<br />Lender's written agrtxrrreot or applic:bir lair. Borrower shalt pay the atrtoum of art mortgage insurance promiums in the
<br />meaner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Arty >drtoutrta disbursed by Ltmder prrrsusnt to thm paagraph 7, with interest thereon. sheN become aeldirionat
<br />ittdebtedrtess of Bttrro+vu seettrrd by this Mortgage. t3nless Borrower and Lender agree to aihu trrtns of paytlteM, srtch
<br />atnonah shy br payahk upon notice from Lender to Hottvwer re:gttesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />ties of dbboeaame+tt at the rate ptayahk from irate to tints on otttstamBng prittcipai under the Note utdess paytneat of
<br />infereat at each rate vroald be contrary to applinble taw, in which event such amounts shall bear intetxsf at the-higlres' rate
<br />ptsnt~tw'bk under appBcable taw. Ntuhing ctattairred in this paragraph 7 shop tequitt I.endu to incur any ettpe:trst or-take
<br />soy action hereunder.
<br />R ttat/er6tR. Lander relay make or tetras to Ire made teasonabit entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lorxter shall give Borrower notice prior to any such insprcrion specifying rrasonabk cause thuefor related to Ltmder'a
<br />interest in the Pmperty,
<br />C,eaiatwrlfsa. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direct or rnnseyuential, in cortneetian-with any
<br />condemnation or otlrertaltirrg of the Property. or part thermf. or far conveyartcr in lieu of condemnation, arc ttrreby a~igttdl
<br />aced shag be paid to Letretu.
<br />in the event of a teal taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the arms secured by this Mortgage,
<br />ttrith [fie etcetst, if ar;y. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of [he Property, unless Bnrrawer acrd Lender
<br />othexwiae agree in writing, there shall lxe applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage sorb prnportian of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prier ro the date of
<br />•inking bears to the fair market value of ;he property immediately prier to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />ptid to Hotzower.
<br />If tlxe Property Fr abandoned by Burrower. or if, alto ?ratite by Lender to Borrctvt?er that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an await! or sertk a shim for daatages. Borrower fails to rap~std to I..ender within 3f3 days after the date such ttatitx is
<br />strolled, Letuitx is sttttrmiud to collect and apply the pracads, at Lender's opittxt. eithu to restotat{cm or repair of the
<br />Properry ar to the wens sexurad by this Mortgage.
<br />Linless Leau#ar artd Borrower Mheawise agree in wriring, any such application at protteds to principal shall not extend
<br />or peartpone the due date of the monthly isutailtnmts referred to in paragraphs t attd 2 hereof or chatrge the antouni of
<br />etch faataBrneata.
<br />30. /asrs»er 1Vat Rehaaai. Extension of the tittle far payment ar modilcation of amartiution of the sums sectored
<br />bq this kfortgage granted by Leader to arty srrctsssor in imttesi of Borrower shaii net operate to release. in any mature-..
<br />the liabrl'ny of Lhe original 8artrnver and Borrower's sutetssars rn in;crest. Ixnder shall net Iu re9uircd to rnmttxnce
<br />praeaettiags agaitxst such srttcetaor ar muse to extend stmt far paytrterst err :xhetwise mt~ify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by the Mortgage by eaatart of any demand made by she original Borrower attd Borrower's sutcesxars in interest.
<br />t1. Fariea~ra;! I.ateier !Ver a Waiver. .4ny fortrearartce by [..seder in exercising any »ght or remedy hereunder, at
<br />eahenrise afforded by applicable taw, shall not be a waiver of :x preclude the exercise of any such »ght or remedy.
<br />The praetrrerneert of Ittartraaw or the payment cif rues or other tins cx charges by Leader sha4 nM tic a waiver of I.enefer's
<br />tight m aecderalr the rtuturity of the indrbtedrress ucured by this Mortgage.
