<br />tinder's wriuat agteeiwent or sppficaftte law. Borrower ahaB pay the amount of aU mortgage ittstaance ptemiurty ill the
<br />tnamter pttsvided tmtfa pata~grapk 2 istsreof.
<br />Auy amotttta tlisBstesed by Leader purstuat to this psragrapdt 7, with interest thet~tt, shall 6etxme additional
<br />indebted+teas of Borrower scarred by this Mtntgage. Unless Aarovver and Leader agree to other tetras of payttttm, such
<br />tmtrtums tdta~ he payafrk Haan notice frart Lender to Hormwer requesting payment thereof. and shat[ bear interest from the
<br />titre of ~ab[nsement at tits rate psyabk from time to time t>nt ontstattding prnncipat under the Note tntfess ptyttamt of
<br />3nlettgtst atteh rase w~auld Ewe to applinble law, in which event such smotrma shah bear intaresr at the highep t~
<br />pie tinder applicable law. NoNdng coettaioed is this paragaapfi 7 shall requim [.artier to sneer any expesna or Eak4
<br />say ae&tia lta~eaetfer.
<br />fb Lapaeliaa. [.ender may matte or cstun to be made ressoHablt: entries upon attd ittspersiats elf the Prtperty, provided
<br />that Lender shaft giye Bartroseu notion prior m any snch insptxaon spscitying roasonabk caux therefor reread ~<Leeder'a
<br />interest in the Propttrly.
<br />4. Csrittwsaiiaw. The proceeds of atry award err claim for damages, direct or cotssequeaaal, in coaaecdon with arty
<br />condmnuatitsn or ntlter taking esf the Property, ar put thereof; arfor eonve-Janex in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and seat( be paid to Leader.
<br />to efts event elf a tots[ taking of the Property, the proceeds shall !z applied to the strtns scouted by this Mortgage.
<br />with the ergs, it atry, paid ta)larrtnaer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower attd Leader
<br />atftenrise agree m writing, there shall 6e applied ta the sums secured by this Mortgage such pttsportiort of the proceeds
<br />as is equ:i b that praportfon which tfic amount aE the :ums secured by this Mortgage imttwdiately prior ro the darn of
<br />tatirq! bears to the fair [Harker value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the bilattce of the procoeds
<br />pteid ta- tlorrosror.
<br />tf rite Property is abattdorad by Borrawtr. or if. after notice by Lender m tlortower Chu eke condaanor oQers to make
<br />an award ar settle a claim for damages, Borrower faib to respond to Leader within 30 days after the date suck twtice is
<br />mailed, [.ender is atteharlaed to cease[ and apply the proceeds, at [xader's option. eidter to ratoraaat or repair o[ the
<br />Property ar to the stntts secured try the Mortgage.
<br />UHfeu Leader attd >loreoarer ettlaersvise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal s[taN not extend
<br />w postpone the due date of [tae ntottthly ittstaNmenis referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ar change the attttrunt of
<br />such instsihtuats.
<br />ti. Earevswr 1Vet Rslear.i, Eztettsiotr of rite time tar payment or mtdiflcation of amortization of [fie sates secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by l.etader to arty successor inratetest of Botrowtr shall na operate to release, in any mattttcr,
<br />the liability of the otiginat Borrower sad Borrowu's srxcessors in inttresf. Lander shall nee Ftc required to commence
<br />proceedings agairffit such sttasssar ar refuse to extend titm far paymem or otherwise modify amortizations of the soma
<br />aerured by this Mortgage by [saran at any datsara7 made by the ariginat Harrower and Hotrt}wer's successors in interest.
<br />1T. f?ashass~ot rj Caviar Nat a Tlsi+er. Any fcsrbeararxe by t.rnder in exercising any right or remedy hetxunckr. or
<br />otherwiso sAorded b1' appiieabk taw, shah nett be a waiver of or prectstde the cxcrcitc of any such right or remedy.
