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g~-t)U3232 <br />Utruoass Covaruwra. Borrower sad Lender covenara and agree as follows: <br />1. Tay~treat tt! I!~tlaclga! aei Its/ertxf. Borrower shall promptly Pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtet~eas evidtsaeed by the Note, prepeyalent snd fate charges as provided in the Note, std the principal of cud iatetat <br />oe aay Pmue Advattoes secured by this Mortgage. <br />~- 1 I!lawis ter Taea ttttsA Laastasee. Subjat to applicable law or to a written waiver 1tY Lender, Borrower shag pay <br />w I.ew>der on the dry tmouthly irataihsents of principal and iraerost are payatrk under the Note, uoh'I the Note is paid in frill, <br />a mtm Qta~t "Ftmda"j etpral to nits-twelfth of the yr+riy taxes and assessments which rttay attain- priority over the <br />Meetptge, oral groa+d rtdet on the Property, if aay. plus otte-twelfth of yearly premium insWlatenta -for hazard inattrauce, <br />plea oa~atadith o[ yearly premium instsllm~tLv for tnoragage ittsnr9ace, if aay, all at r~eaaonably eaHUtated initially and from <br />timx to tft~ by Ltarter on t~ basis of ~ attd bills oral rxastutable esrimata tbeteof. <br />The Puads shag be held-ia as irtstindiat rite deposits or accounts of which are itrattred or gtasrante~ bq a Fedtxa!-or <br />tttase agency (irrciuding L~adertf Lender is each an iastittuionl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes; a~ESSmeais, <br />iaautmee prarrimrts sad M'wmd teams. Lmdet trray trot chargt for ro holding and applying the Funds, aaalyzeg raid acoowt <br />or vaifgiug sad eempiliog said a>tssasments sad bills, trotess Lender pays Horraster interest am tlx &Unds aed appfieabk-lava <br />parrtdb Lender 4o make atsch a clnrge. Bortotver and Leader may agree in writing at the time- of execution- of this <br />Infortgye that iotesest on the Funds iltall be paid to Borrower, and utsteas such agreement is rtta~ or appiicafAe lour <br />oa~res fad[ iruorat to 6e paid Loader abort nm be required to pay Harrower any interest or eatarings on tfte Funds. Leader <br />shaft give to Burrower, withotu t;karge, an aanzui axouening of the Furda showing credits and debits to the Funds sad the <br />purpose far which eaeb debit to the Funds was made. The Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums aaettred <br />. by this. tiforrgoge. <br />II the atstouat at tlx 6tutds ttdA by Lender, together with the future ttronthty installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due data of taxes, asscaarsatta, iawrance premiurrss acrd ground ttnts. shalt extend the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assesttroeab, intmance premiums and ground rents u they fall dtu. such excess shag tx, at Borrower's option, eitfter <br />promptly repay to Borrower or credited to Harrower oo monthly ittstalltnents of Funds. If the amount of the Furls <br />bttdd by Lender shalt ttix be sul8citat to pay taxes, assessments, insurance pre:aiurtts acrd grourd rears as they felt d[x, <br />Borrower tdnil pay to Lender any amount trecesaary to mate up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to Bortaw•er tegttrsting tKyrtteat thereat. <br />Upon payrmeat in full of ail soma aectaed b5' this Mortgage. Lender shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Leads. If urdv paragraph i8 hereof the Property ,s sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by [.ender, Lender <br />shall apply zfo later than immtadiately print zo the sale of the Property or izs acquisitiM by Lender, aay Funds held by <br />Leader at the tittle of applintron as a credit agairut zhe sums secured tfy this :vforigage. <br />3. A~ikaelw at 1!'ay~aar. LJaless aPphcable law prnvides otherwise, aFl payments rtxcived by Lender under the <br />Nom and pgagta~tln !std I. ttawf !hall be applied by Lender first m payment of amounts payable to Lender by Bortawet <br />tnrder patflgaPh ? htaeof. then to saterest payable on the haze, then to zhe prituipat o€ the Nate. sad they to interest and <br />ptitauPal wt any Fucttte Advatrtxs. <br />1. CltsgeK Ueaa. Borrower shall p:y all taxes. assessments and other .barges, fines and rmposiuons at[nbutsble to <br />the Pretpa~ty which moy attar a priority over this Mortgage, and leasehold payments ar ground rem:, tf any, in the warmer <br />pt[uvidsd under paragraph ? hueof or.:t not pazd rn sucff manner. by Bottower making payment, when due, directly to [he <br />Payee thereof. Harrower stint! proasirdy tttrnuh to t.ertder all rnxfces of amounts due under this paragraph. std is the event <br />Borrower shat! make payrrsent directly. Borrower shat! promptly fumrsh ro i_ender receipts eviderrcmg such payrnertts. <br />tlarrow~r than Promptly discharge any lien whuh has p..arrty aver this tilortgage: provsded. ;hat Borrower shall nzrt Uc <br />repotted w diachstge at ; such iiFrt w tong as Borrower shalt agree in wnung to ztse pagrnent al the abtigation secured ay <br />slseh liw in a tttaaaer acagrabk to Leader, ar sha0 zn goat faith ctfntest such lug by, ar defend cnforeement of such