<br />$1-003141
<br />[3tsffoitat Covartnxrr. Borroter acrd lender covenatu and agree as toliosra: ai of and inteaeet on the
<br />2. taDtt•art of airs Irteseat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the princip
<br />indabtedner evidatteed by tht Note, prepagmant and late charges as prevrtkd in the Note, astd the pri[tcipal of attd iotetisat
<br />trn any Ftgttre Advances secured by this Ityortgage.
<br />~, FsrAs ~ T~ ar/ Ntsnrree. Subject to appiicabk taw or to a writeen waiver by Lender: Borrower-sha8 PiY
<br />to Lender on the day tnttnthty instaltaients of principal aml interest ar€ payttbk uttdst the Note, untit the Note is paid is €u8:
<br />a ~ fhtrdo "FttndC7 equai to one-twelfth of she yaay lanes and asuasnrents which may-attain:Priority over thin
<br />Mortgage, attd gtnund rents on the Ptaptxty, if any, phn orte-twelfth of yearly. prernittm inttalhtmnts 4or Itatttttt'-ira[v'ande.
<br />phn one-tw'etfth ~ yearly pr~reiun[ imstaHnse[tts for mortgage ir[surante, tt any. ail ~ naaonat~ty e~itnat°d it[itiaNy attd ftan
<br />time to tittle by t.msder an the boas of as>t~rnenta and moils -and reaattnabk estimates thet'eM. a Federal gY
<br />'the Funds xha8 be hetdsa an itrstitspion the deposiffi or actounb o€ whirl[ aro ittatered or guaranteed by
<br />s±m agatcy tittchttting Lender if I,errder is tatelt an itattitution )- t.tadev shall apply the Funds to pay said taker; ~~,
<br />ittwtantu premi[mts and gttwtrd rtmts, Larder map nas charger for w twldittg and aQplying the Fttttds. analyzing acrid acCOtin[.
<br />or reritying atsd compi-ing said «ssassrttents and bails, unlant [.alder PaY~ err'-sv''eT inteitrt as the FutMe ttttd *pplicrttik 1sw'
<br />parmiia [.ender to make stmh a charge. 8nrrower anti Larder may agree in writing u the time of tattectttfon of that
<br />Mttrlgage that imemt on faro Funds shad be paid to Borrower. and uttlm strc6 ag[eertte[tt is rrtada ar appiieabb Ittw
<br />rttttittfns such lateral to be paid, Lender nha## trM ba required to pay flcrrrawer any imereat of earnings on the Futds. Lender
<br />a gjve to Barrovra, withxa charge, an anmral atxiwntirtg of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Ftt[ttta and-tile
<br />purpose for which eaeit debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the atrms setatred
<br />by this Mortgagt:.
<br />u lire aauotntt of the Funds held by Lender. crrgtrhtr with the fusurt enonthiy instalirnents of Ftmds paY~ said traits,
<br />the dun dues at lasts, as>eesmena, ,rrsttrartcs premiums sad gratrrtd rents. shai# excsed the amatnt requited to Payton, either
<br />apenatstnts, tt»trrwct prtmituns ate gmuttd rents as they tart due. such excess shall be. at Borratver's t>p<
<br />prompUY repaid to Btsrruwer or credited to &rrrower ua rnonthty instutments of Funds. it the amount of the Futrds
<br />held by Calder shalt trot be strtl3ciant to Pay [axes, ~°~. insuraeue premwms and grtwad rents a they fail drae,
<br />llorroarer tthall pay to (.ender any anttrttnt rrcewrary in make up the dsftcmney ,vtthin 30 days Irom ttK dart notice is mailed
<br />by Lerdu to 8ortowtr tegttatrng paymtm therarf.
<br />Upon payrttent Fn fait of all srttrts severed by thin Mtxt}tage. f..ertdtr shall promptly reftmd to Boerewar any Funds
<br />heW try Lender. ti uadtt Paragraph i!3 banana the Praptrty is saki err the Faapetty ,s otherwise acgaited by Leader, i.mder
<br />sial[ apply. rra later ttran tromediattfy print to tfte gale .tf tttt PropeRy or ns acc7uisition by [xttder, any Funds held bY.
<br />t.eodtr at the itrrt at appisatxrn as a credit agartsst the sutras secur,:d by rhts 4lttttgags.
<br />3. Ayplleadar d Patweats. t.intess app#tcabte law prariiits aihcrwise. all payttserns rtxxir,~ by lender under the
<br />PfiHe lnd. paragraphs I and . ht:ra/. shall !x applied try t.errikr fast in payment :'f amaunts paya6lt to Lender try Bnrrowtr
<br />tmdter pttraj[°apit : herto[. tbart to rnterest paYa~ un the '.ticxt. stern ro tttc pntt+:Fpai of the Nato. attd then [a interest and
<br />pnttctpa! inn any Futtm Adrattaes.