<br />T'ttt of ewuraars ar tfre payment of taxes or,ether #iem err charges t+y [.ender shalt nor he a waiver of Lender's
<br />tight tv a the nuturery of tits indebtedtaew stcurrd 6y this Mortgage.
<br />iL C~Ya+. AN remedies provrel~ in this Mortgage ate distinct and cumulative m soy ether right or
<br />remedy under ffvi Mortgage ar aRonded Fry law err e4saity. and may be exercised asncurrentty, inettpettdrntly or auccesaively.
<br />13. Sattassartt teal Arstigrs Assatk Ieatstl atad 9aseeral f.Lbiityt Cafdsws. Ilse covenants aced agrexrnants herein
<br />e:enttaiaed sled! bead. sad [fie rights hesesrrtder shall ir:ute to, the resp.ctive ssrccer~ars arsd assigns of Lander and Harrower.
<br />subyaeR to 4he proviseans of pttrty,raph V hereoL AI{ covenams and agreements of ilarraveer shah be jart and several.
<br />7itn e:apfioHa artd 6radiags of the paragraphs of rhia Mtsrtgagt are ear cenvettience aniy and arz not to be ns~ to
<br />interpret a dts>lae the pravwiaas hereof,
<br />i!. ' P;xcxpt far any :;ants :sstssirsd tastier a~ttcatre less to be given in another manner. Ea) any Holies to
<br />Borrower prtsvidsyl far in dris Mortgage shalt he grvert by mailitsg such ntrtetx by eerufled masF addressed ca 8esrrower at
<br />t'be Property AtWnas ar at sucfi other address as Bortosrer [nay designate by neHice to Lender u providkd hetela, and
<br />(bl a+Y notice tc Cettdtr she[! be given txr certitled mail reruns recespt res7treated, to Lends€x addrds stated herein ttr to
<br />wdt titter srldrna as L.eoder may eleignata by rxgiez to 13eurerwot as pravidod heresn~ Any nc~-e proves for in rhea
<br />Mortgage shall be [leaned ta have bean gives[ to Hot:xra~er ar Le:rdet rvtxe giver[ a: the marten desipsated herein.
<br />iS. Uts[gM'm MttetRsgat Ganrafttg [uses 3tReeality. thss Corm of mortgage a?enlrisxa unifexm covenants for national
<br />use and two-utrifesrm exrvenutls with limited varistixes try jsvssdscriae to cortatitute a unifatm sxurtty irtstntvteni covering
<br />teat ptopury. lTris Mortgage shah be gmerned by the less of the jurisdictioe in which tiu Prapem is located. In the
<br />evmrt that say provision or s,lauae of this Mortgagt: err the Nee eonAicts with appttcabk law, such caaflict shah not affect
<br />tuber prowisaom of this hlttregye err the Note whtcfi can he gives etiect wuhaut the conAictirtg provision. atsd to this
<br />exrd the ptxrrsiatat of the Mrutysge and the ?vote are deetasgf ta rte srverabla
<br />if. isasavssR's G/y Bosras.u ahaH be furnnlsed a coafotttted copy of ax Note artd o€ this Mongape at the tints
<br />of aaeetaiaee ar :tmv recaadsaarr hmewf,
<br />l?. Testpler esl fire Btu; Aatagttltts. tf all ar atry part trf the Property or an itsfi~tlt thueim » sold ar transferred
<br />by Hasnr+aet withntd L.eetiara prior trritten e;atpegt, exckttffing 4a} ttx ovarian of a fiert ar arccrHbras><e ssrbexdeaate to
<br />ffiht !#o[tg;gs. tbl the ensatior cu a ptgxdstne mttssey security inwrest far hnuadttstet appfiattces, tc) a transfer by devise.
