gl_ oa3~si
<br />l.ead~'s written agnaement or applicablee lasv. Borrower shalt pay the amoum of rii tttortgage itesuranoe pnnatitmts in the
<br />tttaaner pt'avided trrdNd' paragraph 2 herea€
<br />Any aataa~ distnused ley tender punustu m Chia paragraph T, with inteeest thereote, shalt becotne atiditiood
<br />ittds of Barroarer snouted try that Mortgage. Un~s Borrower and -Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amoraats ahte8 ba payable ttp~ notice from tender ro Horrawer regtratirtg payment thereof. and shalt hear irrterea from the
<br />thga of r~brttat~ate ~ the-eats payable from tittle to time on oarstaadhrg principal trader the Nte~ tmleat paTmatt of
<br />its ri ate.6 rata wt~d rte teary to applicable law, in which evert[-sack amounts shall bear interest ri the ttigttest ram
<br />pk render >~ taw. Ndhatg contained in-this paragraph 7 sltatf requite tender to inrarr my atpenae or tafae
<br />~stiifc Lender may male ar cause w ix made reasonable enrolee upon and impectioas of the ProPe1't9+-provided
<br />trio Iadtadier "~ Borrosret notice prime to any such ireapeEtion specifying reawnabk cause thtrefor rehted=-tt4-Lettder'a
<br />itrfert:st-in the,t'lopaty. - - -
<br />!: The pmcuds of arty awartl or claim f~ damages, direct or Eonsegrxtreri, in contttaebn with aay
<br />condtrmte:aiuon or outer taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for caaveyance in tiro of condemnation; are tterobq signed
<br />and sbitU be paid to Leader.
<br />In the zirertY ~ a total tatting of the Property, the proceed: afiaB be applied fo [lee sums seetrred by this Mortgage.
<br />wit}[ the cities, if atty. paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and. Leader
<br />othetsvian agree in writing, there ahaN lte applied to rite sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proeade
<br />a is equaE W thri prepturiore which the amoum of ttte rums secured by this Mortgage irttruediatdy prior ra the date of
<br />takitg heart: route fair maker value of the Property immediately prior to-the dare of taking, with the 6atattce of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />Tf the Property tt abandoned by Borrower, ~ if, after notice try lender ra Borrower that the coademnos at(trs to mates
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower faik"to respond w Lender within 30 days after ttte dare such notice is
<br />ma3ttSd. tender is sum to EoBeet and sPPJy the proceeds, ri LendePx 6ptino, either f0 restoration or LCpftr of the
<br />Property or ttt the swrss secrtted by this MorgagC.
<br />Urilas (.ender and Borrower ttfherwiae agree in writing. any stilt application of procte~ to principal stall not extend
<br />« paatpwte the ~e date of the moarthty imtaBrtgrets referred to in paragraph t and 2 hereof or change the atreottnt of
<br />such imtsBnledt
<br />iB. Bwrowar Net litNassd. F.xtetesiote of tlu time for payment or mctdifcation of amortization of the soots secttterl
<br />try tale Mortgage grmtted by tender so arty strcce:sor in intet[xt of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any tnaaner,
<br />the liability ~ the origins! Botrtrwer acrd Borrower's stucersors in interest. Lender steal! nor be required to cotrntrtextce
<br />proeaedhigs a;;aim[ serele suamor ae' rtfuse to extend imee fer payment cx orhenrise n>odify amortization of Its sums
<br />seetrtat by this Mortgage tq reams of any demand made by the cxr;final Borrower and Borravrcr's succemors in fiat=mi.
<br />T1. Pasllsreaeee iy [safer lVet a R'afva. Any fottrrannce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy teeeetrnder. or
<br />otttersirisc a8otded try appkicsbte taw, shall tart he : waiver of ar ptsxlsrde the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />1Le pratavemmt d iasesance or dte poprtrent of taxes ar other bens car charges by Lender <hatt oat be a waiver of I.ereder'x
<br />right to aa~lerasr then mriority of the itedebtedrress attired br this tittxtgage.
