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<br />8I-,~t~sr3oo <br />},cadet's written egteemeat ar applicable -nw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage ineurattce premiums in the <br />maatfar prbvidcd under polygraph 2 6ttreot. <br />Arty sarouma tlisburaed bq L.~tder pursuant to this paragraph 1, with interest thereon, shalt ttecome additional <br />'sndebtad>rss of Borrower s!ca+red by this Mortgage. Unless Borrotvtr and Lender agree ro other terms of payment, such <br />am~unh sball be payable-upon twttce from I.eoder to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />dace of dbbnxtamrmt a the rate payable from time ro time on outstartdhtg principal under the Note utftess payment of <br />ittistest at ouch rate wixtld ire contrary to applicable taw. in ta~tieh went such amounts xhall best interest at the higher rate <br />pattnsdble ftndtr applicable law. Nothing cattaarfed in this paragraph 7 shag requim Lender to incur-arty expense or take <br />any atxiarr hcramdar. <br />3: titp+aetle~. Lender map ttutt or calm to be made reasonabe entries upon and inspectionx of the Property, provided <br />that (.,ender shall give Hortower notice prior to cent such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related Yo Lender's <br />inttreat "en the Propmty. <br />4 C.eaieara•Btrs. 'ilw proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in ctinnectletn with any <br />corndem>mtbn or otfier taking of the Property. or pan thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigtced <br />and shalt be paid to Lerxler. <br />Ln the event of a teal taking of the Property, the proceeds shalt ~e applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />will the excess, if any, paid to Harrower. in the went of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, these shalt be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal la that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediatNy prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately pricer to the Hatt of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ro Borrower. <br />If the Property is abatfrkmaf by Horrrnwer, ar if. after notice by Lender ro Barntwcr that the candemrtor offtta to make <br />an award ar settle a claim for damages. Bormwtr tails to respond to Ixnder within 3Q days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. L.tnder is atttbarind to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propene nr to the sums sattred by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any suoh application of proceeds to principal shall not ezttnd <br />ar postprnfa flu doe dolt of the ruonthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and '_ hermf ar change the amotmt of <br />such itxatallsnead. <br />tg. itlsreasrer NsK Reitaeed. F~etensian :>f the time for payment ar modification of amatrization of the sums secured <br />by this Mangage granted by Letfder to any successor in interest of Borrower shall rant operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liability c>f the original Borrower and Rnrrttwtrs successors sn inremt- Lrnder shall not rte required to commence <br />proceedings .gairaM stash successor or reftnx to extend nme for pavmmt ar otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />sertrred by Chia Mortgage by reaaat of any demanil made i>v the nrigtnal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />tt. irariaaraa@e i7 I.eeiar Net a tWaher. 4m forbearance by t ender in exercising arse right or remetty hereunder, or <br />attrerwise alfiorded by appheabk tar, shall not hr a waver of ar preclude the eatrcise of any such right or remedy. <br />Tht prc+ettrentertt rff itfsunrKt ix ttx payment of lases or nthtr taenv ar .barges t+v l.ertder shall not lx a waiver of Lender's <br />rigbi to accelerate the maturity of the indebtadneu .enured by +his ~tongagc <br />}j, gr Cturtaiatts:, kit rtm~res pros,dtd in this 4tortl;age arc ~Eistinct and cumtelative to any athtr right ar <br />tertfedy under thix Mangagt tx aftardcd i*v [aw ar rRwn•. ,nd mac tx rstrnsed ~ancurrentfy. independtnth ar sttcceuiveiy. <br />13, tisetaseas aced Asalgws t loift ace/ Seses7} T.ia6~ty; Captiss. ll+t covenants and agreements herein <br />txuftained shall )thfi, and the rights hereurrtter shalt inure ta, the rtspecu.t stn:ctsse+ts and aligns of Lender and Borrowea, <br />subiert to the provisions ar puagraph t" hereof- Ali covenants and agrterrttnts of Borrower shat) ht joint atfd several. <br />life capt~ aced he~listgs of the paragraphs of this ~langagc art far ctmveoienct only and are not to he used to <br />interprM ctr tiafltfe the provisions Ineraof. <br />14. Naesw E7ecept far any native rts)uired trader appl~abk taw to l.r green ,n attottxr manner. fal any notice to <br />Borrower prtfvidre for in tttia Mortgage shah he green hry matting stash !eoacr t=v .entitled mail addressed to Borrower at <br />tine property Addttss err at stx)f :rtixr address as Bcsrmwer may destgnatc by notice to ixnder as provided herein. and <br />/b) atrv ttotia to [.xirder shall t+e gtvttt yiy certttieci marl. +etnrn rreetpt rtsTtrested, to [ endtr's addteu stated herein ar to <br />sixh 'tYtter addrxas ~ f.ander mmy mate t~.y nati_-t to A=orr-+wtr as pr=~wtdeci htrcen- sloe naticz provided for in this <br />Martgagt shah tfe deemed to have Oxen gtvrn to Barraver tx l ender when green in the taantxr deaignate:d herein. <br />t$. U Aterltatte: 4'+ast+oiai }.aw: Ssvesahpty. 