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81--00320. <br />Lender's written agtexment err applicable law. Borrower ahdl pay the amount bf all mortgage ituurence premiums in the <br />manner prodrded under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursttaat to then paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall became atklitiond <br />indebtedtxss of Borrower sxtrred by tfiis Mortgage. Untas Borrower and Lender agrtx to other entree of prymeM, stx:}t <br />tunaunes abet! be payable upon ttotr~ce tran Lender to Borrower- requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from tht <br />date of diabrtrsentettt a< the rate payable from tune to tirru on ouMatxting principal under the Note tmlest paytnectt of <br />interrtt at such rate wand be cotmary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shag bear interest at the higflest tale <br />permi~k utxkr applecabk law. Nothing caHained in this paragraph 7 shad require Lender to incur any expense ox tske <br />eery eeriest hennrndrr. <br />R TarpseMra Lender may make or cause to be made roasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />ghat Lender shag give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lettdtx's <br />intC[Cat sn the Ptnperty. - <br />9. CaeieotssMloa The proceeds of am award or claim for damages, direct ar consalttenteal, in connection ta7tit any <br />can4annatktt or other taking of the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in Lieu of condemnation, sae hteebq assigned <br />and sitati be paid to T.etuks. <br />In tits event of a teal taking of the Property. the prc+ceeds shall be applied eo the sums secured by this hfortgage. <br />with the -any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of ttu Property, unttss Borrower and- Lander <br />otherwise agree in writing, then shall be applied to rho sums secreted by this Mortgage Beech proportion of the proceeds <br />as n equal to tkat proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair marker value of the Property imtnediauly pries to the date of taking, with the balanm of tfie proceeds <br />paid to Borritvrer. <br />Tf the Property is abattdoneef by Borrower. nr if, after.nexicc by Lender to BotTCrwer that the condemnor offrxs to make <br />an award or uttk a claim for damages, Botmwer fails to respond to Lender within 34 days after the date such notice is <br />retailed, Lender is sutborized to collect and apply the prttcecds, at I ender's aptic+n. either to restoration. or repair of the <br />Prapert> or to the streets secured M this Martgnge. <br />Unless Ltmdar and Borrower otherwise agree io writing, any such appiicat€an of peztceeda to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the deer date of t)te monthly irntalinlmta referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />atteh 3RStallrnems. <br />T!. Benot-ar Not Reieawti. Extrnsiort of the tsme tar payment err mcdi}kation of amortizatecm of the sutras secured <br />by this Mortgage grsaied by I~ttder to any steccesa r trt interns of Borrower shaft not operate to release. in any manner. <br />the liability of the original Hortower and Borrower's sttettsscxs sn inrertxt I.eatter shalt not rte required to cotttnlessce <br />pr+eceadaags against sssch sttccessar or refuse to extrnd tutu for pavrnert nr otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />recurtxl t?y this Mortgage sty reason et any demand made by the origtnat 8arrawrr and Barrawtrs successors in interest. <br />fT. FMirsra~re iy Lesirr Nos r ttYdver, Am faihtsrance by I-ender in exercising env right or rerrxdy herounder. or <br />othetxite afforded by applecable law. shal€ not t+e ~ waver of c+r preclude the exercise of any such right or rtrttedV. <br />7tn proettremmt of insuranct err the payment of taco err ether (+ern or charges by [..ender shall eat he a waiver of Lender's <br />right to aealetale [be maturity of the !adeM,dness +ectrrrd by reels Mortgage. <br />T2. IReassier t:`sttttrWMe. Ait rttrteciies pravcded m the ?4lategage arc distinct need cumutative to any ether right or <br />rcretedy t3INkT then Mortgage ttt tffardcd Ity taw err rgtirh'. dad may i+t exert tied tanC VfRnily. !RdepettdentlV aC fttl'etSaiYlly. <br />13. S<tecrosaits nerd Atatgas Bewts4 leant cad $tverd firb®iy; Caiptioas. -else ovcttants and agreements herein <br />comairtt:d shttlf hind. and the rights Iuseurttkr sha€i more ter, the :espsstiv: strccecutn and assigns of !.ender and Borrower. <br />subject to the psx+visitssns of p~-graph 17 heieaf A€t covenams and agrtxmrna .tf Bnrrawer shall he joint and several. <br />'Tile caPtecma sad headtttgs of flu paragraph of this Mottgaitc are for ~anvenxrrcc only and are eat set he used to <br />interpret err defYtte the pravtsiatss heteaf- <br />t4. Yssiet. P..xcept for any txxrtt scquiresf uncles apptkahk lass to he g!vcn an another manrtcr, tai env rtMtct to <br />Batrawer pravtded for to ibis Martaage shat! etc gtvrn sty malting srrc3t ns+tt[e by :crttfleci mar€ addrea:~d to Borrower at <br />the Ptx+perty Address err at wch slur address as Harrower may destgnatc by entice t:, i etxter ns provided herein. and <br />tbl any natxe to l antler atsalt fsE gtvtn by ccrtsfkd matt nett:rn rrcerpt rcgtuserd. to I endet'x address stand herein or to <br />ouch attsat address as l.tttder may desrlutatc by rxNtcc t., Barntwcr as pmvzdaxi herein Arty ssniee prtwided Ex in this <br />Mattgape she€l he deetrsed to reeve heart grvert to iktrtrtwer ex € ender vhcrt g:ren cn the msttrt€t desegrtsicd herein. <br />IS, lJaflestw Mss~tgr: terersiwg taw; xeverdiBity. This tt,rm +,f rtu±n;age camttirtes uniform covenants fw national <br />use and sort-uniform covenants with }imife+i vaaancxss Dv turtschtxan to comtrtute a uniform setunty instrument covering <br />red ptnptrty This Mortgage shalt be governed by the €aw .,f tree ~urisdrtttan :n which the Property ss located. (n the <br />Brent that env prtsvtatost or c€at.tae of reels Martgnge nr the <1.+te r.tnttictx with apFticahk law, such conflict shall eat affect <br />Deese provnions of the MortfatFe or the tiara which can fat given rffert wethatrt the cmflicting provision. and to this <br />end rise praviseoro of else Mortgage nerd the "late are declared to €te sevtrab€t. <br />Tt dasssarer'a t:apy. Borrower shill he ftsrmshed + tttfcrrmed .opy of the Non and of then Mortgage at the tittle <br />of exeitaien er after nccordatiaa ttereaf. <br />t7. Tssaa/ar a( as 1R~rsyt As~pMe~. If ill asr nay part at the Property err an interest therein is sold or tramferred <br />by Borrower wdhatt Lertder'a prior wttitttn cxxrxm. ext:turliog tat tau eeetstion of a lire or eaetrmbrarne subordinate fa <br />this itsxtgage. fbj the crtatttxt of a gtuchase snotsey sttcurity tnteresr for hottsel+ttld a~ttartcp, (el a tratuftr by deviu, <br />dasamrt or ~ operation of law upon tree death of a }Dior eenaa cx ids the gem of any ka!ettald intcrctt of three years err less <br />tart coettaineng as option to purettate. L.entirr mat. a: t..endei s aptton. declare all the soma tecttred by shit Mortgage to be <br />immedtattly due end payable. Leader shah have waved such opunrt to aaccltxan if. Friar to the sale or tratufer. [xnder <br />and the prune! to whom the Property is to be soW or rratuferred reach atTmment io tvriting that the credit of such petrsim <br />it suiisfattoty to Lender and that the itnerest payaltk art the xusrts secured by this Mortgage shall be at such rate as !.ender <br />slutlt rBtpaWt. if I.etsder bin waivai else opttan to att-ekrste provided in then paragraph I1, sail if Borrower's sucetasor in <br />iettrt its eaectrsed a written astaratptena agreement actxpted in writing by Fsndtt. L.enekr sluit rekate Borrower [ran nil <br />feu under ihn Mortgitge and the Nape. <br />If Letader etsatrcista suds optiaa sa stxxlerate. Laredo shad mail Borrower :.erica of acceleration in accordrnce with <br />prrpaph Id hettoL Stadt ttotire shill provide s period of net €rxs than 3tt days from the dart [fu notice is rnaikd within <br />wraith 6asrvwZt may pat the utttts declared due, tf Borrower faih ra psy such xttna prior to the txpiratitut Df such period, <br />T may, witisottt feather mite or demand ao Borrower, mvokt say remediu permitted by paragraph € $ htreof- <br />N4tr=l7tgs!ostew i'.ovuxat+ra. Um_titwror atsd Larder further covenant and agree as follows: <br />IR Aradarwirm lA~ Eaalrt w pamtisd b prrgsrpA l7 Arrest. rpa Barrasreu's iserti of any coverers err <br />rBnssws rt lrsrrsar is Mils MettspMe, istelwaiiistg tic cuvaeaNa m pay whey ilea ay ws atxmei by tide ;tars`ags. <br />L~ i to ~ nisi t~ etaMsx as Ilpesnwrr st peasidtd lea pasts~ssy# 11 Assent t~ciEylssg: fT? Axe bseareb: <br />t$ tWr asttltsst ngaknttt err crest rtra# lrr+eAt t31 r rlsh, trtM leas ties 3ti dtga frees tie drier tie rsMex 6 ardlyd to Berrawer, <br />b ariWt anti it®rei tssss is c~radt rstd fq Ants tEaBrra ur ~ tsaelt [araaei aw or brlare tie doss apactikti ~ the ssotke <br />ArsB ttw~B b asarir€aliata st[ fir eras recrert iy tits MartppA teteeleretse by }tiiriai ~ sets! rls at tie Prepesfy. <br />>Efat ttr~ dtarlsrArr irt2ssttt Brsserrw of Asa algid 4 selreedMe dbar accalesrdar astd tit right to terse ifs tie tasrelawrre <br />Ra~ewiftB tie strw~aaaca a(r tittsssN its saq• aMter dstrawa at Igareasrar M recalet>,tlott arts faaArtattu. U Ass brsrtil <br />is ttrM eissst/ aw a lts/rsr Bee deer ttpattitliri ~ Ant stotdrt, Laria sd i,eriaCt eplists aNy stra'Iree aB o[ tie ens sexmad by <br />reels BftrnBlNfe t. fir itatrtNdaAy der alai Pgriis ttdwaat tvMiter tirarrd ~ fasrclox 9y ~• Leader <br />Mrti 4r rtslMlMa is +:aqa~ it twri }stsaai4w .B sas#..wss d ikitsirg, AeA eat Bsalitd ts: earl aE ~tsteadrry <br />triMlstttadit ttAi tills <br />Ii4, iagsases"+s ~ M BtMatdtr. N~antfirg l..endter's accekratiott of tree sauna atctued trF tlsit Mottgn®e. <br />T~t}rrsarrtH' shrB ialvs fir ti[llt to have say proe+rstliinga begun by I_endes to rtttarss this tiftxitgr€ge ditcesettintsed at any time <br />