BI-- OU3214
<br />Add the said first party hereby crprrssly covenants and agrees : ~ 1) To pay the said Nate and interest
<br />in felt on the days the same shad severally ttectttrte dtte; (?) Neither to commit nor pettinit waste on the said
<br />prettiises; and to put and keep the said real estate, huildittgs; attd improvements in good repair; {3) 'Co pay ail
<br />taxes a»d assesvrxnts on the said real rstatt iie£ore delinquency and unfit the said Nate is-fully Raid; {4} To
<br />pay all taxes- and assesstreettts uprm this :tiortgag~ and the deft secured thereby, tc~;ether with any other
<br />taxes arsd asstsstste:tts which may he levied or zssrssed, uruier the taws of ~7ehraska, against tht said second
<br />party, tx the Legal pokier o£ the-said Note on account of this indebtedness; {'S j To procure, keep in force; .
<br />defiF°rr to fire said srconti party Iwiicies of insurance zgainst Ions t,y fire and tornado, in such antoants and
<br />ins»raroce companies as the ;aid secand party shall select, and as shat! lse at al! tinxs satisfactory to itt=r~=verirtg-
<br />the truildittgs which now are or may tirrrafter t,r erected c,n the szid premises, snaking the loss; if at{y;;paya6le
<br />to the said second party or its assigns, and. every retch contract isf it+sut3tice effected br tfte said-patties of the:
<br />first part or for their fsettrfit strati tse primarily suhjetY to appropriation by the said seeottd party for the
<br />paymertt of said indebtedness- f~ailusr to sa maintain such insurance strati authorize the second party, or its
<br />assigns, at its ar their option, ttr etTeet aad naintain sttth ins eat the erlxnse of the said first party, and
<br />the first-pasty agars t°~~v ail sums ur paid, x~ith interest a~percenY, and such sums so },aid by-the second
<br />Itatrty. with imezrst at 3i prrceni, shat) tm secured by t}tis ytartgage ; i b) Tfsa2 the said set'ond party or the
<br />avirnrr of the said ?dote rna~' nuke stsrh relraiTS, fray such taxes, and pay and remove any lien froth the sa~
<br />premises. upon Failure <,f the first parry to ttv so atnd ail tstarirvs sa advanced with interest at the rate of
<br />percent per anrttun therrruF. from date of pa}•mrnu, ,hall lx- repaid by the ;aid first patty, upon demand, and
<br />shat! fir secured by tisis iaaien4tre.
<br />Aad it is ftmhrr mun+a[h- rnvettautrci arni agreed that in tttr rvrn[ <,t the tsassage, alter the date of this
<br />~irtrtgagr, of any taw deducting any lien tltereott frrnn the rotor r,f rand for the purpose of taxation. or changing
<br />in ssty Fsay the Laws Hots ^t force far the to<.ttion of mortgage' a,r =drht> srtvrrd by tnartgage ar the triansxr
<br />of the callrctstsn at are .uch taxes, acs as tc affect thix ifort#;agc, the whop of the principal gum secured by this
<br />Sinrt~age, tr,geiher With the interest :fur thrrctsn_ <half.::t the .,I>;it,n the ~sid Istm- of the second-part,
<br />wifhrnrt notitr, l,rratrsr itnnse<fsatriv ;rue ancf lcsyablr.
<br />Aud the satd first parts +urthrr agrrr> thst tf •tef.:utt l,r sr~•tt,'r it: tfx~ Itavmrnt ~,t ats,• Faf said interest, of
<br />ant bust t#trrt~i.:,r +,f tsn~~ ;tnrrr~: thrrrnn. =a ,,, ,Hui lore, :u .,t:r i~,rt thrrx,f.:,r ,.f tutu interest ttxrcron,
<br />i-x ns the I~rfarnsancr .ri am +,i the =.v:rnasu5 hrrrzn .-artsasnwi. tt;<~n, „r ~t any ante ihrrraftrr during the
<br />entsnnstatty_ of stxis +ietauit, the ~atti-lute, :utri rr,nrvs Iiat<i ancf adratscrtl..<1+ai1. at t.upticm of the regal
<br />tx,k#rr ther~f, lntrrtxtsr at •attx ,Ittr attd rafle.~shie, ;uiri ,frail liar stnerr+t at the raze t,f ptrernt Isre annum
<br />trmtt tits` ,fire of drtault, ;cttri this iti4irttturr n,aE ;,r iorrclt*~eti to satufc' fire atxxrntst o£ itte tlabt, iaclttdeng
<br />advarmts. tmcreu. and €aats; ~=r tire. as+xnsei tcirt}. ,t> ..,etrecutr= ,tr as~igrts. usav i,xt~iosr vnlr' tts to the ..<.um
<br />trasi slue, witiwstt rtt}ury t,e thts. ~iortgarc. =rr the ~hsptacrntent nr it,tpatsnirsu ,st the 1it°ti tiirre[st"".