7ifis corn: at r;xts,^,:a$e ~7vnbir+ts uniform covenants far twtionat <br />tut and Hart-srssifarrsf covenants with timtttrf •rar_autxfs by ,urasdtctian to cattstitute a uniform suutety instrurnem covering <br />real property. Phis Mortgage stroll tx governed by the taw of the iunsttietion io which the plc+petty is tested- in tlu <br />anent that any pcovtuon ur clause of this Mortgage ~u the 'date caaflic~~ with appticatrie taw, such conflict shat! vat affect <br />other provisions of this Mortgage ox rite Natr which ::ace t+e ttevrn ctfts:t without the conflicting provision. and to this <br />end rife ptovistom of the Mangage artd the '`utc arc declared to tx {tvtr:bde. <br />ti. lsnatnae4 Cif. Harrower sha)1 to futnnhed a conformed copy of the Nate and of tfiis Mortgage at the titnc <br />of erectnian ar after natotdatiaf hersod. <br />}~. 71arEss sf lie tFSapstyt Artttsrrisa. !f all ar any pan of the Fropeny or an interest therein is cold or transftrred <br />by Hsrrowsr witbesitt Leader's prrar written :ormtat. excls~ing tat the ctcatian of a Iien or eacutftbnaae subtmiinate m <br />this Mort~e. (b) the cteasisxt of a purchase maoty security mtertst fax hotrsehoid appliances, tc) a transfer by devise, <br />destaN or by opttatiaa of Isw upon the death of a }oral tenant ar td) the grant of any leaseimid inteteN sf three years or Ieu <br />ttoi ding an PPtiee to purdtaaa I.taler may, at Lcndei s aptton, declare nit the stints secures isy this Mortgage to bt <br />isamedseciq drat std payable. i,crtdsr shall bare waved such option to acctkratt if, prior to the sale or traoafer. Lender <br />aced tbt pcrwe to the Propcstq i3 tLS be saki or transferred reuh agrtesetent is writing that the credit of sttth petsorr <br />is satisfarnary to t.eader and tifat tha interest ~yatric cnf the stuns secured by this Mortgap shat! tx at stxh rate as Lender <br />s~t8 rsgna:. if Loonier im raivad rite c=ptwa to acxeicrste preroided in tfiis paragapit f7, and if Borrowers succeasifr in <br />iattrtreat has tatwet~d a sstit~ ateumiftian aZreamtai accepted in wrrtixfg by Lcteder, Lendtx shall release Borrower from ail <br />attLtres under this Manpg aced tits None. <br />tt LctsOea exsteaes ~ r~tamt to aec~cate. ixttder =hats mail Borrower ru>tice of accekratiart in accordance with <br />paagraph 34 hsseaf. 3sf~ tsctlice sirii prawfde a period of rKU itax than 3ti days from the d:te the notice is.tuaikd within <br />wirtt;tf Hprfrfr6s nmY pay the swan dadarad due. !f Horrawtr farts to pay such sutra prior to the ezpintion of sw:h period, <br />Leudar taay, evgbofH ftatlxr notice ar deafsad on Bwxower, invoice any rertudies permitted by paraEt'aPh t$ hereof. <br />Aiett<Ut~ttratast C~ars+fKrs. Hotrutr-~ asd E,eadtr turtiux eaveraant attd agree as fa[Satt+a: <br />ti. riCaisaaYsai liaaaadita. Eiry1 as pa~Mfed ~ P~+s-r I7 itareaf. ffpss Batssssee'a facwei et tasa~ eetramt tr <br />tgpss~ae al tlrsassas tr t~ leeiaiisg tit epseaaar r ~a wkfetl gas any soar sacwd i7' tMa M~t{e. <br />[walla pine ai sit twsB aeka to lerrawsr s provided i+s petapnpi L4 6rsaf tyse~iags (t) fit iseaeb: <br />S21 des ttslilat sapira0 M caste rrei lpeserd fA a dots. test tiaae liar. 30 ~ #tesrs tine del tie astire b rnAnl ~ tlocsowara <br />i9` ssiitlt eadt ttsaesir sash t1s etaadt sad (4i Arcs faAwe M retie arae- bsaci oa or bafase ebe dale ststfisi if firs esNee <br />rrsd:etttdt it analasaesa of lit mtsaa eseaeett try !66 Met't/a~ts feeeciawe i7 1 pocott~ag aced ask st Net 1'sepersy. <br />'IF3stya~Ysssitl~~SlWs isttsrsrta Msawrs ai Nr rf~a 8a tairYts t~Oer aatles aoi tie right-it crest it itlt letectaatrt+e <br />lice aatisrtiMaase •2 a dsdarit st nett oriel dslsaec eE tiosrotrar ro acedweias aced tome4aater: tt tit ieeaei <br />s~ oa ss Halsor des Hit sRadgrd ie Nis aeNea t,eadse a (.,sadee's giifw a~ daekse set ai the guar seewsd by <br />die-iMalfdtl/sfs ie IrlraaikNait fell atoll prptli3rt wlNbsrst Oststtiar dersr~i sa# ws~ faseeeWsa 6!" ~Yeiti Irsac+apaN. i,nals+ <br />erAwli #a aidWti is talM~}a wi+ 1*asssrsdYre rrti aa}naatr ai Via. ~ bait aces iiseiard ice. eae[s e} daesaenNq <br />sstiirtae.rdtrtmita#ttttitiis trgesfe. <br />iy, ~reale~f ~ M asow.s•.M f+ieatsr~g Ixittkr"s ata<+fleraisot cent the strata sectored .'Z thta Mart#ttg0. <br />ll~sstaars tdta% betsa tie t'~+t tea fists +nY ~; itagnn itp 1_cndar to eofdree tft;<+ Mortgage dtsrct:frtntted at nay time <br />