<br />t2. lfNtta/aa QaW-a All remedies prcwided in this Mortgage ate distinct and ~umuiativc to any Mher right or
<br />remedy under rtes Mortgage or sAarded try law tx equity, and may he ezercisecl co!ecurrentJy. independent#y nr successively.
<br />T3. Baacasrras aM Astttgar IMas~ Jaiat wad Scrawl Ltablgty; t'.a~s. trot irovenanta and agreements herein
<br />tomsltwd shag bind, and the rghts hereunder shall more to, the respective sutcexsrrs and asssgtes of (.,ender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the ptovissorn of paragnptr 17 hereof. ~Ut Eovereaets and agreetnettts at t3ormwer xhali tx joint am! sevenl.
<br />'t7,fe csplirsns and hgdiags of the paragraphe, of this Mottgaga arc for convenience nary and arc not to he used to
<br />intet'pfe[ ~ define the pt+avisiem hereof. -
<br />T4. Natlea, ~ far way rsotiae required under applicable law to tx given in anther manner. tai arty notice to
<br />8ortoweer provided far in Zh# Mnrtgggc shall he giver. try mailing such rtalee by ctrti6pt mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the ~rtY Addrss: or ore such otbu a+Mress as Borrower may 6esegrate t}y antler to Lender u provided herein. amf
<br />arty rsati~ to [.cadet sJnB be giver by certili~ rowel, return tempt requested. to txader's sddrens siate6 herein ar to
<br />uich atl#er adttkaat as [rtedet enaY desigtrrie by notice to Bortawer as provided herein. Any satire pravsdsri for in this
<br />Mortgage shell be dsmned ro have been given to Borrower or [_ctder when ;rvm in she manner designried herein.
<br />TS. Uauaaa r Govarfag Last, Seveeab^t1. "Tins farm of terart combines uniform eavenants far natioaat
<br />tae and two-uniform oavautets with [irtstesi variations by jwtsdictiae to Eomtitute a uniform security instrument covering
<br />nd prsepesty. 7Ttle Mortgage stall be gevernrd by the law of t1~ ?~ =.n which [tee Property is tacated, !n the
<br />evatt that arty prmseiort o< ctatbe of thle Mortgage or the ''Iota EOnA1Etf with applicable taw, such cotrtliet shag noT atfect
<br />atha prov~itms of this Mengage or the Yaee which Eon be given etf~t without tlx :anflictireg proviyon, a~ to this
<br />cad [fie prom of rtes Mortgage and the ',rota arc dxlrrad m be sev~abk:
<br />tt5. ltaseswat+a C.a~. Borrower shall he furnished a corsforrnrd copy of tree Nom nod of this Mortgage at the tirtq
<br />M exneutiptr or allot +stor+dttyeat hereof,
<br />T3. laftarter a1 Ha tf aN ar way put of the i'rapaty or an itttaea therein is sold of tramerred
<br />by-Bcrraarr without tetsdsr's pry written xe~nt, eseltttf~ tat the crntion of a lien ~ encrmttrraitce subordinate m
<br />tfiis tl~etgye, {b? the txateon ~ a purchase enonay security ittterat far hotsrahoW appliaaEea, Ec3 a iraetster by devise,
<br />dnoart ~ lty opetmian of taw upon the derile of a joint tenant ar tdt itlC gaol of any ieaehaid itetereiU of three gears or Jess
<br />rot ore optioe to put+chass, iandar any, u Lender's opt~rr, dtxdate alt the suou secured Uy this Mortgage to lx
<br />ieraad~ely dray and patyabk. trader shalt. have waived such option to xtcel~ate if, prim to the sale or tramlet, Lender
<br />and ifia pmaan to whom [fie Y is to be sesld or tremslcrs+ed resort agraneenS in writing dwt the credit of srrdt perscue
<br />is savvy to Leadat sad that the payatele on the xurtts sactued by this Mottiage sheiJ be at srrcb trio as Lender
<br />sta~B eagaist_ l! tmrhtr has waived the ceptian to aeeNerale provided in tiffi parapaph t7, and if Barrosver's nor in
<br />iNM~ tae eawstdad aseRepp aa~pnaa ageoenatt accepted m wtttrtrg ley I..etsder, Loader shall rekaaee Hsarower from aU
<br />tadQ MM tBce>~ led the Ptaes,
<br />lT- IRO~f a AICIt t0 eax+eletate, t.exeder shalt matt BOrrowet naE1Ce of acttt~atiea in with
<br />paattBeagtl li htapnL Sash nodes sh+tB provstte a period of rot less than 30 days from the date ttte notice is m~n widrnr
<br />f>•'hi~ Btosrawes mty pap[ rtes natty daetaiad doC. If Borrower fasts ro pry srstlt stuns prior to rife expiration of such pettaQ
<br />l.!illdfi, tF6~; ~ta~6et1 father. ttafsce ar. deed an Bar[aret, tavdte-any rtnetedtee permuted by _parsgraph I g hereof.
