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Lh+ntotas covgrsatrta. Borroser and Lander covenant and agtec u fafaws: $ 1- ti~ l~ 3.1 .t <br />L. ~ d lxladp! sad IttlreeM. Bttrttvxtror dn1I Pr~PdY PaY wfurt due the principal of and intet~at on the <br />iadahhk+idoess avideooed by the Noe, ptepsytaatt and lam charge as pranidad in the Nat, and the principal of a»d iaarest <br />ten lay Lrtraae Adsanees atxwed by thin Mortgaga_ <br />2. @'anit filar 7'aas oat Lranarxe. to appiiasbie law ttr W a written waiver bq Lendtr, Borrower shill pay <br />m L,eodsr ao the day imtalhsaras of principal and Interest are payable wader the Nola, until thr Nutt is paid in full, <br />a calm (herein "flatds°} tQoai to ooatwaffth of the yearly taxes acrd tuanstnntts which may attain priority oust this <br />~-and grotmd rc~ tm the Pr;t~ty, if any. plus ottedwclfth of yrtariy prcmetaa iomWnetty far httvard-insttraase; <br />pins atsttadfeh of yearly prtnnhws i for tttartgage itmtrattet, if any, alt ~ teowubly sstiataead ioitiaNy attd frwn <br />time to tbna by I.aat#ar tta tfitt lttuis of a>,wtetttns and t„#h aril xeaannabie estimates thereof. <br />'tTtira Ftrads. sftaH be hdd in an irttrtittxioo flu deposits or accounts of tvhicb are unwed or gamrantaed by a E~edet'a! air <br />s~ agency (irtcitlding iarssder if Leads ri such as imtitutittal. l.endu xhall applythe Ftmt~ to pay said Saes: <br />ltuwa^tx praaamrx sad ground erners. I.endar may not cbargr far so hssldtng end 9pptpin; the Footle, anafgriag-crud atxotenr, <br />a verifjtng atxd canpiiing xaid assessments and bith„ unless S_eixder pays Borrower intereai tm tha Ftamh trod appiicsbia Faxr <br />paemits Laegdez to nuke such a charge. Borrower and fttuter Wray agtx in writing at the titre of execution of this <br />Motr$ttga that interest alt the Funds atoll be pouf to Borrawu, acrd tttslca artch agraertten[ is tttada or appfitxtda law <br />rotparrnt tardt ittBrtprt to be pttitl, Leades shalt na rte required to pay Borrower any tractor ar eattritrgs tm the Fttetrfa. Lauer <br />shall give to Borrower, without t:hatge. an annttai aeroaating of eht Ftmds showing credits and daitits to-the- Funds-aiod the <br />purpose fmsrlitidf each debit to the Fueub was made. 'The Fulfils ate pledged as attditiottat security 7FOr the sutra secured- <br />ty/ this tlf+~ttgrgrs- - <br />Lf tba amowu of the Ftrtsds broad by i.tttder. together°with tluc fttttne monthly irtstalimenes of Fteexis Payable prior to <br />the date doses of taus, aateasatpMS, irs~:acre Ptemiterm acrd grrxtnd cello, shalt escted the atraunt re4uired to pay said taata. <br />asaemmts, rmuranca prey and graarnd tents as they fait duo, xtrclt exceaa shalt be. at 8a~ratver's option, aitlur <br />promptly rib to Baszosser or credited to 8orrawtx an rttanthly irWalttHtntx of Ftttt~. If the atnount of the Futdt <br />hNd by i,ender shall not ba sum to pay taxer, aanutuau. rstsurarxx premtttats acrd grouad retttx a they fail due, <br />Borrowwer shall pay to tarrtder any atewtmt ttetxtsary to make up the detictency wither 34 days from tfu daft mice is mailed <br />by leerier m Bwsewa regttettittg payment tttrmeaf. <br />ilpwt payr7aea to full ~ sit turns axuted by liar Mortgage. leader shall Promptly rc(trod so Borrower arty Futuis <br />hold trlr l:aeeder. if tender paragraph tit hattaot the Propstty cs saM or ttx PraPerty is otltetwise ac4utted