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<br /> � 'fOC3ETHE[tW11'i�i ull tlia improvemcntenow o�n c�rcnQeecrectedon t�ie property,und oll c�semcnts,appurtcnunccs,and
<br />�,•,�t Cwtures now or hercafter n �Sart of lhe property. Ali repincemc�at�and uddiuons shall alsn bc covered by t{�u gccu7ty
<br /> Instrumcnt.AQ of thc foregoing is refereed ta tn tl�is�ecuaity Instrument as the"Propr,rty:' P"
<br /> •�'� BORRUW��C:QV�NAN'I'Sthat HorrowGr is lawfully Reised oi thc estntehereby convoyed aud has the rigl�t ta grant aad �.
<br /> -*� com�ey thc Prnperty�mct thnt thc I'roperty is uncncumbered,cxccpt for encumbrancesof record. Borro�ver wurrants und will
<br /> -� defend generally tha titla to the Property nguinst all daims end demands,suisject to any encun�brances of record. F.,
<br />'?!� THIS SBCURITYIIYSTRUMENTwmbincs unif�rm cc�vcnnnts for nutIonnl uae and non-uniForm covenants�,ith limated �
<br /> ' �� VIItIfl/IORF.by jurlsdiclion to cousUtute a uuiforp�security iastrumene coveriu�renl properry. �
<br /> � UNIFORMCOVENAN'CS.HonawerundLendercovenanta�idugreeas folluws: _
<br /> ,��` 1. Payment of PrA�cipnl and lnterest; Prep�yyment and I.ate C6argts. Borrowcr shall promptly pay wh�n due the _
<br /> '�t�" principal of uad intcr,est oi�thc dcbt cvidcnced by the Note and nny prepayment nad late chargcs due undcr Wr,Note. `_
<br />-�'�'� Z. Funda for Taxes wud InsurAnce.Subject to applicable law or to a writtcn waivcr by l.ender,Bonower shall pay to
<br />•'�� � Lendcrna the day monttily paymcutsaze dae underthe Note,twti!the Notc is paid in fuU, a sum("Fuads") for:(a)ycarly taxes
<br /> = and assessarentswhich a�ay attainpriarity over this Sccurity In.deumentas a lica on the Propertf(b)yearly leaseholdpaymeuts -
<br /> ,I61�t '
<br />,.r�m3, or grouad rent5 on t6c Peaperty,if any; (c)yearly hazardor propeTtyinsurauce premiums;(d)yeazly tlood insvaan�e prcmiun�s,
<br /> _=��' if any; (�)yearly mortg3gsinsurance premiums,if any;and(�any sums Q�y�lc by Borrower to Lend�r,im accordancewith
<br /> the�rovisions of�aragap�A3, ln licu ctf the payment of cnortga4ge insurance�re�i�etms.These items aze caL►e:,�"Fscrow Items."
<br />.-: = Leudee G�ay, a4 any tir�.�, ea2tcct a.�r�lsald'F�nds in an aano��eY�et tc�exe�ei9 Rhe ma�dm.er�a aniaunt a iend�r for a feclerally ,
<br />'�`-`�!��• related mortgpga loan Qzay require for Horrowcr'F c:scrow accoue!t�wder the federal Real Estate SetticmentProcede�resAct cf
<br /> __s�;� �5►74 as ainendedfrom u:me to timc�12 U.S.C. Section 2501 et seq. ("ItESPA"). unless attotherlaw t6at applies to th�.�wds
<br /> � sct5 a Icsser ainoun�.IF so, L.cnder may, at any 6�c, collect and hold F�►nds in au amournt not to exczed�.�e lcsser amount.
<br /> --��� Leuderm�y esdrnatcthe amountof F�wds duc u:�t��basis of currentdata aadreasonableestimatesof eapa�dituresof futurc _
<br /> ' Escrow ICr.ms or dthe�wisc in aceorduncc with applicnbie law.
<br /> -�-�� 'rhe Fltnds shall be hcld ia an institution whose depo�Es t�re insured by a federa!agcncy� inatrumcntality,or endty
<br /> ' (including Lender,if Leader is such en insdtutio�i)or in any Fec�er�aIomcLoan Hank.Leu.d,c�shall apply the FLnds to pay tha
<br /> Escrow Items.Le�cdercuay aot charge Barrawer fex u�iding and applyuig the�ndc,aaaually analyzing tbe escrow account,or
<br /> - verifyiag the E.scraw Ittr^..�s,unless I.endarpays Sorrowerinterest on the fiuidti amd ap�ticable law peraiits Lenderto meke such
<br /> a chargc. Ho�vever,l.�z�cr may requtra IIonower to pay a one•time�t►azgc for�ittdepepdentreal estate tax reporti6g servic�
<br /> t;;iu.`,y :,;;au�r::. :,,�r,�lica:::t� �� !^�, �!�� ?�piicahle law nrovides otherwise. Q.inless an aurecment is made or
<br /> � applicable law require3e�terestto be paid,Lendershall not be reyuiredto pay�osrowerauy interestor camit►g.s on the Fttuds.
<br /> - Rorrower aad l.ettder e�ay agren ia writing, however� that incereat s6all be p�oii�l•on the Fhnds.Lender shall�ve to Borrower�
<br /> - without chazge,an annual accounting of the FY�nds, showin�; creditis and debils Rv the Funds and the�►ta.-�ose for wfuch each
<br /> debit to We�nds w9s nnade.The Fuudn wre pledged as addifional security for all sums securetl by this Sesurity Instrument.
<br /> If tha Funds leeld by Leadr,r exceed the amaunts permiuedto ba held by applicable law, Lender shsill account to Bonower
<br /> for the excess Fliads in acoordancewith the requirementaof agpiizabla law. If the amount of the FLnds held by Lender at any
<br /> - timc is aot suBficient to pay tlieL'scrow Itemswhea due,Lendermay so aotify Barrowerin writing, and,in such caso Rotrowoa
<br /> shall pay to l.ender tha amount necessary to mnke up thc dcficiency. Bonoa�es�all mnke up the defiaoncy in no more thaa�
<br /> = tw�ivo manthly paymente�at Lcnder's solo discretion.
<br /> __ — Upon payment in [uU of all sums secured by thls Securiry Iiastrument,I.ender shall promptly refund to Bonower any ,
<br /> Ft�nds held by Leadcr.I�underparagraph2l,Lender ahall acquine or sell the Property�Lender�prtor to the acquisition or sa18
<br /> of thc Property,shall apply Any Ft�nds t�eld by Lender at tho time of acquisiiion or sale as a crodit sigainst the su�s securedby
<br /> this Security InstrtuncaG '
<br /> 3.Appl�.�adon ot PaymenU. Unlessappticablelaw provides otherwise,all paymentsrtceivedby Lenderundeapa�ragapLs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepayraent cl�arges dttt t�.nder the Note;second,to amounts payable r�nder paragraph2;
<br /> =
<br />