa}s Borcower interest an the Funds amt appticabk law
<br />- permits I,entier m make such acharge- Banawer and Ixnder may tt,gree in waiting at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall he paid to Barcawer, and unless such agreement is made nr app#icaitk law
<br />ra}uires strcit interest to be paid, I.erufer shah oat tx reqursed en pay Barrawer any intertat or earnings on the Funds. Ixnder
<br />shall give to Barcowcr, without charge, an annual acsurtnung of the Rends showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />' purpt>se far which each detnt to the Funds was made. Tht F'nnds are pledged as addinonat security for the sums secured
<br />by this M1#artgagt
<br />If tlx amount of the Funds held by Lender. tngeether with the future rttanthiy ins[alttrxnts of Fends payable prior to
<br />.t.. a... n.~e .,r esxws asszuments truttrance tircmivms and ground rents, shal# czcttd the amount required m pay aid taxes,
<br />ast+smruats, msuranse ps.-rniutm slid gmetnd reins as thty tart uue. xucr. excess sou oe. _ ~.•~ -`-
<br />pwcaptly ttiPaid to Borrower or credited to liurrawtr .,n maot3ti} anstal#ments of Funds. If the amount of'ttx Funds
<br />ttetd by Lender sha#1 not bt sutFicsetti to pay taxes, assessments. +nsurancc prcmu,ms and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />Bnrrosver shall pay to Lemke any amavm nescssan r,, make up the dcficicns-s- within }0 days from the date notice a maittd
<br />by Leader to Bnrcawer rcgiteaung pavrnenr thereat
<br />Upon payment m full of atl sums secured hs !has Mortgage 1 crsdrr .hall t.tvmpity rthmd to Harrower ary Funds
<br />held !ty Ixnder. ft umkr paragraph i ti hertai she Drapers ~=. =<:id r~r the Propene +s .xherwrse asquated by Lender, Linder
<br />abaft apply, na later than emraediaech• pear !c, the >alr •-~t ,~ Propcm- .ter ,?s acyuasttion h}' Lender. any Funds held by
<br />lender u the trite o4 app#ication as a .redn aaa+ost the sums secured t,s rh+s `•iongage
<br />~. A~iinrtlest d Pe9taeaMa. tireless appsrcaMx law t+rasa•.fes .nhcrwnc. aiV paytmnu reserved by Lender under the
<br />Vats and paragraphs # artd ~ ttercaf shall he appi,ed tso t rndtr first :n pa}relent t,i amounts pay°ab#e to l..endtr by Harrower
<br />under pataigr:ph : htrtoi. thin to interest ;.a}able :,n ?hc parr. then ;:, rt,c prrnupai of the Nae, and thrn to interest and
<br />pnnctpai air any Futvre Advances.
<br />1. Cheesiest ties. &,no'«et :hail pa:.+R laser. -=ssesunenis .end ,~thrr .hargrx, floss :+nd ,mptKiuans attnbutablt to
<br />the Pro, arty which may rusts a prtonrg over tree: Mungagc- •:x lcaschald parmcnts ur ground rents, if any. in the: m:naer
<br />pnw,ekd untitt paragraph ~ ttcreat .x, ii rest, pa,d :n s>a t: n,arner. ;.~ litter.-wee making payment, when due, directly m the
<br />payee thetrot- Borrower shsi# prornptir furn„n to #-rosier ai, nuures :8 amnunss rfur nodes the paragraph, and in the euent
<br />Harrower 5tsat3 mate payrrrem donor, livre.'wr: =trait ,; r,smp;t~ :, +,r,h ?,~ I.en:irt receipts rv;dencmg such payments.
