<br />81-. t)U3282
<br />Utrttrottat Covertarrl's. Uorrower and Lender rnveaam sad agree as follows:
<br />1. P'a~t of t~ritolltai tot ItYUaN. Borrower shalt promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />iadabted~ evidenosd 6Y the Nofe, prepaYmeat and late chsiga as ptvvidad in the Note, and the principal of tad interest
<br />oa soy FtAUre Advatces soetued by this Mortgage.
<br />t Fatiattr Testes ui Uistrtuce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lentkr, Borrower shall Pal
<br />m [. on tlx daY tttenthty it»tdttttents of Qtincipal and fntetest are payable under the Nou, until rite Nou is paM in toll,
<br />a (taerent "Fz~ ~t~l to t~ttvclfth of the yt~rly taxes and assessments 'whhich tttay attain pttiority over this
<br />Mortsase, and grmmd rentt on rite Property, if arty, pies ottr. twelfth 0€ ywriy premium instatlmonis for hazard insttratrct,
<br />phrcamtr~twetftb of yevlY premium imtalimetits for mortgage ittwrance, if anY, all as teasonabty athttated initiaBy.ttnd froth
<br />time ro tithe by I.etdet oa the basis of aasesstnettts and bilk and reasonable estimates ttureof.
<br />'Ihe Ftmds that! be heM in itn itdttitntion the deposit or atxaunts of which are insured or guatatttepd by'a Pedarat or
<br />stau agency tietctudfng Lender if Letxkr' is such sn imUtution), Letlder shall apply the Futtds to-pay said-taxes, asaastnenta,
<br />irssnntee ptmniurtts and ground tents. Lendu may hat charge far w holding and applying the Fttnrk, atratyzing said account,
<br />~ verifying surd crmtpiling said assasttut[ts a[td bt71s, unless Leotier pays Borrower interest on tlu Fonds and applicable taw
<br />permifs 1„msder to mdte such a charge. Borrower attd Leader may agree in writing at the time of exeeutiort of this
<br />Mortpge tint interest on the Ftrttds shad be paid to Borrower, and ttnlas such agreement is made or applicable Iaw
<br />mgaires such inurai to be paid, Leader shall not be required to pay Borrower any intattsat or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, witlwut charge, an annual accounting of ttu Fnttda showing credits and debits to the Funds a~ E1te
<br />purpose [or which each debt: is the Fund was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the atom secured
<br />by this Mm[gage•
<br />it the atttount of tlu Fttr~e bdd by Lender, together with the future monthly instatln¢enta of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due data of taxes, assesamatts, itnurar[ce prsuttitrrtu and ground rents. shat! exceed the amount regnirod to pay said taxes,
<br />axtsaments. ituurance premiums amt ground rents as they fall due, such excess shat! be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ar creditod to Borrowu oa monthly instalttnents of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />hold ley Lender shad not be att9tcieat to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rams as they fall due,
<br />Borrowv shall pay to Leger any amount necessary to make up the deficictncy within 30 da}s from the dau notice is mailed
<br />by 1-~r w Borrowu requiting payttxnt thereof.
<br />Llptrn payment in fuB of all strms secured by this Mortgage. i.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held try Lender. If under paragraph l$ hereof the Property is sold ar the Property is otherwise acquired by l.ettdor, Leader
<br />shall apply, rna inter than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition hY Lendu, any Funds held by
<br />Leader at ilx time of application u a credit against the svtm secures by this Mottgage.
<br />3. Aat ~ Pat'saeuY. Unless applicable Iaw provides otherwise. al! payments received by [..ender unrkr the
<br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Leader first in payment of amoums payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />um~,x paragraph 2 hereof, clan [o interest payable on the Nate. then to the principal of the Note. and then to intutu and
<br />pnncipd on any Future Advances.
<br />0. t Burs. 8orrovrer shz'1 pay all tales, aasras+ments and other charges. fines and impositions attributable to
<br />tlu PropptY whiclt may attain a pnority over this Mortgage, sad leasehold payments ar ground rents, if any, in the maotxr
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, it not paid m such manner, by Borrower making payment, when dtte, directly to tM
<br />payee thereof. Borrower sF-9 promptly [urnrsh to Lender alt natrces of amounts due under this paragraph, a~ in the event
<br />Borrowtr shall main payment directly, Borrower shaft promptly furnish to Leader receipts evidencing s[xh payments.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly discharge any lien t.hich Yes prtaruy aver this Stangage: provided, that Borrower shall not be
<br />requited to discharge any such lien sa foag as Borrower ]hall agree in .srtttng to the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a manna afinepttdtle to Lender, or shall in good faith contest ss°h Item lay, ar defend enfozcetrrcnt of such lion in,
<br />I~at proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement o[ the lien or fortetture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. )f!~ Itstwatee, Borrowu shall keep rho tmpravements haw existing ar hereafter erected on the Prorxrty insured
<br />against loss by 5re, hazards included wtthtn the term ' exrctadod coverage'. and such ether hazards as Leader may require
<br />and in such attsounu and for atreh periods as Lender may require; provide*u, that Lender shall hat require that the amount of
<br />sutdt covetago exceed that amount of coverage regvued ra pav the sums s«urcd by thu Mongage.
