<br />f32---a033~?
<br />UMpotuq Covetrants. Borcarer aril Lender covenant and agree as foNows:
<br />1, ) at ad Idereet. Borrower shall promptly pay when &re the principal of and interest nn the
<br />iridebtetineas evidenced~Nate, prepayrtient and late charges as provided in the Nde, and the principal of and !merest
<br />on a Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />>I<soail ibr grass art! faetwace. Subject to applicahle taw or to a written waiver by f.etider, Borrower shall psy
<br />to t,#ider tin the day monthly itistaBmenis of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Nott is paid in tf tll.
<br />a sum (h€rtin "Ptinds'~ egad to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assec5mertts which may attain ;.riorily over this
<br />f)s sd of "f`rtisy and grwtttd rents on tfee Yroparty if any, plus orirtwelfth of yearly premium instaiimrnts far ha<,' ~ insurance.
<br />plus ono-tsvelHh of yeartyptemium itntatlrttents for mortgage insurance, if any, alt as reasonably estimated initiaHp and from
<br />time to tittta by [,order at tfte Msfs of aaz~mertts and-bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />Thu F ahdl be bell in air institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured nr guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stale agency (inc;ttditig Lender if [:ender is such an institution). Leffler shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />itemtaixC PlCmivmi and gfOllnd it7if5. tinder may trot charge for ar holding and applying the Funds, analyzarig said accoum
<br />v verifying aril rorapilirig said asses::nenta and bills, unless Lender pays Borcowcr interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permds Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of exxunon of this
<br />bead of Ttttst that intst'est on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreetriem is made or applicable law
<br />requires such interaat to be paid; Leirder shalt riot be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. [.ender
<br />shalt give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and delrits to the Funds and the
<br />far which each debit to the ponds was made. The Fiords are pledged as additional securyty for tbe wms secured
<br />this tked of Ttsrst.
<br />ff the arnatint of tbe Faints held by Lender, together with the future monthly ittxtallments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dsx dates of taxes, assesurrtetiits, inwrance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the: amount required to pay surd taxes.
<br />asswmenh, iMiirance premiums and groutd rrnts as they tall due, such excess shall be, at Borrowers option, either
<br />pramptty repaid to Burrower w credited to Borrower on monthly installrtients of Furtdz. If the amount of the Funds
<br />Field try Leader aria[! trot be wfficient to pay taxes, assessments, inwrance premiums and ground rents as they fait due.
<br />Barrotrrer shill pay to I~r any amount txcessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice rs mailed
<br />b9 [.ender to Bartmva regtseatteig payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of ail stairs secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by Lender, If under puagraph i g hereof the Propeny is sold nr the Properly a otherwise acquired try !.ender, Lender
<br />shat! apply, no later than imtiNY Pryor to the sate of the Property or its acquisition by [.ender, any Funds held by
<br />Lender at tbe time of application a: a credit against the wms secured try this Deed of Trust.
<br />3. Appiialla d paystatata. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, ail payments received by Lender under the
<br />Ntae acct paragrapphs 1 and 2 henna[ shag beapp1 red try Ltrt~r first m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />trifler paragraph 2 tieteof. then to interest payide on the Nme. then to the principal of the Note. and thin ro interest and
<br />p~rt~tpa{ on say Future Adraxea.
<br />j, Gamer Iiemt, Borrower slid! pay all taxes. assesuncntc and other charges. fines and impositions attributably to
<br />the Property which emy attain a privity over this Deed of Trust. and leasehold payments or ground rrnts, if any, in the
<br />ti»®er provided under ptttisgraph 2 htxeof or, if not Pad in such manner, by Borrower making payretent. worn due, directly
<br />to the~t6ereof. Barrosver shalt promptly furrdsFi to I.cnder ail non«s of amounts due under this paragnph. and in the
<br />Brent shalt make payment directly, Borrower shat! promptly furnish to Lender rtettipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Borrower shat! promptly diaehar~e any lien which has priority over this [kcd of Trust: p:coiled. that Borrower shall not F+c
<br />required !o discharge any Stich (ten so '~eig as Borrower shall agree in writing [n the paymrnt of the obligation secured try
<br />sttdt lien is a maaaer acceptable to Lender. or shalt in good fanh comes( such hen 6y, ur defend rn[nrcement of such lien in.