<br />Ntpawlha~aas Carastaxta. Bnrtowae wad T.cader fwtbar tavenaM wtd agree as follows:
<br />>1R, ,~ ilamails. ~ as pseviiei tie R~aM t7 4eleaf. ttpra Mel+asv'a llattaek !t aRT cavataat «
<br />tlgwirtikw~tT file-kiwswar 4 ttll4t ~ 4~ -tba sseveaasY sa tom' wheel-ire tM}' taa4 aeestad tg fly{ l
<br />kafldtat:~pitr 4aaee!>taaYasaiert eas# assrre g Iiaeerwes as gtntriied f. p.nBt,ytia f4 bseaet' t~ lTt ttM btseNtt
<br />~tfia ae(Itltllr~tldfletalrE [tRt~tltlaralrl (~! se i[ttt, tell trsi6 fraa ]d dt~t reran tR•a dtlla qla ataUts lie sit [e-B~r#aw~R.
<br />tlp.w4aAt~ lalnde tfiigt[ *E cetlat~ asi l{f irerf kaiiera ffi cs4a sash iacaab s4 ar tYdeea tfis dale a*aEititd !s [fie saBt,E
<br />rt1411t eaaatk~aaae~iilai~ets.Etlitaasaw,intetggf-l-it~ trmsdaseea h iaitdeiTtneutBpR~atii wte a~T~ia thypaa{y.
<br />'kilo rsettlea ~ glgtMrs ittksintp ltsusscar ~t.ttts sae aafaauls ~ as+eaipaalitset wad Ns rt~t M. sneer 44 t4 faseidseteee
<br />P~!t'~t ~~ ~ a da6idt rc atg~ aiWir ~etasrs of katteneaae to atenlaaalMst and t~aetltetaart=- ~ ffis tttteaefi
<br />IgttM eawd~attiftMal4[1d114t sPsttt~t/,.ia tltw,aesliea. Tastira_at 1Laatfiar'9s eTtlfae erg dedatra i eI f(Ye rwa sscwad by
<br />>~rMMi~I~itlRiMa~Atataei:gq~aYle xdMwaiE faetMr ~ittrntt act! they tavsdatna ~r jatifdsl ga~ett* Txaiatr
<br />tt~ hs at1'~litilereslltilk fispaitlt ~ ttB sk>i~iipeeltaf 14e.yasisa, lsda/ir#. Nt tai itr.tisi tat, nAe aF dnte~tlaars
<br />~ ~ kiM1, fa_ktlssYAlgt4. FtaPSr&lajtartdttgt Cirsdar's ~ d the r atsnxt$ fey [hit #.
<br />tk ti4Ni&'i~ner ttlti.f~tit fill Itsre- aey ~ hegsss by l andm to came tlgs ]t3atifgrya diaeosetttittad at any bate
<br />
<br />