<br />$1--t)03300
<br />U-rtFOttw (Govtstrntvra. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. ?{ytssrN of sett 1tNareat. Borrower strait P~Pt1Y P,Y when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />evideacer! by the Noes, prepayment :ltd late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />oa gay Furors Advaaxs secured by this Mortgage.
<br />L Ptmtlt f!sr Tam alai Imtaaaee. Subject to agjt!tcable law cr to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Leader on the day tttonfltly itt~alltaettrs of principal and smerest are payable under the Ntxe, uatsl tits Nots is paid in furl,
<br />a amr (betels "Fonda"~ egttai to tme-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asssasmsrtts wfisch may attain priority over this
<br />Mtutgttgs. gad gtvuad teab on the Property, if any. pies ctere-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plea terse, twel[tlt of yearly prdnium ittstatlmatts for tnortgags insurance, if any, ail as reasonably esrimated initially geld from
<br />firm to tiara by Leatkr oa the- bass of aaaes+rt>ma and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall be bead in an srtstitution the deposes or accauats of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />stay assrttry f irteltatiag Lertdtr if Lender iz such an irustitaaonl- Lender shalt apply the Funds to pay easel. taxes, assessments,
<br />i+ntttartcs premiaaa gad grxxmd retra. Lsrtder may nest charge for so hMdmg and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or vsrifytag gad compeller; said assessments end bilb, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the -Funds and applicable law
<br />pmtaits L.eadst to make such a charge. Borrower and [.ender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that intermt on the Fonda shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />regttares utclt interest to be paid, Lender xha41 nest be regsrired to pay Borrower any enteral or catalogs on the Futtda. Lender
<br />shaft give to Borrower, without charge, an annttai accounting of fire Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose fw which each debit to the Funds was made. Ttu Funds are ptodged as additiotsat sxutiry fo: the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />If the smarm of flu Faros held by Lender. together with the futtuc monthly ens[allments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the doe dates of cases, aataxsmenu, inwrarux premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />astaegmarts, iasurartce preatituns arm ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />proatptfy repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower on rrttmthiy installments of Funds. If the amount of the Fonts
<br />held by Letttkr shall got be stt~Cimt to pay taxes. aasessntents, inuurance premiums and ground rents as they fall dos,
<br />Botratser shall pay to Lender any arrratnt tsscessary to make up the defreicncy within 30 days from the dots notice is mailed
<br />by Lttiader to Borrower regttestiag payment thereat.
<br />Upon payatux is fetB of all sums secured by thu Mortgage. I.et,der shall pmmpNy refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />bald by [_ettder. !f under puagraph IR hetteof the Property rs wed or the Property ss otherwise acquired 6y Lctrdtx, Lender
<br />shaft apply, tm laYSr liras tmmedeaicly prior to the sale of the Property ar its atqutsition by Lender, any Funds herd by
<br />[.cadre at the time of application u a credit agasnat the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />'1 ABM oA >RaytseYS. Unless applicable taw prtrvrdes otherwise. all payments rctetved by Lender under the
<br />Note gad paragraphs !and 2 hereof shat! tx apptsed by Lender first to payment at amounts payable tr L.ender by Eorrower
<br />undsi paragraph Z btxeot, tbee to mterest payable ran flit Nme, tMn to the pnncspai of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />principal oa any Ftatue Advaacu.
<br />i. CI•argaai I3ns. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />tbE Property which may attain a pnority over this Mortgage, and lcaselrvld payments or ground rents, if any, in the manr~r
<br />provided uad¢r paragraph 2 hereof ar, ,S not pard to such manner, by Borrawu making paytttsnt, wtx[t due. directly to the
<br />payee tfseesot. Borrower chats proxaptly fumssh w fratkr ail trottcea of amvuntz due :srdsr rtes parsgraF6, and in the evtm*
<br />tiartvwer shall matYs payment directly, Horrowsr shalt prampsly turnrah to Lender receipts rs-tdeattng such payments.
<br />Box[ois-er shall Promptly dgcbstrgE anY lien w#tich has prrarny ~vtr this M~mgage: providrtf. that Borrtrwsr shall oat be
<br />requited to duchargs any such lien so tang as Borrower shall agree in w rising ie ehs payment of the obligation secured by
<br />stscit t~ is s taat3etsr ~ to Ltitdsr, ~n shall in gxsd faith cotttut stn:h lien by, or defend enfarecmtnt of such tiara in,
<br />legal prntssdetsrs which operate to prevent the enfotesment of the lira cr tarfetture at the Property or any pan thereof.
<br />3. Aast+i ~taanaata. Borrower shall keep the smprovcmertts now esisnng nr hereafter ereetad an the Property insured
<br />asaitut kiss by fire, harards inclttdsd wuhm [tie term "exestsdcd eovaragt `. and xirth txtxr hazards as Leader may require
<br />slot is such aatounts and for soli periods as L.eackr tttay require: prnvidcd_ ihaf Leader shalt not require that the amount of
<br />zttch coverage exceed thu amaurrt of coverage rsyuned tc. pap the rums soured by this Mortgage.
