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81-~)t~3 ? 1`~ <br />Ltmder's written agmm~tatt w applicablee law. Borrower shag pay the attrottm of all mortgage insurance premiurtu in the <br />manner ptROS';ded tinder pttragnph 2 heraM. <br />Atry amounts disJnrraed by Leader purswnt to [his paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become atMitiond <br />ittdaAtedness of Borrower sewted by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower artd Lender agree to other terms of payttteM. such <br />amarnb shag be payable upon eto:ite front Leader to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />ti.~ of rrstttteett at the rate payable from time to time on txtmandJng principal antler the Note unCeas payment of <br />ittttxeat at such rate wt>tdd be~ttontrary to applicable law, in which event suck amounts shall bear itttattat at the highe:a-rate <br />patsia>~6e trader applicable Irw, Nahitig contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lrnder to incur any exptmse w take <br />atry ataloa hereunder, <br />>L Ltxi~r may make or cote to be [Haar reasonable entries upon and istsptxfioas of the Property, provided <br />that I.ender s$aN give Harrower notice prior to any suelt inspection specifying teasonabk cause therefor related to Lendrr's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9 CoatltawatMia The proceeds of any award or claim far dama¢es, direct or cansegtwtitial, in connixxion with any <br />cctnatktm or other taking of the Property, nr part therrnf, or `or convtWance in lieu of contletnnatian, etc hm+dsy assigned <br />and Mall be paid to Leader. <br />Jn the esrottt of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds chart !m applied to the sums sutured by this Mortgage, <br />with the uecns, if any, paid to Beurawer. Jn the event nt a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and- Ltstder <br />nehtrrwise agrce in writing, [hers strait he applied za the soma secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the ptotaxm <br />as is equal is that praportian which the arrtount of the wens secured by this Mortgage immediatdq prior to the dart of <br />eakirtg bean to the fair matte[ value of the Property immediately prior to tkc date of taking, with the balance of the proct~s <br />paid so Borrmrer. <br />Jt the Property is a#attdortcd by Borrower, or if, afar notice by [,ender to Barrnwty that the rnttdemnor oRtas to mate <br />an award w settle a claim for dama~s. Bortatwer fnsis to respond eo Lrntiu within ~0 days after ehe date such notice is <br />mailed, Leadu h atnhoafm~d to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's i:pHon. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property w zo the sums stsNred by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lcrtdcr aitd Borrower otherwise ;grey in writing, any atich apptieation of prttt.eeds to principal shall not exttmd <br />or paatpotw the arse dart of the rtwntkty itrstallmestts referred to in paragraphs ! and Z hertof w change the ;mount of <br />such ittstttllatetits. <br />11. larrasrat Net Igdsatri. Extrnsierct nt the time tnr payment nr mndiAcation of atttortrution at the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage gtttatai by Lander to arzy successor in interest of Bot+ovrcr shall not operate ttx release. in any manner. <br />ttte tialsifity of the taittinai Borrttwtr acid Bttrrtnvers successors .n interest- tender shalt rttx he regttirtd to eamtnettce <br />ptoctxdiaga rjrittfe such stitxearssr or refttx to extend time for payttxm nr raherwue modify amortiution of the soma <br />sreur'ad by this MoKgsge Ety reavxt of any demand made ley the nrigtnai &trsnwer and Borrtnvers strcce~ots in iMetest. <br />! 