81- 003231
<br />UtraonrC,otrastat+sa. Borrower sad Lander aavaiast .ad afrra as follows:
<br />is 1F'~net at ?Ylaeftd ai Lwer4 Borrower ihail promptly par tvlrset sue the pritsdpal of std iaureat op the
<br />attta;ittpdaat evidaaeed ~ the Note„ p~pymait sad rase clurgee as provided in the Note, and the pria.ipal of and iittereat
<br />an-arty Fntae Adstwoes sassed 6y this ivEartgaga
<br />Z -~rtis tier Tears raW Lataaaee: to applleabla taw ~ to a writaea t+aiver by idtder, Harovrer ~a9 psky
<br />iatmndar ~ ihc>lty tmetltly iattaltes ~ principal and intsrsu-arc payalde tmdsr the None, ttdil the Noe is paid is fttq;
<br />a lulu fhasetn "Fnedt'°} atfttsi to arte'twdith of rite Y'mdY' -taus and assesxtiaita which may attain priority ass this
<br />sect-grttawt.TUaaet m thts Ptapmty, if any, plan ot~twslfrit of y~riY P-emitrm ituWimenb for hazard inatriwpe,
<br />aasath cd ~ fns mmt itgsras~a, if any; ati m -Y mtnttatsd it>hlstiy sail fne~
<br />time ta.-rhea try leads ors the 6p1E-ud aaeeeatterus and bilk attd traeooable estirrtatts tttamf_
<br />7Tte Pimda sledl be hdd in as i~ttMiixt- the or ate of which -arc ittsmM or gaarantaed hl! a-Fedliral or
<br />_ ppip the Funds to ply-said fa>tm: aassatotasni
<br />f Iadpoing I.eodar ff Leader is such >a ittatttation}~ l.aadu shalt a
<br />iaerwrmee p>a sad ground teats. Leda troy :~ t~iatgC fttirr so hotdiag and alsply+nS the Ftmth, anaiyxleg-;slid nicer.
<br />a veait~iag-sad oomptlmg said aneatneats :eti btu ,aile~ Loader ps;^r Horraarcr interns oo the Ftmde and app~es~is l~r
<br />p fader to ng4e sactt a charge. Borrower sad Leodar rosy agtu in writing U the bate of ezewtfion ~ tlde
<br />lifttttdtye that isttdat on the Foods shall be paid to Barrawer, cad tinte8i suC6 agrcamaeat is tNade tM appikabk law
<br />tagttitaa >meh iarsreu to 6a paid, iada shag trot Ire rtgttired w pay Borrows say intercrt or tmrmap oa the Ftmdt. [.ender
<br />shm~ giMte.ta Borrower, withestt charge, ao airaeal accounting of ttte F3ettds showing. txsdib and debits to the Fmda sad the
<br />for trlnrl[ aic6 dtrbit to the Fimdr was ittade. Thc Fords arc pledged at additional saxttity for the seeur+ed
<br />If the amenm of the Funds bald try Lender, logsttier with the fUtare mtmthty iMtallnteata of Fuads'psyable prior to
<br />the dos data of rases. atsaaneats, insurance premiums and gikwod rears, shall taicxd the atnmmt required to pay said taus,
<br />itemsasarsms, iaatamu prteotiuma sad groutd tsars as shey tall dire, such excess shall be, at Borrower`s optron, eitliar
<br />prmotpt4y repaid to Bixrosva a credited to Borrower oe rnaathly irraalltnenu of Fttids. If the aatoimt of the Fitads
<br />hMi try t.eader shall not be sutEcisett to pay taxes, aaseawents, irouraacc pteatiums sad grourd rcna a. they fail doe,
<br />l-erratres shall pay to isader saq artwuat iremnry ta asks up the tfeficieaoy within 30 days from the due tiaitx is rtraikd
<br />try Isader to Brrrrosorer rarptesting paytttem thsreof.
