<br />8? -t~U309°
<br />Lxrttfer's written agtxement txr applicable law. Borrower sha0 pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided utzder paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbutxd toy S.tnder pursuant co ibis paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />int~btaittess c,f Bcxrowrr secutul by this Mortgage. Ctnlesx Borcower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, Stich
<br />antawnta shaif he payable upon notice from [.ceder to Bnrnnwtr rtgt3esting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />dart of disbutsestiertt at the rate payable from tithe to timc un outstanding principal under the NMe unlass payment of
<br />intetxst at s3xh rate would be ccirtrary to applicable taw. in which color such amat3ntx shall hear interest at the high rate
<br />permiasibie utt+ftr applicable taw. NiNhing c-mtaiixd in this paragraph 7 xhatt require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />say fiction hrre+ttedrr.
<br />a. i~llw. [.tteder nsay make ar cause to be madr reasonahlt entries upon and inspections of the Property= providtht
<br />chat Lender shalt give Htsrrawrr notice prior to anv such irspecrion specifying rtasr,nablt catasr thereFor related to Ltndda
<br />intergt in tht Property. -
<br />9 Cam, The pmx-trdc ..f anv award or .laim for ciamages. 3ircct nr consequential, in connectftrn with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the lsraperty. <r: pan tbrrenf. nr for 4,mveyanct in lieu of condemnatitxt. are hereby assigned
<br />and shit! be pant to l.tndrr.
<br />in tht cvem of a rota! taking ~.f rhr Pn>perrr. the pror~teds khan ht aptafied to the .ums srxured by this Mortgage.
<br />with iht cscc~. if am paid to Bnrrna~rr in the color nE a partial taking „f the Frnt,eny. unMas Borrower and Lender
<br />mhtrwist agrrx in wrttxag, there .haft t+t applied r., the sums src.stzti by this Mnngattr such proponiim of the proceeds
<br />as ix rquaf to t!tat proprattinn which rhr ananr3nt of the csrmc arc?rred by this h{nrtt!agc iminedistety prier to tht date of
<br />tskirtg hears to the fact market sakx svf the Pn,penc rmmediaiety prtor tc.the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bormsser.
<br />tf rhr Property is at+a?ztMr?rd hs~ Acur:rwrr.:,t ~f. after nnti::r by Ixnder to Bnrr,lwcr that tht cottdemttor oRers tea make
<br />an award or static a .ia:m fe,r damagts. Bnr!nwer faik fn rrcpnnti trn lender w;zhrn r.0 da4=s after tht date such notict is
<br />mailed. Isndtr is aattlatxired tn -cnfkcs anti apf,fiv *ht prcxccrds_ at f cndr:r's ntttinn. either to restoration nr repair of the
<br />Praprztty nr tc. tits cum: seenrtl by Shss Mnn¢.x gt
<br />I3nlesc t.tntkr and Rnrrawer nthrr,r.tcr agm: -n u,r+2art,:, :xnr ,:,r:h appi,tat?nn ,,f ;,rncred< to prirripal staall not extend
<br />er pcxtporx the due date :•f i}tt rtx,nzhlr ;^xtautnenis =rfrrrr;.s t, it, rara;tta;st2c and a hrrt:,t <>r .hangr the amount of
<br />s?3eh tnstalkntryfs
<br />tti. iot-ae^er No! Relesaed. 1.nitrns?r,n :,+ ,~ S,mc f„r S,avmcrt <,r mtdi8cxtra,n :>f smnnrration nt ?ht rants secured
<br />Lw the Me,rtgape grained by #.t^nirr t:, artro~ zueiecc.,r • , :. <,:rr-Ez , ! B:,rrn,..-rs .h:t i! ^:+r ;~ctratr ttr rrkaet. in any manner.
