<br />$I-0033?
<br />9. Caadewaalbe. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direct or rnnxquential, in conntetion with any
<br />candemnatioa Or atha taking of the Property, or part therrnf, or fnr conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to tinder.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secuttd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess, if :ny, paid m Borrower. !n the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />ott+ertvise agree in writing, there shalF 6e applied t0 the ,-sR+s secured by this Deed of Tivst such proportion of the procceds
<br />^s ~ agent to that proporttes+ tehieh cite amount nC tisc ,urns s.-cured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market :zitx a( the ixraperty i ~;mediateiy prior to the date of taking, with :he ha)ance of the proceeds
<br />pew to Bortnwer.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Bortowee, or if, after notice by Lender fo Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award a settle a akin for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Linder within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />rttaili~, Leredet is atetltorized to coliext and apply the proceeds, at Lenders option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Ilced of Tent.
<br />Unless Lender acrd Borrower otherwix agree in writing, anp• such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or the due datr of the rreonthty installments referred ro in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such it+statlrnents.
<br />[6. iarrw-er Nat fttd>med. Hxtrnzion nC the time fnr payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the tialsilitp of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not ix required to commence
<br />proceadingr against such successor or refuse to extend tint for paytttcnt or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trost by reason of any demand made by the onginal Borrower and Borrower 4 successors in interest.
<br />!t. Forbtt~eeer i'y t.eedtr Nat a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender In exercising any right or rctnedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applics~ble law, shall not be a waiver of nr pres:lude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The prxurornent of insurance or the payment Of taxes err other Grns or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver ni Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured Fay this Deed of Trust.
<br />t2. iTrasedks CamttdMivt. Al) remedies provided in thes Deed of Trust are distinct and ctemutative to any other right
<br />or rerreedy under this Deed of Tn+st or afforded by law or equity, and may tx exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />steely, pro sad Afaip+a ~orad; )r+let aA Severd t.ialr~ty; Captie®. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />caatairttsd sltatl !rind, atui the rights hem+reder shall inure tn, the respective successor and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the prtvisioru of paragraph !' tr:.:;^t Att covettan€s and agreementx of Borrower shall tx joint and several.
<br />the caPYaru aced headings Of the paragraphs of this [Xed of Trtist are for convenience only and are not to be used to
<br />imtrpeet or define the provrairnts hereof.
<br />t~, iVeMee. Ettapt for sap noutt rtquued render applicable law to M: given m another manner, la) any notice to
<br />Borrower provides for in this taxd of Titter shall Fx given by mailing such notice by certified mail addresxd to Borrower at
<br />the Property AtOdrxss or at seed! cxhrr address ss 8armwer may dargnatc by notice to Lcndcr as provided herein, and
<br />{b) any notice to Lendu shall he given by cutr5ed mail, rrturn receipt requested, to Lender's address stated herein err to
<br />such other address as Lr-trier may designate try notice to Borrower xs pmvided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust xhaU be deemed to have been gevtn to Borrower err finder when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. Uaifavm Dees et Tnts~ C,steraieKt i.aw; Severab8kp. -Chic form at alecd nt trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />nation( use arid note-uniform covenants wnh tinned vanatioexs by )unsdictton to cansutute a uniform security instrument
<br />cOVetiai real ptopaty. This t)eett of Tixat shat( Pte gcwerrted by the taw nl the lunsdinion in which the Property is located.
<br />In the even that say ptmisirm err claetxe of this Iked of Trust or :he Note conflicts wnh applscaMe taw, such conflict shall
<br />not xIIKt Other ~a of this Decal of Trust or the Note which can he given eftcct wnhnut the conflicting provision.
<br />and t0 this Ord cite y~wproviesoas of tha: Chad Ot ('rust sad the Mnre arc declared to be srvcrable.
<br />lf. •ataarrvy Copy, Bortvwtx shill ire lurnuhed a conformed copy of the ?vote and Of this teed of Trust at the time
<br />of exec•~ion err afkr rccrxdatron herc0(.