1. Fariraratee ~ t.esarr !tier r vi'atvar. Any fnrtscaranY by [.ender in exercising any right nr remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwae afforded !rv applicable law, shalt trot he a waiver ~>f SFr pruttrde the caarciu <.f env sucfi sighs nr remedy. <br />Rw procttramettt of itrstiraticc or eke parttrent t,f €axes s:r csther isets: nr rhatges t+y Lrndtr shall Hat he a weir' ~f Lentier'a <br />rigs to twesslerate the manrrity ttf eke :nde#ttedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />iZ petaaafsr CamrYtltre Atl remedxs prnvuied ir. this Rortgage are distinct and cumttiaiive to any otiret right or <br />retrtedy under this Mortgage w a$nrded itv taw nr equity. and may be rserased cmcurrenUV, ~+xtependrntiy or successivetiy. <br />i3. 9ltetaresnt atri Araf{tss ~ 7aiat arti! Eie>erat l,lsr CapNers. the revenants and agrutments kertin <br />cantatndf shrJf bind, attd eke n6htt tterutntier shalt ,Wore tn, the re>spccttvr sziz`ctssssrs attd astigm 3i Lentier and Bormwtr. <br />subiEC[ to eke prtrvisiraEtt esf paragraph t? bettor. All :xtvenants and at{recrmnts ;~f Jtotrawtr skaf# be jpint and several. <br />The captions .sad tivgs ex the pttragratxhs ~u *his Mc*rrga{te arc f,7r cssttvttaec[ne only and are not to l+t ccsed to <br />interpm tx tteflnt the pravt~atn hetatf. <br />i!. Ntttkr. ~taept for say nvtisx ttgaired antler applicable tau. a;• ht gtvrtt an astother manner. {ai any notice to <br />Borrower ptrividsd for in this Mortgage shat!! !se pryers t+y mastittg. such ncttxe by pert;fled mail addtt~sed to Borrower aE <br />the Property -Sdcfreas t?r at such sleet addrewt ss Burrewrr may destgna€e !+V rwti.^r to !_ender as prc?vickt! herein. attd <br />Ctrl arty raltcr €a LetxJtr shat! Fx gavgt by :-srttfwd marl. *tturn rtt:t:pt rrgtissttd. to Ixrsdu's address stated herein ar to <br />sttcli .ulcer address as Lander star dtstgttate by mrkve tzs ticstrswer ss ptnvitfed herein- Any rxnice provided for in this <br />Mtxtgatr shat he dtxetasd to have [xstt tVvta to Bonn,.-cr Ex ! crnter *hcn given to the maetner cksi;rtated herein. <br />t3. UnUaras M Ge*esalry. Law[ 9everahfi[y. Flees tcxrn rsf mci:tga~ r:mtbint~ untforra covenants for natirnra! <br />utt trod itorrtiaifwtn savenams w-q$ Simited s-analtattt tsy Furrutetts~tt to caetattttne a :aniiorm securuY iastrumeett crow:rittg <br />teri propusy, i3tis Mortgage shalt rte govtrntd !*y the taw ,v the ~uttsiiitttsnt ee ~+-hic3s the Property iz litcated. Jn the <br />event thae say ttravtstan rtr ciattse srf this Mtxtgit;t nr rite Mate ,~r>nAicts ,with applaabk taw, such conflict shall not affrzt <br />other pravititxrs of this Mortgage ar the 'Eats wksch c>Fn hie gs~xt cifttt wi:htxrt the etateflisxsng proaision, attd to [kit <br />lattl eke ptawtatttits esf thG Merttagt and eke *+uft art <itelared t.