<br />8~--a0314~
<br />t.eader`x written attrpuoeat or appiicahk law, borrower shall pay the attt4uia of all trtorlgaae ittsuratux ptanktms' in the°° .
<br />rttstst~ provided tartar pitragraptt 2 hereof. 7, with itttoted thereae#:.,slQEii .heteta- ati~liat+++f .
<br />Any amxtttme dia~ttYeti by T.ettdar purstwnt to this pangnpA
<br />;+tdel~dttaa of $arratsa:r secuttd by this Mortgage: Utrkar Borravvu -sad Gtmder sgrme, to other terms of:pt~nitatf:='
<br />areauots t!hdLhe payatde ups: ttW~efrttnt i.etadtr to Borrower requesting payment ihtereaf and sttaiTberr intereat.iro~n the.
<br />dart a~ de6atria!dent. at:tha rare-payable f#tutr tiros tss tittle on owtatattdG-8 prsaaiPai, tam lira i~#ttte unless pi~wst'of
<br />ireeatrat arattch:raee wntdd beo-_to apptit~bk law: in-which event sacie a#rmttttts-shsA:6estaAt~est~atLL~c hi~eat r>t~.-
<br />p~ itadez applieabtt Iax. tQot'Jtm~ nateained in this para~ 7 xhaB requite tertdor to;imttts ao~ ptpgaie or ttkeY::
<br />aety action hereundx. - - .
<br />It. 1 [.ender rosy ttedte is catrse-to 6t made rearttdste enttias upon attdtnpsetut#tsuf.tTia i°rOpRFly. ixavtded
<br />rtat [.ender ahaq giros ITorroava ttdiee prior to any-sttcit itssptctian tdtecifyittg rtt~e rwsa tht!teFat reirtab to f.~dat'a -..
<br />antseart in lira Ptt+perty.
<br />CradatrratiVar. 1'he prttcetda of any award ar claim far damages, tGtrct or can=equeMitd, in kunr+eetion with arty
<br />eoadeomatimt er other taiciog-of the Property. or part thert~. ter for conveyartee in lieu at condernnatiora are here6Y
<br />seal airdi !+e paid to }.ardent.
<br />Tr the eaaetu of a told taking of the-Poperty, the proceeds shag tae appiitxi to the. sttttg secured by tills Mortgage,.
<br />w1~ ten tactss, iI attq. paid W Borrovrtr: In tits event of a partial txking at N!C Property. tttrida Btttrower'~ 1-emkr.
<br />orherwitr agree in writing. there shall. tae appiiz{t to the sums san+md by this Mottga~ arch pmpartktit -~ ptac-sada
<br />ss re ~ !ts that proportion which the arriouru of tfie sums secttrtd by this h4octgagc irtttcgdiatelY prior to -the: dace d
<br />tattia~ treats to the fair market vdae of the Pmpertty imr~diattty prit*r to the date of #akiteg, with tha batatxa etf~_tim ptoceakt
<br />paid sn Borrower.
<br />Tf the P-ctpwti' is abaadoeted by iforrtrarer. or +f. afar noice by Lender to Btsrrosrer tfiat fire cnndeetaor atlera to ttud#e:
<br />an award ar srttg a claim fern damages. [iorrtiwcr fxSb to respnrtd to Lender within l0 days after the date sartm ttatia is =
<br />mailed. Tsarist h astthariud to rolkN and apply the ps•acceda, at tender`s option. etkher to rrstwatimt nr nepait of tTte
<br />Property err to ttx sums secured by this Mangage.
<br />Untefts t ender and Barrotser c.iherwrsc agree ,n a tiring. any curb appiicit+tm of proceeds to principal shah not extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the tiao+uhty instaltmrnss rrfartd to in paragraphs t and ~ hereof or change fire arttauttt of
<br />urck nostatt~r.-
<br />}tf. Bertsrtes'rae Retard. Fatenrran trf the z,mr fcxr pacrtsent air enadiReat+un of amonizatron of the suttts srxured-
<br />hy tMS Mortgage gnttted by t.c»da to any sut:i°essar ,n rntarect :sf itc,rrmsrr .haft urn agents to rc~aat. in any mantra.
<br />the t+aMhty df the nrigrnxl Barrawer ind ttarrawers tcrcctss:rrx :n intcrtst I envier strati nau he reaTuired to CnrttmettcG
<br />protaecdtrtgs sgs+ttu each saxces;tv „r refsrse rn ruend tnzk f„r pavrrtcnt .n 4:thrrrr:x madsfy amort+iatinn of ttw autos
<br />.ss'tued iry this M++rtFage 6y 7raxor+ <.{ any demarszt made ~~. the nrigxna! &irmwv a,xf Batnrwer't nseeesson rn itsterett.