<br />17. Tweeter of tie ~y: AaeaetpNea. If ati c+r say part of the Property or an mtcrest theism is sold or transferred
<br />by BOrrnwv without Leaders ptror written casrcnt, excluding ia) rice creation nt a lien ar encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this 17Ktt of Ttmt, t h) the creation of a purchase moecey securty interest for hnusrttold appltareces, Ic) a uan:ier by devise,
<br />docent or by opetatwa of law upon the dnth of a µnnt tenant Or { d) the grant a! any Icasefroid rntcrest Of three yeah or less
<br />cwt rnuta an optiat to purehaae, Lender may, at LcmSCr s op¢iors. declare al) the sums secured by this [hid of Trust to be
<br />imn+atiately dot: and payable. tst~r sluur3i have waivrxi stxh OptWn to a~CteEafc rE, peutr to ttx sale or transfer, finder
<br />and the perwn to whom the Property it to be sOtd or transferred reach agreement +n wrung that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactory to [..eider acrd iitat the trutrest payable On the Bunn stcurtd by this 1'}_ed et Tent shat! t>e at such rate as
<br />Lesdar aha11 regttp;. It Leader has warjed the option to a>_tieierate provided m thcs paragraph 17, and if Borrower x suc:cessar
<br />in ietareat hx caecmed a written aswmpuae agreereceat accepted in witting by Lender, Lander shall release Borrower from
<br />alt obligations uttder this Decd O{ Trust atx! the Nnte.
<br />If I..e+rder rasretacs such optima t=om ac.-cterate, t.emter shall n:a+i tbrmwer nWrCe n[ acceleration in aeeordartce with
<br />psyagraph it barter(. Such notice shaft prOV+de a per.Od Oi tier ftas than 3u days from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />whit Borrower may pay the Burr+t de~tarr~f +iue. ff Borrower fats to pay such sores poor to the ez~ration of such penal.
<br />tender may, without further notice or dernand nn Borrower, inrOte any rematies permrucal by paragraph t g hereof,
<br />Now-Ur+sOasa Covtwawis. Borrower and [xrafer further caveaant and agra as follows:
<br />ig. Acaetrraliar. Rsatefks. Baeepl a< pravifei to ptrrapapi f7 Ireeeot, apw larrewer's broach of say coveatM er
<br />at Brerawv is Ntiit t)attf ~' Trap, iae8siiai Ute cavewawBi ie pity w-leer dale sty straw tueurta by flier Deed
<br />of TrrY, L,erda prLtr to artdnaibr rddl mat erlsre to lganowat ws praiitie! 6+ pra®apb !1 haste specifyta~: (t) the
<br />frrwcif t2) fir tsttiut ret}airef b elate iirci 6sraci: {J) a date, aM Ins ilia 30 stays item tie dale tfte notice is wolfed to
<br />lerrawu. by wiieM mci iireaci west Itt cwred; sad ({I tom ttrYart to cwt stet bterei ou err be(or tot daft specified
<br />is tie aetkro way .neM Ht ateceitratira d tie sutea stewed by this Deof of rust iwf oak of the Properly. The settee
<br />~~ tarrim idatw ~arrewH et tit ri~itl to rtaapare ricer actekralira oaf rite ~ to btriq a weurt tattier t4 aerttt
<br />lie nsatsireact d a fefattM or any oiler deceit of tlwnwer to stxekratiaa aei mk. It the twcaei Fa trot cettd
<br />er 4r ietere tits date is Use atr4sY, tsrs4r a Leaitrs uptiae try dictate t~ e< the saws secured fry ibis flied