<br />,{. L'Yreglni tire. tlotrm':cr ihai} par alt taxeu. assessrttenta snd :,thrr -~hart~cs. ~rres and Fmpozihans auributabte to
<br />ttx Property wtrieir snaY xttam a prwrisr +,rct rhn 4tartgage, artd ieasenatd pastttents ar gmurrd rants, if any. in the rttanttea
<br />P ,yneler ~rsgaph 2 ttareaf ar, if teat pauf m ,uch snanrrer, by &.rrcF.rer makrng payment. whin due. dtreetiy to the
<br />ttaYce theteut- Borrower abaft prixnpriy tttrnrsh eu [xnikt alt nirtrccs ::t ..mauves uue t,t~er thrs paragraph. and In ttx event
<br />Fatrtrser sbaU tt~ke payri..;rrt drrecitt, Harrower ,tali inamprii turnutt ro l,;.srdst rei~trpts ertdttrcmg staeh payttremt.,.
<br />BtmowK shall pzsxnptiy dix:huEe any '~' ".'hrc~lt ~+* t,rrrr,ty ,,set thrs Mortgaage: prarsded. that Barrowex shalt mu lrt
<br />re~tWyd to drtchar~ am itteh Lien stn lirrrg .,s Hixrasrer stsalt agree ,z -+nttng to t'~e paytttcnt :,f tilt ehhgurUn secured by
<br />strctr aten to a nranrter accrirtabk ur ldimder. „r (frail to jfix>ti faith .s>rttcst nrtib !xn hy, .rr deftrri! enfarc'ement of su:h liar in.
<br />lf{ai pttK,gCt~rrj{ wt1t4`##r a(i<r$t1C EQ prCrCnt f#rC SriSS>ri'ErnCrit k?t ;ttC tK=t :;r tilltt<'f [F[C (lr the ilrapCfty ter 3nY t,iri t#[Lrlrrt.
<br />3, ilrsasti irttwrnss. Harrower shalt keep ttFC =mprasernmis sax ciisarng or trcrcafter ercitei3 on lire Property ttrwred
<br />agur~ tars by f#ne. hazards srxtuded arrthrn the term cxtctidei! ::,reratte' , atr:i xtsnn itihet #taratsis as Ltrtder may regwre
<br />au+i to s#x#r smiwrrsa $ttd tar tari:h perrusfz as i.eruize tray reilurtr. ;•r„x,ckd. that Lctrtier etxait vat requstt that the amount of
<br />snail coverage csxscd brat aataiu t k,# ,er=zrage ;eyurrcd t,, ;`-3Y she rF+rrr3 ~.ei::xril h,:~ !ern .ti#angage
<br />the ravaraaet ::antler pruriiting ttrr utwruxir stral€ rte ~tr,scrF by ifarr,.,v.rr =uhtr~t tzr spprarai by itnriet: provrdcd.
<br />taut tascfp ypprovai slut) not be urtrciairrrattty wuhhtW Alt prerruurm «n tn>kuiarrcr pidxttcs ;hall lx paid nr the mxnmr
<br />ttarad ar, ;f trst[ parts to szaar rnaneret. !,r t3arrawsr matstng payrttent, when due. derectly to the
<br />Prurrdtb under pusgraph .
<br />trtsssrs~w earner.
<br />AB itxi~arant:'e pniresd artd resse,rais ttrera'rt ;~hrtt t,c sn €arm a4x,:ptat:te tLt l.c:titer and s3talY snciuds a (tandard mortgage
<br />clatue rn fariu in sad m tatm xctpta#de to Lsrxkr t-crti~r tttais` #rase tine ngttt t,: bald the pidserss and renewals thereof.
<br />nos! Bortowet shs#t prwnWty furtusit to t.tatkr ail rtntwat twiKts anJ ail .eierpss .et paid prenuuma in ttm ererst a€ {oss.