<br />} }. Frrttr~L[ ~ l.f#det !\tN a ~,ataK. .^arY tlKlrearanrt ttV 1-Coder in PcerCiSmg xnV right ar rrnxdV hCTFxnl~d~e7~.,la~r
<br />c,IttQ7rHr afiorcied by ipplrcabtr iaU' •tlxtt ,tat t+e a waiVrr .*f +~( preftlldC StM CiC(Crxe of anv such Rghe Or rya. w... r.
<br />The procurrrrtertt r>E +nsuranrt ar the pxvrncnt at t.axcs <,r c,tts€r hens:~r ihargr<. h+ l.ec+der shalt not be a waiver nt ttndu`s
<br />right to accakrare +hr maturtts cf ttre =ndctctedr+rs ~scur^ci tsv th.. 4#,mgagc- -
<br />Ti Rsrdites ('mrtdaetvv. 9+t r+.,aeafres {,re.arded :r. th„ ~iaxrtexgc ssr .frsr:net suet aumutuive to any mhet righu or
<br />rcmedv ,ruder rf+as Martp;agc 4u rtf.'+rded h~! t:r..:•` ri=urtp .,n4f mar hr r,rr,,+t.i t.,nrurrrntiv ,n+ictacndentiy nr xsccessive0y.
<br />1]i. Sueceaters tW Atriaaa flw,ed; !Dial and itrretrd tiaktitt7. ftsptlrw. stk- cn.~cnants and agrerrneata herein
<br />:: tsntuns# retail hstsd, artd et.. netrts i,erc,srrdtr shall +rure !<,. +tu rcapei+:ve urticrss,ets a,sci assrgrtt of I.,ettdct and Borrower.
<br />a+rlatt[[ to tilt praviatoax }f paragraph 1' herrxaf. :lit cavtnaras and agrermtxtts of Harrower shsii ix jnmt arsd xveni.
<br />The captwns and headrngs of rtxe pxtag[apns of tits .'+lc.ngsCc arc for :4sxtrenanc^c exriy ar44t are oat to he t+s~ to
<br />=ntgpttx dr def4rse ttx provxtaoaa txerraf..
<br />11. 'lMMiex, Exxxpt fear tusF tmxxae rrwauctf under appitcatrk law to Esc green m atxxtter manner. fai any rratire to
<br />Bartmvet provadcd tar m this A!t?rtgagt shssi( he given he rrsxGstg su::h natrx br ccrteRed ma+I xddresstd to Boxrower at
<br />she Poeperty AAdte+a at at csufi crttarr artdrvca as Barnwer mat desrgnrte toy notice to l.crrder u provided herein,. and
<br />test anv ex+tuere to l cadet shdt t+e gr,:~ i?t cart,f~+i marl. trt4,m rrce,pt rcqunied. t:r i eoder'c s+ddreas stated herein ar to
<br />web t+tlttr addte€x a: Letuler mat desrr3naic h, rrutrcc a= B=atr,?xwcr as gmvrd~t, fxreirw Am' notice ptrnided tar m this
<br />Mengage shall F,e darned h5 have trees green ur Barrx?svrr .x t trait: c. ~Rli~ herein.
<br />t3~ laatfarsw Mwrpgrt ~ f~`:'•~>• T?:,s fr,rm at rxy~ae ~a s for rtat+onaF
<br />,xK atNi non-undnrm eovttnams w-h# faaitcJ v.,rsan+,rss i•G• r:rr:.ct,,.-trsm t:~ nt covering
<br />era! property Tlsax Mortgage shall lac gcrserrxd h. the sou ,~ ahc t:t aced. !n the
<br />evrM that any prtwrsi+xt ar clatnt .^; tl;ts Mangagc ,`r rise N4xe ..,srdirsn kith appliealrk taw. such conBict chrti not altett
<br />eater pravtsttsrn of thrs Mortgage cjt the V:KC wh:,,h can be y;,kcn ttfrct wuhmrt the ccmflictirt{t prtsvision. astd to ihitr-
<br />tntd Litt: praves+aits csf the Mot#gttge artd the '4:wc arx .lecisred t4r he +rvtratfit
<br />/L Rarrewar's Cary. TTorreswcr shalt trc banished a .,xxfa>rnted cape nt list h'atc and of this Mortgage at the trrrM!
<br />of earsxitirstt rr alter-tucordatits+ hereof.
<br />tY. Ttsrtw d 1M Prapeery; xisrrs-eirr. If sit ar soy par: of the Property ar an ,mertan hherein is sold ar trartsferrt:d
<br />isy Borrower wtthpstt i.srtdeia prix wnttcn crh+ta:m. rsciudine ±a+ the crcatam of + lien nr encumtrnrtce suiwrdinate fa
<br />then hlmagagt. ittl the cre+usou of x purchax ttraxup sccurnc iniCrear f,x hatrsetmld ap~tattcts. fct a trarufer hY devise.