<br />Barrowtr shall promptly ._..#sargr ens ,xr. -~b:ca -as =,+.- ti c*~an ~tartgagc, prr.vnkd, that Burrower .hall oat at
<br />requtrcd ter d:sehul;e an} such Ix:, w larrg .rs ti. r=, wit .hail g.ce +n - +-t ag .,, the payment r,t the uh#igav,sn stsuctd by
<br />such hen m a manner acccptalsie ec t.endet..,: ,hat; ~n y,,s-,tt to:th c~r+tr><t su::h teen 4i,~.: r defend enforcement at stte:h lien tn,
<br />itgal prosccdtng+ which s.peratr to prcrca,t the cot urectnem .ti the t;cr, .•: +,nrfestu:c- +=t the Preprrty or anY Part thereof.
<br />5. Haiatd larptaoire, Bunuwct ,hat! i.tep the +mpro-.enecnts er-w csa:trug .~r hrrestter rrcrteJ on the Property ?nsured
<br />agturtsa tats h> fart, hatards atn.iudtd wstfun ;tee term ; etrndr..l ,.~:+esxgt -. snJ s:Kn athtr hazards as iemkr may rtyuirc
<br />sad trt such atret?unts and tat at.h t,rrruais .,, 1 e?tdr? rrr,y reut,t:c. r=:s »Ir~, treat ira:Kr shalt n u reyuire That the amount of
<br />suds cave aye rncecd that aneuuut •. ~. ;+.,cragr rry,,:rrd s.= , as am :.+:v, ,e r~rrd ns ttt+s 4/attgage.
<br />The +t~srrarxx ..career pruvsdrng the utsurar.<r ;Fait "t ,ti.»er, i,} t3ex:awrr ,:,h}ut ua approval by fender: prvwded,
<br />brat such apps*at shall our i,c +,rtrrasa+u:rig +ithYxrid. :l#i prenuunr, ~:n +n.ur are.c i,c,#tc+es shall ha p-sid :n the manner
<br />provxletf uttdtr paragraph Z htrcant s,r, .t rt.x paid :n sash manner, h} Botrawet rnakmg payment, when due, OareG.ty to the
<br />rtasuraact catrret.
<br />Atl irts„ruxe pulra,+rs an.# trrsewals tnerri:i snal3 lac rn ae=-mt ,:..,ct,:ahte to Lrn.tct and sisal# analudc a standard mortgage
<br />clause m (sear rd and .n farm a:ceptab#¢ sv L.ersder. [_ersak=r ,fiaa hati° r~ wght t,= tx,id the pa#taes artd rene-wata thereof,
<br />anti Borrower shstf prs,tttptl} fat ntsh rn Lens#cr aL' acnew al :;rrtrtca <rtai a~i rc.:rtpta of pa,d prcmtum;. In the turn! of loss,
<br />Borrower ;iiait g,ve proanpt nsN„x to ;fie stsauran;r .arr!~r arsal f.ru,trr I cnd<r ma} make prar+t of 'ass ,t rent made prrnnptly
<br />by t?tsrrawer.
<br />Unless fettdu and Bnrts,wcr :xttrrwase a$trr in +rsterg.:rtsura+s~r pr<.erds shah M app#ted to rrstarat#uu cat repair of
<br />• the Property damaged, pra>vsd"ed ,a3.h se>turatxx:.,r repast ;. <...+:rnis:taiiy ?ran+tsk and the +tcurny of th,s Mnrigagt +s
<br />oat thereby intpa;rett. li such rratur..ueu :.+r rrpa~t ss ^.,t >_~.,,r+,..n,e;alts tcas,hle of ~t the xcuraty of th?s Mortgage would
<br />be ,ttspsired, the :nsurarix pruce~s sbaif t+e apptrcd t., lase ,unu ,ess.redc?} th,s 'vfangage, wnh the cxctss, if any, paid
<br />to Btxrrtrwcr If the Prapetty :s abaudorxd hs Burr..wr:. ; .:' #3arr.zwtr tar;, ..• :eapoaid u. i_ender ++wdhrn 3U days tram the
<br />date rmiice rs niaattd #ry L.eaxkt to Horruwr: shat the .nsur~au.e .:stern .=tiers to settle a claim for :nsurartce benefits, Lender
<br />,s author:latd to catkat atx! apply the ansurat+.c pr v~ds a: Lrre,;et , .rpt+.~n ether :u testorauon car repair at the Property
<br />cx to the sums sctiutsx# ny this Mortgage.