<br />And in the ,~Frnt of tttr i<sreriasurr.,i t}ti, tturtgagt. ' hr =af4,t t;t3t I,;4rtr .,avretants an*-1 agrrrs to Iran the
<br />+~ s,f extexsthrsg the r.[:o-trace sd tuft ,r<ris ttsr-<latr <,i ,rc.u<hug :fish `Flurtgare tts tlrc aatr u£ Elting ,4nt, and
<br />ttpott failur. ~f the ,aii1 itrxt tnzrep to fits ~, 311 s,~nc4 - ivat>zz`t tn° the ~ ~itd lsur}° ,ksali 6sr;tr uuerrsc at
<br />rise r3[C r}f ~DCrCLrlt per 2F.nnfn ittrrrUtt atssi -lwlt tK' vCC UI'"FI ',F tn_ itriirft r3 !.
<br />ti-Lac fur#her nsutaalh' <avctsantcti acrd agrrr<i that the 1,,srty ..? the secottti I>art, its stucrssors and assi({ns.
<br />s>Jsai3 at tftetrmfstittrsr tie suLrrfylateti sst rite frrst. ahhuttgis rvk'abcct ai r~eord, ci aue prior - ticuuthrancr; tttcchanic's.
<br />F^c»w3ar's, csr r3titre fixer vn +uici premises t,as<S out of rite t,r<s~rr4ls {,f the i<ran r4urrd iserriw.
<br />Attsi it is fttrtiser agreed that in +:ase ,,f :e rtrfatilt it: fix I.aytttrttt ct ti-,r .aid lrrisx.iisal \atr ar interest.
<br /><'ar any I>art titetro4 as it shall u4attxrt, +rr sn ru_+r sT taiiurr. to wrrle er hrrfornt am ..f the wvettants ~.t agreenirrus
<br />usttaitteel in this Fruirnture, then stir xcorsci IrutF: its ,uccrsx,r> +,r assigns, s}saiI tae ancf is hrrrlty :tuthorucYt
<br />atxi errttsuwrrrxf to tai.r utmrt+fiatr pwsrasion ai the =aid prennxa tzrrrhp titrm~ryed and all crops thcrron, or
<br />to a8iect tip, rents thereircats, attd apiifa~ the Iuocrrtis tticrrui w the irsystsrtsts of the debt heretzy secured.
<br />is additiarral aatd rvitatersi ~tatritc or lra~rr;etat =xi rtx :`otb csnd ifs<Irhtctiues. ttereinlxfare e1r_~ctif>c~i.
<br />the :+~ parties <># the su=et Iran Itrreby assigat t*, t3te ~sie3 parts of rise .-r<i:t<i Isart, ;t, ±,xs-esors c=r;;n, :ttt
<br />t~ lutsnts.. rra'tnFtrz, royalties. rsgbts, nt'td }rrencti;. aufura:k to cfterti uauler ail a+t, i;as. tar nsinensl leases an s:.iti
<br />pretttises. 7't'tis asniigttrternt to terrntttase ant! te,c.rtx null :un.l `.'us<i upt,n the rraicaar of thin !tort;{ag'v.
<br />Anti it is further agtxeti that isf ease afi~ oust s l,rg,un to isacrcl+ase this in.trntutr, the ~s5urt fin wttith surtt
<br />action t,irait hr tuns~ht, ur an}' tuclgr of +strat t aturt, citli<r in ;erns titate s,r iu a°acatiou, is ttrrelsy authorizrti,
<br />< a~tir~tisttt tise€eftar, to apprsnt :: 1Ztxrisrr to talir yr~a~s>ivts of tt4c ~ai4i I,resnisra and alt rruµs tltrrrtsn,
<br />c,rti-e€rl;,€r•t-[~.e r~rst efi+`rrirtxts, ati~3 i- .- :..< pxr4ureis -such iKitrr 3~is a.s.:r;Ay~ 1!*.~ rrrtnrrr<t ti}` ihr =irdrr <ii
<br />the titt[tti niaicitsg the ai:}ssxitttrt?lrut, and thei:irat hart} hefrby euttsrnta to rite aplxsiautient ai :s iterriF'rr uixsn
<br />tint prixittctims r+£ tltfs ntdetttute, Fvstlsssut ,uittr cvi,tttfcr.
<br />