<br />Unaatar Gbttirtatstg. Batnwer and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. ltywiet d 1Psiet#aF Hari Iabsest Borroaeet' shall. promptly twY when due the ptirtttipal of trod interest an the
<br />iniabasinew eviieooeri by the Nom, prapsgement and late charges as provided in ttta Note, and the principal of sad inteKR
<br />oa sap-Enema ,Advances seraaad by this Mortgage.
<br />1 Thais !err 7`ms Hai I~t~ee. Subject to appheable law or to a written waiver by Lettdar; Borrower ebaU pry
<br />b Lender on the day ntoathly imWhneaq of griotsipal oral iaurest are pttyalde under the Note, unlit the Nola is paid in fuB.
<br />a saes Rbmeia "[+iattM'~ ogad to ortrtwdRb of the yearly taxes- and asaewmmq whitdr may attain priority oust this
<br />Mt>, sad gtt~d rmb ~ the Prapaty. if say, pits otxe-twelfth of yearly pronitmr instatlrnenq for harard itasaetx.
<br />phra sate-twdfNt of yearly pramimr inWttlaaents far mortgya insututca, if auy, aU as eeawttably astitttataf ittitially sad fmm
<br />lisle m tuns Fey Laadar on the basis of assaanena and bilb and taamnabk estirnata tltaeaf.
<br />TFte Funds.~ail be bald is as irntitution the deposits or stxouaq of which are irouted or a Fttdersl err
<br />ai~Y finchsrl~-L~odar' it t.saaer is such an. instituutioa), t_errder altar( apply the Ftmds to ltay said-taxes.-as1$~!wneoq,
<br />itaaraaoe prsanhrna rod grand rettq. Leoekr rrusy not charge fns so trotdirrg and applying rile Ftrt~ anatytitta,ittdi aecotmt,
<br />err verifying tmd aotnpiang said awaswares-std bilk, unless I.attkr pays Borrower intaes< on the Fttrtris a~ spplicabia qw
<br />p@mirs Larder to tasks attch s char. Borrower and I,etrder may agree in wntittg at the time- of execution of this
<br />Mortpge thst imdat cm tits Funds shat! be paid to Borrowu, std uukw such agrnenteat m made or appliraMe I:sr
<br />tetlsrrttat sttcb imettrt m be p~oid, Lender-shalt ~t be regtttred to pay Borrower any ituerest or earnings ten the Fitrt~. Lender
<br />shag give d Borrower, without charges an an:taal accouatiag of the Funds showing t:rediq sad debiq w the Funds std the
<br />' pttapoee fotsvbich eater desalt to the Frtnds was maw. the Fords are pledged as additiottai aecueity for the sterns tttttatrrd
<br />by tdis Mastjttye.
<br />If the amount of tits Frmds lrehi hY (..ender, together .with the future ntonthty installrrteoq of Funds payable prior to
<br />the dne data of taxd, asserstoents, imntrartce ptYmiutna and ground renq. shall exceed the amount required W pay said tad,
<br />mss, iasuaaace pranitmut sad grou[d rents ss-they fall due, saxh execs shalt bo, ai Brnroweis option, either
<br />ptatsspdy repaid to Borrower m credited to 8otzawer on monthly imtalttnenta of Ftmds. If the atrtount at the. Funds
<br />held by fender shalt not 6e sutlkieat tct pay rases, awassmcnq, trtsurance premiums and ground reap as they fall -dues.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Leader any armwnt necessary to matte up the deficiency within 3t? days from the date ntstice is mailed
<br />by leader Eo Borrower rcQttatittg payment theraaf.
<br />Upon payment k Ertl( of all earrtn secutsut by ttris Mortgages Leader stall promptly reftud to Borrower any Furls
<br />htdd by [.ender. It urttia paragraph 1 g Ftertaf tlx Property is sold or tttc Property rs otherwise acgtrited by Lender, Lm~r
<br />shall apply, tto later titan imitaadiateiy pricer to the sate of the Property or is ace}uisitian by (.ender, any Funds held by
<br />Lmder at sae tithe of ~phcatioet as a credit sgart[at the sums secured by rhea Mortgage.
