.` ..
<br />
<br />5~,.-K~Clt33~`Q
<br />(1) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such hvlder
<br />with funds to pay siteh jatt:mfum to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Devrlapment pursuant tv the
<br />Nafi€+naf Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulatifms therenrder: or
<br />([n if and so Intsg as said note of even date and this instrument arc held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />i3rbaR t7cve6opinettt, a tnonthiy etarge (i~ lip crf a t~rtgsg€ in~ermtea" fYrernit:ml which shall be in an
<br />arsinuat egaai to oar-ttveifth (i7i2) af-one-half (tJZ) per centum of-the average artstanding balance
<br />due on the nvee computed withotti taking tnto account delinquencies or prepayments:
<br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, tf any, next due, plus tht protnsuttts that will next becvtne due and payable nn
<br />policies of t'ne and other hoard in~rrance covering the trivrtgagrd property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />an the merrtgttged property (eff us esiisrrAtFJ by rhr ifvrtgfgier! less alt alms already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of Frtonihs to rlapar before am month prior to the date when such ground rents. premiums. taz.es and
<br />aaaapunentt wtH ttrclxste dedingtteai, sash sums ro l+e hr}d by Mvrtgagr{ in crust to pay sold around rents. pre•
<br />rniums. tatxes attd spesia! asaessrtsents: and
<br />fc; All psyiaertts rrtentiartett En the two precedtittg subsections vt this paragraph and all payments to he made under
<br />the note created heretry shall 6e added together, and the aggrr_rttr amount thereat shalt be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />e~tr tnnnth itt a ctndr paytttent to !ee applted by the MartRagre tv the #ia(lawing items in ihr ruder set lvrdt-
<br />(I} prernitan chargts under tilt c.mtract of ins,rancr tx'rth rhr secretary' of flvustng and Urban f?rvrk,prtert.
<br />ar monthly charge fin !dart of marrgaee inwrttnce prenttunU. as the case may be:
<br />tffl grrntnd rentx.:axes, assessments. tier and other hazard msurrncr premiums;
<br />Hlll mtrrest ,m rhr raaie secured ttueny: and
<br />ITVi amurtiutwn of the ptynctpai of sold Hate.
<br />:4rry ~ m rhr amoutx crf ahp° such aggregate ,northly payment stroll, unless made good by ir`te Mort-
<br />trpgor prior tv the Sue date of the n{xt such pay!rtrnt.:,ntstttutr an event ,>i detauit under thts ntartgage. Thr
<br />MttJtgaerx mag' crzshxt a "tart cltatgf~' not to exeerd frnu cents t4t<) far each dollar (511 0'. each payment more
<br />rbas tiftrert i i 41 days to areas tv court the extra expers+' mvnfved rn handling delinquent payments.
<br />3. 79tat if for total of der pa~saettt made he the 1lvrtgaro. under r' of paragraph '? prrcc•dinR'=hall exceed
<br />the ataesmt zaf pa~ttwttt- ac•taatly ra;tde by rhr Nortga2rr far ~=rtwnd rend. taxes #utd a-:: rr~~ment-~ ur insurance prr-
<br />ant~, ai< for cart loos he, wr€$ excess. if ttte loan is current. az ahr <tptiaet of the Hort~or. zha!! he credited by
<br />the Nart#altee' oa .+e6.~tent payarrnt~ to hr made by the tilurigagtrr. ur rrfundrd tit rhr tiurtgagur. tf, however, the
<br />moisthik ptnra€n~ erattie by the Mortptagtx under <`; of Fssragraph ' 1+rccttijn¢ sisalf noz he suffic;enz to pay ground
<br />Hato., taxe» amd a3riree+amt. w insurance ptrmrum~. ate: rhr c:+-4N maa he. r+hin the -ame -hail become due and pat-
<br />tt~e. tbwt tilt VMteytirtter ~Aall pay to rhr Mortgat*rr any amtntnt nrce-..-an~ in matte up rhr deficiency. art or hrfore
<br />ih! date wft€m patymrntt of wrh g;ttsettd rents. tax€•-. ,t---rr+tarnt~ or In-urancr prt•mtums ~psall br due, If at any
<br />U~' t1p+ "tiPrtf[ggPr •:halt fM1~S to ahr t#±HQa in at°cardance ;auh rhr• p:r„ r-rant of rhr Holy ~ttr°nred hereby.
