<br />~I--OQ3144
<br />_;,
<br />UtavoasriCovexaf+'ra. Borrower arid Lender covenant and aErtz as follows:
<br />~ PsMK1Ni ed ~, Bortoarer sMll promptly -Pay when due the principal of and interest on'the
<br />edttess evidtstced by the-Note, prepaytttmt and tart charges ss pronded in the Note, std the prirtcipat ~ and Intact
<br />oa say Ftmnre Advattcts secured by the Mortgage• Borrower shall:. WY
<br />3= ptrOt fes Ttsas ssstl 6wrttaes. Subjxt to applicable taw oe to a writttn waiver by Lender, m:ftilt,
<br />to Isader on the day trtoathty instathsents of principal and interest are payattk under the Note: u~~ N ~~ ~ tte~
<br />a stns (heseia •. ro ono-twrtlttlt of the Y~Y taxes and asaawnatu wheel essay tnatstiarie
<br />Mme. sod 8 rsatae9t~ the Property. if asy, ptm onetvreltth of yeartq Premium i ~ _~ ,
<br />to oao-twelfth of y~rtY pretsamt mpailmeots for tttortEaEe trtsurarsce: tf aey, all as reasonebty esnrsated
<br />name m time by L.esder std bl:s and reaaonabk atimata thereof. a t?edprat or
<br />cis the barn of aaa or ascounu of whirl arc itstatred tx Etaarantead by
<br />The Funds shat; bt 6ek is tut instituti°n the dePoub Fttt~ its pay saw `
<br />sate aEertcy t ittctttdinE {.radar if Le°dtr is steel an irtsiitunon l . Linder shailand pfttyiriE-ttX Fiends: grtiiytiatiud stsEmttit.
<br />st ~[atxx P~nu~ std ground rents. Leader [nay not charge for so teolding
<br />rn vutfyiaE cad compiliaE said assessments aid bill, uakas Leoder pays Borrower interest on rite Ft and tpp ~w.
<br />pe:ssits f.edier to matte sttctt a cttarEe. Borrows cad Lec#r tetaY ?8~ in writing at the tiros of a:tcucias' 4f lira
<br />to grtrrowa. cad-ttnkas such agreerctent s made.nr applicable:law
<br />MoripEe that trattaest on she Ftrads ataatt be Paid Borrower say interest or earnings on ils Funds: Leader
<br />~ steel i[rtersst a M paid. Lender shall cat tx regturad to pay to -the Ftmds aa~ rile .
<br />shatt;ve.to Borrower, wittfatt cttatge. an central accoummg of the Fttrsds show'iangtioaa! arcittitp for tle sums srcarad:~ -
<br />Pu*t~ya for wheel each rftbi[ [o the Funds was made. 11te Funds are PtedBed bk riot tb
<br />by [hn M°rita8e Linder. tagether wail ttu future monihty installtMnts dtired M ~ aced taxes.
<br />If the amounx ai the Fuesdc ttetd by a cad grouted renu, shall rxceed the atnotin teq wins ttPtioa. either
<br />the dire dstea of taxes. assrasmrnts. itsstirance prerntunt
<br />aaaaasaeenn, ttesarartce prpotums and grotutd rcatt as [trey fall due. such excess. shall be: at of iht Funds
<br />pr°ruuptly repsd to Borr°ww rn aedttrd to fiarmwer on ritnntli[ssurattct pnrrm6uttu and grroutd tans as thry fall--dries.
<br />held t*Y Leader shalt not be sttt~cieat to pay taxes, aasessnsen v witbm 30 da}'s from the date notice M tnailsd
<br />eorrowc- shed[ pay txs Letttfer enY a°t°unt necessary to teultt up the deficimc-
<br />}ry I.e~ to Borroww requesting payneerrt tttua+f reset rsfuod to Borrower any Fund
<br />I1poa payment in ftdl of all stmaa secured b} this Mortgage. ixttdtr ales!} p ~tY
<br />ttefd by }seder. !f under puaEraph f9 hN~ t.,hnc rate nt ersz sPrttpen~ Pr~xa<-qutsrttan~tr Ltgtder. any Fur ~r held by
<br />sbdt apptY. rso later [hen rrttarediattty' P
<br />l,rteder st the ttate at aPPier--snort as a arcdrt agat»st the aorta secured by rhea Mortgage. Leader under the
<br />~. A~piYeslie~ ~ tayrtants. Unizss app-ecxbk taw pravi,iss ntherw'iu. a-t paytacnts rNCtived try Borrower
<br />tiote a~ PataEraphs !and 2 htrew Hall ire app-sed by i ruder heir +n paytntm of amaunia payabfe to Lender by
<br />uredet para8rapl = het>•°f, rhea to mtctest a:aYabk an the \ote, rteen to the principal of [lee Ndt. std then w iattrs:at and
<br />pnrecrpal oa anV Future Advaatss.
