<br />~~€"O' Vvs3f's~Gfl-
<br />it~IiTGAGE
<br />,!
<br />This form is used in Conner
<br />tine with mortgages insured
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisinns of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />t~F$~t~i, araig~d exert this 3ith-~ dfy of 3ttne .A. t3.
<br />19 ,63'rpaibaaec+a g L, f#rsrstinete arxt Drsbra L. Martinez, Ansbnnd and Wi€e
<br />tlte't,gwtty ttf Flied . amd State of Nebraska, patty of thr first part, hereinafter called
<br />tbet~ttgigor std
<br />~err#,rsr Ilnxtgitg+s, inc.
<br />aeorp ~ esiiting txtder the laws rrf Neebra8ka ,
<br />}rely at tlte'set,mted pare. trereinafler :ag«l the ttlrntga~e.
<br />tirTfA1~S3E"fH: Tf#af the said ft4, for and in eetttsidetatirut of the ram of .Thirty eis3ht thousand and
<br />Datlats !S 38, 004.00 1. paid by the Mcut-
<br />tt of which is heretfy acknowledged, has (itanted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gatsr: SeN; "Convey and Confvm unto Lhr 'k1 gs~c itx sucerssors and axsi_rms. forever. the falts±winRdescrihed
<br />real estate, tatuaQed st the t.`ouaty of ofi;11 ,and 5#ate
<br />oI NeHtaska, tci~wit: ~ .
<br />Lot Tteo tltsstds'ed Ttar3tty 53x C 226) also the Nartherly three (3) Feet of
<br />Lot Two H~t3red Twenty Seven (227) in Bel~tt Additicx# to the City o€
<br />[;;lead island. Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />of the ^.stxth fh4neipai hteridia#s. cotttaurting in at!
<br />onentsutvep:
<br />scrrs according #o rnvrrn-
<br />'P() FIf11'E AND TCi i;(3Lil thr pretni5rs atirzxe dra.:ni.eci, with aG ihr appatieaance-4 thereunto. briungintt and irrciuding
<br />ail haatmg, piutnbtax xnd t+ttg frxtutes and. a~utipaunt tw+r of Irereaf trr ;t tasiud to ax ux.d in connection with said real estatr
<br />unto the ~• and #o its succ~sasaa and assigns, fatever- f'frr S#cx#gagtrr rrprrsents tcr, and cavenants wi#h. She ?4fortga-
<br />ttert, [Far the ~ ire gaod rigitt to cell at#d conwry said prrmi~s: [fret-they err [rte tram encumbrance: and that the
<br />± rctttttrAt defsttd tip sarrte agai~# the iyw f rri €iaintx ~f xis prr«rrs •~ he*aix~ra tr, >ru# the sail 112~+rtgagx~r ie~e-
<br />bp-taN~e~eixhea ~ ttgAtx rif ttrnnestead, aad afi nrrti~ rights. rrtlur in law yr in c~uity. sttd ati other contingent intctests of the
<br />!rharfg itt aad w [tee abase-describes{ s rrmis,ts, rir in#an~an hrcng to eanvej° turrt~q sn ai~aiutc tick, is ire sirttpir, includ-
<br />i~~ tigbfa trf llt~rxtrad. und+attt€t ria}tt~ arrd mte=rsts as aiixrsaid.
<br />Fll4V-PIEi) ALWAYS, and tlxex~e presents are tiautsd aatd dcfiveresf uprtn thr #otiawing csrtaiiitxrtts. #o wit:
<br />TAe ~ agrees to pay m rite ~, cx cMdet, the priiw`ipai sumo[ `~~'tY eight thonaasd aad Nofl00ths
<br />Sk?tltus tk 3ti r 000.44 ).
<br />with tntsraii {torn date at t~ rate of Fifttsea alto One-33a1f pee aentum ( 15.50 f f~) prr annum on
<br />lire utf Eratsnca ueirfpai$: 'Ybi ~ prisc~sef and intercu shelf ±u tsayrbir at the o~lir:c of
<br />~`~~; i~sc. ,tea
<br />the nr#,e may e ` ' ~n#e`ef~ of Favr hcttadred rtirxety £ eh ~r p721ia4~th~s ear ur
<br />[}r>f2nrs i~ #95.72 i. eammending an the first da; of
<br />. ;y gy and on thr rst day of each month therratter unti3 the principal and in-
<br />terest aripa~t, except iiuct the hpai payn#ant uI prirg:rpui ern{ in#errxt, it aut scorner raid- ihati t+r dnr and
<br />payadie rm tkr ktstdky ut 3uly, 2012 :alt according to the terms of a igrtain prami'-
<br />sory of eveb trerrwlUt cxrwted try tt a said 41~,rt,.a - -
<br />Atu#ardet atsx+r €+tUy ro prt#Ner.2lhe src.tnaty of this Mortgage. agrera.
<br />i Tha; l>Q w~ pity the itlttrkbiedaesx. as kcreinfrefor€ prnrided. Frivifegt is rrsersed to pay the debt in thole. of in sn
<br />uwt rgtsai to dfaB k'rr dale-csoafhty payments on.tbe ptirtipai 4itat are ncx# clot .rn #hC notr. un ttre brat day crf any atunttr
<br />Attar 1e ~;.. ialiewlderd, hn+trrea, Tksat xrtittcsn tlrsciic of an intentis;rt tx _rsercise. stch ptiviiettz i€ givrn at ietixt thirty t:tt1
<br />day3 prisr tatyl~pay~,e#si.
<br />73taf. t~ rith, aced m trittrt to.. the rn~tttbiy payments pf pr:ipr! and tattarest pryaCrie uttdcr the terms of the
<br />rrrife 'tr i~re&X. Che ~ pay #~ tine. fdot't,get. on the fast day a. tas:h maath untif tf~ waifl afire is-{oily iraid. the
<br />ftr~taMitt;-
<br />dyj Aa3.wsttt t~ W ptuayle the itoidar heta+rf with-funds to pay the ttttxi tnirrt #rtstrtancr-pt~enriurn sf ttsia
<br />yratrt+>arti and t)itr noar xectateti hetsby ors iainteri, zsr s mtmthiy eitargr tart tis~rr r!f e rrwrte irt~ttu#rt~e
<br />rts~rt? if i4ry tug i~ !ry tlM $bt~tary of flr~and fl:ban FittFst#wnt, as i+~iisxws:
<br />#)) H MlY'i fcr i~ ~ >Bd tro{s of Oren data t Sb~ ir~tr}rrnrnt-Art irtsursQ cx are cstnw#rci sruster sire {*t.:•
<br />of t5ri )iatfdisai F1au {yet, alt ahtouh4 suffi~t:#st to see#sn{uiato in tip tti,ncls <+f thv tr.~#der },ne
<br />ter-4~t,6.is~rlMMS+e#++aia e.. awx3 wem xw ar»rwtsa 4"f`'!T~`U~ E~k~l1k?1,~'6i.si
<br />~rtt1:-S~tt~3M t9-7t3r#
<br />