<br />rhr tiahiliF}' ,*! tht :Hi~x}n3t B,: rrflwtr sod fic,rr:,wrx"~ ,-n'. ta~.•w tr 1'nYfrCi? 3 t'?'.ttrr ,?!3!! nx)f }+e rrglll(Cd fa CefrtfrxtlCC
<br />prcu-udingr, attarrrsa :arch satceessnr :,• rrfixxt t:, esstno -=me f;+r pavttxnt ,,thtru,:t m<+di#v xmorttzsannn cal She sums
<br />secured !ry thas Mnttgaae M rrasz•;• ,if anv dtmanni nna~ nt tht ~xrikxnat H:nrr,-itr ,rki Ft,,rrnwtt'x up:cetsors in interact.
<br />11- Fartllfe#sfs hJ f.eadrr '!W s ~ai.tr. ~r=, ±:,r±;"~t ar,c€ f+a i cn~r . __.c,s,nfz a'?v righT :,r rtrnrdv herttindtr. ar
<br />.,tlterxtist a$nrdrd by appluaMe 'aw «!aaf! r:c+t ``r .; wa;<cr .-, :,r nrerludr "ar T,-vcr~,x ~.+[ ;snr x?reh riRtzt nr rttnedY
<br />'fhc Frsxvttttxn3 rf irtxttrattor c~r the pavmrnt nt ;,,,c, ; . -=thtr i,ens .,•. .harse+ h. 1 endt,~ .bait ^s,t #,r z ~atvrr of 1 entter'x
<br />rs;tn t„ aerrktraie the rttatunty :.xf list mctrhrrd+tc.. -, ,.. -.? t=z s't~-. iir,nzagr
<br />}2. Attae«Ilea C'atriplfet, A?! rcrrstdxe< ;,r:,::sfci{i., ,. : Al..nea3ce >rr .?,vr,n..2 _,nci : ,.m2:ia22,•e ? .,nv :xther riitht nr
<br />sttitrsh~ under s#ixx M:,ngagt nr xflt*'t~d hs a - -.,a -rri •_•., S- .•: *r•. ._ ... , .. - ,,irt*?ndrntfv ?+r sttr,'ccsively
<br />tl. $acreaaon sled tautlttns Sod: lout and !#ts rod tiafttMty: (aytim.._+'*r -..: ^arts .xnu agrttmrntx heron
<br />cranturtcd shai# t,ind, and t#ac s?ehrs i'zrr:,ndt= shah -.... -. r ;,>t=,r;-=_ :=.~;_rg,~,r= :xa:t x,.t¢n.: ! S tndrr atul Ac+rrowcr.
<br />statt~tf ttx rhr nrcvisrcxes .,f Paragraph "xtrc ',z #! 3rs; : , _? ,~rrd€?xtn±< , x iSe-, irzrr :t'.r!f fx j.+tnt and stverat.
<br />The apirt±rrs slid ?atidatags zµ the s,araa??zti=hv .~f tht_ Lt r,rtr.g _-` -,- _•,tv ,..-. .ttr :trxr t,, t+r :tsrd ?n
<br />maerprtt :,r itCtrxe tttt prm-+stnrn t«trrfit
<br />ti. 'xlatiee_ i•'.ztept fer anv sWrx•t rtatxx~tecf „rtxtcr .«,~S,ix~:e%*tr t,, .~ `.c r v,€,n -n another manner, sat at>ti• ncx,ct to
<br />$ssrrwrer prmtded Sex :n ttxss Mtsnganr sea#S ?•r v=:r* r„ r•r.:s?ne ::-rch :,. ,e. ., _,,rtix$rd rnai3 addrrssrd to Bnrn?wrr at
<br />the PMpHty' .rlddrass <,r az such .ctrl: .,zidr+r•., ar> ik-..r r:,~+c~• -=:..a .fci~er^»re ^. ,s,. ~;r t:: z c;2,iAr ai pravidtd herein. and
<br />z anv rY7tKr tts ', rndtt strait t+t t=f'en Pa-x aer3rrtt<i r: asst .-M..:-:, roc-=rt <rvc,rxrci. t rn;ftrx attdrr?is ctattd herKn nr tcs
<br />staett <Mtaer addrtxss as 1_rrtdcr *nav stesrgnate ?•e n.ur_r •,, fL,rr:.,.res as t,tr,s,dcsi ^rrr:n ~\rx.' ns,titr pntvided for in this
<br />Ms~tgagr shah f+e :itt3zted t:- n .c t*era r; e•.c's +., &~•,=~,-r ,-< S ~:=%drt -=fart e=stn t.. r.3,r tnanrxrr :.rsignattd hercin.
