Eosin 808 A
<br />~Z_.u~3273 MORTGAGE
<br />a~oz~-l-la
<br />• ,2 r3... ...da of.....June ....................
<br />THIS MbRTGAGE is made thts....... 3. ..... - ... y
<br />19.81.. between the Mortgagor,. Ta=cx .$.. Koasttex.and. purttut.>:r. KL~SLOLr . hFt!`+1aArt$.~4SI.'$~!a~..~0intly
<br />arms •oaah• i.t-r their-s+xrt- ~ ::~ . - ........ (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,. PST .FEDERdU~ .....
<br />...S.dVINiCaS IiKA.IRAK ASS~CIHT.IAT;! .q$.I.iN.CA1aN ................. a corporation organized atuiexisting
<br />urr~r the laws of..tbe. SIA.C.r ,Qf . NebFasita ................ .whose addrtxs is. }-~tkt .~ .f} . $CTRat,~ . - .. .
<br />...Liuapln. adebraska ...68508 ........................................ (herein "L,endee°t.
<br />WHCREliS, Borrower is indebted to Lander in the principal sum of. Pl~tY.Pat,¢..T.t3G*38~i~..~t4.~KitS3F~ ~-d
<br />001100 ........................................ ~Uars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />r 7 i ;~
<br />dated. , , utuxe . ~,,,.. ~,`'' ........ - . (herein "Niue" ). providing far monthly installments of pritictpai wad interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not stxtster paid. due and payable on ... 4 ~Y..3.:.2Q11 ............. e
<br />To5ECURE to Lender tai the rpayment of the ittdehtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payatent of ail other stuns, with interest thcrettn, advanced in accordance hzrcwirh to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the perfortnanee cat the cavrnants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any future advances. with interest thereon, made ut Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph Zi hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advances"i. Borrower daes hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lcrtder the tollowing desen'bed property
<br />located in the catr,ty of.. .. aWi:Z ....... . . . . ........... ..... Starr: of Nebraata:
<br />;r~t :re^ .-3~r:-s... - ,. ,. r ~ .?s, -_~.,~ :sc1.-1 _.~i~r:,
<br />.~.~. _,;zr.t.~ , .ti=~r~ters.
<br />trhich has the address uf. , . i520 .?.aia :x3ust ,vzarrd laland
<br />(Strut} LGtYt
<br />s+iabraaka . ... .. ~€~01 ..therein "Property Address'-)
<br />ast~.ta one zta Gea~t
<br />TrrtsErttt~R with at( the itnptovemcnts rtitw us hereafter erected txt the property, and at! essemants, rights,
<br />scrtsrtarters. artihc, ruzyaitit"s, tnirarrak tell amf gee rights anti prnGts, rosier, water eighty" attd water stork, and all
<br />Ntittst~t stow nr havea€ter attached to the ptc>txrty, ail ut which. rncluding rcgtat:cments and additions Ehrmo, shall be
<br />deEtst,ttd tit be at+d t'amain s parr of the property cos°erad bq• this Mortgage; xttd at! a( the tttregoing, t[tgathcr with said
<br />p~pttrty [or the kasehofat estate tt this Metxttgage is on a tcasehotdi arc herein rEferracl tit as.thc '"Prsiparty".
<br />Snrrowcs rara^ensntt that Barrnsrer is iatvfuliy seised at tttc c"state hereby cctnvetxd and has the rigktt to mortgage.
<br />eratxt air! 7 ihtr Prt~crty. that the Prryterty is urrttcumbered. and that Burrower will warrant and defend
<br />raS!t tfYe title ;~s the Pretty agait:at aft claims and dexna_nds, subject tit env daciaraticros, casatmnts ~~t restriaiorts
<br />ii~d'en a .rtctteahsl`r ~ asctKptiorz to ct3r-crags cn ,env ta!{e tnsuramce pt~ticv insuring i,endcr': tntcrr~t ire the Prmparty.
<br />~~F t~;i,aucii--b;5}_LLfitltlllitllMC tlM110ti11 tl{iTilOIIEIlt
<br />