<br />3. A~lBtagaa a[ IaydaMa. tinter applicable taw provtdea otherwise, at2 payttrents received by Letttkr undo the
<br />Note and ~ t sad 2 hasmf shalt t+e apptred by Lrn~r itrs[ in payment at amattnts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under parttgrapit 2 berwt. [bees ro rnterest payable an rite '.vote, (tun to the principat of the Note, and then to interest and
<br />pritec>fla! on am Futwe Advances,
<br />1. C1wBlst 1!Jtea Borrower' shall pay nit taxes. assasmcnis and usher charges, frttes and Impositions attributahk to
<br />Nx Prtspaty atueh may attaht a prrority over thts Mortgage, and leasehold paytrxms ar ground rents, if any, in the manmr
<br />prov[dad under paragraph 2 tteceof err, if not paid in such manrter. by t3orrawer mal:rstg payment. w(ten due. th[ectly to the
<br />payee thetao[. Borrower shaft prstrapsly ~ttrniah to tender alt ponces of atttounts stare rtrtder tats paragraph, std in the evert
<br />Borr'otre[ rhal4 wake paymntt dtroctty, Borrower sbstl pramptty tumtsh tI+ t,ereder rcoeipts evtdeticreg strch paymenq.
<br />Balrvwar anti promptly dre3targe uty tits which hrs pnartry aser tots Mortgage: nrartded. that Borrower shalt nor be
<br />[stpnrsd tct dtschatge ant ta~~ lien xo bng u Borrower altar! agree in wrntng to the payment of the ohtigatxw secured by
<br />such rim in s taimaer auepabk to Leader, or shalt in good fatth corttest sttcFr teen bp, err defend enforerment of such lim in,
<br />kpt procad:ags w~h apaaus to prevent the mtotretaent of the Hen err fartcrtttrc of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />S. Ettsrei fastwaer. Borrower shat? keep the emprovattents tuxr existtttg err hereafter erected an lire Property insured
<br />agstinp kw by dyes hazards irtctuded witbtn the term "extcrtdai csmerage~, and ssuh other hazards as Ltntfer may require
<br />sad m sacb amouaq sad €or such pcrwds as Leader may rqutre; ptaviafcet. that Larder shad trot requite that the arnoaM of
<br />such ~er'Ke exceed that amount t# caversge repotted to pay itre stuns secured by this Mar[gage.
<br />The Wrtraatte carrier providing rite mt~rrrattce stall he chosen by Borrower subteet to approval by Lender: provided.
<br />than tatth appravd shsB its be ttrtaasortsbty witttttetd. All prI=.rnituas sm inmratxc palates sits!! be paid in ttrc manner
<br />pravidad »ader paragraph 2 hereof m, et sat peed in rattle manner, by &xrower makttrg iu~rrKnt, wttea dtre. directty to the
<br />ioatrated carrier,
<br />,#)l Faat>s>ma poiipw ant! tttnawtth thereof shat( tx m tarn auuptabte to Lender and shall include a swndard mortgage
<br />clams k favor of sad m roam actxptabk to (,ender. !.ender strait have thre right to hold the policies and retrewaLs thereof,
<br />ctrl ilerttrtvu stmt promptly futmrh to tender alt renewal ao~tcd std all etxetpts of paid ptaniunis. to rite even of loss,
<br />Boretswar shah give prompt natioe ect rho insurance carnet and t.etrder. t.rnder may makes praot of lace if Hoc made promptly
<br />by t#orrnwar.
