<br />8i-uos2oa
<br />Usaatat Cpvewatsrra. Hormswer acrd Leader covenant acid agree as fotlttws:
<br />1. !r,}ar~C of aN ) Btrrnswer shelf protnptiy pay wfeen due the principal of and inferea[ on rite
<br />is evidenced by tIx Note, prepsytr>sat and fate charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and intendt
<br />on say FttBtre Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. 1?win Ear Tine W tanatsce. Subject to applicable !aw nr to a written waiver try Lender, Botrovwer ahaB pay
<br />to Leader as the dry tttottUtty iitstaltarents of princ#pai tend interest arc payable under the Note, utttif the Note is paid in fitB,
<br />a amt fltas'efa "Ftttxh°I equal to ate-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assesameats which iaay attain priority over thu
<br />~, sent gttxtasd reat~ im t!r` Ftsperty, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instatltnents for hoard inaurartce,
<br />phta ane•tsrdfeh tit Yea*ly ptaoia~ itt>aaltaseata for mortgage inwratm, if any, all as rtasooably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by I.eades on the 6ne of aastasments and biifs and remnaabk estimates tixrenf.
<br />'Ilse Foods shall fie held is an institution the deposits or accounts of which art insured or guarantc~ by t~ Fa6e[af of
<br />stale agency (including t..ettdet ft Leader is stxft an ittuiitrtion). Lender chaff appfy the Ftir:ds to pay said feats; ltsaentnmm.
<br />ittwrsace pttsmiwtts and ground rents. t..etaier tray not charge for so holding sad applying the Panels, atNtyzftag said account,
<br />or varifpiag and r~ntpiting said assessrttend and bilb, unku Linder pays Horrowcr interest on the Ftttt~ and appliplde taw
<br />ptxatits I.etadtr to make suttt a charge. Borroaer and f.tnckr may agra in writing at the tune of execution of this
<br />Mortpge that iatixts! on the Fug stiafl tx paid to Harrower. and unless such agreetimnt is made or appiitai6k taw
<br />regains such itttettat to be paid, Lerrder sfiall not be requires to pay Borrower any interest or earnings oa rite Futxh. tender
<br />shat! give to Harrower, withwrt eftuga sn annwi aaxounnng of the Funds showing credits and ddrits to the Parcels and die
<br />prtrp~e for which each deft to the Furxds was made. 71x Fut~s arc pledged as additions! aa:urity for the sorter secured
<br />by this .
<br />If ttte attwunt of the Feitub tiefd by Linder, together with the future monthly instaFlments of Ftmd: payable prior to
<br />the due dates of talus, aaaesttiaau, irourance premiums and ground rents. shall excad the atttottnt required to pay said taxes.
<br />ataap>metats. iinunace pternettms sad ground rents as they fail dire. such exceu chaff be, at Borrower's option, either
<br />peamptly repaid to Horrower or crahted so Iformwer nn monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Fuit~
<br />hNd by Lemke shsfl oat tae sufficient to pay taxes. asaesststenis. insurance premiums and grautrd trots as Ehey fall dix,
<br />Borrrnter shalt pay to isader any arnwnt taecessaty to make up the deficrency wtihin 30 days from ttu date mice is mailed
<br />by Lisnder to Homtrwsr rtufuesung payment tfiercaf.
<br />t:,tptin payment in foil of sit corm secured by this MaRgage. 1_enrkr chef{ promptly refund to Harrower any Futtds
<br />held ray Leader. If under puttgraph t8 trtreof the Property is solo ar zhe Prapertr +s otherwise acquired by Lender, Larder
<br />shtsti apply, rro Eater thaw tmmediauly prior ro tiu sale of the Prapcrty or its acqursiiion by [xnder. any Futter held by
<br />i.andtr at the Wet of application as a credit against the sums accused by this Mortgage,
<br />3. AglYeatlap of TalroestYr` f.in~a apptirabk law provides otherwise. ail payrnsrNS received by t-ender under ttte
<br />A)ae avid paragraphs t and 2 hei>:m shaiP be appirod by t..rndtr first to pav-mt»x of amaunt~ payatak to Lender by Borrower
<br />under pusttg:itph 2 tttaeni, that to interest payable on the taut. then to the pnncspai of the Nae, and then to interest and
<br />pritactpat tut any Fttttue Advances.
