<br />81--t~C-3282
<br />Lender's written apaemaet err applicable law. Borrower abort pay the rtnourrt of alt mortgage imurance premiums in tht
<br />tnarmer ptbvakd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Arty amounts ditrbrnaed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />itdehtmdtteas of Bttrtower secured by the Mortgags. Unless Borrower amt Linder ogre to outer terms of payment, such
<br />amotmta shall be payabk upon riotiae from Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall 6eu interest from the
<br />due of disbutsemertt at the ram payable from trtrt to tinx err, otttata-s~tg t~in~1 urt~r the Note unless payritant asf
<br />itttasu at stteh rate vroald be contrary ro applicabk taw,vn which event such atrtomus shag bur intixeat at the highest rate
<br />parmwitle trodar applftabk law. Tiothing contained in this paragraph 7 shag require Larder to incur any cxpetne or take
<br />arty adioat hercvrder.
<br />>G Lender rttay make or cause to be made reasonable rnfries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />th:t Lender shall give Borrower [ratite prior to any ouch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related ttLender's
<br />interest in the Proptrty.
<br />9• The prtxetda of am award or claim for drmages. direct or consequemial, in connection with any
<br />conderrination or other taking of the Atoperty, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hetrby assigned
<br />and shag be paid to Lender.
<br />in the event of a total taking of tits Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums aet:ural by this Mortgage,
<br />wigs the extxss, if any, paid [o Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othawlee agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the p[oceeda
<br />as is egtral ro that proportion which the atnoum of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior ro the date of
<br />'taking bars "to the fair market vanre of nc~ Property immediately prior ro the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds --
<br />paid Fo Borrower.
<br />ff die Property & abandons! by Harrower, or if. after notice by Lender ro Borrower that the condemnor oRen to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower tails to respond ro Lender within 30 days afar the date such notice is
<br />rttatled. Lender is authorized to totfect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property err to the soma secured by this M~rtgage-
<br />Unlest bender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of pracetds to principal shall not extrnd
<br />or postpwre the due date o[ the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such iratailments.
<br />I0. lererrsarer ;Vet Belraasl. Extension of the time for payment or medification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Mortgage gtaated by Letxkr to any successor in intttest of Harrower shelf not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the lialality of the original Borrower and Borrower's mccessars in interest, Lender shall not tx required to cottrmentt
<br />proctedmgs against such successor or rehtsc to extend time for payment or Mherwiu modify arnonization of the sums
<br />securtd by this Mortgage by reason of any demand made 6y the original Borrower and Borcower's successors in interest.
<br />!T. BarlKrrrrre k9 Lender IWt ^ Wdver. Any fatbearanee by i ender in esercuing any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />atltersrtse aAordal fry applicable law, shslS oat be a waiver of rn preclude the exercirc of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurermat ~ imurattu or the payrtxnt elf taxes or other liens err charges by Letuler shah nor ire a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to acceknte the mwturity tof the indeotedness stcurcd by this Mortgage.
<br />iL Rawdta Crave. All remedies provided in thi1 Mortgage are distinct and cumulative 'a ary other right or
<br />remedy undo this Mortg:ge or afforded by law err equity, sad may he exercised concurrentty. independently nr successively.
<br />13. Site-aasarr nsd AattP~,;J 3etreal; total sd gsverat Lary; Cgtloats. TTte rovenants and agteernents hersin
<br />tacnttained shtdl bind, and rite rights hercuruler shalt inure to, the respecrve successors and assigns of Lender and Harrower.
<br />xublcct to the provisions of gragraph i7 hereof. APl corenanis and agrecmonts of Borrower shall be joint and several.
<br />The capirotts and hesrdittgs of the paragraphs of sibs Mortgage arc for carrvenicnrc onl> and arc not ro be used to
<br />interpret or de5ne the provisiots hereof.
<br />tI. Nalifee. Exetpt Pot any notice required under applicable taw to be given in another manner, {a} any notice [e
<br />Hoaasver provided for in this Mortgage shall he given by mailing such rn>tice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Addten err at such then address as Hornnver may designate by notice to l.entler as provided herein, and
<br />t~3 any tttHic_e to Lender chap he given by ceriifrtit merit, return receipt requested. to l.erideis address stated herein or to
<br />sorb other address as Lender may designate by natis;e to Horn+wer as prmtdeJ herein. Any native provided for in this
<br />Mortgage obeli be deemed to have been given ro Harrswer err t ender when given in the manner designattd herein.