<br />Itga1 proc.~iia which opetsie to prevent iht rnforcertfent of the ire:r or torfeiturt of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S ~jtturratste. Borrower sha'J keep the improvtttrats new earsurrg or hercaftrr erected nn the Property insurto
<br />aga'irist bsa try Ere, hattards tneltisted within the term "extended coverage". and such other hazards as i"ender cosy require
<br />and in stilt atatioh and [v such periods as Istakr may requirr. provided. that Lender shall not regwre that the amourt of
<br />aids txrveta~ uramd !hat amount of coverage required io pay the wins xcured try tins Deed of Tnrst.
<br />Ttie insurance carrier providing the inwrance shall be chosen by 8orrvwer subject to approval try Lender. provided.
<br />tLaS sates approval ahdi vot be ruresonabty wittiiield. RIl premiwrts an imurancc policies shslf ire paid in tbe matiiier
<br />providtsd tsnd~ Rangaph 2 herCOf v, if not paid in stuh rnanurr, by Borrower making payment when due, directly to tfte
<br />imtaaooe pR7ar.
<br />Att itnurarsce p~iciea and retiewais therm[ shalt be in form acceptable tea Lender and shat) include a standard mongaRe
<br />datsse in favor of and in form acceptable co tender- Linder shalt have the right to trout the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />and i9wroxer sbaB psomptly furnish to ta;tder alt renewal na[icYS and aft rrs:eipts n{ pasd premrurrGS. [n the event of ions.
<br />BOrrowor shtB give prompt isdice to the iristitance carrier and f.tndtr. 1_endtr may make proof v( Irus if not made promptly
<br />by Boerawar. -
<br />Utlaa tarider and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, rnsucance prrxeeds +hal! be applied w restoration or repay of
<br />d1e t'fapertY dassaged. proves stae#i restoration yr repair rs tconarrticalty fcasrMe std the security of this th~ed oP l"rust i+
<br />not tbtraby itnpured. if such testaratioa a repair rs not ecwr~micaily (easrbtc nr rf the stxurity of this Deed of "trust would
<br />lire unpaired, the iWllrtlnCe proeeests shag be apptlest to the saints secured by this [lied of Trust, with the txeess. if any. Paid
<br />to Borrower. ![ the PropenY is abandoned by Borrower, or if t3arrvwer fails w respond to !.ender within 30 days from the
<br />date notice is tinilal ~r t.erstler to Borrower the the i[Bafanr'e carrier otters to settle a ctarm for inwrance benefits. Leader
<br />is atit:'roriaed !o coBecs sad appiYy the iawrarx,e proceeds at Lender's option either w restoration or repair of the Property
<br />v to the tttta'as secured this L?eed of Trust.
<br />Uttkas tettdN' and otherwise agree in writing, any such applireiron of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />v pone the due date of the monody iaefallnients rtfttred to in paragraphs I and 2 hrreof or change the amount of
<br />atich ittsUOstttnts. if under paragraph 12t hereof ihr Property is at-quirtd by Lrndtr. alC right, tick artd rn[errst of Borrower
<br />in asst to any fmuraticc pnikia sad m std to the proceeds tbereoE resuiung (runt damage to the Ymperty prior to the sale
<br />v aogtlsitbn shalt pass !o Letwiiv to slie extent of the stuns secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior tv such sate or
<br />ttcquifit~.
