<br />~TPRTfAGF.
<br />( tie#iraska ~
<br />THIS INDENTURE. made this jrd rigs of Jtuse T~ 8I
<br />Between7Prnaais G. Schaaf and Goaataaoe S. Schaaf, hneband and xife,----••----
<br />of the lsrunty u# Sall ani titers of \ebraska, }ratty of the first {raft, and
<br />tfie S1}:TKOf (fi.iTA\ I.if-'E I\~C;R:~\Ci•: Cr i~tY~~1', a corporation of the State of Itixew ~"ork, witTt its
<br />prarrci}iai o$ece lxxated at 1 Viadison :1~cmvr. Arts Y„rk, S- 1-.. tY:arty vt the second hart,
<br />WITNESSETH: That the >aiti }mrtc r,# she tirst part. in con3ideratixtn of the sum of
<br />--.,~ 84I@RBU a"T~!19'~ TISSTIS.ANI3- }]ollars
<br />~~117,Of10.60 ., ;n }[ar:r! }c+id, the rx~ei},[ uire•recr# ,. hx•rek:•. :,~I;nn•aledsicYi, does hrrehy grant, bargain.
<br />sc•!1. ennsev, nn1 s::nnnn cn the ,a K! ,+artr n# t}tr ~ecr+rr+i };art anci ;__. aiikcw<, the IuliowinR-dESCribed reRl e3tate,
<br />m Shc Cx,mttk sr:" $811 ;rod ~tZtr' .r# 'tiehra~ka, to wit:
<br />'I~fe gailthea8t ~arter Of the Northeast QYlarter= TAt One Ata9 ni ~^d and thB S4rtheaYt
<br />~ta.~ter oP the Southeast darter ezasgt Sahaaf'a addition as platted is:-Book $l,
<br />Fags #t?: sad szcept a tract of lead is said I~rtheast quarter of the Southeast
<br />gparter conveyed in Back ~, Yage 63 described as failaara: Beginning at a point
<br />cf isttez~ectioa of the blest list cf the ca=arty mad- an the T4eet 3eetion lies of
<br />said Iiertheast %~arter of the Southeast ~txa.rter xitl2 the Barth line of the cotlaty
<br />road vhiah teas Northeasterly thravgh said 2aad running thecae along said West
<br />llsm ~1t 2/3 rods, thence asst 12 rods, theme Sactth parallel with cleat line ~8 2f3
<br />rods to said North lies of the asaoad tttetstiaaed raunty road, thecae Northeasterly
<br />along said North lice to the place of begina.ing, all :.n 5ectiaa 12, 2avnship 11
<br />Borth, Tloag+e 9 asst of the Sixth I'riaaipa3 tSeridiaa.
<br />Ttte ;'Tate secured hez~eby szprnsal} provides that the party of the second Part may,
<br />at its option. an !!stab 1, 19~~a *Iaxch 1, 198q; llarclt 1, 192 sad again on March
<br />1, 1995 requi.^e the parties of the first par*. and their tfuccsssors in interest is
<br />the rani estate herein aeecribed, to execute trey agreeiosata far the payment of fn-
<br />tereat, and tie Failure ar refusal to execute z~txch a~eemeats ae say be required
<br />by the party aP the second part ~y at its option 're ~aneidered a default and autha-
<br />ri$e the pa_^ty of the eacamd par± tc declare the entire .ndebtedness i~edfately due
<br />sad payable.
<br />It is agsesd that ali irrigation stamps, el~etsic z~tors, engit~e, pipes: sgrinklers
<br />and aII ether irrigation equipssent connected t'~erevith nev cr kuereafter pissed ar
<br />imstailed on said premises ta~ther vit2t ali voter and vaterimg zighta of every kind
<br />and t9eaarilrtian aht3ll ba oanetr~rd as afPised to ~..nd a ;art of the real estate here-
<br />iaabave described and aub;;ect to ail of +~ ;ravisiane of this Mortgage.