<br />f3. Utslfrrtr MetZepget Gorerrirtg Law: SeverakNtr. 77tis fcxm at mortgage combines uniform covenants for national
<br />~ and rxrmstnifortrt covenants whit limited r~riattoru icy jurisdiction to constitute a unifa-rri security instrument cnvtring
<br />real propeaty. This Mortgage shat! 6e governed by the taw of tint jurisdiction m whleh the Property is located. Ir. the
<br />event that any provision ~ clause of this Mortgage err the Note conflicts with applicable taw, such conflict shaft nor affect
<br />other proviaiatrs of thh Mortgage err the Note which can be green e$ect without the conflicting provision. and fo ihia
<br />etxl the provisions of tfie Mortgage a,•td the dote arc declared to ire severable,
<br />26. Beatw+re+'a Copy Borrower shah 6e furnished a contorttted copy of the Note and at thin Mortgage a± the tune
<br />of ettacutiots ar after reradamn hera:of.
<br />l~• Tyr ~ ~ Pra~artt: Aast~rriie.. If ail or any part of the Property err an ineerest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Httrtawer without Lender's prusr wrrnen eanslem. excluding ter) the creation o! a }fen a mcumMatttx sttboniinate Yo
<br />Fhis Mortgage, fb? the creation of a purchase moray security rntcteat for ttouaehoid apptiattces, tcl a transfer by devise,
<br />descxru or by operation of !aw eywn the deasb of a jwnt tenant or tell the grant or any kaaehold imerut of three years or iesa
<br />not enrttaininB an optiiott ro putehaae, Linder may. at : -ttdei s aptton. declare ail the sums xcured by this Mortgage to be
<br />itsmmdiasely duo:ltd payable, Linder shall Rave waived sw.h option to asxeierarc if, prior Fo the sale or transfer, Leader
<br />and tka pwsostt ro wham the Propety k to be saht ~u tratutermd rpch agraarnent in writing- thst the crrdii of such paroon
<br />is a!&fattory to Cxodtx and that the interest payable on tits autres srxttred by thle Mortgage-shall be ai such rate as Lctt~r
<br />~ ttagtsat, if tinder Spas waived the option to acteierate pravtded in this ptitagrapit 17, std if Borrower's successor in
<br />intaraat his exectt4ed a whtrco arattmprian agtnrtpsestt amepteti isr writing by l.eoder, fender sisal[ re]ease Borrower from all
<br />aiomt under thin Mortgatga sad the PtoeG
<br />U Lerider esxr~ciaet such option to mate. Letader shall mail Borrower notice of a+:celeratiorr in accordance with
<br />paragrrpit II haeot. Sateh ootitx shall provule a period of [tat Teas than 30 days fmm the date the notice is tnaAed within
<br />wkitk $atmwer taay pay tits stance drelarud due. If Borrower faits to pay such swim prior ro the expiratmtt of such period,
<br />Legdsr ma)r, wp fterlhw aaticz err d an Borrower, invoke any reirtedies permitted by paragnph 18 here.
<br />-1Trrrr'astar Cnvataisara. Harrttwtr and Lender further covenant and agtax a. talktws:
<br />> Li EacaN err /e~vkhi lea Nragraypit l7 ![anat. srpsrr Beerowv'a bunk of ay cswut or
<br />t+at>emr lrTrn lea +tltaif i+yna~vas w giwv;i~ ~ 'vMtt tdhte a~ awa ace~aa! by rifle Muigrtge,
<br />f,$/1a t7r~ htg~d w testae nek ksrsKkl (n a iota. ens least flat[ ~Q ~ 11 karat[ t1;j Ilea lrerekt
<br />dtt}a fnw tM tint Ilia ratite i tttrYri as Blirseww,
<br />ltg +~idit ggdr ktrLe! aattt lie esrwli tttsd N) trite tttNttra to tyre ksrac- ass err kidere be lrta tppaciHstd b tke stittlee
<br />~anM-lit ~ M>btt aroma satttwtt Irq tltia A~aat, ~asttrkta~rra iy ~tBel+tl geaseatiktg aoi aaia ai tke ha~arq~,
<br />'l'M r~aMsr aMtM ltidlut iLlaaet liaaesra: ati the at~tt N rrlWata efgr ~ art qte tight to araiatt ` its tenelaasra
<br />:sir Mtr~.erfrlaaee at a tlthtit air ~ aAee irlnaas ei` lra.ranrar ba aeedastmar arA tanr:lawra. B rke krwek
<br />i Litt estMl! art sir kt/tru t!a lglar aparl~rE la tie ralitw lai~4e ere fwwdss'a ogY~ aaay iariara nY d eke saw aetrsait h
<br />tilt kfarlIt #tl lpt lttr tRtr ~ M~ *IRraad [wig duistrrd assn ~ teraeiaaa try # l.etirr
<br />~ ~L-~Beat if ~ •H atywprs ~ Lara~arara, kart ..e Brallsi ia, cares of tlrc.ttaaaiatry
<br />+-hlstrt~,t ttlltllrutelt tttail this
<br />- id. wiatla ~- t* Rritrrata 3~latsa-wing b.endar's aecderatietn eel lire spurts riacund by thhi Mortgage,
<br />O°~ t~ hrata ~ ~ ~' ~srt +t-Y ~ try Lender to collate thin Mks darcotttistuad at say orals
<br />