<br />IS. !' t C:tivereiaa I arw: M=srra~4iri- t .. ~,:•:~ ,•+ ~u,,ttatte _.,nattmca arnofnrm c;rvcnants fnr natsnnai
<br />:sae and atixt~tntitnsm tnveran€, firth t,m.tc:i x.xr:nt«„rns k~s ~.,r:•„ti,*«.=n ~_ ~:=rb{t+?:,?z :; renrf.*nn x^casr:ty' xrtstnsment cnvihng
<br />real prtst+trty 1•h;s !tiorrgage shaft t+r ;Lrreets,CCi •,. :tx 't+ , : *hr „rr€:3 i2S,~n :, »ftscrt rnr firnpeny :4 trxated, to tht
<br />event ttaat anY provxuon nr c~#ar,sr c,f the titnrtgaae ,.:r fhr ti.,tt ,,,mf#rc 2c .~ri~ :,?p:r;ahtc lew. such tnnflict shall net a$ev'"t
<br />exixr pnn,s+s-v.e .rf Tres ~fxMtgeat .,r ;^sr ^:.=t; ..s tia,h :h=e z+t €~:vr:s ettt;t ~3ath,~,ert t'tt :.,nflt~?t€tg prrtvnton. slut t,, t#Sis
<br />asd tlx S'fY Vishms =>f tht Mortgagt and the ^:,=ee :azt -3rc:#.ared t:- t,c zrs-erats?r
<br />l6. iiuwwq'a ('aly. Bern„set ,bait t,r f :rra:,hrd x ..+n t:*rnseci .€>pv :?z •hr '^?ntc ,n.i n! fhi. Mortgage at the time
<br />of txtecutitxz nr xt3tr rert+rdaiitxt htrn+f
<br />4T. 7YeME>et of tMe ptsgealr; Asusaaptian. If sit ,-r anv t,an of t?x Prr,prrzs e r sn arttrrst thtretn is sold nr trsmferrtd
<br />by Borrr,sver withtxst !_,tnder•s ptxs?r wrrtzcn c.tnsrnt_ ex,:txadi;ag ta; the erratie>n ,>f ., irr~t ,,r emumitrartce sutasxdina:e zn
<br />Hiss Mortgagt. fhi ittt cttux?n ,~[ a pctr,hase mcxxts s~:uriz, .ntrrrxt #.=r [u7zrsrheid app#ranccs. '.S a transfer b: dtvisc.
<br />z{azlaatt ix icy +spetattnn of taw tt}xxz aht «'xath ,xf . p.erst :errant :,r ear the scan? .=E anv Eraaeircnld sntetext of there 5rars ;x Icxa.
<br />ariM CeNnttSnin; art stpfion to purt~i3tmz, # cndtr mat, az t tsxder's c-~xt+cxr, attc!are sit ?!tc sxmas srcurrd by tb?a Mnrtgape to tx
<br />tn#att~s• dot a.-td payatAe. tcndrr shalt ha=e ~9: -rd znrest :~xm :rx a~.t~~rkrttte t'. prier e., rhr .a#e nr ;ransfer.. t.tncier
<br />and tht pttxzt to wtaMn fix Pmpern is zs, tt tsd=:t .x transfrrrtd rca:is agtrrnienr to xr:trng that the cruhr of szrch perxtxn
<br />u attgsfastixr} tzs I.atsder sad that the imtrrs3 parabir «.rr t#rr #,sm= ,r>tirtd by ttrrc "itongagt shad tse at suds rate as Ltttder
<br />shall esa{wtat. !f E hider hss w`aistd tfx otuna rt [_, tcieitratr prt,v rdtd ~?: this paragraph t'. and ,, titarrtwrer s sueecsxt?r in
<br />i33tct+Gat hax eaecuted a written assumptxxr agrerntrn2 a::rrp3tdm a-rif,ng by lxncitr. i_errcner ehaii reieast Berrer»~tr from a#i
<br />nl#xms omits-this Mortgagt ritui the ?date.
