<br />Utwttxoast Covert,asvrs. Borrower and Ltnder covenant and agree as follows;
<br />1. hy~oc of PrbrelpY nod loteseat. Borrower shalt promptly pay when dot the principal of and interest on the
<br />itrdebrcdness evidenced by the Nate, prcpayttxnt artd late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and inttttbt
<br />on any Ftttnrc Advttttces secstrcd by this Mongage.
<br />2. Poi for Tadter' nM lowptstoee. Subject to applicable law er to a written waiver by Lettdtr. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender on the day nm[tthry ittsratltsrents of principal and interest are payabls uraier the Noto, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a stmt (heroin "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and asxssrrtenrs which may attain priariry orer this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus ono-twelfth of yearly premium inuaBmtnta !m harard insuntue,
<br />pits oEtatwelfth of yearly premium inasallments for mortgage insurance, if any. al) as reasonably estitna[W initially alit frmrt
<br />tiros to tiEr3a= by Lassdty an the taste of asstasmtnts and hilts and teascxnabk tstimsta thereof.
<br />T7x Funds shalt be held in ao institution the deposits ix accounts of which are irtsurcd or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />sate agency (indttding Lertdcr it Ltnder is such an institution). l.ettder shalt apply the Funds to pay said taxes, ssreaaments,
<br />i~ttraace premiums and ground rents.. Lertdct may- not charge tar so holding and applying the Funds. artaFyzingaaid axou»t,
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessrneots and bills, unless Lender pays 8onowet imt:rut on the Funds and applicable law
<br />petmita Ltnder to make stilt a charge. Barrtawcr and Lettder may egret in waling at the time of execution of this
<br />Rlrartgage that inurcst on the FtttEds shall tee paid us Borrower. aril unless such agreetnant is made or applicable law
<br />retlEtir~ such interest to 6t paid, LerrdPr shall not tze rzquirtd to pay Borrower an}' interest or earnings on the Funds. under
<br />shall give to Bonawer, without charge, an anntral eccaunhng of tlzz Funds showing crtdits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose far which each debit to the Fend: none made. 11Ee 1`unds arc pledged as additional security for tht sums seCUted
<br />by this Mongaot.
<br />It the amount of the FutEds held by Ltnder, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />ttte dot dates nt taxer, assessments, insurance prtmiunxs and ground rents, shall e.xcted rite amount required m pay said lain,
<br />assetnimertta, insura~e premitms and ground rrnis as they tall dot. such excess shall 1>e, at Borrower's option, tither
<br />prottsp[ty repaid to Borrower or ertdittd to Bnnnwcr an monthly rnstallmtnts of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lerder shall nrx to sufficient to pay lasts. asxssmentx.:nsurancr premiums and ground tents as they faB dew,
<br />Borrower shat[ pay to Lender arty amount nrcessary u~ atoll up the deficiency within 3f) days from the daft notice is mailed
<br />by Ltmtkr to Borrawtr rtgtrestrng payment thtrcot.
<br />Uptm psyrntm m tzdl of all sums secured by thrs Mangage. i rndtr shill promptiY refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held by lender. if under paragraph Iii herent the Praprrz_s- sa s:+ld nr the Property is otheravise acquired 6y Lender. Ltnder
<br />shall apply. no tatzr than xnttzEtdtatcfy tartar tt, rlrt sale x+f zhr 1'n,z,ertv „r ns acqutsiuon by Ltnder. any Funds held 6y
<br />L&esdcr at tfrc tsmt at appiuatton as a cr;-ttzt agatnat the sums sr.-eueb by thss Mortgage
<br />). AAdiestfou of Paywargs. t:nltss app!xcab€e law pravtriex c,t!xtr+vrse. atI payments received by Lender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs € and 2 htrtai shalt ire agpixzd by i endrr fiat n, pavmem ,x; amounts payablr to l.endu fey Borrower
<br />wader paragraph 2 irertxtt, attrz to mterrsr payairic r±n the ":oft. ilttn t„ :he pnrurpal et the Katz. and then to intueaf and
<br />pnnet~l cxn say Fwure Adyarrtes.