<br />'Flee Rote seetzzed by *.hitt ?Sorge is furtttsr .assured uy a Financing ~tatemeat sad
<br />Security Agreement of even dais Rerevith, eovariag I;ersanal Property as described
<br />in said Financing £tstestsnt sad `~ecuritp Agzeement.
<br />TO HRVS AND TO TiOLfl +}~ •:,![sc_ :.;[s tar ,. , ='.~raa;fr. tt~cret„ !a•~ax~;<+{; +. .., :rnynir~+• ~tpi,cr-
<br />tatatiny,, rncEudir,~ ono rash. =>t 1t£,nrx--tea«= a,. ~ _ .rro ~._a<,_ ~ ... ~ =•r <.:at+• tLrscu:. ,uit.~ the ~.ud },artt~ ,t{ tFtc
<br />~•etrrti }Mrt, 5:x) s. ~. _,~: _ =+rr~x- - -}.- r-.r•„ ,. ti, -. -. , _ .. ~ .,.-. .+.., err t, __-_ ~s+f #+renuse. ~,
<br />And ilse+ ~vl garn- t# th<° ... ~ r art ,.<rrzr4,ti „_, -..ar,: -, at t!~~e r<-t_aW ._ .cup--. ,.• ,,.i s.i,i }~rri:rra__+ art,:
<br />!rao-c q~rx9 rr>p;hu to .'x , .~.x .an,c-: 'rixi the ti+rd ;grin:-~- er ;..+ •tr.. = fret :.< atl! uk':.:Htlsta+:ce~. anI Fhat
<br />rhea uric Barret , :xnd ilerrr,s '.x mx Kaza:.: [ .,x, . ,. > -,- ;xry.,: - r rrr,,.v +s r-
<br />PNQirIDCsD. HOWF,Y-ER, ~1 }at a sire w~+, cartti .,f t1;._ ;~,-_t }:art xh.r,: ,,a=. =,r Caux u, 3x ¢+:r[,I. so the
<br />~ssl i.~rty~ ctE €hc -ea,_+v~i toast. is :±c a-,r~nw. '-its ,u.r, cri
<br />Qlgi ?34IT~3)~T3 ".'HODSh.IiD----~------~---- =JUilar~-
<br />z:i ~n~ai.raerfr. t~ ;}rrai rs,viaintrnt s,ue %Ik. 1, :,~~ ,
<br />..
<br />~"It;4 t,kti°t Kt Sttefer„HS, Yt f~i.'ti,l [T~.;a oe'r :;1 tier; S. ;[r521 ?tgtY.~x• 51-i[!i x~.~: }ta'S},`-' ..tr try F ;,4 ~, t't4 :,.F E. ~'sitl. Yi
<br />~i~3.i 1tr mat tetrctr *r.rr t}rr;.a,.eu-err » a,= ~:cl;t - -.~t •inr , [',3,. x=,.f }.r,~,ntr. ~, ~i~e urto -t j,a,;n ~_ -+..cora.ior~;
<br />k{± t~Yt TC£iitT a. tie Yt9 {'€{ ri, '1.C 1'Yae+i+. Mi rY"y ~Ct, t#° _ .t r.ltr+- '`_. '1-ff- y- 3 •'~'it ._. i3 - ._-i i-- F '-.'=CNt i.k r'~it: -i:li s'
<br />°'~Fr."tt#, d3i{s '~t-F}Ai ~`Y'ts~r 95; rc ~. A .=i s~1 ~t~UlP t~1P i ,1CH.isn S- ~.,e'.f;C i'~ AiLi,[ir_i::.j'4FY ~_.~ S- ~~ ~., 1'€',i4 rEiE-l tae n~i.-tit
<br />ea art. r.c ; .:r„ ?i..x,~at;e ,r,.r" w.~.>.rz~ .~..,:t :a,..: <.,r~i. e..-: •~: sr..•+.-. :; ~~•. - ..+ TM,. ,.. .. ~+
<br />#srcl fssS'._ .
<br />