<br />fall ~ittttent of the tattim prtdebtatdarrs rnpte~rnred Iherrhy. the 1lartgage•+° -hai{.:n ; nmptr[rntt the amount of ~ttch
<br />irsdeirt+tsJ~a, ctc`}jt to the aceattnt of rite RStxtgagar sit ;~srrtrent~ made urnler rite p-u+iesurt. of r : of paragraph
<br />hcs€ttf vritich rhr Htxti;Gagtre has not treerrar e,irliRat€°d w poi to the .-rrnE.r crf Hon+:ntt acrd !-roan 1)eyelopntent
<br />acrd ana haiancr mraairtirtx €n the futrtt arc:tasalatt•d under rhr trm:.-:,~> <.f ' :.t pasa~raph '1 hrrrof. tf +hc!rt:
<br />!tltsfl ice a defwit uttdrr ana +rf rhr pntor-inn- at iht- mrrctragr feyui[inc is .+ putrtic -.rt€• nt rhr prrmi-e* coyrn•d
<br />htt,mbv, or if ilre 4ittrtRagcr az"gaiew>< thc• pn,prrty ,+ttre•rx:>,• .eft,-r tf.•fautt, rhr tirxtt;:r¢re. -half appla. nt rhr time of
<br />rhr cotaarencextr['stt of =ut.~h pruc€wding,-. or at the ittar rhr trttrprrta .- c,thrrv.r-.° :#ryutrrvi, ilte 6rri:mt•r then rrmein•
<br />ing in tier ftrruls acruttwlau~l tmdrr r ~; i,f paraeraplt _' pn•r-,v#to)3. s-err<•ffiz :rEam^t rhr• amount r+t principal then
<br />retnaintittt unpaid andrr ward Holt, and -1ta.li (rrrrprrfa :tdjust :tits psvutrnt- ++t,rch -hail hear !>rrn made under cal
<br />of graph -r.
<br />3, that rhr Mcrtgagur watt ,=ay gYnund rent-. t:ear~. -s„ck~tnrnt:. ~»:,trt rate,. :;nd ,uhrr c,=vrrnmettta! .,r mmticrpal
<br />charge.. tines. ,x =nttwsitiufe,. tar wttcn provre+an ts., ~+at urea made t;cretni+rtarr, .~rrd to detaal# therrr+` the ~tartgxgrr rnav
<br />pa}- the same; acrd that the 4tvrtgagcx wilt prumptit Sr!racr rhr .=tiicts2 rrxigt, therefor to the \{ongagcr.
<br />5..ih{ ?rdurtgayur will ~ sti ,i!! roar. whw~h mxis i'r caret upsn the yicxrg~tee~, inerrr+t in sod rent e.:atr and impr^a°e-
<br />rnrnis, and which milk I]C ICVtrd Lp+1n iota nlaTigat`.C .+t inC d{t'ft ,Ctlirr:: 11C(Ct?~ 1(ttlt an11' ell lf1C C[(rtYt that ,itt It 1, M)t pTUhliSit-
<br />ea by Faw and UntL t0 rhr Cxtenl tlHi[ +aih w:I! tit)3 4itd°Rr ihl, itT,an ti,+lfla,ill i, E+ul C1Ctndtng :any InC+~fnC ta.a. ~[atC' .,C f Zd2r:it.
<br />imps»ed ern Mortgagee, ~md wit! Fik the odiCtat recrrp[,nuwinit,uch pa:rnrnt ut[h rhr Mlxtgager. l;pan vn>!atiun of this under
<br />htkiag- us if rhr Afortgagur is prarhiMtrd by any !aw now of herraft{x etkiing (corr. paying the whale ur any pordvrr of thz aforr-
<br />;aid fax;s, w upon ttre renderiag.u any court deurr prohibsting sh{ patmeat hg ~hr;titNtgaptvr at any ,uch !acts, cu if each i~w
<br />ar decree ptavidrs Fhai any :unuunt w gold by rhr .`Ncxiguga+r strati },{ ~reditrd aft rhr rnartgage debt- #hr \tortgagre shall have
<br />the right to }pine ninety day's' wnnen twticr to rhr ,rwnrr .rf rhr n?.xtgaged prrtnise-. requiring the payment r?f the mortgage
<br />debt. lT sash imtice rte Pyen, the raid drtx€ shat! hecomr due, payat*~ arni rotiretibk at the expjratiun of ,aid ninny days.