<br />i, Psyaerval6er ail MWletrrnee of Pre~erey; l.eaeeialda: Conioadwinir; Planned Ueit Derelapssetus. Borrower
<br />shah keep the Properly in good repast and shat! not commit waste or pcntur iinpairntynt ur deterictratlvn of the Proprrty
<br />and shaft comply with the provisions of any lease if Ibis Deoti of Trust is on a tyaselwld. !f this Deed of Trust is un a unit in a
<br />eottdpntiniutn v a planned titut devetoprsretu, Borrower shat( perform alt of Borrower's obligations under the declaration
<br />yr ceveiiants crcatiag ar governing the-condominium or planned unit devttopment, tbe by-laws and regulations of the
<br />coarlamiaistm v planned noel development, and Co(atitaem doyttments. If a candomrnium or planned unit development
<br />rid~r_is ertertttod by Borsower std recorded together with flits feed of Trust, the covenants and agrerntenls of such rider
<br />shalt be ineorpvated iota and shah arrread sort wppkmem the eaverwnts unit agrternents of this feed of Trust as if the rider
<br />reere a part ]st:reof.
<br />7. lMateaMaa e{ I.ettru's Seervlty. if Borrowu faits to perform the covenatts and agr~ments rontaiited in this
<br />t3eed o[ Trott, or ft any adiwr yr pruarsditsg is comrnernxd whtc6 maryrtaily afitx[s Lender's interest In the Property,
<br />ittcpadatg, Dot teat lintitad to, eminent domain, irtsgWtMy, code enforcement, nr arrangements or procetdirtgs ins ulvrng a
<br />Fiank¢t+pt v dsoaiea4 then t-cider at L,enier i option, upon notice rv Borrower, may make such appearances. Jistrnnc weft
<br />Wore and take Brach action as is na:essary to protect tender's tntertsl, includlttg, but not lirn+ted to" distwrsrnecnt of
<br />esrWSable atRr+rtaay's fem std em*Y upon tht Property to makt repairs, !f Ltrder required mortgage insurarue as a
<br />tchditidn of tn[dtttig the loan aecwed by this [;esxi of Trust, Borrower shalt pay the premiums reyuired w mamta+n ;uch
<br />iaNtrgaca `sn te>3act tm!it ftaeh dime as. (fie requitamynt for such inYUraltce terminates in accordance wuh Borrowei s and
<br />[,eaider's wtittan agrseriteat ar taw. Borrmvu shah pay the anwunt of alt ntorigaga insurance prrmtwns :n the
<br />mauoet provided [ceder Parspa~txreaf.
<br />As tanotsa0 daDgrsed by Ltndrr ptrrwant to tt!is paragraph 7; with intcrest !hereon. shah hecsime addrurma!
<br />iaslebkst of Bnrravter eseurat by this Deed of 'f'ont. Unless Borrower artd [ruder agrtt to other terms of payment. su
<br />atnatmta tt>uq ire latyabla apwt notice Itrom !.Borten b> Btrrraa'er requcsiing payment thereof. anti efts{i reran interact from thy
<br />data trf ~ st fit( tale payable from time ter fiats tai atustanding pn~ipal nadir the ?vure untrue payrrarnt oC interest
<br />as aicli rata wexdd 6e ccatfaty to applicable law, in whis;it cyent Ouch attrounts shall near inirreat ar flit hrghtst rate
<br />psamittaibls tmdis t[p4i'ieabia lax. Nodang eoataitied in trite paragraph 3 shalt rrquirt Lender to ith ur any cxprnst ar take
<br />say s b~errnw+dsr.
<br />>k 1lOtt. tsgdsx tray melee ur caise to Fx malt rtasuna~r entries opus[ attd inspec.nixts e+t rtu Property, isrnvidtsl
<br />than t.ets4Mif shell gins Btxtrpwer rpiKiye prior to anY srtcli ittapecticsn specifyieig rtasonatrk cause itrerefar :elated tV 1 crntrr's
<br />istast la tiK Praoatr.
<br />