<br />tt (tlaasliaa Caasfaifre. Alt tetnrdiea pirn•rded ?n this Martgatte etc distinct acrd cumulative to any othtt right or
<br />remedy under the Mortgage a afforded by law or e4tnty. and may Frc cxcrascd .oncurrrntty. indcpcndrnily nr srrceessivety.
<br />13. 5sscca~ara tread Asigsa itotndt Jaiwr alai 9everai f.ia5i~; Ca~dete, "Ihe c:a}rnants and agreematts herein
<br />ewrutirteel shaft hind, attsi the righu hereunder shall inure in. ttsc rexp~-t?ve ssr-cesx?rs and assigns of lsnder and Borrower,
<br />subject to the prov»i~s of p~~graph 1? hercoi. !!t} covenaats arsd aateerrtemts ..; Borrower shaii 6e joint and several.
<br />The and hadir~s of the paragraphs of ibis Mailbags arc fat ~catrenrota:e :+ntv and are not to !~ user! to
<br />interpret tx deAae the prorisiom hamf,
<br />ta. I @xtePt for arty tsorixx roquired aretdrr applkabk taw to F±e beven in an.xhrr rttarttxr, ta) any notice to
<br />6orro+sxr psan~ed fvr in this klartgagr sha'1 tae grvett to mailieb such Harare Ise certit~d mail aadressett fo Harrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such axher addrtxs ar BarrenvsY may dexegn:rc by ?entice to Lender ar pmvisktl herein. and
<br />any rsobtt so IcruIIM' xhaN br biven Lt cooled mad, return rurrpe ~egssested. to Lrnsier: addreu orated herein ar to
<br />suc)t other adders as l.enrter may desrgnart trv rn~tice to tiratr.wer ax provtdpd heron. .4ny norite provided for in this
<br />Mertgsye shat! be tiertrmd to have beat geven to Borru+.rr Gu l.etsster *.ftm given in the tnanrter ddibrsated hereto.
<br />1S. t3aiFteo AiaetBagr Coverttiag law: Saesaipiy. l?trs farm at mortsa;c cambinca uniform rarrnaab for national
<br />use and rqn-uffifo±m cavarwntx with liaritsd varrateartx by turxsdttriaa to trmueterte a unitor,n ssxurety itutrt.meot. covering
<br />real property This Mortgage shall be guvtrnat by rho law a+f tale juresdiciron in which the Property is located. In the
<br />e+'att that nay proviaian or slater of thts Meartbagr ar the Nate c~+r?~u w~ittt appaecablr law, s?mh coulter shall net aBrtt
<br />otixer provision at this Mortgage ix the Note wha4h ;an he green ei7ec:i wiitrbttt the coalittitsg prevision, urtd to this
<br />end the provegnos of the istoAgage arxf the `ore arc dor:iared [o tea sevrrattk.
<br />K ^rtparsw's C+ap}. Borrows; shalt be furnrstted a a~retartn~ copy of the Mate anel d this Mortgage at the tittle
<br />of exclusion at after rrcordatitxs haunt.
<br />t?. TsaaaEar ei tMa Prapastrt Aasntrplln- tf alt ar any f~ of the Prttparty ar an interest ttssrein is soW or traetsferred
<br />by ts~rrsxsror aritftaut Lenetu's prier written casasrnt, exs:l ial the cre;itism of a lien ar ratumbraocr wbordinate to
<br />rhea ~, fb2 the creatiaa of a ptsmhase :asusrq security rntueu fax hourr~told appiiaaiyss:es. (cl a transfer by devise.
<br />dscrat or ~ opraation of law upon the death of a jotttt rrnarrt ex tdt the grant of any leasehold interest of there years or tea
<br />trot as apteun to pute-wte. Ixrrdm may, at Lender's option, drelore ail the wens secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />i>~ediwti?ly due and payable. Lender shall hour waived such apteon ro acerktatr if, prior to the: sate or transfer, txotkr
<br />acid the pt;ratw ro whom the property is to be void ar trattsfetted teach agreement in writing [flat the cralit of such petsort
<br />is taCkla to I.enda and that the itttesest payable as list stuns seture:d `'Y this Mortgage shall br at sash roes as Ltttcter
<br />strait rat. If I_radar has waived this option to accrkratr provided in t!»s para~eph I7, and rE Borrowu's successor in
<br />i4ttndt bar eaasssrad a wrttaa aaurteaptioa agreemrnt aece~ted in wri;tag by Lender. Leader shall release Borrower from all
<br />i~ uadu ter kdot~s sad Nsa IVare.