<br />if l.rttpder csercnca web nptiaq to atsY#eratr. t en.irt ,hats trta, Berrrxser naicr of accrleretinn in accordance wtah
<br />parasra~ph 14.f?ttenf. Stit'A not:rt shat{ ~revrdt a prrr.'~ti of n« #e~ fha^. ?fi dayx ircxn rhr chit Flxe notice ix rpaiitd wititsn
<br />wtne#s ~rtirrnxrer rrtay pay the sttisxs doc#artd riot. tf Bt artw,scr faits =n pay a:;h sutrrs prir~r to the tspiraiicra r?f such perntd.
<br />I<sttdar secy. witlinw furttta txotict 6r rirttnatid t>n Eks; mwtr.:nvrkt any remedies f*trmn€ed he paragraph #R tzereof.
<br />IVan-f7rttvosat C:ovaxtrrrs_ Bc+rnw,tr and f rtt+fet iuriixts- ~~=,vena:n af3d agrrr a, ia#brnwa:
<br />lil. Ats~iagti~i Cate>nt tat gtevide~ is paaaKrttptt t7 henret, titan ~a-aasravra breacY of am rotseaaat w
<br />ttprt~ataM of liattirav bt rids Mme, kat9iadUfa tAr co*eaaaaa to par .siaea s#ae anv staeoa strained IN tike lfoat>p~e,
<br />la~ttar ipdat sex ~ siiaY eaait mdet to tlmrowrr ar pro•idtd ~ P+e~la ld ae+Ref ePetif{rftaE; (ti the Gtwtta:
<br />f,2t ~o tasi~at~I~d M faire wta- 4ratac#tt t}? a dYq not ltaa ttaaa ~! ~?'* from toe s#aae tltt ee~ictr b taptYed to lkarr:aarru,
<br />#P tttldttia.saaab 4arrai aniw it xtatredt sad til t4iaf laliaoe to cwt sane Sarrark as or i+etettr tie r la Este aaHasr
<br />teprdr:la ~ o[ sAe sots tttrwad h3` tktt ~ fatssc4oeatrt try jwdfc~l ttaattrt~ sad a++le d the P+optrtr.
<br />71Ma tat?~te taltadt iaNraia Mrts-xartr of fir af~1u b rte aCMtr attNaratfian sad tlaa riKBt m taeaattt ~ the foeeclaaaet
<br />itiai Witte of ri tialaatN err rtax Wiear ~taaa cif Meteawer to titcei[ratpwa asset tarta^teaaart, . ff tilt tiftat-
<br />is tarf rafuf art at[ taH+aaa 41ie riawa'~# ha Hat ratlcrr. I.twier N I.erdetii option raaY datiue a8 arf t(ae scats aeearei tsv
<br />riit alatllrt~e Ra 4ta laatriadlrky dar and paiYatiM 1.MlAr: deanand sad trfey fratetfwie ~ l ~. t..,~x
<br />s1ni1•Aat+t~lfad sa tafaet pa ascalt s aIi »atswwa rf faaartYsawat. tau +aa 5wtieed aa, r:dWt of
<br />esiiariae, tWtiCesf#a Hot e1Na
<br />Iiw. I~rrMl~ ~a as 4srt+stttisPatsd?ng i cne~r s acs;rttrsitrin o! stet sxirns <ca vrtr# by zhis Mtatgagt.
<br />ittetta.r.ta x fttvtt 44aa rift to Rraare strap ~ txgFstrt f+y ! tndrr err rntra'sx this MimBage aiixs:c*ntinawd at any tmar
<br />