by f.znder, under <br />+y, ntt late titan immedisatty attar to rite sale of the Propcm; cx its aa}uisition by Ltredet, say Fttrtdt tsrid by <br />Issadet at site [tote of app#ieaunn as s cttxtit agatmt rite allots secttr¢d by this Mattgsgt. <br />3. !k}pYngsra sf tft~. Cinkas sppticahte taw , rttYttfta atftersvixe. a1i payments rtxeired by i..ertder utetfet flu <br />Nape sad paragraphs t and .? heraH shall ire aPplsed by t.erufer fsrst to Payment of amnunu payable to I_tttder by Barrotver <br />ttodez paragraPts 4 hsrwf, tl5en ttt snttreitt Payable oa ttte Noe, then to tilt Pritt: tPaa of the Note, sad then to latent and <br />priaelpal on any .Future Advance. <br />4. [IoM. Baaowar shad pay aft lasts, asstrsnttntx attd trtwr u-battler floes atul tmpasitians attritwtabht to <br />the Propaety vrfikh may tutaitt a polarity aver thtx Mortgage, sad twsehatd payments csr ground rents. if stn. in the tt'rtaar <br />pro-~ed tender Paragraph 2 tractor ar.:f oat patd ra xuch manttcr, sty ttarrxtwtr making paytrunt, .sitars dtu. ditttctfy to the <br />payee tlterettf. Borrower xhNi promptly furesit sa t,truicr ail rtottara of atawmts uue under then paragraph, and in flu event <br />Bosmtror shalt etxaiea payment rLrtctfy> Bwrxrvr€r snail Prasnptiy tatntsh t,s Irnder :rr°eipts evufenGing such payttunb. <br />Borrtraer xhall promptly dirclrvge say tint witt~it hat Prumty thtx 'sfortgagc: pmrtded, that Barrtnrv shad not rte <br />ragtxrted to dn~targe any strr.h lwt w iturg as Harrower shalt aarre ,n wret,ag ro rite payment of she obligation secured by <br />ouch hen w r msnnsr saxtaptaWs to i~r, r+a stesti en g+r>stf r~tatt catat~st sash Ilea ttp, or rfoftad etttatremsatt of such teat rn, <br />~ prod wlesc#t oPerau to ptrwartt flu cnfttrrisrttseat as rite t3cn c+r furtatote :>f sssa Prapetty or arty part therrx~f. <br />S- E1t4sastUitwsaaee. Btxrrowst shat[ kx>fp ette :tstprovemtxtes nrxs rxtsttnf or hereafter rrcc[esi on the Prapettp trtaured <br />aguap tea by the, harasses irtcu ltetlad r.thtn ttu trnn "ettettdat# 4,ners#e' . attd s=.tch atlxr ha~earsis as lender maY re4uin <br />sad to such amwaaa smut !or such permds as l.ttrrier may rctturr: pravtderf, that ! ~rukr shaft not regtttre that Site amavat of <br />sttdt cavarttgt etuxad that titntNntl of :.avttxgt rctparrtxf ra pry ttx uanx sccurtd hr tttta Mattgage. <br />The ttrtuanre cstrxer provi~tg the iasitrantx: ~<ttail tea chrnea by Bartzaxer subiect to approval by t.eader. prtsvtded, <br />that stsc6 apprmst stutB net be ttnr>sas~aaty wttttheid. 1st prertuttan cat ittstc.anee patirues shill be paid in ttte tnanner <br />protrided trader paragaph .~. hereof ur, rf ttrx pasd w ssn.#t manna:, D!r Htarrower making payttunt. wltett drat, directly to t!u <br />eaesrram tarriar. <br />Alt inattettare poiicim sad ttaaewab itaereatf tttati ire ut form xt_Ergtairie ro t_trabcr atad shaft #acituk x standard rttottgaga. <br />el>zaae io Laa~ of and to form ate to t.twdra. i.¢trdttr ~aii h3.c the rsght is tad the pdicze3 attd retaexrais thateflf. <br />atad 9acsvwer shall psotapdy fwrtsh to t.estder ail reaewttt natn~ra ono alt :n-rspta of paid ptetnrtrmx- !n rite tvtru of toss. <br />tikttt+ataser atoll give atonal notste to seta stwtrar~ tattler tad F..ender t.eacttt may nuke proof s+t lea if trot trade promptly <br />byl3arsotta~x <br />[)alwa lsndar sad BOtrtxwer odr~vt<tt agrar to wnttty„ itrattratxCt pracrmis rhatl be applied €a res[oratian ar repair at <br />the F'~Orty damapd, ptavedad saa:h restcrxawn cx report r. ccesaanteaHy ftaatbte and ttte xectrrlty of tteis Mortgage is <br />oa thereby fmpatrod. l# welt rrr>aosation or report n tort .