<br />Boar-rwp aJtalt grit prarttpt Ewtrue is ttrc trnrrrsrxe catxucr anal t er,det. t.en.#rr Wray make prao# of toss tt ni'rt mad( Pratrrptly
<br />hY ttartawer-
<br />Uuiam tender sad 13rxruwa otisetwrss agtce ,n atnisng, Fnsuearrrt prur<ceds shall tx applied to tesWrsthtt; ar repair at
<br />tide pestparty dlIItajcd• prarrded iuctt resavrattarr (x tepa,r tz ecarraxnti:atiy Faaxtts}e and rite security ui tints Mar[gage is
<br />nor thrreby rroparsxi it such tt>titurauan at eepasr rs rasa i.,rt+smnaftY' fcasrb#s ~ tf the securtty° of thu Mortgage wwrid
<br />6rt raaparntrd. the wwraatx prasX+as[s shall tat applied to the sutra secured by tins Mattgage< :rah the excess. if any, paid
<br />ttr Bttrtpwtr. It [ire PixrpertY n atntrriorte.f t•s Harrawrr, :x .t fiarriwver tarts ti- resptutd trr Lender wtthtn 3U days Tram the
<br />date t is marled b} i.ert+ler to tiorruwer that ttre irururatn:r: carrrrer c:tfen to sut#t a clasm lar tnsuraru:e t,srmfits, lsndtr
<br />~ authatiled tin rxsikU and apply ttae srtsirrattes proaeats at tzrriler s >ptrun srtber tra rtsasxauan of repair of the PrapertY
<br />ar to list sums s+mtrrttd by rasa Mntgage.
<br />Urtiaa f,ertder and Borrvwu ix#rtrssss aatree ,n .rrttmg. any such appticatwn nF prrxeed$ to pnrtt:spal shall nut extenii
<br />ar pxx tAe tTsti chat zt[ the ,z~tnrhly insxai6~rtseats rctcrred tv tit paragraphs ? snit 2 hereof or chattgc the $mixrn; a[
<br />sutdg tastalirtterssa. If strada paragrah6 ; Ys hautf tots Prapert; ., a~aitrrred 6y t,euder, alt right, utk and interest cif Borrower
<br />rn sad to soy rrxuratact pa[xier. anti rn anal to the prucs~is thzrc~etf reauttrng from damage to the Property prior to the sale
<br />s'N aciltnaition shall paw to ..ertdea to the extent ut the .iutrffi sse:uttd to this Mortgage uxsntediatety prtar Fly ,tn:h sale or
<br />i. liausvstuirr ar# Mairawrrce of Isrela'stYt l,aaaeeioidk t;~ Ptsarnad Unit Uerebpeewb. Barmw~er
<br />shalt kesit tb4 tzettpaty sn good r+apau acrd shtaU trot eaxnmit waste cr p€rtntt tmparrtnent or deterioruwn of rim Prirytsrty
<br />attd xiuli ouenplY wR#r the tstcau itf any lease s# ihss Afartgage is can a ieasthatd. If this Mortgage is art a unit Fn a
<br />cx a planned cart ,ierrlttptnurt, Horrow~u shell psrftxrm nit of t3otrawtr's obtrgatrtzru under the des:larauun
<br />ur r~rrveaao[s stating ar gatrornrugt the cirrrrkxnmittrrt ar ptatrrted unit davetapasettt, t~ by-laws a:Kf rcgusattcats of t_tte
<br />ar pianaa'd unit dpvtloprt[snt, xted eunstitueat iiaesrtartt'sts. if a iL.•ntkmrrnitrrtt ar piaarred unit :teveiitptrtsnt
<br />rtrjpt u swewrad by Baruasr artd rttiotded titgtetiser whit this Martgagt:. eht covtnants and agrserttenis al xttctr rFi#sr
<br />ska8 bt iaGtlOad Into tvati shittt aaaend arrd auppkemttrt E'ts crzrtttants anti agrtatrents <,f thra Marttatis as ,i the rider
<br />tie a part 9aeect.
<br />7, Ri,aaravlian d Laaiat'a SeetrriQ• #f &rrtiywrr testa su pertarrr cite cavertaatx aeu# agreenttnta csxrtarncd rn thin
<br />~. oc it arty aWa',n cu ptotxe~tng rs rtrt»naetts'Ed irhu:h matersaif}' aHcita ttttrfer`s ,unrest in the Praptny.
<br />nge lisuted tat„ ttnsrrru 4ornrtn. instsirettcy, dais enivr>•,-enttrtt, or :rtrangertrents- cx prrx-etdines savitiviztg a
<br />lasttrf~*Wpt nt t$trce4~tt. than t,cnrta at i<erder's itptria:i. upao nottsx ru Bara,wer, may ma-s such appcaratxert. dtalwrst sctch
<br />attd.tatt$ titrvk ar~tssu as a itseeasar} to prcxsct ltr"s sn#t3teYt~ irrefirtitng. trot nix lirrtetysi tct, dssbusaent¢rxt of
<br />~e ~"s tarot asari esttrY upon the PrapsrtY to snrsitt reptur*.. if f.,trrder regairtsi martgaYe ittsurarsce $s a
<br />ivd ruaitiat€. fire bane sszurad ~ thra Rir*rti i3arxr,rcr shat# pay the premii:tus xegtrircd to maintain such
<br />Omar ht aflret xsKb titre as the requirarttent for attch rrtsurarne terntrrtates in sitardarus wt[h >iarnrrter's and
<br />