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<br />81~ 003141 <br />i.ender's wtittan agfeetttattt or applicable sitar. Hortnwatr shalt pap the amount of ail mtMgage insurance ptttmitmm in the <br />mmner provided under paragraph 2 Itertof. <br />Atry attioniNa distorted by Lender ptrrsuani to tfih paragraph 7, with interest thertat, shaft beeotne atlditlond <br />indebtedness of Horrosser severed by Phis Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Leader agree to other tetttts of payment, sitth <br />atnonnts-shaft be paysbte upon notice-from Linder to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from (fir <br />date o! dltiaurseYnettt at the rtNe ptyahk frost time to titttaon otdstntdlttg principal under the Nota unless paytrtert of <br />interest at attch ~ would be ccstitaty to applicatrie tasv, in which event utelt atttatrttts shall bear itstetesi ar-the ttigt-rte <br />petmhe~ie under appCtcahte tau. Notttstg caetiained in aria paragraph ?shah require Lander to ittWt arty ef<petlsE ar t~ <br />~y action Iterasrnder. <br />>R Lender rosy matte ar cause to be made rtaatxrable rntrit5 upon and ittspectitms ~ the Aroperty. provided <br />that Lunette shad giva &xro++eer notice pri€fr to any sateh it»pectitaac specifying teasonatak Cause therefor rciattd to f ettde~s <br />rnte~ 'rn the thaperty. <br />g. Cam, 7tre proceeds of any award or claim far damages, direct ar constx{uentiat, in connn¢tian with-arty <br />condemnation ar other taking d the Property. cx part thetasaf, ar for cmrveyance in Lieu of condemnation, atY herelty assigned <br />and shaft tae paid to Ltrder. <br />In tltt want of a total utkmg of the tsra{aerty. the prncceds shall be apptrcil m ttx sums xcetred by this Mortgage, <br />with rise cxcm, if any. paid sa Borrower. {n the event of a partial taking of tiu Property, unless Barrowtr and Lender <br />ahtawtse agrea in writing, theee strati tat applied to the stsmx secured by this Martga{tt such praportinn of the proceeds <br />as is equal fa that propariitm which the amount of the arms sutured by this Mortgage immediately prior to tht date of <br />taking trots to the fair market sylue of the Prapertv ammediaMy pricer ta the date of taking with the balantt of the pnocseds <br />paid to Bwrsswer. <br />!! tfae P4ttperty ss abandarud fay Hot:avrtr. cx tf. after nruice by t.en~r to Harrower thu the condtmnat criers to tttake <br />an ssrarct m weak a claim for damagex, Harrower talk to resparrd to Lender within 3L* days after the dart such notice is <br />mailed. Lender is autttorimd to stalhXt sod apply the p-acetds. at Isrtder's nptisxt, cithu to restcaratitut err repair of ttte <br />propany cu to the sterns setuted by tbk Mortgxge_ <br />Uttkas C.eader and B~rowrsr atharw€se sgrte in urrting, ant such agpficatian of ptaeeads to prfncipat shall not extend <br />+ar ptstpntae the due daft of flu mtmihly iesatailments rrfsrred to in #aarag=apbs ! seal Z hereof ar change iht amount rd <br />stxh ittmllrttntt:. <br />ii. tistrrsssee Nat Raieassal. P.sttvtsion r,f the time tar tuymert t~z rtsodiftcatinn , t amortization of the .sums severed <br />try thts Mim;age granta3 Fy Lettdtt [a any ssx:.cessc..r cn intemi ni Hanawtr shad oat operate to release. in any tnanntr. <br />flu ti~ifiry of tfte car{ginal Hormwrr xnd Borrmsei a st2Yecaaars :n irtttrest- /.ett~r shaft racer l±e required to commend <br />proeeadin;s agarrsst strcb suctsxstar