<br />6. Cbet~ iipts. Horrowtr vhafi pay all taxes. asxssirxnu and other .harges. tiros and unposihans atinbutabie to
<br />rho Fusty which racy attain a prsotity over th» Mortgage, and ktasthaid payments nr grrnind rrnts, if any, in the martyr
<br />ptavided snider paragraph 2 hereol or, at Wert paid to sr~h manner. t;y f)orrawer making payment. when due. directly to lire
<br />pepae eltereuf. Borrower shad( promptly turrush to Lerxkr all naucts at amaxtnu :tut trade this paragraph, anti its the event
<br />Bor~vsr shaft make payrrutst drmtfy, ffnrrrnacr shad Qramptiv tarmnh t.: ixncfer rccapts c~idntsceng such payments.
<br />Horrow,at s#raN promptly discharge any ltcn which )tors pruarsty ester !his Mtartgagc: pray+ded, [hat fiorrovrcr shaft oat be
<br />ttqutted W drtclrarge arty sstch tiro to lung as Harrower shelf agree +n ,. a.t:nk to the payment r,i the obligation secured by
<br />curb Lien rn a tnanatt ataap[afak to L.etsder, ar shalt to good tart): uxstest strch lien by, or defend tnforctrtxnt at such liar in,
<br />pxaseseditigs rrhtc_rt :gate to p<sgcnitne saiarsr-cuter at the trcrs ar %oxttrritrs of the Property or any parr therea(.
<br />S. flttrari lnattsnts. ilotrower shah keep the impnnemenes sow rs+stmg ar f+creafiter errczt0 un the Prapetty insured
<br />agama fora try Ste. hisxards iticiuded wit#trn tilt term ',•tttttded ::«ynagt" and such uttstr harards :s Lender may requve
<br />sad rn stKb airsaWOp and f;tr ssrt:h peruttis av Exacter rosy trqutrx_ ;:rovttfed. that Lcntitr shaft oat rcatuut that the amount of
<br />such covtratc txtxat that amtxters of c~rvtrage requrred t+, pay t?re gums xEUrtd by ihrs Mortgage.
<br />The rntt)tiaCe carrier providing [he irssttrimct .hail he t#rosetr by Borravsver sub~cct ro approve{ by I_entier; provided.
<br />that wch a~roval chart rtat t+e urrrcaatarsaltiy wnh#st~. AS! prtmtums tan trtswa+tce paiicip shaft ire paid sn the inserter
<br />prortdad utdu paragraph Z ittrt~at arr. r# nut pard in sw:h tnanncr. b} Saxrawa making payment. where due. directfy to the
<br />ittauraoos carrtat.
<br />A!t ioauraaoe pWtarwes and retrwafs ttxseat stsali bt m (arm ars_~prabie is Ltndtr sad shall rnelutit a standard mortgage
<br />claitre to fxror of eat in farm acctptahle so !.ender. Limier shah have the ngin w hard the paiscits and renewals thereof.
<br />atsd lletrowrt• stutB pram~ty furatsb to Lender a!f retttewai ttotr.^ts arui sit r~.ceipis at paid prrmtumx_ {n the evem of lass.
<br />BotrDwet sftafi give prompt ttatce w she rrraUtatMt vainer and i..etxker. tender map make praxr# of lass +# met made promptly
<br />ray f3orco+ver.
<br />UttMess l.erstkr atsd 8orrawer otlwerwtsr agree to wnisrtg, srssttrassce praxes~s stis#i tx appixd to restoration ar repair of
<br />the Fmpaty daaragCd, provtdssif sta:ft restatstsata er raper: es t=omam~afiy #eastbk and the security cat this Mortgage is
<br />not tbaeby itnpa:rnf_ 1f such rtstoratian or repair as urn ewrwtamacal#y ttaahle ar ri [tu aecunty of [hrs Martgagt would
<br />be tmpotred, the inseuaactt pt»ceeds sfndl 6e applied to Litt sums secured tsy ihrs Mortgage, xnh the excess, if any, paid
<br />to 8mrrtttter. [f ttte Ptoptaty u abartdurse;i by tarrower, err it Borrower facie to rtspatrd to Linder wrthrn 34 days tram the
<br />dare osier rs rnade4 by l,estder to Borrower that the ittatraitce carrier atiers to settit a ciarm far imurarice iaerteftts, Lender
<br />ss st~tatiaed to r;~kGt atnt apply the iosttrarice praxxe+f' at Letttfer's option ether to teswrauon or repair of the Property
<br />ar m rise aunts secured is)e this Mextgtege.