~ !Y severabM. <br />tL, larsatvN"r tam. Borrovrer skaii ere furnsstttd a canformstA copy a4 eke Note and ixf ibis Mortgrgt at ttte time <br />of taeeauian or atttx recotdaaista l+txcot. <br />tT, 'Tlnttarr d t!r ha(Nra}t Asaaas/Ysss. If aH or any part of the Prtaperty nr an mttreet therein is acid or trumfttrrtd <br />by Barrowct wi~attt ftadet's prtw written ctstHettt, txcltaliatg tat the creatioe of a lien ter ettcumbraoce stibordittatt to <br />tEas • fbt tJsr tx+ratictet of a ptirLhase ntuttey vaurstq ,ntttett fcx kouaehctid appliaatxts, tc} a ttttntttr by devise. <br />dasabnt ter bX tapetatiat of law upon rite dttrth csf a }cant [roan[ csr ;;iz the grrai t+t any katdwid imerai of three yeah x lets <br />€xit caetalaip~ as optsost to puttkart, Lander stay. ar t..ettder~s nOtE+m, deciut afl eke stuns secured by aria Mortgage -to be <br />ittxmtiiatrJy due a»d payddt. Lander shall have +satved s+x}! :>lrtktn tcs areletate tf. prier [a the sytt ex transfer, [.ceder <br />sad rile pmea to wham eke Ptttperty is to be solo w tratssturtst rack a;rtssrwot in war[[[p that the s rodit of such peiwn <br />is sa4irficktry to L.eadar rtosi chat the interest payat+k net the stuns wcured tsy tk~ Mart{apt skrJl lee at such nee as Lender <br />t~ rtssµtat. ff Lusdte has waived the option to aec~ierate prvvtdrti en this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's stiecesnat in <br />iamtnrt has Muted a writes aestuisptittn agroo®txts atccepteei in writing by Lander. Lender shall rrleast Borrower from all <br />utsda thnt JMo sad tJte Nam. <br />u Lattdar t;ercisas such aptiva to atxekttte. I..tntier chat! snail Bortowtr atxict of asceiwatioa in ar.,:ordartct with <br />pant J4 htretif. Sstch notice shall provide a period of ~n itrt than 30 days from Lhe date the notice i6 mriled within <br />wh;~ Berrawer rroue pay the stutu deeiarcd dew. If Borrawu [sits en pay wok sums prior io eke expiration of start period. <br />[.cedar teal!, vrit$ottt further tWttcs ar daeaaad on Bar[vwYr, mvUke any renwdis% permuted by paragraph 18 bores!. <br />JVORt-;3Mtt~Mtas +Gtit+asrttara. Boarrawu sad itrrr~r fu4tket cctvicetam and agree as ftdktws: <br />!!. Aaatimllrsq >~ralas. BuePt r Prsriieti ~ prrapaRit tT berardef. npr Darr9srse'a bsaaeb-eQ sap. craws[ er <br />aBwtr•aal aE Itaaaasara itt ttdr + i sr covrartias ~ -pay wtaeas: etc aaa atatla stewed h' th4 ?Nesf~tie. <br />i,rrdar ~ttlar s. ails wail ttaaiRa m lrrteww ffi prorliut et pasargraBit J4 btxes[ s~ ttl the 6saacit; <br />t$~ att~aw.ra~(risai ~ +ntw sad; bs+saeias. t3? a lets. set tar tlrrs .T6 ,iitya fe!rtai tlse ~ the [attire is saaiMai m 8.rsm+rar. <br />11r *+~dt iwr~i t..oe is cAa~ls Hal f~ ~t #L w cru+r t~ breech +rr « brfare ahr dais gretirr ~ the raake <br />aat`.+rrtlll#liaaeailp~w.if tit setts aorturi.l€y dtit tac.cir.ote blr ~stsislal ~cae~lt ,~ aaMa of tlu J'nrtgwtr. <br />'lita~ltt~1a11Arrsrts~autt,/~ratwutr at Btt:_r~tt to naGtsttra tt~r attkiar ad tJte tJBlt_ta ttsr~t to #!te fosvea~lrrwn <br />~tlrKrirt>Y~,llttaaslttaBtlfrttas et tt #r~wlt;.r aatg e~rt deftsata sf as acrele~rst tort toredo.roa. B mr Deieh <br />4atttk ittr as lwtNrtt tl~a +tJNa ter: is Nor aura. txwks at tcwdts'a og~rs ~s dccLtre ai e[ t>te sera sestet[ by <br />+Mlkr Mtk Or ~ art[ a~i.prg!aM4 wMMeat tartiNa [lessee! aaa arq fsseella.e by ! r4 <br />~rliY. aM~Ntti w a w ardi ~Srar+t+l9tMi ~i-~ at ~ iae~ttitg, late rw ~.iea ts, ea.ut et areartatrrr <br />a~t9~ltwrM aiatYiaatr ar4 tidtr,tt~ttttls. <br />>~ s~c'r- M16~ A.>Ifnl~ratttia. Nlutlutdittg . Lr;ttderi acceitrrusxs of eke stow awwt~ $y this '=tlartgag~e. <br />lt~r bats tba rifYt w hove +my ~ + by Leader to utferee tfx~s Mtsrtgagt ctiscs3ntintsrd at utp sttmt <br />