<br />ttolaw l.ettdar sad Borrower otherwrsc agroc in waiting. iaxuraacs prtxeab shall trc appfied m restoration or repair of
<br />the Property damae]td, provaed such rdwratiao of repair is aonamicslly teatdbk std the security of this Mortgage is
<br />trot ehssaby $ppavad. if such restoratioa err reparr g trot econaaricatly feasible or tf rite sccernty of this Mortgage would
<br />ire iaspsued, she itratuame ptaeaada sAail be teppiied to the sterns satrred by th» bfortgage. wi:h the excess, if any, paid
<br />60 llracmwer. ft the Fropsrty is abarrdotsad try Borrower, or it Borrorwer faits to rdplutd to (..cadet within 30 days from the
<br />data trttioa is ttsaikd by I.eodar to Borrower drat the insutaace carrier trfters to settle a ciaitn fox insurance benefits, Calder
<br />is autltoriasd d collect std apply the iattwaace proaetds at I..etuiler`s option eit{xr to mtoratioa err repair of the Ptopeny
<br />or to the sarw setaresd by this 1l/ortas~r,
<br />UtsMw Ldsttsr sad 8omawer exhSrsriae agree m writing, say suet[ sppiicatitxe cf proeeads ro pnncipael shah no[ ctttetd
<br />a postpaas the due date of the monthly ittrtttirraettts referred to in paragraphs i and 2 hereof or efisnge the amount of
<br />sacb ~mtBntttab. It ands( paragraph tg hereof the Property u acspured hY tender, all right, title and interest alt Borrower
<br />is (tat! m any potiriw sad in attd tit rite protzectds !hereof restdting from dattrage to the Property pricer to the sale
<br />err Boat shah paw to l,eadar w the etemi of dx sums srcurcd by this Mortgage tmttuditlcty prior in such sate or
<br />• "
<br />f. PsrsAal4te tttai tt3aitiaraase ref lhapesgt LeswiaMr C:wisrtiaMwsq PieaaOi Until DsvdepaeNS. Borrower
<br />ttFrrtB Mp the l~ruRy ~ 7ood and not s wasp err permit inyutirmeat or dtrmioraxian of the Property
<br />sari txrtrgtty vrith tits ~ of any lease ii this Mart;age rs on a Ieaaeitold. If fhb Mongsgc h an a emit in a
<br />eoium ar a phrtaed wait devektpmeat, Bextowar shah perform alt of Barrvwer's obtigatiars under the dra:laratton
<br />or s g 65r govtarr~g the taradotainitart or pttwated unit devt, the by-laves alai tcgufatiotts cif-the
<br />t as pfeetrai [7stit datnkopaent, and eotraittteat docuaaenu, tt a cctadaninium o€ pianaed Unit develapnrcat
<br />ridttf is by Basmrrt sad rrueeoedad togetiser with- rttis Mortt~, the s:ovenanq oral agreematq of such rider
<br />tb~_ia'istfler~q[tMld.inta ietd sbaB amend attd Stipp tke txwertasm std agrees of this Mortgype as if the r[skr
<br />v,~aa p~tFsi;YSaE.
<br />'Ii lMfitaiit.lg L.Nlhl"a !f Borrower fails hi periam the cvveaaots sad agnsewenb csaettaiacd in ehis
<br />_~ tar ~ 0agr ttwtttn d praoaetfiag # a"orM~msaad vahich maze,vsatly atfacrs l.sttdar's ittsstest im eha Pritpeetty,
<br />tseitwal=lid ma, s daueaisr. ~, code tssforcemettt, err a at= ptotieatihtgs mvafviug a
<br />tx tl~lrM; t~ LanMr ter. Leadw'i optiust, upon rsotice tar Borrower, (tray make such appearances, disburse strch
<br />sta0a err/ t~ ttctiap as it naawtary r, peouet header's ineerdt. trtctsrdiag. ben nat. limited tc4 dttdttenem«rt of
<br />t~frsaa~e ttpgprretytstF'fees ari story. tprtn Use Property ro taake repairs; l# L.cttder rrxyuittd ttsottgagts iasursttct: w s
<br />e~ ~ ~ dss-Fear- ses+xal b!' Uter ~ Aorrnwer shalt pa3 the prvniitras tz~ m msiidain such
<br />iararaalf 1a s4lrlt ttiugt; call lima Y .the fm satt#- itssaraa~ca ~ in saetazdattce with Brtsoase~x ^nd
<br />