<br />tiako 1.atdt:c sad 8mowmr atftervrrse egret +» wnutag, any such appitcation of ptrxxtda to principal shalt nor extend
<br />ar postpoee the due lost o[ the moathty iiaata,.ltttettts referred to ire paragraphs Sand '_ ttereaf ar change the amount of
<br />atsch ttssfsNttitw.q. !f ueader pittagrapfl ig IfErLart list Property +s acquired try L.tacier, aft rigift, title acrd intertsi of Horrower
<br />in sad as any imrttanae policsra sod in avid is the ptixxeds thereat resutung from damage to the Property prior to the laic
<br />rtt acgvkitwo stmt( pros w I.eadv to the extetst of the scan secutesi try ihrs kfortgsge srxmediatriy prxar tar such sale or
<br />f. Faa~vtW~ alai A1Whwtrca of lrnipscts±: t.easeidirt l"oi^iemi~ttac Firm Unit Devsfapssseaa. #farrawrr
<br />sitstH Itoe¢ lira Prayasty to good repair sod shaft iuu commit wane ar perms! +mparttnmt ar dettxiotatina of the Property
<br />sad absH samply !with the prtsrssom of any lease if this Mortgage ss air a lcaa+ettoid_ II this Mortgage is an a unit in a
<br />iiwn or a pfatwad unrt devtioprrtent, Hotitawer sluff perform al! of 3cxro•+er°s abligatiotss uttdu she decfarauan
<br />or r.rcttrrt~ or gmrtrniug tfst ctaadpmrrtitrrit a:r pianrxd oust devt)sspinetst. ttx by-taws and rcgtriatmrts of the
<br />or p~atsd iaaif dtre4opsnmtt, aMl cxuaaittrertt riacttmttus. tt a c.attdamroitun or planned unrt deye{opment
<br />tip » esssctuad by l~ atsd rtcordod ta>~.tha with tiara Mortgage, tits cavenanu and agreements at such rrder
<br />afaff lie inoe€ponatr<sf its tutu shat! ascend amI suppkmtnl: the caavertattp scat agrtusrwrtls of ihrs Mortgage as if the nder
<br />++.ses a part Irwaol_
<br />1, Nsnlat~ M [sclera ice, ff Baraww fella to pcrfarm else carenanu aad agrtxtnents caxttatatd in this
<br />or ff atq ac/aao or prtttatatftag ra cosomettced wtsitti ttsatetirrtly affects €.trtder's ,nttrest in rite Ps„perty.
<br />i frtn eat iii to, tsataistu dc#atain, iiattfvetscy, nude tttfivrccrrsent. ix arrangeratists or pnxerdinga utvolyrng a
<br />hastltsttps oT daaai®t: tt>en Isnder at t,wdar'z trptrat, uptsn natives to fittttrawer, may make such appeararxm. disburar such
<br />+AaEtta-tai irks uttdt atx>txt as is ae~aaY ttx prtua:t tarttdtr'x =nttrese. inetudttag, but rtsn iimideed tax. dxstsursemtnt t,#
<br />rseao pt4utgiay`a fsita acrd eery u¢€tei efts Fropesty to make rtpatts_ tt €.esatttr iegoirnt tttasrtgage ittaurattce as a
<br />ai rnNiFipg ilte ttwas eactretal by ihrs btttrtgagis, Borranyer aissii Qsy iht pretititrtm rtqutt:xt to maintar» such
<br />ia0aaaatna tn-tF~Oet iraLN €isae cis rho rtgtais fur tamp azrsnrartte ttrmttmtas rn au~etzftttsee .v ith RatrRwtfa and
<br />