<br />1. L9ur8as: ileac. Norrowcr ntq Fver~!htsjwicrrt,gage~tdtiNasrha,ld p.+yrexn s;a,rtgrouttd rentpst~iftaony. intthrtman[ttr
<br />the Property whrcit rat'Y auara a pet h. apd in the event
<br />ptovtdat raider p:raEreph 2 tscrtirf or. =s eat paw} :n +akh nranncr, by Bnrraswrr maksng paytncm. when dt~. directly a
<br />peva tteereor. Borruw`tt slalr prampety furnr+t, tai l.tndcr a-i sStructx uts"mswnt` nder~crmx paste ~ B such payments-
<br />fSOrr°wer than male paymeru dert:cuy, Horrnwer twat-p~csrntpt-arJrhts st.xtgage. Peav,sfed_ these ~irrowe[ chap not `'
<br />Borrower shat! prunpt-y uuCteatge any iecn wh,.R _ ,erase t=? the 6+aymtnt of [lN ohltgatnen secured by
<br />rtquued t3 dsscfsar gt any st+ch lazes ~r fang ?s ~J [ ,n a ~ai3asca"`nn'tzst wchgaen b7, a+r :itfrn;i cnisutemtnt o1 such lira m.
<br />,uch !sees sr. a manna ueept:+la4t #o Lender, .= s«
<br />lefai prxseetdings ,th;;h <~rats to prevttu ter r:us,rrtrrertsi ;,; ssa• -.ace .+r s~+R arose ni the Pnspeny ar any part thsreo
<br />~, t3aasa0 frwtaer'e- Nurrawu slat- kttp ttt :mprasrmrnts n;ass rss.t,n r nrrzatter tte.:td c±rs the Prnpcrty res uses
<br />sgu[W f~iss I>v nrc, t!azarda trkirraeed wnnsn tt~ term x-.,crurtd scvrra~z and oral other hazard[ as fender may q
<br />sari m sued amnuncs and f,sr satin pies wnia ao ! r'`ck=r m''? re'so`rt. Pens-edr+1, that t en,#.~r .hxi# asst ter;ture Char ttx amount of
<br />,t s*t c;nrragt reuses rd +-~: pat the zt,ttst ..°.nieu ht ilex Moriaage- rrwtded.
<br />such cavtrsge txs:ced that amerut
<br />7~ic iwuraact:arrur prtevuittsg the snwisnc:z f, ail bt ctr<snrn by Iiarr..,s.zr c.ststur to approval by .en r.
<br />tests tlsfi be paid an thN m she
<br />(tort aucn appro+ra# strait eat bt ,ttuessonais-v ssnhftNid :4?i Prcnr:amt =f+ insursnct t"~ t when dire, dsrzctty
<br />prov#d under garaEraph '- htrcrrt a,r. rt cat pars u3 sarch nsaetaex. n} bcrxrowtr rtrak,ag paymen .
<br />snaattan•'t caterer.
<br />{t{ insuraaet prflt4ets aruf tttxwars tttcre.~t ah+-i ~ ,t: z -rm a.tirF s rate t;a t n~ .+ni sail! :nziudc a stanu'ar mot ga
<br />- tkt::ses and re ntwric [!teen},
<br />clause in favor nfi and to f.~m acctpratdt -., i.stxie[ i srxXr shal- t:. - nc tcg#xt '..,-d tftt pc
<br />a~ Bvrrc~wtr shalt p;t,tnptlY ftnants tc LexldNt ail wteewat mutes auJ si, r ~espts tit paid ~R4! ~~ ttrnet m~.ade prn+nptfy
<br />gturtsrt[ shad give pratmpt atuttt t`' the a:swratke catrtNr arui Lear4cc - zndrr ts:at make ~
<br />by ilstzrowtrc, red u+ restoration or repair of
<br />over when='rtt sKrtc sn urrt, ng. resat arks psa~ac~t~a tt+alf br app! rs
<br />Unkss Lcnaier and 8ofs wnrdd
<br />the Prtrperty darttaiisd. Proaadaxl such rcatorueun c,:- repair at rccawnsw:v-ty ls:asibie arid ttx ~tturcty of [his ortgagt
<br />rtot thereby uttpaertd. If suet[ ctsiwahun err sepau at eat ccatxrmwailq frastlk nr of the sssu~eth tlc z~ttt Y ~tga~ny. pard
<br />iw ,mpacrtd. tits utsurstxx ptixetds shelf De a}'Plka t,. ttx sums xcttttd by ilea Mangage.