<br />'fit inautatxs tamer providing the insurance chats be chcrssn by Borrower subject to approvaE by Lender, prmitkd,
<br />that such approval chaff rwt be uoreasatabiy withheld., .411 premiums an ensurartce policies shaft fir paid to the manner
<br />pmvedtd tiatder paragtttph 2 tsereot or. tf oat part! in stub manner, by Borrower making payment. when due, directly to the
<br />imtuataca carrier.
<br />Aft Ltauranax policies oast reatwstfs ttxrtwt shall be to farm actrptabsc to Lender and shall collude a standard mortgage
<br />ciatne in favor of and in form atceptabk to [zt~st. Lender stsaii have rite right to livid the palicscs and renewals thereof,
<br />gad tlorrowsr shalt protapily futttesh to Ler#x all renewal nviitts and all receipts of paid prcmrums. [n the evtnt of loss,
<br />Borratres shall gins prompt iwtice to the iitsurattsx caterer and !.ender. t_mdcr may make pnraf of loss if not made prampdy
<br />by ligrxr>~r.
<br />Liakaa Lender gad Betirower otixrwnss ogres in «."ntcog, ivzurancs pracscds sha[I f~ applied to restaratian ar repair of
<br />the lstopstty damaged. provisisd xuch rsstontwa or repair ex noiuunieaity teastble end [he security of this Mortgage is
<br />trot thtrrsby itt~tired, if such n~tntatitm nr :epsur u not ecuntxrtrcally feasible rn is the sseurity of this Mortgage would
<br />be itnpatrod, the rnsuraOtx praeeeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, with the exs;ess, if any, paid
<br />uy ttmrtswar. tt the Ptaperty s abatrksaed by Borrawrr, or tt Borrawa facts to respond to Lersdsr within 30 daps from the
<br />date s mailed by Lender so Bormsver that tfte sttsuraricc canter oBsrs to settle a Claim fen insutar~e txne6[s, Lender
<br />is autborxi~+d ro c` gad apply the iitsittaitte prcxxxda at Lcntkr's option either to restoration or repair rat the Property
<br />nr tat Lisa rusts sectsrad by tits 1Ntutpge.
<br />Ualasa Lender gad Bwtosvu otttenrex agrst in wntrtrg. any suttt applkatmrr of prceuda to principal shall nut extend
<br />nr pagpars rite dos- dace of tlx moodily iostalfmcats rrterred to rn paragraphs l grid 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such ittsWltrrsoa. Lf uadas paragraph l8 hsieo# the Propu[y ,s acquired by Lender, all right, tick and intueat of Borrower
<br />in and w say itlsaraatt pdiCiK aad ui and tv t5e patxYedas rhereszt resulting from damage to the Property pritx to the sale
<br />or acgta shell pose w Lsadtsr to the e.uent of the sums secured by thee Mortgage imsrat#iately prior tq such sass or
<br />a-
<br />t~tittr ~ ~'ladafasiaaat G( Psgatyi t.satalei~: Cosiiawi~wnt P1atull U~ tlltxe Barrawer
<br />shag kcgt the Ptoparty ~ good relsair and shag [tat ~..~: waste uc pextait empasrmeat or tkterio[atitm of the Propsriy
<br />trod Matt idly wiTh rite ptrmrsiboa of gay lane st tftrs MsxtAiyFe ,s un a trazshv[d. ft this Mortgage is nn m unit sn a
<br />e or a plsaasd oast deve4opeacat. Berxnwsr chats perfcxm all of Borrower's obligations under tree declaration
<br />fir aft creating ar guvsraiag the caedomuuum nr p[anrttd unit deveioptttent, the- by-laws arul regulations at the
<br />m pissed tts~ fit, glut caastittxnt documents. !t a emsttartistiwn or planned amt rleveloptnent
<br />ridgy s simrtttad iiY Borroter and rs..-ordsd tcgeiher wttb thn Marisage, the covenants and agrceritcnts of sut;h rider
<br />stprll ba iarifsd iii gad s#taS ataead gad suppktaeat rite taveaaau girl agretmaaut of this Martgags as it the: rider
<br />wars a !~ -
<br />1. 1'ealafsirwst aE lwtatiar'a tf Borrower faits to perform the covenants and agrtxmctta contained in this
<br />Afprt;s~sx ~ s gay aeries ar pros~diny rs tvtnmtttts~ed whub materially adse:b t emler's rt#CFest lit [tie Fraprrty°,
<br />$iN oat liatitad to, etataarH dtgpaus, iritr4lvtrxy, rode $lifota:CiFOeYtt, nr arrmngsntents ar prtx~eedingc involving a
<br />htakrxept itr dom. tipa l.sader at Laader`z o~inn, upon rtt>tits to Borrower, logy rnakrt such appeararicss, disbtersr sorb
<br />eases a.o@ tales welt acting ~ its neeaiaxy in pttttect f-ct~Gr's ,merest. Et~ft~ing, trw rwt i=:m:ted to. dssErur~mrttt of
<br />isaeea~'s lea stet eatsY apart the Property to make rtpaus_ It E.rrufar requited martgags insurauc~ as a
<br />atQ the lxxan sscmruml by tats Mmtjit fttrrtsr«st shalt paq the` pretatutra rrgasred ter ntain4tin asicb
<br />is sftimc3 taa[il taac3t ties as the ragiiirasaeat for such irxsWUxc terminates in attotdaires wrth Tttnassvar's and
<br />