cx rettiz to extend trine for gai^rrlcm nr ~tur»°ist modify amortizstiem of the stmt; <br />serurtx! try [tats Msartptgs by reason of any demand made hr t!re cvigerul Hormarr and Borrowers sricceasnn in interest. <br />!l. trasitsuaee: try ltrier'Yat s Ans !nrtreyra:tce fas I ctuler in estrrisinit any right ur ramady lieramder, ar <br />ntftertsrtse afforded lay applicable Eater. alai: ncx he a wvtser art c*r grecitede tlu escrcise of am such right or remedy. <br />7Tte prtxuttasrerft a( itssvrara~t ar the tsaYmenr e.f ;uses ,~r :nher t<eeta nr rhatyes t+-r bender shaft not ?+e a warvtr of t.ertcler's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the andet#adrrest .ea-urrd tri thi< Mcm~age- <br />!2. Ituaariiea Cted~+e. Ali rertaedres i'ts`+vded ~n thn ~tc*riga~ are ctistin.t and cumuiati~t tr} anY other right ar <br />*emtdy trttsfer thissidLrt;age E t atYnrdrB fm :aa. +.r e~utty. and may '.+c cctrc:seci ~rmeurrenttr, rrdetsemlaatt35- nr satcc~essively. <br />t~ 3seasarasa aa! Aaalgw. Maas laiat sad !ie+eeal I.trabitl,Y; t'gdsts. iYre revenants and agmcrttetets herein <br />::arttaicres3 shall bistd. and rift rights hereunder shaft .mare !4. the rzagracinrt stxsatsurt and a~iRm r+# Ltmdcr and Elortsawer.- <br />rab}e~t w the prravisiasu rat paragraph !' !setae.+f A#3 coversama :wyrt agrt~s~nt= .,f Harrower shalt he jrnnt and scxerel. <br />'I1re =aN-_-._ xn•1 treed !'f 'be grragraptt*. ,f [Sets \ic=±tga#~ ors f.-,r :~=nwen etr±se only anti are rzCSt to (ae ttscd to <br />srattrprar yr daHne (tae muvrsinrxs furas>f. <br />tL 1iaAsw Parcrpt fete awry nottu rsstrrir+nt !totter apgSicatle Saar tt± tae given 'n arxadhet manner. tai any notice to <br />Hatroaer gtovideA far in this Marrgage altarll he gz+rrt :wy :na;thsa scab :rcuecc ht ;ertiHtt{ mat addressed to Harrar~r at <br />t}as Propeny Adrtress r%s at such other address ss ttnrres+rn naa± ~sagnate fast tru€ne t,+ tsndet as gra><idtd heroin, acrd <br />{bl any nsxace to (.trader sttatl tae givers by <crtrfaatl +rrarl, rett;rn rn.-e+gi retttiextest. €a l enders address stated tretein ar to <br />wch sattter attdrtrss as Ixntkr rosy ste*rpnstt i+t rttttKr" to Fhurt»sar as txevedrd hereto Ant nwit:e gmvided far in thix <br />Jdtsrtgageshait tae deattred to bare : garen to lkszrtawcr ix tzr#r mitten g+*rcn in ehe tnsnncr cityignated harcin. <br />t5. UtsWtsas t tasressrittg [.ors: SaserahM(t<. I?t» #.wm :wt nsrsrticage .ambitrts umfarm a avenanrs fttr national <br />rase snit facet-tursfcarm covenants with kimttet ~arcattsuas t.. ;;trcxf~titxr t,a ::nrratrtute a :amform security irtstrsmunt eureritrg <br />rata{ praa{rtrty, 'Iltis :sfortgaga shalt Ise g:++~crncd hr ;lee €ar ~t €trc ^arr.dretxwr ,n which the Properly rs 4:R.atut. In the <br />avast tttai any prnvisw3n cx clatne +*f this Martgrge ~,r she Vese .~tnfltc:€# ~*«ittt appixxtrk taw, such conflict shag ncu aHtct <br />attar ptarrstatts r,f trot tdtxtgage >r rtes ~ictte wiss4l? .xn tae gram rtlesi wuMxet tltt :attdicttng pnavisian, and to this <br />and the pt~avssiotts of star: Mntigasc xrttt ttss ^:tsie are :.lectared rn Rx severable <br />itf. IMrassaes's tca{ry. Barrrnssr shall t.e fr.xnrslresi a crust +rtnrd 4npy .af ih_e yore sad of tbr3 iNtxtgage ai ttx tirraC <br />of aaetsniat or after rtraxdatiaitt tterc~. <br />17, Tarrahs d 9ia Irtsa~arly: Aarrae~llrrt. tf aft nr any gun at ttx Pnpcrsv ~x an cntcreat therain is surd nr transferred <br />by liarrotwtr wghattt [artd~'s guar written avnscat, excluding rat the creatum of a lien ax errcumimnce autaardinate to <br />this lliorigac. tttl ttrt ,reatron eat x putchax mnrsey acuray :ntcrest tx hotaseitrsid rtgptiasts-es, (e) a transfu lay devise, <br />dacaat ar by opsaatwa of tar uptxa the detach of a s<arnt tetutu car +di the grant of any leasehold interest of three years ar !ta <br />sot ceases as aptipx rn gurchasa, ttrxdtr may. at l estrler's aptecni, dtciarc aiE fix scans srcctrtd hY [his Mortgage to be <br />irsuostitiateilr due and payat#. Letrder strati hale wa:vW wash sprat €.~ ac.eiexate +f. prior to the sale cK transfer, Lcttdcr <br />surd the ptarsoa to errant tha Property n to Sae w:,f tv trarutermi reach agraemenr rn writtng that the cradtY Rf stictt parson <br />it satisfas:taty m Larxln stud that ttte intxrest g~y..irie can the sums secured by ihxi Mortgage (hail ba at such rate as (..ender <br />s#aaif rts{tttat, Lf i..eaades has wai+nest the upt:ars tea acxxferate pravade:l to thnr paragraph t?. and if Barwwer's ssicceasttr in <br />mart hr esacselsd a writsaa astas+ptwn agrwarttt a.:txptati in ~rr€,n= fay Lernkr, LcnJer shaft rsekaae Harrower from all <br />iabiryaiaaa tmdas this tdtsrtgitge sad tltt lids. <br />H tutdee ~trcaas each aptrosa to accate, I~nckr shall mail Hwrower rttatict fat accakratie» in a,:sordarue with <br />pwagsaph l1 laerteof~ S'trch ttat~+s shalt prtsvtde . perscsd cat facet Eeu than lII da}-s frcxrt ttx lout t!u notice ix mailed within <br />w lttptttawer may pay tba st>s~ tleeistrod d€ee.. Ii iirarrctsrtt faits ra pay-strch surer print to the expiratiwr ~f such period <br />ttmdet try, w{thuvt ftat9,#tet notice or demand an Aortsawer, anrt~e any nmediea permitted by paragraph IS trereuf. <br />tripes-ie'Nt~w[a CsFVtraAart'S BlDrrtrarer arrJ t.tttdet ftrrther casenant seat agtat as fnltaws; <br />li, ~ tRratr~sa, as ~eaeidad L paragraph 17 hereof, aM!rt ttattesns's hatreh e! asry eeYeaW eft <br />rpaalrar! at;aflasrK Y rids . lrehatYaatl tin ca-sarrtA r pay wttsa ~ asrY atnrta see•ead bIr this Mbtggtrgte. <br />2.Mdaa pirtr M aoaaigrrfia~ shall arts ttrtiee N iw,srwwer r /isovids# tts pragtag6 Id laaeal sinE: {1} the itraaeia <br />t~ AMr atflr r~ M errs wait ~nreiil {}} a fiat, aw Mrs tHra ar dyes lead eha dale the awisx to tunt~ad to Borrsrarrar, <br />hg wfitit hastallt salt M saratit and [*f thtN tairce m c sttsls heertir ea ar 6atsee the date tyrat is the radee <br />rte laMaii it- if ttha rswrrs arsew4 09r GIs h#aelt~s+ fisar~atrs 1r# jar~rl IaASai ssad tads-a! cis Imo. <br />~MF!#I~rt!riNMillyttEMNr.iahrat~artrteswer at aAe ri~tt to r~aYrRtrtt. aha ~ wi t#t ri~Yt (o arAest is tits #eso,Eioasrse <br />ilrB 4t ~lse d a aMdarlt oa angr adrts dahara of *aeet+war to aexadrratiaaa sad faradwtwrara. N lira hruacdt <br />hF ctrl elf eta ae (MlAtrrt tea AIMit s~1silMi fa Ua aaYee. l,eaire tN leader's twtg declare ~ et thtr sutra stttssred 5! <br />tliltiit~tfi ta,be ~ Ma sari jar}^ai'kk r+illaant frstllet #a~rd seed fatsafaea ~ #~le3al ig• t,eader <br />tii~4 f!r alrtiHM fa?. k1tt Na stiKit patruetihiH a1i traMaaw d f~, ~ bra set Nasiurd sat Nate at dpetrsaatttttY <br />attfihlrtces alatrmiaatld Ytk walla, <br />~arnatttra~a ~ !tr ~ T`tOtw)ttattarading i..eatder'r ~cxierattan raf tta@ sums secc~srxd t:yr ([tit 'LSOrtguge. <br />tiprenr~r sha11',rvatitE u tiers any ~ taegutt by (.trailer t<:, rxafza€~ this 1~ttsttga$s diarontintstgt at any tams <br />