<br />dearsnt nr try try+tre~s of law apart tint death ca4 s ta,rnt tenam x
<br />t crtdet assay. a! t.estdv s optmn. dxiarc afi the soma ucuced by this Martgagt to be
<br />etass~aieiY due and payatde. t-etvdet slsali hxar warstxl x,cn opium to accrieratc rt prior to efx saM +.x trrmttr. i ruder
<br />sad lira p'srm^ nx wbant rite Pttrpeny z> ter t~ s>:.=tJ czr transturtd rracir agreement to w nnnyt tbai lire creche of suci+ ptasan
<br />o saaaatietOry tis TAMtet sod that ttte irtrte,t pay at,lt an tlx sr4ma se+:tued bti rho Atorigagi shall he at stxh rate xs 1,Ct+der
<br />shalt rte. if D.aader stn waitndt ttse ,.pt+an t;~ accelcntc pxtxvxdtd an this paragraph t?, and if Burrosrtr's successor in
<br />r ism eueoud a wrinta aasumpttort agrcetttssrt accepted m rrn,tlg try i.cmtet. Lcnda shall rsiease Tiorrawer frtrm rlt
<br />~, ohkglrwaa under tetra Mastga~e and tixe tti'att.
<br />If~i.atsdar eatrt'lxea wch opium tv :.°cttetatc, te:rdtt ska!i n=a:i ttarrowcr ruNice of autietrum rr. aceardatace wsth
<br />1; Iteraaf- Such nalxtt stsatt prtxvufc a permd e! ttcu Less thin 30 days from tits date tt+c ruatir:c^is ensiled within
<br />~~~~grrcrswr rttay pay ttte stator deelsrrrd due. tf Borrower tarp so-pay arch Bums great M tM cxpiniwn of .etch period,
<br />Mtatr. aridustr itathn trneicxt crt drtnand an tecxto+xer. ,nvnkc any rcatrcdim prrtrrttted iry paragraph let hereof.
<br />TVoM•tlraroase CYrvartanrrs- Bnfrtnr,er and t ttairr tsxeher r<+acturu and agttc as toEtaw>f:
<br />Ill; XaeeietaYrrt Rt~rilfaa. F.scxN rr g+trsiied r ttarelna~ tT Aetea(. ~ Barr+rrrer'a 6rweA ~ sK1' c®+esa+t ar
<br />atsaeartrt d i+aeeatster i. tfi Maseitaw. a.rtriiag Mee r»vesretas to err' vier eMe atrty ~7~ i Mr Drams:
<br />Lasdar gaiar alt aoesisaslas ttlttsB trod uric: tw Bassw« rx grtsviiN m pxryvwl+
<br />t~ s1e!.a+aiMaa atpged art rtre raeis tttarsYt f3i a box. tree ills ear Jil ~ tear ue ~ ue raafles to eaaiMd ro Baaewer.
<br />-!r astiteit atttrit iMessit aattrt Is ttsaaq attA tit tent GrYstrr to errs aedt Itreactr rr er Artese ue dwr gatifitai m efts wrdrr
<br />tar f e'awM i!s aoaaistaMtrR ai arts anaas reeved ttY fYS fiiurgteega, €aeectensrtE teS pritrisl trsa"ts:<etiett rrl s!da+rf tl+a Cfrpeg.
<br />'tTAae+~iiae atatB ttidstrY!letraa-~tsaaaarae of Hat tfxM_m tsar-td4d antleetrtaw ttati test riYYt to assail its tiro trr~issre
<br />ptraredisR eDr~ at a dagtsit rte say Burr deftrrr d Bvevavar to w-eeiartrlast rnii;faersiertrsr. U tree there-
<br />to last trstrt4 ,sa as #+etnle Rte tiMe agttsdBret its fir airKce. l.eafrr at leairr`r >rgNer tra> dattrt: aY rf sirs arms atearai }iv
<br />tkRS Tt~rispgstNs sr tta.itstse+adlaltRf' Mr asst ice' wiNattt ittreHrer Aeasae! std star t»reciaer iiy jrikie!-prrtaaaiktt. i.tatiee
<br />tgtaB !e ate! its traBere 4 rawh #nnraflald aR aaRrtwea M ~ eaeirikq, !ten -tam Btaitd tar tang of lantwprtart3'
<br />arideaas~-triietaaaas trei ABe aepasta.
<br />f!, ~r g TTktrtaageF, ftios+.ahslatu#+tsg l tedw'x sx stierueast of .>lrc scums sr;-orvd err thts Mortgage.
<br />BtNisa~rr riitai& tti'§x" ttfs rgtht tai-twtc; .~. 3.4:,,:.: 3 ,..- i¢:gyres i+~ l 4~rsdar t+r ct,tsxc:€ tr.-. ?t-laxtgags: d,s.:r.%rtatnr.sii ai ac+y t,sx,c
<br />