<br />to Borrower. it [tit Prrsptrt} is atraaduntd m tr,>rrx,wzr, s:t +t ttorrrsrer fads t.' tzspnnd to i.zrsdtr sarthm 3U des}> Irom the
<br />data notice is n*arlc+i by Lerdrr t,, Bi+rrov.er that t~~~5r3tYLeruicr~sr,~bn ~*n esttrcr'toarnstcxa rottsoeurepur otMthrsPrapertY
<br />is rrulbatrtad w roiiccx arid sppty eht iaaUr a:ta:N pet - _
<br />ac to the stints ,reared by this Mort;aEe r w rrtt any stuh app-k:stsrxs aK prtxeeds to pnrtetpat slab ern extend
<br />Unless Linder and $arowsr r?tfetrwrm~~ ascots rzferrcd to in paragraphs G arnl ' tscrcot ar change the amount of
<br />ax ~P~ t~ ~ afatt e'er the t>~lt. riot w the salt
<br />sued instafitteeats. it uada parsgaPh i!3 htrrot the Prupem ss a.:qutrnt h^. LNndcr. a-t nglt, adc and inteaest of ower
<br />in and to any +rnuraace poltetes aed ea aced to tle PTae~i~ds sltrexri rtsuitmg lrom damage to the Property p
<br />rn reeriotsroare •leall pass w l.endv to the extent s,f t!x tames soured by ilea !slortgage amrnsdtaiefy prior to such sak or
<br />'~~ • Lerteeiadtis: C'.~ Ptt17~ l ail fhvebPms°K' A3}rrOWN[
<br />f. Y~ a Yf f+rs~ert,
<br />stuff ~~ ~ p[taPeny to Eared }spur std shalt txx 'mrmt want ssr ptrtmt emparrmeru car detcrirrranon of the rope Y
<br />asd siettt t,-~pmPly with titer Pmviuam +>f any ~'~ tt tfus Mo[tgatgr o .ur a ka>=ttr`td- It ehrs ;ti4ortgage is on t uni! in a
<br />cr a ~~>~ tae.[ deveiapmcnt. Hxrc: vet spar! ptrtarm alt at I.Wrr.' iNr' ~7 laws ard~rergu atevnsl of tths
<br />rn coatanis erestsai '[ grzYSrar°R [tx ;.atrxWmanrum ur pfun'ied non ~vciop^atea
<br />zr7ladOmiMWR rx plaaaed uaaH devslopetres+t. and 4~st+#uent dncttrrxnrs. if a~,~caaufemsanL~m ~ a~ ~ leer";ltuct~rr
<br />rneitr n taacWed try Notrxewa cad ra:atdrrl usgettetr wttl rhea Mnrtgagt- N as et ittt rrder
<br />r ~ rgpprporassd reto and tattaU ~d ar>ai supp"crttr°tt the cottttaats arrd agretasersts at this Morr8a8
<br />sa°ett a Pat baaaroif• if iturt°wcr }alit'. #° prxfatste rite zos~riants and agreetoents caxitasxicxt m this
<br />3. lserlaetiee aE laaainra 5aeniAf` is cummeticed wliel matsriafty afft;tks l.etedrr'a interest in tle Prapeny.
<br />R[ ~ t3r afranEetnents Ur t+,~+-~,
<br />4r d say asuea '~ v_ .,-xk snforNSatent, toga rnvola#ttg a
<br />iosha~aE, but root iiralisrE ter, etatareN damsin. irexdvrnz, ru~iee to &xntwrr. racy makes stab appearaat~a. drsbutu rwcb
<br />~ cx detrrlsai. [heat laredv N L.aader's opttxsn. upon to, dexbucstmeat of
<br />restates aesd lebte axrck asaiua m a auaexaurY to prancer L.rrsd~ a mttizat, utr:iudirtg, but nxn tiiaettd insurarrce as ;
<br />a~ttaatat`s >Sas aryl eatery sdpen ttK Fraaperi7 w mats rc{xssrs~ if lt-e.odet~ aed~~u ~ ~ mairttaen suet
<br />s~ the kesn aaeeusdrt by this MartEtiEa= $ortower shall pay w.nfi Barrgwer's anc
<br />aoaibstr4r of raatistE a[tsr terrttitsatrs in acco:danet
<br />sa cffact awhi Brach time as the r,aquiremau Ern ttttl irisrJs
<br />