<br />The insurancx carriu providing the instuartce shall be cttasen by Barrawer subjtxt to approval 6y Lender; provided,
<br />that such approval shales not be unreasonably withheld. Ali premiums an insurance poticiea shall be paid in the manner
<br />ptovisfsal ua~r paragtt~s 2 ltereof or, tf t~ paid in such manner, by l3orrewu making paytttent, wlten due, dsrectly to the
<br />inatuataro tnrirer.
<br />All inatatacee p~icia atnt renewals [heseof shall be in (orm acceptable to Lender and shalt incfude a standard mortgage
<br />etatutF in favor of and in form acceptable to f-ender. Ler[dtr cha:l have the rtgltt to hard the paiicies amd renewals thereof,
<br />lad Borrowu shad promptly tarnish to Leader all renewal rwtrces sad ail receipts of paid premivrns. In the event of loss.
<br />Borrower shall give prompt notice to the imtuauce carrier attd L.rnder. Louder may make proof of ions if not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unties Lender lad Borrowu otlsarwisa agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall f>e applied to restoration or repair of
<br />the Property damaged, provided such rtrstotatian or repair is economically feasible and rho security of this Mortgage is
<br />cwt tlsareby impaired !f strc}t reatoratioa or repair is hat ecuaortticaliy feasible ar it the security of this Mortgage would
<br />lx impaired, the irtaurance prtrcesds shall be applied to the stems stxvred by this Mortgage. wi¢h the excess, if say, paid
<br />to Horrower. if the Property is abandoned by Ba-rowu, or if Borrawu faik to respond to Lender within 30 days from the
<br />date natioe is mailed by Linder to Boreowu that t}rc insurance carrier otters to settle a claim for ivst[raace benefits, Lender
<br />is aWlgorized to corker and ippiy the imstuartce groceads at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property
<br />or m the wrns secured by this Mort~e.
<br />Unissa under ate Batawer otherwise agree in writing, any sw:h application of praceeda to prmcipaf shalt sat extend
<br />m postpato the dtte date of the rtwathly iastalltnents referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or ::hinge the amatrnt of
<br />sttcli insialimtnts. If unr~ paragraph f$ ber~f the Property is acquired by Lender, alt right, title acrd interest of Borrower
<br />in aitd ro say ittsttranco policies amt in and to rite proceeds tltermf resulting from damage to the Property ptiiior to the sale
<br />or acquisition adtait pass to lender to the extant of the stems severed by this Mortgage imtttediately prior to such sale or
<br />icgt~itiaa.
<br />tb. Pselstr.wl~aY std Mtge of Proptxtyt LtreJtepds; Coadomlaiutm; Patted Udt LlevafepmetK. Borrower
<br />t4aB tteop the Property in goad repair and shall cwt ctamaUt wasu ar permit impairment or deterioration of flu PropettY
<br />atrt shag comply with flu ptovisiom of any toase if this Mortgage is an a leasehold. !f this Mortgage is an a trait in a
<br />iupn or a platt>tied ttttit developtrtont. Borrower shall perform ail of Bonower'a obfigationa under the declaration
<br />or cov~tMa craatidg ar governing the condominium- or pUtnrted unit development, the by-laws and regulations of rho
<br />eAe~Wmniuro m plttuoad unit development, aid cansttturnt da¢:urttenxs. if a cvndominr`um or planned wait devetaprnent
<br />tidee k rat~ctnad by Borrower and rat~orded togctttar with this Mortgage, the covenants and agreements aF such rider
<br />ha intwrparagpd into and shall amctsd and suppirxment the covenants and agteetnottu a€ t)ris Mortgage as if the rider
<br />wtPrc a part ttrBsttf.
<br />~, rso#+ra'slttst tti' {,tgtttstas l3esN~b. Lf Borrower fails to perform the covonants and agreemsats t:ontainod in tins
<br />tfatpgt, or if say artless or protxpdittg is commenced which tnaleriagy affects Lender`s intrrraxt in the P+aperty,
<br />a4clusTktp, but nut liiat4pd t~, tattitterit danain, insofvettcy, coda enforcemeatt, or arrangeatents or proceedingx invniving t
<br />btttuupi ar daCt$ert#, L at I.erttlex s option, apart tr€uico tar Bcurowtr; tnaY tnakc such appaarat?aa. dis6uca~ such
<br />tamN a+®d taite utefii action as wt '~ to prtgect I.etxlet's interesr, itacfudia~. taut cwt tirtsired to, dishtteserisent of
<br />txaitite attoraivy's farts sad enUy upon tie Property. to make repairs. if Laetdet rctiuirad mortgage iasarans:e as a
<br />eta of tPtakit>g tlsa lean tapc+ned h}' this. Mertgago, Btxrtatirct shall pry the preniums required tea maintain s+wh
<br />iststutuoe In tinsii stxdt rims sat the regttltem6ttt [~ such insurance [crtninates in acctsrdancG smith Borrowers and
<br />