<br />4. fhoeRe~ Ursa. Barrowtr snail pay ail :;xe< .x,aes<mcmx znd ,~i t,rr charttts. lints atnf rmp<zsiturns atirxbutable t0
<br />tPu Property x°hich rniy auatn a prunty cute thin xortgage. srxl Iratxitntd pntrnrnra ar grnsuul rents. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 htreaf ;zr. ;; ntv ir.rxei ~;, a„ah manner r,. Nr=nnv.rr ma[tnc paytrrcnt, when due. directly to iht
<br />payee thsttaf. Bsxrawtr shalt prarre^tly turmst± r<, t en.trr nit nuz;cca ,+t .xmr;urt< ,foe untirr tars paragraph, and in the went
<br />Borrcxw,tr ahail make payment drrrriia bE,rr.,+.cr .t,att i.r:,rnpih E...rr;:sF t,-• icnshr recripts tvedcncmg such payments.
<br />Btxrtasxar shall pr:sntpt$' at:vtt:+rge any ;,err ah,.h r.aa r~r:<u,r, .-...: ,h.s yi=:+ngagc pmvufrd: t;,at Harrower shall nog '•s
<br />regwred to dru.hsrge any ouch lira s., t,.rsg ,,. Barr.+»ar ,nit: aarrr r- ~~•r,t~nt; tz, ttre t+atmtnt of the oblxttattnn secured by
<br />such hen xn a manrErr ac~reptable to Lttxdcr- ,°a aha:l .n t,.,ai zanh ,,,alert s:x,~ lira h,, fir dtfrnst rntarctmenz at such Iien in.
<br />Irgal p[exc:etdirigs w-haCh r1}vct tit rte prrvcne •-ter ,•n!„r;:ei:trnt ,,. the 1:rr, .. r tc; tcsturc ai tfaC P: ~r[y eat ant part thertaf-
<br />a• Nssat'd isaoraatee. Barroavcr st,ati sexp tx rmpr:,>rment=_ n.,r rs~~:irrtg .~r htrca#zzr rrrcred on zist Prceptrry insured
<br />agasirsi k+sr txy fire, hazards xr.<tuded ruts,r. ±ter trrn± ^<ar,xte:a .,,rrrattt~ and each nthtr hazards as !.ender may require
<br />and ir. s;mtt amauau and fx,t vnxh prrecxta .., ! entFrr rnaa rcywre-. E: ,~,-,odtd. ;hat Ixruirt shall net rrquirr Shat the armm~tt of
<br />such cavtragt tcctxd the=. amr.,trnt ;,f r,.+rratfr r. yu=rrd to pre ihr >~,nxc -,.rcasreal hs• tars i9nrtgagz
<br />the tzuttrans-t carrrer provtdznt[ tilt u;wranEr afxalt #,r ,tu,szn tsv Burrower sot, fret n, approval by f.entitt: provided.
<br />sisal such sppryaval shad oat hr unrtavcK,anir aauntxtd 4i4 prenvurm un xnsursxnt paricrru shall !xr paid xn the manttzr
<br />pravtdsd utadet paragrsp'h 2 tteretx ur :t inn pavif to sixth monist, by Botsawer makrng payrrtcot what due, directly to the
<br />iosstraztce curxr.
<br />Ali snstzrastct paaizezes and rsmwata tt,ere.+t .hail he ri, term a:ccptablc tc; i tnxler and shalt incitMic a standard mortgage
<br />clatter sn tavaar et and en t._>rm acs'~sak,^ _,• I ...mss . _;ter =l;alt here rtxe rtgtt ,, ir,>,d t=`x p~rcxrs a={.t rettcrai: thtrcot.
<br />sort! Borrorrr sirali promptly turttrsh t., 1 mdtr a€ rrtizwai notices :nd ail rtettpts at paid prtrrtiums. fn the went of lens.
<br />BtEtrilwtr shall &a-c prompt nest-e t,> tits: ,rsxurarii:r .atrzte anti f..ertdzr. f tretler mss makz proof at foss if oat made promptly
<br />by $t'lrrcrever.