-carxxaicatly feat cx rf the xeetrrNy iu this Mortgage would <br />tie I• the ertsrnaeca pvaoseds shill eta apptled w tiro sums xoeured by thts Martgagt, »tth the extxss. of soy, pstd <br />to Bares: If the Property is altanrttttxaf by Harrrtwer, is ri Botrtrtrsr tuts to rdPaad to tinder within 34 days from the <br />data i>[ ri tasi~d Lye I..endrd rn Borrttwtt shat the tmur:ace carrot cH}mt to stttk a ctatm for ttssuranee taene#cts, Ixndar <br />u araffiotiaed m coBau trod apply the etautrtnre prooeeda st l.crxdtt'x option tether to tt+itotatlat ar repau of the Property <br />ar m tlr astral aactWad by this A1ort'sdtt. <br />UAdass ~ tmr6 8actoaror atfserwisc agree ut wntittg, ~?` such spptteatton c.f psoeeetk w Praxtctpal shall not ea:t¢ruf <br />a tbs doe tote ca# the tnttnddy iustaUnunra rcfetrrtrf tss m pangsap#ts t and 2 hereof of change the aauauat of <br />~. t# utrtia pwgraph 78 hereof the Prapwty :a acgtarrr+d by itesfes, alt nght. title and intern[ of Botrowar <br />ip >¢ any iaraance Ptrtieip wd Ia sad m elan prcaeceda thcvcnf resuttang Eton ctatava~ to the Property actor to the sale <br />~ aio® shall Paw m !.ender w du eateaat of tits seats ses:ured i>y this- 4iort~ irrtnaediately attar ra each sale ar <br />~~ <br />i. $IOSSVasiest nett ?tlaiaisats~rx d Pstxgwsty; iaraselxsitlte t.:eainatiaiwest Plawatt Urti1 i)svdspasteb. Borrawrr <br />sisdlkissR the Ptsapatty ~ good repair sad thrall tin ctamntic watat at Ptxmxt impasrtttent or drtterimuion of the Property <br />sad: sxti~iy wrWstha pt6riayams oil any -feast tf [tan edattgage ra ca a Ieaseaaid, if ttt~ Mottgttge is err a .uttE is a <br />or-s pbenod trait d~< Btxraxter shat} perform sit of narrowar's aftfigations under ttu deciaratian <br />tar eaett4saia ut' gtmarnKtg the rrtzwWrmrtium €r ~antteil trait davektptatnt, the .sty-taws acrd rtgtriatintu ssf rite <br />upatdraasiapatt tx piaawd trait deraWpmerat, a~ coxtsxittaetat +bcttiatents if a e:utulattinitma at plaanad wont developttuni <br />rills _a fry tts~ reratded.~ with ties isfortgts~, the cavrttants acrd agsteranmts of snt:it oiler <br />sitgrB-lint ltt+ts[pwrstYSd iiap asd slat aateod sod ~ [bra s:avoosnts zrnd agreements :zf thrs Mortgage rrs if rho rtdv <br />wMyi a prtr~ itag4t. <br />T. lrlyls~te+sg Iwreslse'e 15sassrl4• iF Basruaex faller to praftvm the xaveratuua and t~atattted in then <br />off-~-arty as3iuo tx prose n ~ wh~fia ~y aBsrts t.ent~r's enterexi its the Property. <br />~-ham mod; ~. t dorrsain. ~= cam eat€ttrsawattt. err- arrategest>ersta car Prongs >nvtdvitsg a <br />~+N~ tLMa I.aaides m ls4tiisi'a opfiats, stpnn rrtttiee w Borrower, may make sixth appaaraacas, distutrst stx:h <br />apt[ nttue >r tt as Os naztaxsary its protstrt !.,radar s tntcrttn. tia~tttttititr!$, bw tart timtNtd te, sflsbntseatatat of <br />rs+sMettlraita affia®ay'a kzWS- sail tttstlLt trpntt the Property to matte taptstra if !,torts troquitrf nttxtgaga ituatstutce as 3 <br />t~ mskaa#_t~5a xrsoed _ by - !ham - ~ Basrtswer iltalt-pay tld.` puma requited tit r4fi{Srtti/n tttCti <br />gtrtwttwara ~ alert rotas as the 1'@r sort. ~ eCraLnitte itx aeaaa~nea witlt Barrwwara srttl <br />