<br />Uokss t_tttdtr and Borrower athrrwru agree :n ~-.,?,tang. an} s:nfi applac.auan of proceeds to principal shall not rstcnd
<br />ar pr~pont the due slate of the rrk,nthis nsta:imrnts retorted =.. ua #sragtaphs ? and Z hereof car chxa~ the amount of
<br />such itvsia#in~nu If utuier parsgra~ I d hertuf rite W.,ptrty :, acriuarraS b} Lstider, alt rig}tt, title and rotcrest at Borrower
<br />m and to any anaurari.:e p+aiu,ta aruf ,n and t.= !tu prucetds there.%t :eaufung from damage to the Property prase to the salt
<br />as a,;yu,sit,a,t sh~li pass in Leader *,.• the rstrnt :rt the runts ,ewer€rd by the, Mortgage ~mtn~f,attly poor to such sale car
<br />acgittstttaa. ,
<br />i- taeaee*=tiee aed N-°------`c of 1'v®peri}i i.eereherlds: Candosie#rtea; Phuteed Udt llevdopscats. Ftorruwer
<br />_~ taha.#t trip the Property tar geuti repair acd seta!! oat errmmrr uastt of ptrmtt +mpautuent car cieteriani,on cat the Property
<br />- std shalt comply with the prarrtantsa et say least of th,a M~.rtlagc +, can _, ttasehuid, if th,s Martgayc ,s oat a ++uit an a
<br />coadanintuas or a panned amt de vt#apnxut. tiarrav. rt ,(tali perform a{i cat Borsowc is obhgat+.,ns under ?hr ds'rrsat arias
<br />ar txsveasats craafittg ar gavtt ntng t#rc et,r,tWrueniuni of P€anitsd ::nu dcve}c>Cirneot, the by-laws and restufauuns ei the
<br />roadorainivra of pts+aaed unit 3oveioptatat, and cure#itetent titxurrtents. It a .onduaitniunt car planned :r++r ..#rFeiupanent
<br />ladle is eazs'-uted by llart=twty amt recorded usgtthtt --+ath this Mangage, ?he covcnanu artd agreetatnts of y,ch rsder
<br />s6eajt ter tuearporattd rata sent dust# aatcnd -ens! +uppkatrni the Cosct)anas and agrettnetus o{ than Martgagc as of the rtdtr
<br />~~ a part ltareetf,
<br />~. -: ?. hell td I,rreder'a ~. tf Borrtne'ar farts to perform the covenants one; sgccenxnts cantuticd en this
<br />'"~'°! ,It¢urtja,Bc. t?r if aey sstscst, sir pt[tt-esttrng rs carntntnsrst whtsh material#) a$ta:M txndts's tntertst in the Prsyxny,
<br />~#vdiaga exit rtat Firtuttd ta. rapirient domain, utaotvttrcy, uxlt enturcetraent. ar atrangeittsnts .=r pn,!:cedings mva#vany a
<br />GrAk3vj5r or iksetleatt. theta I--.trader si t..,ttWei a apt,un, upon nnteCe tit Borrower, ma} make stint appgrans:es. dasburst ser~h
<br />stIf144 asd tact t~tr act#o+a as is rtc<:tasary t_s protect t rttdtr'a +merest, srxludtag, but rest #im:ted ta, drsburstinent of
<br />reauaoah9e atty's ftta sod entry tapott the Property to mate repass. i f £.tnder rtquirtd mongtagt insuraece as a
<br />- cts~titiaa of asai[sn; flat ii~,n sre~urt-si i+y th,s !Nortgagt, Hsitrewer siiatt Pay alts prarntums r-tgtur+at# to maintacn saxh
<br />itaitttaat~ to eilpt rWta'1 stash bait as the raywirc,-oeat fsx ssiclt ?n,uran:a atrntiastea :n acaxzrdart4e svtth Borrower`s and
<br />