<br />If l,a-drx eaerc»ea such nptioa to aiuate. Lanckr abaci mail Borrower notTae of acuekra;ion in aerns~dance with
<br />paragraph 14 hrtraoL Asch tstttitr abet! prtwieis s period :d nsx teas than l0 days from the date [fir notice is recoiled within
<br />whicB tlatrottasa may pay the steau dalarrsd true. If Btxrowrr fails ?o pay wcfi sums priaa to the expiration of'st>c}t period,
<br />Leader testy, a'ith~ fru€Itar Holier at det»and otr Borrtxrr, savtti<e any teased pumitted by paragr?~t 18 twreof.
<br />MOM-1Jtstlarass Gbv&tttttra. Bgtrowsr and Lander #artdtrt tar<ettatu and agree as fotinsra:
<br />tY. ~ ttatna~ i3tmg4 as ~aviiia! h gitttgctgtt 17 kisser, atA*+ Baasew~'r ftt?assY of nag eesvanaN ar
<br />tgrusaairtt o[ tt4raawar 4 tftt4 llSatt~t, g tYs crwvaaaab m Nlr very daa asy ssaaa sexawd br tMa ,igaalpge.
<br />lsgtigt art la-ta4i-s~aM ratsB t h Bamewer as leaidad Its petraptyit id ias?rof ltsg (11 tht ttaett~xt
<br />till tlb tttnlfirr s~a~si~i-!e cta~4ttk i3} a -doh, >.lat 1aa dr>E Je a fro. Hta mar a..atkx 4 ~t#ial to Borswtaar
<br />b ta1i~ arrllt krr+~rM sayaN iaesiMl otter ~ tlkrt- taiartr h aYrs artdr ksatsit ar, a Sttfarr tYe date sytedir+i ht she tsatiiea
<br />>M rnrrtM ty,tttat+tsratibsr of tlr teats ~atsK+i ftz tYh gip. fwedtaaset by t alai nett of tbt !.
<br />'lisrt trees attsE fltritra ltdst~rrt lltrtrasrttr qt ma rt~r h tdaafaatr aUs ~e aextl tea, ~ w ararst is .Eha foeadrwrae
<br />iruiMaaitrl~-tires yasaisiwca erf a ~thaft_ K .~ oMrrtr Astaaat >•c tlsrr+awrrs h ~ anti. ia~taeiawsa, ~ tM iYeaask
<br />is rd ar~ti.1 air,« lpttses tYrs tittR ritttefasil lea fir aWiaa Ie4rr as l.rartte't o~riar traq? tiattare silt at tip arrow tteretsad bx
<br />tIt81F1ig~i~altFktrlrgrrttt~tMaTg-~tt+MrR}rtgaltlr wtrMaM l~rrr drttrtti aM taug f 6y j~itl-ttrtretttiAtY,.
<br />tMtBtt mtttMllri tr taiMast iatttMdr ~tutaaa.tta{ aN aagtarrr ai tosrciarase, I+emiyg, >v.t .ter ttasihei tw catrit et drseasweasY
<br />ttr~aitera alrtaaa~rr wti Hitt to flutes.
<br />. -~ !~M it.>tttisrsiAw is~tttssi~ataaadiirrg l,eaitistr'. aauakralitm -af rho sums s~urtd h{t rim Mtutgape,
<br />Btst~Irs t hm?a dot att. lava nay ~ ~ by I.srtder to aattsrar t1~ Mortgrgr diaccmtitttred at any time
<br />