<br />Upon payrasm in fttB of ail limas sxcttted by thu Mtmgage, tender shall promptly refund to Borrows say Funds
<br />held ray Lae~r. If ttadttr pars~apt6 Eg hereof the Bragreny is add ar tfit Properly is otherwise acquired by l.eoder, Lender
<br />sYdl apply, tto late than ~ lessor to the sale of the Property or its aGgiri3ltiaR Irv Gender. any Fonds held by
<br />Iwoder at the time of app~oti as a credo agnam the limo accrued ltY this Mortgage.
<br />A ~ggYeadasF of tRm).nrstrt. i3altta applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Letda order the
<br />Note sad pingta~st !sad 2 tterettf shag be ~kd by Lender fltst to pavmsat of amounts payable !o Leader by Borrower
<br />tinier prrtrgrspir 2 hereof, rhea to nrterm payable as ttre Notc. rhea to the principal of the Note, and rhea to intetrft and
<br />priecipal as any Ftittez Advancm.
<br />A ~ Rtes. Botrowsr shall pay at1 tolls, assssaaeats akxi other Charges. hoes sad impositions atttibu[abk to
<br />the ~Y which terry attain a priority ova this Mortgage, and Leasehold paytnems ttr ground. rtaru, if any. in the tntaaer
<br />pttwided tmdu paragraph 2 hereof or, if trot paled in such tnantter. by Borrower making payment. wtrar dm, ditsetty to the
<br />payss theroof. Borrotras a6aU prampolt fumrsh to i.eader a0 nositxs of ataouats due udder Chu paragraph, and io the evert
<br />Borrower shag tnakt paytmm duectty. Borrower shall promptly ft;rttnh m laendsr rtesipta evidertcutg such paytntms.
<br />Botrosser sladf pta~tty dLrhirge say iseg tvfiidt has prtority ct7er tfiis Mortgage: provtdai, that Borrowu shall Cwt be
<br />tamed to dittd.arge say such flea so as Borrowsr sltail ogres in writing to the payraeni of the obtigat~t stxured by
<br />loch limn in a raaaaar stxsptshla w i.sada. ~ shalt in good faith eontesi stab lira fiY. or defend snforcetaeat of such lies ia,
<br />Iag.I teMe}t opaats tra prtevsm the ettforestaent of the Iten err farfetturc of the Property or say part thereof.
<br />3. ifimrsiiasrNattm $rmDrtsr ~B kaEp the tmproveaieats tns+. ecintitig.x hereafter eteettxi oa the Property insured
<br />leu by lhe. included within the term °sxtctided coverage". and such outer hoards u l.crtder rtuy require
<br />audio sorb amouast ~ #or such periods as [.ctdar may require: pt~d«i, that l.enikr shall tta requite thu the amount of
<br />sdPh tatvs+erage eacsed thsa ataamt of covvage reywred to pay tits sums socutcd by thts Mortgage.
<br />T1te itstrtrante carrier prwidiagl the imuautce shelf hs chosai by Borrower subjoct ttr approval try lender; psovided,
<br />thtk siteh approval shag not ba itttipaoeabty wnhhdd, Ali pretnrwm an inauartcs policies shall be paid in the taaturer
<br />pfovtdad issdar pa[agraph 2 betttof or. kf not pod to sash rrurrtrcr, by Borrower tnsiagt payran4 wham due. dttectly to the
<br />tatm'aD~ catrrr.
<br />Al4_i pmiiget andrttmwar thereof shall 6e iu form accrptaltle to lrtxfsr and shall inducts a standard mottgags
<br />tdatrss is fairDr of and in form stxe to Dada. l.etrda shall hour the right to hnM the policies std renewals thereof.
<br />sad 8easower shttU promptly ftuaish to leads all renewal rtotsres std all tn~ipex of paid preatiutm. !n ttte event of loss,
<br />Danowr shall pus pmt aotiixi to the inautatice csrtiat and t.eodsr, trader may ttxaks proof of Iola if not Crude promptly
<br />by lerrartmer.