<br />dearest or by aprasdaa of law upaa the dank eat a pith teHaat ar td) the gram trf any kaaekold inrerett esf three years ar less
<br />oat tam ut opagr m putebaa, Leerier may, at l.atder's optitxr, deedare all flu item secured ley the Mortgage [o be
<br />icy due sad payable. Lauder stall have waived ntah optioH to accelerate if, guar us the sale ar transfer. i.eexkr
<br />sad the paeans eo [sham the Prnpaty is ta be sold ar ttttrpferred r~clt a;rd~tt in writing shat the ere&t of suds penal
<br />is terry let [.node and that the iH€eteat payable oa ttre sums [sewed by this [Mortgage shall be u stncL ram as Leader
<br />thsB [agent. if Cadet less waived the aptma ro aaskrate ptoveded in El>m paragraph ! 7, and if Baraseer'a nttecnaoesn
<br />ttttetart itaa eaaMmd a vrtittca aawmptirmm in wriaug by Lender. Linder shall release Btxrovver free all
<br />t [!ties Meatrge sad ffie tYStee_
<br />if isader ez snek option in amdaata Lerder shalt mail ttextower notice trf acceleration in aocoidaHCt with
<br />pttesgsapde i4 harof. ~srA tntiae provide a period of etcu less than 3ti days from flee tier: the mats is rHaikd widsin
<br />ta'Isis'lt IAeassaaelr ttuty pry the soma tleelarttd dac, tf Btsrravter faits to pay such sutra prior ta the aapiratioH of suck period,
<br />L>aadlta tel. rrafmutltacker tralsce ar desHmd at Betrxosrer, snsa7lte soy retrrcdfa permttfed by.paragraph t$ heretsf,
<br />itFaar-tiata+e~ustbvsn~taxss. Bateaier,ai Grader fttrasr twsrerutst sad-agree as follows: J
<br />ii. fittaeiYr. 1$serPf err ! !n pttsagragi i? Issaeaf, tsMas Astassas's Isaac! et ~Y ca-ssasf err
<br />ngirara~t~ttf s4 -tr ~ lt/astgttgr„ fae4rdisg cite corwarals r tart' wliaa arse eery wins aaesaai is Ada hlaesQtga,
<br />1:'wlitr.~ lr sistalttattlirts ales! arlf.rae6ts ea fires+e.w w ~ iQ !~ !i htsral ti) ties tsaaelz
<br />~isslAltt-kt~tittM9~s are ltd Itrsnltt tai a itch. ales[ lass Ataw 3R daps flips eta [fats tie- aetlee Is nsaW1 is Rrrsawar.
<br />lslr~eliiti~aaatit iaitdalF arrest is aaatit art i~ watt EaWats err rasa aatdr tpaas#r as ~ iteteaa rte iLLe tyaslrsi is tMa saefea
<br />.,r~weaaitnlft~ahai.an.att.waii 17 tUt {~a~gtq~, fa.aaaarnt Ly,ritew gtaes.it.,g.ri a.:a of tlta rttt..aty.
<br />liatatM6tti.M~ littllr,[laWra tiltaraasar erg tlar algMe w wf.rae. altr .aslwallrra aaai Ara ri~tt to atrpc is tlr at~awaar
<br />,~.i~s~ st.a ialttriTt as ..,.Arv itiwa itf 1aa.«tae t. ~ asi tsa.d.aoa. ~ des. Ye.aeh
<br />MtMM+tasr~taa~-A~SatisitradreMiarl is tilt Gwire at [.estlats apataaF atrtlr iadara all aE Aa rtrwa aneaaai M,r
<br />t1l~~r_ltr ie lrrtartYt~ #tir arai grr~ritie trMMare flrMw iaatari tssi racy fat+reittae #s jriirdai laasad4ttc. d~asiar
<br />tlnlMtirattr'~idttttcaltAall ltrsrsi /ataraigaE r! of lataetraaac tisbirg, l9r1 aR ItaW!i hK eattb eaT
<br />osltitrtprs a~llrerar rtit elllir wpraala
<br />skit ~ir~tl- t4 fsedes's ar~arakaa of the ~mw sec:a;d by tk~ Mortgage-
<br />. ~ ~ have PIF ! bf' f aader m aalarps ~ Mnngys diacaattintsad at arty trrae
<br />