<br />of Trtatt b k taaerdiatet, data rmll pyalk witirat ftsAies faasae0 rf way iaeabe the power of trek sad say other remedies
<br />~ peatapY t~iatcieifiettz, ben tiatdtcd to. eataade atssraey s k punk ~
<br />H the paw of eerier irvald. Tradre air/ reearf a aatiee of idar~ ie eaci coaafy is wikb Utc PropeAy or some
<br />pars Nntat is «Iaewlad alai sbaY wm7 capia d wale sauce ®tke mswner tsrescriYsl by appiitaik irtw t0 Derrowu oat to chic
<br />aMea pasa+as peaact~ed by appt3eaMte taev. A!€ter the ktprs et ~ that as my be regaisA bl applYcabk fnr. Troika ptaU
<br />~+a ptiRlc erUce of sale M Ate perear coat iw tot watrav prescribed by applicsYe taw. Trapce, witiort dewred o0
<br />Uwrswes. sbrir atB cite trapatfy m paYic aacUaa to Ufa bigbasi bidder at the Ewe sad piercer and wader the tcrwr deatpNed
<br />i tie aelict of ark Y sae rr arcs parade wd L eaci crier m Tragee may dettrmirs. TriaKec may pae~eeae sale of aB
<br />err aey pared M tle PrrpMj icy ptrNk aapaacemeM r tie time sad place of say previtsardy acildakd sale. Leteder or
<br />[.esMs~'st~4t rnea~~ead~r~ct1mu7' fwrcMwte fk'y r a~ ~a-
<br />71e rat[dir tK pttywraf K 1Ye bid. TetWee darB deliver r the parciaser Trtrat's aced coevcyiag tie Preptrty
<br />sttdf 4 lira Trit4ech fee[ slit ie ptrbtas tacit sviitace d IM coal o[ the smteweNs malt: thrrsia, Trrpec
<br />aia~ apply for ~ra~ of tic wit Iw +ic fwWwittR wrier: tai to aN teararlk taco awd a of fir irak, iacladuee. Imt
<br />tnR lmiiN M $ratOrt's tae ai aM stare UUma . p5 ?~ of tie Rrass sale price. reaaoeaWt Ytaraey's frm awA arosk 4t
<br />dtBr aNimakY: A8 M teY tart seerra8 lY Gw ilia( et Tnrd; sad fci tit cocas, ii sty, to tie pt rsoe or persems leti~)' F4:itlitf
<br />Benda
<br />HR feeroewe's ~ rs Ralarak. Notwithstandirtg t.cndrr's auekraticm of the sums +eturtd by this Lleed of Trust.
<br />Barravser tibaA trait tlr ripl+t to itavc any protxedirrtp begun by tender to enirxct this Dt:td of 7"rust diseontimecd at
<br />any Batt prttrr to the car)iea' t4 asGUr Of (t) the (itUt day 6etore tiro sale Of tfse Property pursuam to ehc Ixrwer of sate cootairtrd
<br />in tii+t9rca of Truer Or till tniry eel a j t cnfar+'ing +hix tared of Trust tf: 4a} B4rrOwer pays i ender at4 aunts which w4tu1J
<br />ter thpe dtie enterer this t)4rJ Ot Trust~tht .t+e and no+ts scouring Future Advances. rf any, has4 cot aectierati4m occurred.
<br />Lhi tbptIIatr c+uatt aU brtaiires u! any Otbcr eavc4artts or agroemerrtt csC BOrcowrr canairre+f in this Deed of Trutt;
<br />Se} liOtsOSVCr paps act teattsa~+fs eiptenset irtcOrned }sp Lsndrr and Trerstec in cninitrrsg cite cOVCnants and agrcenxnis of
<br />~a+a~r+xswas sv+Mau+td in tAis t>Rraf tf' Trttat a++d i!t c$forcaag t.a€~r`s arsEt 7n,.stse r ren+cd+cs as mttivsded io paragraph t:i
<br />tiKSesL yE, bt:t rust iietittst ro. rtsttyrablt attOrnev's fFC'.. and tdi Bmrrxwcr takes sswh aet:an as Lcmiar may rcasrxsahtt
<br />rtgsrite tai ienr+rs tAat the Linn of this fled) nC Trutt. t:rrattcr`s in+crtt! to the Praipcrty and tier-ewer's eMitfstirwt ro p.y
<br />