lien ia, <br />~ proceedutp which operrte to prevent the ertoreement vi ttu I,en or tarferture et the Property or anp pan thereof. <br />$. Ntrfaf taaraace. Brrower sbaii keep [tie vmpmvemcnu now estsunQ or hereafter crated nn etx Property insured <br />agait3at less by die, hazards iricisided wzthra the term "'exurtued :overage-". arui su,;h aher hazards as Lender may rcgwre <br />and ra stub amounts std For stuff pereata as i_erukr may reytwre: provided, that Lemur shalt na require that the anwun[ of <br />such coverage exceed that atnuisnt of coverage required to pay tits arms vea:tired by this Mortgage. <br />The taattrance cevner prrnidiag the ittsuraruc shall be chaxp by 13arr.,nver subje[t to approval by I.etuur: pray:dcd, <br />[flat a>tclf approval sled! tiDi be uttreasiafably wpbtfeld. .{ll ptcztufrms on iaastratx°e poliefes shall be paid to the manner <br />Provided trosfer para~raPh 2 hereat ar, :f not pant zn sir It manmr, fry Harrower making payment, when due, drrectty to the <br />imurfmtro CY!'lil. <br />All iawrance polstda and rtaewds there<>t shell Ge rn farm ~ccptabte zo Lemkr and shat) em/rule a stamiard mortgage <br />tdwae is favor of and is fpm a~x•eptable zo Leader. !seder vhall have ztxe rt$ht to bald she palsies and resxwais [hereof, <br />- sad lforrow,er saran pnxaptfy furaeth to Corder all rrnewai nwues aifd elf receipu of paid premiums. to the event of lost, <br />Borrows [hall give prrampt notice to the inwrance carrxr sad !.ender. tensier [nag [:fake proof iff loos if not made promptly <br />by 1#orrtr~ar. <br />- t3aiiw Lender sad Borrower atherwtsc agree in wrete~, iasptaaa:e procexls shah be applidi to restoration ar repair of <br />the Property damaged, provated such ritatotatmn ar repair to ecariamtulty feasible and the atxurity of tbu Morlgege is <br />trot tharsby it~aimd. I€ Birch rctutratior, ar repair sa am ecvmxaically feasible ar i€ the seceuity of this Mortgage would <br />be saytairsd, the ittaittaOCe procaais sttslt be appliet to the starts sea,-ur~# by this Mortgage, with the eftcess. if any, Paid <br />to Bwntwu. If the Property d abaadarteai by Borrowu, ar ,t liorrawer t'aiis to respond to Leader within 3U days from the <br />date nOtica is rtratled by Leotirr to Hturawer that the frfsurance curter afterx zo settle a claim for fnswarue benefits, Lender <br />is artthorimd to crdiecr std apply the irfsuratrse prooada at Lcnder'x option either to teswraziao ar repair of the Property <br />or q the suraa setaaed by [his Idoryage. <br />Ualass Lewder attd Btrtower otherwise agree m srrtftag, anp welt application of praaxeds to pri~.ipal shall not extend <br />os Pestpme tpe due data ad the ttta:tifsiy itrsullments rtf«ral to ip psragrrphs 3 and ? bercRf ar change the attwuni of <br />each ~. tf tmdar paragraph t $ huaaf the Property is ai;a;utred by Mader: all right, title acrd interest of Horrower <br />i0 and m any iaauarue policia and io and to ttte pr+x;saeds cheroot resulting Pram damage io the Property prier to the sale <br />or aogtrsttiao sha31 pans to Lertdar to the extent at the wttis sa.ured by this Mortgage immediately prior to such sale oc <br />F tsars'raMesa sad 1Nerawraat et rrePatyt f,eare-oid~ ('~ Phone/ tlait tkvdoputeats. Barrowcr <br />shall katp tits PrapestX in good repair trod shat! ixx aimutit watts ar permit rmpairtttent or deterioratmn of the Property <br />aaQ_shatt mmPly with ttre provisions ~ anp lease if this '.Mortgage- ~ cxt a taasclrold. if this Nartgage is on a wait in a <br />of a p~aood oral develoPalent, Bwrowtr shalt perform all ai Borrower's s~fligauoaa under the d:ttlaratzan <br />oa' cotses,ards creatirrrd ar gareraiag the eandomuuum ar Ptanaed unit devebpment. the by-lawn sad regulaxiozt~s of the <br />eaadsiuas ar pfaaoad tuti; devent. and carKiituent dacurnenzs. It a :unikamiaiuar or planned unit developnuutt <br />ridgy h ~ ~' lily ~ t~xarded tsz~tftaz ssttlS this 4fsxtg¢gt, [hc cos€~tanta and agreem.,ats of ~tteh rider <br />try ba iBaorP' ~rdo acrd shalt atuettd and su~emw:tu the t'uvenaats oral agreements a€ this Mortgage as if the ruler <br />sMiart a pmts-heraaf. <br />' ?. tsdugra tit fvaadae'a if Hona+scs fails to tfarfrxm the covan3nu awl agreements cantaiited in this <br />?K#jPyi, ar B aay ar pmpedipg fs ~ whuh matuialfy adecta Lcndrr't iatatesi in tlwc Praper[y, <br />" it>~ bid trot kasitsd tan, ~~a doatain. i~i{ilyry, code ~utarcetizesx, or arra9gealeirt6 t~ Fri involving a <br />brttaltstrps tit daoodaat, titm L~s• st l.eadec's option, upon ttutice to Borrower. may make seclr appcarattces, daburse stint <br />alfaap sad odes suCb arsiua u h n+atxwry to prtvteez Lander': tptereB, ,tts-ttiditrg, but neat limited m, disbutaetnent of <br />twet4mobls atteeaay's fates std wiry upam [hs Property eu make repairs. Ff !,ender ret}tdml ruettgage iasuraeu:e as a <br />ca~Ylna ~- tiro law secaurat by that ittortt<age, Borrower alts!! pity rite prxgtriutus rertuiresi to tttaiutaia atuh <br />lea r~lc1 +iass tat she regtttseoaeaz for tui;.h tustttttsce terttunattes to acv~rdance with Batraiw+rr's and <br />