<br />Uaii~ L,tocicr end Bor:rover rxhtrv::x agree :n wrurng, rnhurarnr pr,n~is ~>>t4i bt appftrA to restoration ar repair of
<br />tf~ Prrperty damaged, prrvzaleaz atrL}r erszotu>,xrt az :rparr ,s r~an<xmiaall}• teaszbit and tilt sriurtty nt this Mortgage is
<br />turf tlier+bby impaxt~. ft sxh rtstrxatxus, ra rrpaxs xs n<•t rrnrxmxcaliy fcazttrk ar 't [hc stcunty of this Mortgage would
<br />Gtr ttapatred, tttc ttrsurartcat prueraexts shall bt app}tcd ;.~ the soma stc,:std fry this ;vtartgagt, wrth the excess, it' any, Patel
<br />to Barrowtr 1t the Property n ataarzdartt<t :,. Borrt+wer ,.- :! Born-~yzr tarla :,~ rzapand zu {.trrdtr within 36 days tram the
<br />date taotice ss rrsatled ht i.eaxkr to &xrawtr €.ftat the emuratxr ~drrscr i,ftcn te. stale a ciaam tar ,nsuranct btnchts, lender
<br />is attfhtErimd to coiktt astci apply she snsuranic proctesla at f.crazzt s aperan ttthcr to restorattrm nr repair of the Proptny
<br />cx to the ratan stcut+sd by :hs Mwtgye.
<br />Ualds l.trtdet next Ssxnrwrr nt}reruxu agrzc an wr:zmg, any scich appircaztan of pen,,-eeds tc principal she€1 not extend
<br />or poarpone the dot slaw of the rrsanthfv inuafirittnes rrterred tr-= x:, paragraphs 1 and hertat ar change the arnoutst of
<br />such uamdirrseats if xtratlCr paragtaph i K hereof [.art Propcrn- rs a.qu,ri>ti by Leader, all nght., title and interest of Banmrcr
<br />in sad fe ant zraasrartaz palrcxii and ro nazi txa tfzz proceeds shcrca:f rrsuhmg from damage Sa thz Propeay prior is the salt
<br />or ttcyttnruast txttsil pass to Lender sn the cxttnt erf the auras secured by t ors Mortgage 3rnrtrodaatcly poor to such salt ar
<br />s,C~#ion. .
<br />~" lead ll4atlokeanec ~ PraPcrtY• ice: t P4assd LfisN I;tirvxrlDpwesq, Borrower
<br />stall kraap rite Property to good repair a»d shall teat iamtrsit wash nr permzt impairmm~t ar dettnoration of the Prapeny
<br />aiad tdsaB atmply »iYh the presxtwata or` auy tease rt thrs Mangagt is ran a itaschotd. If this hlaitgage is an a ,mil ir, a
<br />c~ zsr a platrted urzrt dtrtic~trsz. Bars°swer ahaB perfntm all of 8arrnw~er`s aMrgattnrta undo the dtc.}aratwn
<br />ar ~ ceeatistg ar gorrratng the ca~+ndomtnxum er pisnntd unet dtvel,pment. the try-laws and rtguiatwns of iht
<br />ar pfaataed tsttd drvelopmeau, issd c+matitutrtt tltKitnxnts. If a catzdtxninium at planned unx[ dtyzfapment
<br />radiicr ir. esctutad by Btarro+svw and tvcxst9ed aagethcr with this Martltsgt. the r:ayenantc and agreements of vrch otter
<br />slsali bt ma+urpocatad usNts noel slsati atatttd atxl auppictrtem the covenants and agrtptunh of thn Mortgage xs xt the ride-.r
<br />r+ a ~ bettaaf.
<br />?. IMMMnelisr W Laoirt"a Baesrifyw if Botrarrr fella to p~rrtarm Litt eavrrranta sad agrtsmenta cortuEncd in Chit
<br />or tf soy aessotE rxr ixa€seditig rs comrsuot~td whxett mauriidiy a$exts Lerxkts interest in the Prolxen}',
<br />bill tin frntded te. xxsntEarst danartt, irzselvency, ccxle cnfctze[t>,ettz. tx arrsngerztcnts as practedines mvaivirtg a
<br />~ os daacdtrr», then LsrEdar st Leodcr`s opetrm, uprnt ttrgtcx to Borrawtr, mar make such appiraram:r_at, diahursc st+ctt
<br />aa~! amd acti<an as o nnteasary tct prefect t.ctMki°s mitrese irxcf~itgf. but tkx litnztrtd to, dxsbursntxnt at
<br />rarageaitha atsarriay's terns rod erury sEpam Ehe Property 4a ma4t rYpalrS It E crzder reslzzited mortgage ietsuratrct as a
<br />~ ~ ~ the * Ly ftr~ M#r+titsge. 1#orror+rr sisal p,EV ttEe prtmiunxs ragtttrsd to matntaia such
<br />irassv~ntr ~ tl6sx etofil sstr<h soon as tfic ttiytursrnrnt for such srrwrasxx terrmttaus rn atcnrdazrce with Bxatmwars and
<br />