<br />UtdiN Ladx sad Banvmru othet+vtse agses d vrnttt~, iasurancx proceeds sfiatF he applied to rcstaration of repair of
<br />the dYeragid, psstvidad srdt tessoyritioa ~ repair is ei3ontx+aically feasitda-and the rceuritY of thn Mortgage is
<br />sat tnd. it welt ~ trr tapair is trot economically feasible or if the security of this Mtartga~ wimM
<br />!#a islgsitYA, she iawaaamr protxe~ slwll bt applied to tbs s[t~t sawtd by ttas Mortgage. with the rxtxss, i` any, Paid
<br />m! 1lnerv!aw. if the y n ahtss;gaed by Borrower, a if 8cato+ea fait to respond to Leader witles 30 days from the
<br />date awges is mailed by t.eader io Borrower that the iostsratace carrta arias re seek a claiar for ittauraaes beae6ts, t_eisder
<br />b am~saiaad as coibet +asd apply eha inaaaaacr proceeds at Lender's optroa eitdfw ta ratsxatioa or repair of the Ptoptxty
<br />or ~ ~ stems tmeaaa6 by this M-
<br />lladtaa.lcwder sad Batrowar otha+ise s;ts~e ko wtitisg, asy such appiicaticm of proceeds to principal shall trot exttsnd
<br />err pmttpmasa thcdua dam of the raoatt6ly iastallmaats re#trrad to is ~ I and ?hereof o[ change tint amount of
<br />saidl fib. U ttetlar paat~aph } 8 hetent: the Ptoprtty it aexluired by tender. ati tight, title sad imetest of Borrotvsr
<br />iA aai bin say iatttratsari palieiw sad in and to the protxaala thereof reaidtutg frail damagt tct the Property prior to the sale
<br />ttr shalt piss to t W ctrl eattmt ad thin sums setursd try this Mortp~ imoraziiately prior to such sale err
<br />i, iltaasrsn~s attt >Msdetiwtatee ai 1'sagerty: t easahaii4 Coadaniairrst lYamei 43ait Dat4. Borrower
<br />alMritlmmmlP~im lat. t~aaa aads#ndtrtat caoimit rsasts ~ paatit impairing-err-datetiatatiat of the-Property
<br />•ei titltd~at~pija_sr~h the Provhiaea,of say Issas if [his Mortgage u eta a kasrtsold, If ttus Mortgage s cro x wilt is z
<br />ere a pig oral dm+~tmaat. Bares s~ffi perform a+l of garmwer's ~ uttdmr the da;fardion
<br />err atlss0pantt ~ ®t gDtarai~ the ca P unit daws~pmartt. the by-laws sad regulations of tits
<br />m6 plasasd-imlt and ~ docturrsnts. if a c ttaleitna-or plnpd unit dsvelop~tt
<br />tefar b s blf. Bttsesta[ sad red to~tha with thss Mttrtgaga, elra covsaants and afs of at~h rider
<br />t~rdl t:n lard-ate asd s6aB ataca$ >smf: std tkc rs3vsaaaes aml agts~na of this tea as if t#re ridex
<br />a-grist t
<br />its art: Iatlaiu°ia.1araaiy~. It ltocto+var f;,ib. ire . pttrfcgtn the cvstmaota amd agteegrcros carmailrad in ittis
<br />~~~ ~ ~ rafiaet att. ~ w .which atiaity aIIac~- l.madeC~ itttsrsst is tl~ Fropatty,
<br />lltd Rmt liotitti kr. eat darema, iiicy, Bode str(#wce~ent, err arzsa~iants or pi+ iasrcdvistp a
<br />1Mt1l-irr itgtltd~ cwt i~Y11r ai a1 op~it~ t_ t~dioe -tg Batrow,tr, may mslvm such appmcaa~cat, 3rhiersa each
<br />titttlli ati~ i~ka arfeii atelOtn as lit ttpataisty m pttsDest tattdrs?s imesad, ittdt>ili~, bra asn liaststd t0. dis6itrsamant of
<br />atglfh#lell~t aHUatat~r"s- hMa sect tgNaa the Pit+agacty ta- storks ,rttpaits. tf t.ertder rttt~ired itsStrtaata as a
<br />a~111slf~ ai #MS -leas samtrid by this- Maw 8pirortnta s~ Pay ctrl pstsmiut~ ttxptired to otaiataio stu:h
<br />itlrt~trQli ie i~ stsieh r;~a as il#e t~ Loa" t`teptanet te~iumtsx is axtacs_ with Burtott+sr's ,xird
<br />