<br />fi. That should ltz fait to pay any itittt ur krrp arty ,~osenarit pruvidzst fur m this Mortgage, then rhr hturtgagee. at its op-
<br />tion. may oay or perftxm the color, and at} rsperiditure. su made shaft hr sddrd es the principal Burr. nx ittg on ittr atxrvr Harr,
<br />shat) hz seetu_e3 fttreby, amt shall brat trttere'st :u the talc sea fwih an the s:ri«t nVle, anti! paid,
<br />?. That rte hrtehy aasigrrs, ttans#'erx :end set, a+{r to rhr 3Svrtgager, to l+e applied toward ihs paY'menz of the nrne and atf
<br />stuns sr%nLed ttezehy in cons of :r drfautt in rhr prrfarntance of ans of rhr- trans :end candittans .~f obis ~tcxtgage or ihr said
<br />rliue. al?-rhr rents, reyrnues arts! iacuittr to fee drnacYl from the mortgaged premises oaring such bate v` rhr ?n,rrigagz indebtzd-
<br />rtesg shall rtemaia unp-aid; aext rhr '.44~tee ,hat! have puwsr to appoint .:ay ugrm ac agents it ma} Jtsire far the purpose of
<br />prrati~x ar~of-renting tltr raarr. cldtecturg the rrtMS, revenues and iocunte- amt it may pay euz n[ said in-
<br />cearesafl r?4penses <;f Jcpairi~ said premises and necessary ecnztmtsstuns and exprnazs tneurred to renting grid manugia8 the
<br />stj a~i-af t€zikctfng rcntaln tistxefri;m: the tratrce rrmasnirstt, if ant. ter tit applied toward the discharge of +aict marigagr
<br />ittdttNtt~itess-
<br />$. 'T1tat-lt~ will keep the itapJttyetaer€ts n€w eaistinrt sir hrr{:tttrr erected on rhr martgagrd property, insured ax :nay he
<br />ragtivcd from tisae to time t,y rhr Mautgagt:r against t3ss t,y Etta -,nd other hacards. casuahirs ;md eantingencir'a in such
<br />ititrtti ansl.f~ suslttparitds as asay ~ retitri;ed f+p the Mortgages end wilf pct} prvntptiy, when due, :any premium, tin such
<br />~e fwdvi~rrn fo€ pagtt~nt of svflicfi has clot t±rrn made ltereir~eftxe. #il insurance :hat; hr c:srrtrd in ~orapdni{s ap-
<br />provrtd [;y the Mortgagee amt the pulisies and renewals thereof xhal! hr ttelJ hg the Mtxtgagrr <:nd friar anached that{to +.+vs
<br />-past abk eJausrs in faysir crfarid in form arscptsbh' tv the Mortg#rter. fn tyro[ of lass 'tlartgatix w~tlt g-ve immrdiatr nvaue bg
<br />arm Fp tbt Morta~ee, w1w rRay rnakr prtwf of kiss if tttlt mane prvmptty ht Mortgagor, and each ittsur:srt<r .arnpan} con
<br />cYS~ed is 1eGt+ebg ai-tftaizal,atut directed to make payment Fsx such l+xs diresdy to the Mwtg:ager iaste:xl of an the Muitgagcx
<br />artd;fpe Mcgitgajpee jolatly, attic rite ia~urattse prmueds, ar any part the{cof, may Fez applied kq F#nr tSorigaget tit its.,pti=m rithef
<br />to tffR r~siiggf ~tltr redehtednes~ betthv srcttrerl set to tl~ n*>:.toCatitJrz ear rc~+air.Yf dhe prupeYty dataafZrd fn zyrnt.>; farres'u-
<br />wJr ref. his tnattit or ett!har irxrtsfet of tick to tl~ mvrtgaitrd gsrvtpcrty is rxfiaguishmc m i,(~hr irrdr htrdrue s, ,er acrd h{rer+y.
<br />edi rN. 6itk ami:'ratctest of dce Mort;'u in told to any inxtitancr polities then in t ace ,hat! p«•, to tfu: pttrrha,rr .+r grantr€°
<br />Q, 'T'hat as addiiivnat atld tollattrai ~etrr€f+'for Fhr pa}tnsnt <+f the ttxstc •irscrf+rai, .:nsf .at! .un4s to FxtYxne .fur artrJcr tMs
<br />rit~t, the M#ttjp~iti itGrcb; asnigris-ta ttic Martee all pra#its, rrvrntrrs eyaitt. , rghts ..nd t+ern•Fts tcrutng tc+ rhr
<br />?rTdi#gegtu tutt#Jr. areY and a€# :nl atttl i~ leir>av fur w;ui;srettssrs- with the rtgtet t ~. recrrv~e an.! reyript fur rhr .a+nr ,end npp9y
<br />ahem r#+;+~ iet~tti53eder+, ati w"et~ txfarfi at #tftat defs~ait in-the a-cettdttianx crf this moxtaagr..Ind tttr Martltnger situ v drmdnd. ,tie
<br />isrr ru~~ ts+`<<*vNr t+i} .utib pua niPAtz n**ia+.rf? dttr a p?ty'a~lC, t+ta~t alt~i nr..x he rciiuue,t •.. ,~, ,fs, -?'tsi. .aas>}#nrrzrnt -.t ;,: tcs rnrnatr
<br />;xf~f hr+;..1mtr Hutt aaif sartdup€+u :rlrtr,€ taf tf~s rrp~e, -- -
<br />+tAti ~ t ~ aM +A t9F
<br />